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  Pfizer expected to ask for EUA to vaccinate 6 month - 5 year olds
Posted by: Stone - 02-01-2022, 07:52 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

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  Meta-analysis by Hopkins University: Lockdowns should be rejected as pandemic policy
Posted by: Stone - 01-31-2022, 07:50 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

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  Buttigieg To Usher In Speed Camera Nightmare Across US
Posted by: Stone - 01-31-2022, 07:48 PM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Keep in mind, Mr. Buttigieg is a 2019 graduate of Klaus Schwab's Young Global Leaders school....

Buttigieg To Usher In Speed Camera Nightmare Across US

ZH | JAN 31, 2022

The U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's plan to roll out a sprawling network of speed and surveillance cameras across America's highways raises troubling questions of mass surveillance, according to DailyMail.

Buttigieg's 42-page plan to improve highway safety will receive a whopping $17 billion from President Biden's $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which would be used to install speed and surveillance cameras on highways. The plan says the use of automated speed cameras is a more "equitable" way to patrol highways than the police.

Last Thursday, Buttigieg told the Associated Press that an alarming amount of highways deaths began after 2020, reversing a three-decade downtrend.

Quote:"It doesn't look good, and I continue to be extremely concerned about the trend," he said in an interview.

"Somehow it has become over the years and decades as normal, sort of the cost of doing business," Buttigieg continued. "Even though a pandemic that led to considerably less driving, we continue to see more danger on our roads."

Speed cameras have drawn immense criticism from progressive lawmakers, who are furious that speeding fines will help fund police departments. On the other side of the political aisle, conservatives are troubled by mass surveillance.

At the moment, eight states have prohibited speed cameras. But 18 states plus D.C. operate speed cameras, with other states having no laws authorizing their use.

[Image: 2022-01-31_07-19-08.png?itok=7eNVna82]

The DailyMail spoke with New Jersey State Sen. Declan O'Scanlon, who is concerned about Buttigieg's plan. He said speed cameras in New Jersey are illegal and said automated enforcement doesn't make roads safer and "amounts to government-sanctioned theft."

Quote:"These systems' negative impact falls particularly hard on the poor," O'Scanlon added. "The fines are a regressive tax. Any elected official that supports these systems is supporting screwing every one of his/her constituents that drives a car."

Early last year, the ACLU of Iowa said the speeding cameras are an illusion of enhancing safety and have made some highways more dangerous.

Quote:"In some places, for example, traffic cameras have led to an increase in rear-end accidents because they cause drivers to slam on the brakes to avoid an automatically generated ticket," ACLU said.

Besides speed and surveillance cameras, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a part of the Transportation Department, intends to make automatic emergency braking mandatory for all new cars.

Buttigieg's strategy is direct evidence that the government plans to scale up their surveillance network, and what's to stop them from using facial recognition systems?

Under the guise of safety, a Chinese-style surveillance state continues to expand.

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  Moderna Covid Vax now with full FDA approval
Posted by: Stone - 01-31-2022, 03:16 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

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  UK gov’t backtracks on jab mandate for health workers amid fears of massive staff shortages
Posted by: Stone - 01-31-2022, 02:02 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

UK gov’t backtracks on jab mandate for health workers amid fears of massive staff shortages
UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid is expected to announce the government's plan to drop the jab requirement on Monday evening.

[Image: GettyImages-1366746930-810x500.jpg]
Sajid Javid arrives at Downing Street on January 25, 2022

Mon Jan 31, 2022 - 12:52 pm EST
LONDON (LifeSiteNews) – The U.K. government is set to overturn a mandate for all frontline healthcare workers to get COVID-19 inoculations before April 1 amid fears this would lead to massive staff shortages.

Approximately 80,000 healthcare workers would lose their jobs if such a mandate went into effect.

The Telegraph reported Sunday that indications of “crippling” losses of staff led ministers to consider ending the requirement, with Health Secretary Sajid Javid expected to “rubber stamp” the decision later today.

The government announced mandatory COVID inoculations for frontline workers in November, confirming plans this month that it would require National Health Service (NHS) staff who come into contact with patients to have received a full regimen of COVID shots before April 1, making February 3 the latest date to have taken the first shot.

