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Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Digital Dollar Project to launch five U.S. central bank digital currency pilots
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò: Globalists have a ‘single script’ to establish a ‘totalitarian regime’
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò on the Feast of St. Peter's Chair at Rome - January 18, 2023
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Guest 4 minutes ago Printing Thread Vatican Issues Vaccine Mandate for All Employees, Visitors
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Report: Time magazine gave journalist $20,000 per month to host progressivist parties during Vatican
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Report: Time magazine gave journalist $20,000 per month to host progressivist parties during Vatican
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread July 20th - Sts. Saint Jerome Æmilian and Margaret of Antioch
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Dubious Sermon from a Dubious Deacon
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò’s considerations on the feared modification of Summorum Pontificum
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Archbishop Lefebvre: 1987 Ordination Sermon 'Bishops to Save the Church'
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread October 24th – St Raphael, Archangel
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Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Archbishop Viganò: Vatican's subservience to the WHO's neo-Malthusian policies
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Tens of thousands march in Lithuania to defend marriage, traditional family values
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread December 19th - Blessed Urban V and St. Nemesion of Alexandria and other Christans
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread December 23rd - St. Margaret d'Youville and St. Servulus of Rome
Guest 4 minutes ago Reading Thread Hymn for Holy Thursday: Ubi Caritas
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