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Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread Does God hear the Prayers of Sinners? by St. Alphonsus Liguori
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread Saint Anselm of Canterbury: Monologium - On The Being Of God
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. John Chrysostom: Sermon on Alms
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Guest 2 minutes ago Reading Thread The Forgotten Customs of Assumption Day
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread Feast of Our Lady of La Salette - September 19th
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Albertus Magnus: On Cleaving to God
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Ambrose: Concerning Repentance
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Augustine of Hippo: Of the Good of Marriage, Of the Good of Widowhood, and on Holy Virginity
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread Fathers of the Church: On Apostolic Tradition
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread Fathers of the Church: Private Revelation
Guest 14 minutes ago Reading Thread Fathers of the Church: On Purgatory
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. John Chrysostom on Purgatory
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Ambrose: The Order of Melchisedech
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Basil of Caesarea: On the Condition and Confusion of the Churches
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Guest 12 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Alphonsus Liguori: The Practice of the Love of Jesus Christ
Guest 13 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Justin: Diologue with Trypho
Guest 12 minutes ago Reading Thread St. Alphonsus de Liguori: On the Lord’s Prayer
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