Before Sunday, Javid had vehemently defended the unforgiving “no jab, no job” policy, telling the Health and Social Care Committee on Wednesday that “it is the professional duty of every NHS worker to get vaccinated.”

He is now expected to deliver a statement at around 12:30PM EST, detailing the government’s plan to drop the requirement, but at what point and for how long remains unknown. A spokesman for Prime Minister Boris Johnson refused to confirm the contents of Javid’s statement earlier Monday, saying that he could not “pre-empt what the Health and Care Secretary is going to say.”

As things stand, around 80,000 NHS staff have not received their first jab, and a further 40,000 have still to receive their second.

Professional bodies representing British doctors, nurses, and midwives have called for a delay in implementing the April jab mandate, recognizing the huge losses in staffing at a time when the NHS is already suffering a vacancy crisis to the tune of some 100,000 jobs.

The Royal College of Nurses described the jab mandate as “an act of self-sabotage,” and the Royal College of Midwives warned of the “catastrophic” effect it would have on maternity services across the country.

However, the groups are still encouraging uptake of the shots among healthcare staff, though by choice rather than force.

The care sector, which was subject to a mandatory COVID shot rule in November, lost around 40,000 staff following its implementation, but overturning the mandate is expected to permit the un-jabbed to take up work in care homes once again.

The Telegraph reported that furious care home representatives criticized the government’s handling of the jab mandates, accusing ministers of having “devastated our workforce and brought providers to their knees.”

According to the same report, a senior government official said that the omicron variant played a crucial role in the health department’s consideration of overturning the requirement.

After stating that the delta variant is “very high risk in terms of how severe it was,” the source told The Telegraph that “[f]or omicron, while it is more transmissible, all the studies have shown it is less severe. That has changed the conversation about whether mandatory jabs are still proportionate.”

In contrast with widespread government advice to receive the jabs in order to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, the jabbed have come to dominate COVID hospitalizations and deaths in the U.K. and other highly vaccinated European nations, as well as parts of the United States.

Leading medical experts have also warned of serious injuries linked to the injections. The spike proteins in mRNA COVID shots, like those produced by Moderna and Pfizer, are “pathogenic” and “lethal to some,” Texas cardiologist and COVID-19 expert Dr. Peter McCullough lamented last fall.

The move to overturn comes just a week after hundreds of NHS staff marched through the streets of London in protest of the jab mandate, organized by NHS 100K, a group representing “over 100K NHS staff who stand in favour of freedom of choice, bodily autonomy and informed consent.”

Earlier in the month a group protested the mandate outside a hospital in Sheffield, England, with many staff and citizen supporters expressing their opinions that forcing inoculation is “wrong” and tantamount to “losing our medical freedom.”

Outspoken NHS consultant anaesthetist Dr. Steve James, who confronted Javid on Sky News over the impending mandate at the beginning of January, told TalkRadio host Julia Hartley-Brewer Monday that he was “ecstatic” about the decision to overturn the mandate, especially since the walk-back is likely to include the requirement for care home workers, which will enable the ones who refused the jabs to return to work.

NHS consultant Dr Steve James is “ecstatic” about an expected ‘U-turn’ on mandatory jabs for NHS staff and care home workers.

“That’s a recognition that the mandate is wrong and was wrong. It was wrong to apply it care home staff when delta was predominant ,and it’s even more wrong to apply it now with omicron,” James said.

“They absolutely need to reinstate all those care home workers, and there also needs to be work done now to look at the harm caused by this policy.”

“We’ve got to move away from this ‘Vaccinate the entire population is the best thing’ … the public knows this just doesn’t make sense anymore.”

James chalked up the government U-turn to the pressures mounted through the “collective effort” of medical staff, alternative media sources, lawyers, and members of the public “who stood up against this.”

“It’s a real sign of the power people have when they feel things aren’t right,” he said.

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  Christiane Druml, Chair of the Bioethics Commission: Compulsory Vaccination is just the beginning
Posted by: Stone - 01-30-2022, 08:19 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

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  Propers for the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Sundays after Epiphany
Posted by: Stone - 01-29-2022, 11:51 AM - Forum: Christmas - Replies (1)

For the 4th, 5th, and 6th Sunday after Epiphany, the chants from the THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY are repeated.

