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Guest 1 minute ago Reading Thread 2013 John Vennari Conference on St. Francis of Assisi: The Man vs. The Myth
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On the Novus Ordo Missae
Guest 9 minutes ago Reading Thread Benedict XVI: [Failed] Vatican II Was "Meaningful" And "Necessary"
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On the Indult
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On the Second Vatican Council
Guest 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On the Conciliar Church
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Guest 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On the New [Conciliar] Code of Canon Law
Guest 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre - On Papal Infallibility
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