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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread December 24th - St. Charbel Makhlouf, Sts. Tarsila and Emiliana, and St. Delphinus
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Thoughts of the St. Cure of d'Ars (St. John Mary Vianney)
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread September 15th - Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread May 25th - Sts. Urban and Gregory VII, Popes
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Abp. ViganĂ² decries Vatican letter to consecrated men, women
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Printing Thread Protocols of the Elders of Zion: Blueprint behind Alta Vendita
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Pro-Life Win: SCOTUS Lets Texas Six Week Abortion Ban Stand
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread June 24th - Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Daily offering of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Most High as revealed to Mary of Agreda
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread The martyrdom of Barsamya, bishop of Edessa.
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread St. Augustine: On [Religious] Seditions
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread January 11th - St. Theodosius
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread September 18th – St. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread July 17th - St. Alexius, Confessor
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Maxims and Sayings of St. Philip Neri for Everyday of the Year - translated by Fr. Faber
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Gunman targets Catholic church in Denver with two drive-by shootings
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread April 12th - Blessed Catherine of St. Augustine and St. Julius I
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Come, Holy Ghost
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