Propers for the Third Sunday after Epiphany
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcliffwoodorganic.com%2Fi...f=1&nofb=1]

Introit • Score • Adorate Deum omnes Angeli ejus
Gradual • Score • Timebunt gentes
Alleluia • Score • Dominus regnavit exsultet terra
Offertory • Score • Dextera Domini
Communion • Score • Mirabantur omnes

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  Journal of Medical Ethics: '... ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible...'
Posted by: Stone - 01-29-2022, 10:11 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Journal of Medical Ethics Article: After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

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  “Good Housekeeping” Article Urges People Not to Have Children for Climate’s Sake
Posted by: Stone - 01-29-2022, 10:06 AM - Forum: Against the Children - No Replies

“Good Housekeeping” Article Urges People Not to Have Children for Climate’s Sake

New American | January 27, 2022

If you’re still under the delusion that the climate-change movement is not an anti-human, Malthusian religion whose tenets include that far fewer people on the Earth would be a good thing, consider a recent article in Good Housekeeping magazine entitled “The Biggest Thing Holding Me Back From Having Kids Is Climate Change.”

Written by Good Housekeeping senior editor Lizz Schumer, the article touches on Schumer’s and her husband’s anxiety about having children in what she termed “our rapidly warming planet.”

According to Schumer, after marriage, having children was once a foregone conclusion in her mind, even discussing how her husband purchased books about deciding when to have children. Like most young couples, having children just seemed a normal part of life — not a necessity, perhaps, but, certainly, something that most people did: create a family of their own.

Schumer explained, “When the decision felt mostly theoretical, I looked at kids the same way I did any other milestone: just another box I was expected to check along the path toward adulthood. But once it became a real possibility, I began to take stock of my place in the world and my responsibility to it.”

But the never-ending, ongoing, ubiquitous climate propaganda that we are all exposed to began to gnaw at the author and, supposedly, her husband as well.

“As we discussed having kids, Nick and I looked around at our overcrowded world and didn’t see a compelling argument to add to the population,” Schumer wrote.

Certainly, there are places on Earth that can be considered “overcrowded” — urban India; Mexico City; and Dhaka, Bangladesh, spring to mind. But is the world itself actually overcrowded? It’s one of those eye-of-the-beholder things, although the climate propagandists declare it a fact.

The article goes on to discuss climate anxiety — a malady that Psychology Today calls “an understandable reaction to one’s growing awareness of climate change and the global problems that result from damage to the ecosystem.”

It’s only “understandable” if one falls victim to the hype surrounding the issue.

Schumer discusses her own climate anxiety in vivid terms.

“For me, it’s a gathering dread as hurricane season grows longer and more intense, a pit of despair in my gut that yawns wider with every second the doomsday clock ticks down and a sense of foreboding that tells me bringing a child into this world would doom them to an existence that looks more like Mad Max: Fury Road than Sesame Street,” she writes.

“To us, it felt cruel to subject a child to what feels like a worsening world,” Schumer concluded.

Schumer’s fears are not due to reality. They are a product of believing climate propaganda. Hurricane seasons have not become longer or more intense. And the Doomsday Clock is nothing but the opinion of a fringe group of scientists struggling to maintain relevance in a post-Cold War world.

Good Housekeeping was once an American institution — seen in homes, doctors’ offices, and pretty much anywhere with a waiting room. It was a reliable source for household tips, recipes, and information on the latest diet fads. With this offering from Lizz Schumer, it has become yet another source of climate propaganda.

Articles such as this are especially troubling since we know that Schumer is not alone in her fear that mankind is destroying the climate. Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg has created her own cottage industry based on climate anxiety. Hollywood’s Leonardo DiCaprio makes ham-fisted metaphorical movies about it. Failed presidential candidate Al Gore has even won a Nobel Prize for his own contribution to the lie of impending climate disaster.

The fear of man-made climate change is pervasive and is preached from every public-school science class and every mainstream news source. It’s impossible to get away from it unless you do your own research and come to the realization that the climate change emperor has no clothes.

