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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò rebukes Vatican official’s remarks on blessing homosexual ‘couples’ in St. Peter’s
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Archbishop Viganò Calls On Clerics Worldwide To Recite Exorcism on Vigil of Assumption
Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò: Pagan modernity is preparing a scourge ‘far more disastrous’ than the Flood
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Abp. Viganò: The Vatican must withdraw its support of the ‘disastrous’ COVID shots
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Method of Hearing Mass IN UNION WITH THE SACRED PASSION OF JESUS CHRIST By St. Francis de Sales
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Reading Thread Bishop Williamson [and the old-SSPX]: The New Mass is Intrisically Evil
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Guest Less than 1 minute ago Printing Thread Archbishop Viganò: Homily for the Feast of Corpus Christi
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