Schumer’s doubts about procreating are exactly what the climatistas are hoping for — a world full of anxious young people, ready to give up nearly every freedom, even having their own children, in exchange for a clean, livable planet where everyone’s needs can be met and everyone can be happy.

The sad thing for young people such as Schumer and her husband is that such a world will never exist whether they have children or not.

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  Ursula von der Leyen ordered to hand over secret texts to Pfizer CEO Bourla
Posted by: Stone - 01-28-2022, 12:23 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

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  Pope Francis: Spreading misinformation a "violation of human rights"
Posted by: Stone - 01-28-2022, 10:03 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (1)

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  Deaf community continues to be hindered by COVID policies
Posted by: SAguide - 01-27-2022, 08:07 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

Deaf community continues to be hindered by COVID policies
In order to gain more insight and understanding, in this interview I
feature the lived experience of a deaf man named Patrizio Precenza

Early on the in knee-jerk, unbalanced approach to the pandemic pandemonium, the mainstream media was acknowledging how inaccessible verbal interaction was for those already facing communication barriers.

In the wake of unprecedented messaging to stay home, self-isolate and socially distance (despite being healthy), the public communication of the deaf and hard of hearing community was hindered the most. They could no longer depend on facial cues, touch, and lip reading to communicate while Plexiglas muffled sound even further.

In order to gain more insight and understanding, in this interview I feature the lived experience of a deaf man named Patrizio Precenza.

As I was unable to provide him with an interpreter, his brother, Alessandro Precenza, who acts as his support person, helped me get creative with how we could get Patrizio’s story out.

Patrizio mentions how the additional barriers of masking and social distancing have further interfered and disregarded people who rely heavily on American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate, which is 70% facial cues. Hindering this form of communication has magnified the deaf community’s inability to partake in society.

Referring to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, Patrizio points out that a barrier is defined as, “anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability.”

He is not fully participating in society and neither are all of his deaf friends.

Becoming increasingly isolated, Patrizio and Alessandro have taken it upon themselves to try to address this inequality. By bringing awareness and education to the community, they are hoping to facilitate change and have started ASL classes to do just that.

The brothers are offering a free, Introductory Sign Language Workshop.
It will be live and interactive, as well as mostly silent for a real deaf experience. You can visit their website at www.al-marsolutions.com to find out more.

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  Legal loophole in [New Code of] Canon Law protects pedophiles
Posted by: Stone - 01-27-2022, 11:09 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Legal loophole in [1983 Code of] Canon Law protects pedophiles
If there is to be an end to the sexual abuse crisis in the Church, it has to begin with a revision of canon law, re-enacting C. 2359 § 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law,
ith the added provision that those ordained ministers who are guilty of sexual abuse or sins against nature should be laicized.

Michael Hichborn
Wed Jan 26, 2022
(Lepanto Institute) – Ever since the 2002 revelations of deep-seated problems of child sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy, the most common question among the faithful remains unanswered: “How could this have happened?”

Since then, scores of reports related to ongoing patterns of sexual abuse and cover-up by the episcopacy have shown that not only has this crisis not been resolved, it isn’t likely to end any time soon. And while many rightfully point the finger at wicked bishops, homosexual networks in the clergy, and the fetid rot in seminaries, the fact of the matter is that all of these are mere symptoms of the issue.

One major source of the problem is a legal loophole contained within the Code of Canon Law itself which directly protects pedophile priests. Simply put, canon law prevents criminal perverts in the clergy from being properly prosecuted and punished. Not only does canon law make it impossible to reveal the homosexual and pederast networks existing among the clergy, but the nature of their perversion prevents punishment.

In 1917, the Code of Canon Law stood as a bulwark against clergymen who engaged in various forms of sexual perversion by publicly proclaiming their infamy. In essence, those priests caught engaging in sexual abuse of minors, sodomy, incest, and a host of other sexually deviant behaviors were to be “declared infamous,” meaning their crimes were to be revealed publicly so as to protect future victims, much like the sex-offender registry currently in force in civil law.

C. 2359 § 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law states:

Quote:“If [clerics] engage in a delict against the sixth precept of the Decalogue with a minor below the age of sixteen, or engage in adultery, debauchery, bestiality, sodomy, pandering, [or] incest with blood-relatives or affines in the first degree, they are suspended, declared infamous, and are deprived of any office, benefice, dignity, responsibility, if they have such, whatsoever, and in more serious cases, they are to be deposed.”

By immediately depriving such perverts of their faculties and their office, and publicly identifying them for their crimes, the Church provided a clear and rigorous defense of vulnerable members of the Church and maintained the purity of the priesthood.  However, just five years later, the law was secretly changed so as to conceal these same criminal offenses.

But in 1922, a secret Vatican document titled Crimen Sollicitationis was published and later republished in 1962, making it an excommunicable offense for any bishop to reveal the criminal offenses of pedophiles, homosexuals, and zoophiles. The document primarily deals with priests who solicit the penitent to engage in illicit or immoral acts, and in dealing with such cases, paragraph 11 of the document says:

Quote:11.Since, however, in dealing with these causes, more than usual care and concern must be shown that they be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and that, once decided and the decision executed, they are covered by permanent silence (Instruction of the Holy Office, 20 February 1867, No. 14), all those persons in any way associated with the tribunal, or knowledgeable of these matters by reason of their office, are bound to observe inviolably the strictest confidentiality, commonly known as the secret of the Holy Office, in all things and with all persons, under pain of incurring automatic excommunication, ipso facto and undeclared, reserved to the sole person of the Supreme Pontiff, excluding even the Sacred Penitentiary. Ordinaries are bound by this same law, that is, in virtue of their own office; other personnel are bound in virtue of the oath which they are always to swear before assuming their duties; and, finally, those delegated, questioned or informed [outside the tribunal], are bound in virtue of the precept to be imposed on them in the letters of delegation, inquiry or information, with express mention of the secret of the Holy Office and of the aforementioned censure.

Toward the end of the document, the entire procedure in dealing with priests accused of solicitation is extended to clerics accused of homosexuality, pederasty, pedophilia and bestiality.

Quote:71. The term crimen pessimum [“the foulest crime”] is here understood to mean any external obscene act, gravely sinful, perpetrated or attempted by a cleric in any way whatsoever with a person of his own sex.

72. Everything laid down up to this point concerning the crime of solicitation is also valid, with the change only of those things which the nature of the matter necessarily requires, for the crimen pessimum, should some cleric (God forbid) happen to be accused of it before the local Ordinary, except that the obligation of denunciation [imposed] by the positive law of the Church [does not apply] unless perhaps it was joined with the crime of solicitation in sacramental confession. In determining penalties against delinquents of this type, in addition to what has been stated above, Canon 2359, §2 is also to be taken into consideration.

73. Equated with the crimen pessimum, with regard to penal effects, is any external obscene act, gravely sinful, perpetrated or attempted by a cleric in any way with pre-adolescent children [impuberes] of either sex or with brute animals (bestialitas).

This document made it impossible for any bishop, priest or even victims to report such grave sexual abuses to civil authorities or even to warn others of the criminal behavior of these priests, even after the priest had been found guilty.

And so, what was once a law to declare priests who committed these abysmal crimes “infamous,” became an impenetrable secret just five years later. To make matters worse, this particular document was to be kept in the “secret archive” and never written about or spoken of publicly, including in canon law commentaries, thereby making the secret concealing of perverse crimes a secret in and of itself.

Over the course of the last sixty years, this secret change in the code of Canon Law has slowly been made known, and while certain restrictions were lifted, the central problem persisted.
  • In 1962, Crimens Solicitationis was reissued, and it was later reintroduced under Secretaire Continaire in 1982.

  • In 2001, Pope John Paul II lifted some of the restrictions on strict secrecy for bishops in the U.S. and Europe, allowing them to report to law enforcement “if required” by law.

  • In 2019, Pope Francis somewhat lifted this requirement so that bishops could report to law enforcement anywhere in the world “if required.” However, secret agreements may remain as have for the last 100 years.

  • In 2021 – canon law has changed once again – but problems remain.

But the change in law forcing secrecy regarding the sexually perverse crimes of clerics is only part of the problem. In addition to the change of making such criminals “infamous” to then holding the crimes of the criminals in secret, further developments in canon law made it impossible to actually punish those who sexually abused children.

The [New Code] 1983 Code of Canon Law inserted this new canon:

Quote:Can. 1321 §1: “No one can be punished for the commission of an external violation of a law or precept unless it is gravely imputable by reason of malice or of culpability.”

The importance of this insertion into the Code of Canon Law, with regard to our current circumstance, cannot be overstated. What this means is that if there is any indication that a crime against the laws of the Church was committed as a result of a psychological compulsion and not out of malice, then the offender can NOT be punished. This is what the most respected Commentary on the Code of Canon Law says of Canon 1321 §1 in relation to child abuse:
Quote:“The matter of imputability is of fundamental importance in considering each of these offences, and not least the third mentioned above [c. 1395-2, child abuse]. Before imposing any penalty for such an offence, the ecclesiastical authority must be morally certain that there has been an external violation of the law which is gravely imputable in the sense explained above at Can. 1321 §1. Among the factors which may seriously diminish imputability in such cases is paedophilia. This is described as ‘the act or fantasy of engaging in sexual activity with pre-pubertal children as a repeatedly preferred or exclusive method of achieving sexual excitement’. Those who have studied this matter in detail have concluded that proven paedophiles are often subject to urges and impulses which are in effect beyond their control.”

“When the facts of a particular case are examined carefully, it may well emerge that the cleric did indeed commit a sexual offence, or a number of them, with a minor; as such, he may be liable to punishment by the criminal law of the State; nevertheless, because of the influence of paedophilia, he may not be liable, by reason of at least diminished imputability, to any canonical penalty, or perhaps to only a mild penalty, to a formal warning or reproof, or to a penal remedy.”  (Canon Law: Letter and Spirit by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pg. 805) [emphasis added]

Although imputability had been well established within Catholic doctrine as a theological basis for understanding the spiritual culpability of sinners, the concept had never been used as a basis to exempt diagnosed pedophiles from punishment for offenses of child rape until the 20th century. In short, the two sections of canon law, 1321 and 1395-2 create a legal loophole which actually forbids canonical punishment, or at least severely reduces the scope of punishment, for those convicted of the crime of pedophilia.

[Image: contributes-300x269.jpg]

This admission in the most highly regarded commentary on canon law is shocking! It also explains why so many priests accused of raping children are immediately sent to psychiatric facilities for evaluation.

Even if a priest is caught in the act of raping a child, if he is evaluated by a psychiatrist and found to be “subject to urges and impulses which are in effect beyond their control,” then as Canon 1321 §1 states, such a priest cannot be “punished for the commission of an external violation of a law or precept.”

But even if a priest is found to be guilty of sexually assaulting children, it is unlikely that the bishop will impose any penalties upon the priest due to the requirements under Canon 1341, which states:
Quote:Can. 1341: “The Ordinary is to start a judicial or an administrative procedure for the imposition or the declaration of penalties only when he perceives that neither by fraternal correction nor reproof, nor by any method of pastoral care, can the scandal be sufficiently repaired, justice restored and the offender reformed.”

Again, from the Commentary on Canon Law:
Quote:“This opening canon voices an essential element in the philosophy of the Church concerning the application of penalties – a philosophy given its initial thrust by Pope Pius XII, and subsequently endorsed by Vat. II which itself introduced a new outlook and a new spirit into the penal law of the Church. This canon stresses two major principles of the revised penal law: restraint in the use of penalties, and discretion in their application.

In a situation where a person has behaved in a reprehensible fashion, the law urges caution: penalties are to be imposed only as a last resort. When the Ordinary is made aware of such behaviour, he is to seek to redress the situation by fraternal correction or by a more formal reproof, or by some other means of pastoral care. He is obliged to explore every reasonable measure whereby, without having recourse to penal action, a satisfactory pastoral resolution may be found. To ignore this obligation would in many cases be to run the risk of achieving none of the three objectives listed in the closing words of this canon.

Should all other efforts to repair scandal, restore justice and reform the offender fail to produce the desired effect, then and only then may the Ordinary institute a formal procedure (judicial or administrative) for the imposition or declaration of the appropriate penalty.

It is also to be noted that, should a formal judicial penal procedure be selected – as indeed, on occasion, it may have to be – the outcome will no longer be within the control of the Ordinary: it automatically transfers to the (normally) collegiate tribunal entrusted with the case. (see Can. 1425 §1 2°, §2) (Canon Law: Letter and Spirit by the Canon Law Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pg. 770)

This aspect of the [New] Code of Canon Law sheds new light to the revolving door at Catholic psychiatric hospitals for sexually abusive priests, and why bishops defend the shuffling of priests (after psychiatric “treatment”) to other parishes or even other dioceses as “pastoral care” of such priests. Many times, when a priest’s long history of sexual abuse comes to light, it is very often found that the priest spent time in and out of psychiatric hospitals, and following each interval, the priest is reassigned to another parish. And what we have just explored regarding canon law provides the reason this happens:
  • Bishops had been forced to maintain silence regarding a priest accused of abuse, according to the document Crimen Sollicitations. While many of the restrictions have been lifted in this regard, there is still enough room for manipulation within the law to maintain silence, even after a priest is found to be guilty.

  • Canon 1321 §1 makes it nearly impossible to punish or remove from ministry a priest who abuses a child, but is found to be under the uncontrollable impulses of pedophilia.

  • This is reinforced by Can. 1341, which stresses the importance of “rehabilitation” over punishment for those who commit deeds as wicked as the rape of children.

The crisis of clerical sexual abuse of minors is firmly rooted in the 1922 revision of Canon Law, not only reversing the requirement to make infamous those clerics found guilty of sexual perversion, but to place such findings under the Pontifical Secret. The current Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, while an improvement over protecting such priests with the Pontifical Secret, is still woefully inadequate for the following reasons:

  1. Guilty & admitted child abusers can and do remain in “private ministry” and in charge of children within the United States (see case of Fr. Jim Holtz, 2002-2019 here and here).

  2. The Charter does not require United States dioceses to conduct criminal background checks of foreign priests, allowing sex abusers to be imported.

  3. The Charter does not require United States dioceses to require that clerics use their true names when in ministry (see case of Arackal, 2018).

  4. The Charter only applies to the United States, so convicted sex abuser clerics can simply be transferred to a new diocese globally to offend again (see case of Fr. Luk Delft here and here).

  5. The Charter does not eliminate the explicit protections that protect pedophiles and other perverts from laicization (removal from the priesthood).

  6. The Charter excludes sexual abuse against adults. Even abusers of priests can remain priests and in “private” ministry (see case of Inglot).

  7. The review board is unable to investigate or verify if the information provided to them is complete or true, making their rulings entirely dependent on what the diocesan attorney provides them. (Example)

  8. The Bishop can disregard the advice of the review board or direct it not to review a particular case, as it is only a consultative body and serves at the leisure of the bishop. (Example)

If there is to be an end to the sexual abuse crisis in the Church, it has to begin with a revision of canon law, re-enacting [reinstating] C. 2359 § 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law, with the added provision that those ordained ministers who are guilty of sexual abuse or sins against nature should be laicized.

Without the force of law, all talk of processes, review boards, charters, and hand-wringing apologies from bishops who are “saddened” by such wicked acts are nothing but bureaucratic facades to cover the rotten edifice of the modern Church.

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  Canadian truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy’ lists demands to Trudeau: end COVID mandates now
Posted by: Stone - 01-27-2022, 10:15 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (2)

Canadian truckers’ ‘Freedom Convoy’ lists demands to Trudeau: end COVID mandates now
The pro-freedom activists want an end to 'all vaccine passports, including inter-Canada passport systems,' and the elimination of all 'mandatory programs of vaccination and contact tracing.'

[Image: canadian-convoy-810x500.jpg]
Canadian Freedom Convoy
Rebel News / screenshot

Wed Jan 26, 2022 - 7:21 pm EST
(LifeSiteNews) – The Freedom Convoy has released a list of demands – including removing COVID jab mandates for all Canadians – it says it is hoping will be met by the government of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after it arrives in Ottawa this weekend.

According to a Western Standard report, demands from the group to the Trudeau government include terminating “all vaccine passports, including inter-Canada passport systems,” along with eliminating all “mandatory programs of vaccination and contact tracing.”

The group also wants the rights of those who are vaccine-free to be respected, and wants “divisive rhetoric attacking Canadians who disagree with government mandates” to be stopped at once.

Additionally, the group wants an end to censorship of those with opinions contrary to the government.

The Freedom Convoy began its “slow roll” to Ottawa this past weekend, and once in Ottawa, many in the convoy plan to stay there until the government of Trudeau meets the group demands to remove all COVID restrictions and mandates.

While the convoy has no official leader as it is a grassroots movement, the “Freedom Convoy 2022” Facebook and GoFundMe group has raised over $5.5 million in under two weeks.

A website called Canada Unity has a webpage that goes over the routes the convoy is taking.

The convoy has gained support from law enforcement, such as Durham Police Constable Erin Howard, along with many Conservative Party of Canada politicians.

Convoy will be peaceful and follow all laws

Tamara Lich, the main organizer behind the “Freedom Convoy 2022” group, says the convoy is a peaceful protest, pointing out she has been working with law enforcement to ensure that it is done in accordance with all local laws.

Lich noted that if anyone in the convoy sees someone acting outside the law, that person is to be reported to the police at once as he or she is “not part” of the official convoy.

“We are not here to create more division. We are here to stand up together and we are here to love one another and forgive one another,” Lich said in a Facebook message over the weekend.

Lich has come under attack from Trudeau’s former advisor and friend Gerald Butts, who said this past weekend that Lich is a “separatist” and questioned what she would do with the “money.”

However, Lich was unfazed by Butts, and sent him an open invitation to meet her to have a coffee when she arrives in Ottawa.

Chris Barber of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, a trucker driving in the convoy and is also one of the “Freedom Convoy 2022” organizers, said in an online video posted Monday that the group is not “anti-vaccination” but rather “anti-government mandates.”

The group has also said that claims they are some sort of “terrorist” organization are “categorically false and an attempt to smear” the freedom convoy.

Video from Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy shows just how big the protest is

Video and images on social media show the sheer scale of just how large the Freedom Convoy is.

Some estimates put the convoy at over 100 kilometers in length as it passed through Winnipeg, Manitoba yesterday.

Aerial video posted by Rebel News shows the massive caravan, which might well be the longest in history making its way into Winnipeg.

As the caravan entered Winnipeg, thousands of people braved the extreme cold to greet the convoy with many holding signs of support and waving flags of all kinds.

“INSANE: Winnipeg has come out in force! This ain’t Trudeau’s town,” tweeted Keean Bexte from the Counter Signal.

Another video posted by the Shaun Newman Podcast shows just how many vehicles were part of the convoy as it entered Winnipeg.

Earlier in the day as the convoy was making its way through the province of Saskatchewan, thousands came out to support the truckers, also braving the cold.

An aerial view of the convoy between Whitewood and Moosomin, Saskatchewan gives scope as to what awaits Trudeau and his cabinet this coming weekend.

Some estimates put the total amount of truckers who will take part in the caravan at well over 50,000 trucks and more than half a million people.

The jab mandate for truckers was first announced on November 19, 2021, by the federal government and took effect on January 15.

The U.S. government has enacted a mandate like Canada’s that took effect on January 22.

Some Canadian trucking companies have already reported driver shortages as a direct result of the COVID jab mandate for all haulers crossing the border.

And the new policy has already caused food supply issues  as well, hitting eastern Canada hard.

Pictures of empty shelves in grocery stores, especially in Ontario, are becoming common.

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  Frontline Doctors: Management Protocol for Long Haul COVID-19 Syndrome (LHCS)
Posted by: Stone - 01-27-2022, 08:21 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

PDF of treatment for Management Protocol for Long Covid, including natural adjuvants: https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-conte...ndrome.pdf

Other recommended protocols can be found herehttps://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/

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