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  Unvaccinated People to be Banned From Berlin Christmas Markets
Posted by: Stone - 10-28-2021, 07:35 AM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

Unvaccinated People to be Banned From Berlin Christmas Markets
Option to provide negative COVID test removed.

[Image: 261021market1.jpg]

Summit News | 27 October, 2021\

Unvaccinated people will be banned from visiting Berlin’s famous Christmas markets, with even the option of providing a negative COVID test likely to be removed.

Despite being located outdoors, officials have approved strict entry requirements for the festive events which will see those who haven’t received the jab turned away.

“Under a strict ‘2G’ model, those over the age of 12 must be double vaccinated or recovered from the virus and would be denied entry even if they have a negative Covid-19 test,” reports the Daily Mail.

Visitors to the markets must also wear face masks and observe social distancing despite the event being held in the open air.

Both the WeihnachtsZauber market at Gendarmenmarkt and the Weinachtsmarkt at Roten Rathaus have announced they will enforce the strictest policy, despite being given an option to be more lenient and allow attendees to provide a negative COVID test result.

The fact that the option to provide a negative test is being removed is utterly stupid given that vaccinated people can still transmit the virus.

It also illustrates how the real agenda has little to do with public health and everything to do with coercing mass compliance.

Despite the waning effectiveness of vaccines, governments across the world are imposing segregation on societies by weaponizing medical apartheid to institutionally discriminate against an oppressed minority (the unvaccinated).

As we previously highlighted, Austria is threatening to impose a new lockdown for the unvaccinated if occupation of ICU beds rises to a certain level.

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  October 27th - Saint Frumentius Bishop, Apostle of Ethiopia
Posted by: Stone - 10-27-2021, 08:07 PM - Forum: October - No Replies

October 27 - Saint Frumentius, Apostle of Ethiopia
Taken from here.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...%3DApi&f=1]

Saint Frumentius was still a child when his uncle, a Christian philosopher of Tyre in Phoenicia, took him and his brother Edesius on a voyage to Ethiopia. In the course of their voyage the vessel anchored at a certain port, and the barbarians of that country slew with the sword all the crew and passengers, except the two children.

Because of their youth and beauty they were taken to the king at Axuma, who, charmed with the wit and sprightliness of the two boys, took special care of their education, and later made Edesius his cup-bearer and Frumentius, who was a little older, his treasurer and secretary of state. The king, on his deathbed, thanked them for their services and in reward gave them their liberty.

After his death the queen begged them to remain at court and assist her in the government of the state until the young prince came of age; this they did, using their influence to spread Christianity. When the young king reached his majority, Edesius desired to return to Tyre, and Frumentius accompanied him as far as Alexandria. There he begged Saint Athanasius, its Patriarch, to send a bishop to the country where they had spent many years; and the Patriarch, considering him the best possible candidate for this office, in the year 328 consecrated him bishop for the Ethiopians.

Vested with this sacred character he gained great numbers to the Faith by his discourses and miracles, and the entire nation embraced Christianity with its young king, thus fulfilling a famous prophecy of Isaiah, uttered 800 years before Christ. (Isaiah 45:14) Saint Frumentius continued to feed and defend his flock until it pleased the Supreme Pastor to call him home and reward his fidelity and labors, in about the year 383.

We may note that the date of October 27th is also the feast day of a king of Ethiopia, Saint Elesbaan, who after overcoming the enemies of Christ, sent his royal diadem to Jerusalem in the time of the Emperor Justinus, and embraced monastic life. He died 250 years after Saint Frumentius, in 523.

Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, a compilation based on Butler's Lives of the Saints and other sources by John Gilmary Shea (Benziger Brothers: New York, 1894).

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  Kitty Werthmann Witness to History,-"Don't let freedom slip away."
Posted by: SAguide - 10-27-2021, 12:19 PM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Don't think "it can't happen here" - because it is happening here, now.
"Don't let freedom slip away.  After America there is no place to go.  This is my eyewitness account." -Kitty Werthmann

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  Immunocompromised may need a fourth Covid-19 shot, CDC says
Posted by: Stone - 10-27-2021, 05:31 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

The idea of fourth booster floated only three months after the third booster was authorized? This will continue ad infinitum!

Immunocompromised may need a fourth Covid-19 shot, CDC says

CNN | October 26, 2021

(CNN)People with certain health conditions that make them moderately or severely immunocompromised may get a fourth mRNA Covid-19 shot, according to updated guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC authorized a third dose for certain immunocompromised people 18 and older in August. It said a third dose, rather than a booster -- the CDC makes a distinction between the two -- was necessary because the immunocompromised may not have had a complete immune response from the first two doses.

A study from Johns Hopkins University this summer showed that vaccinated immunocompromised people were 485 times more likely to end up in the hospital or die from Covid-19 compared to most vaccinated people. In small studies, the CDC said, fully vaccinated immunocompromised people accounted for about 44% of the breakthrough cases that required hospitalization. People who are immunocompromised are also more likely to transmit the virus to people who had close contact with them.

The US Food and Drug Administration has also authorized booster shots of all three available vaccines for certain people and that would include the immune compromised, the CDC says.

Research showed that a booster dose enhanced the antibody response to the vaccine in certain immunocompromised people.

That would make for a fourth shot at least six months after completing the third mRNA vaccine dose. At this time, the CDC does not have a recommendation about the fourth shot. People should talk to their doctors to determine if it is necessary, the CDC says.

Moderately to severely immunocompromised people include those who are in active cancer treatment for cancers of the blood or for tumors, certain organ transplant and stem cell recipients, people with advanced or untreated HIV, and those who take a high-dose corticosteroids or other drugs that may suppress their immune systems. The CDC estimates about 9 million people who live in the US, or about 2% of the population, fall into this category.
People who are immunocompromised who got the single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot should get a booster at least two months after their initial vaccine. People who choose a Moderna vaccine as a booster, even if they received a different vaccine as the first dose, should get the half-dose sized shot that was authorized as a booster for Moderna's vaccine, the CDC said.

Even if they are vaccinated, the CDC recommends people with conditions that compromise their immune systems should still try to avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, and should wear a mask in indoor public spaces.

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  FDA Panel Member: 'We're Never Gonna Learn About How Safe The Vaccine Is Until We Start Giving It'
Posted by: Stone - 10-27-2021, 05:23 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

FDA Panel Member: 'We're Never Gonna Learn About How Safe The Vaccine Is Until We Start Giving It'

townhall.com | Oct 26, 2021

A voting member of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee admitted Tuesday that whether or not Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine is safe for 5 to 11-year-old children won't be known fully until it begins being administered.

"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it," said panel member Dr. Eric Rubin during the hearing. "That's just the way it goes."

The 18-member Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) was reportedly tasked with answering the following question:

Based on the totality of scientific evidence available, do the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine when administered as a 2-dose series outweigh its risks for use in children 5-11 years of age?

Despite Dr. Rubin's admission, the panel's decision ended up being a unanimous one with one abstention in favor of formally recommending Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine for kids under the current emergency use authorization.

Full FDA authorization is expected within days followed by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) consideration next week. As Katie reported last week, the White House has already rolled out plans to begin vaccinating children in early November.

Citing safety concerns versus the fact that Covid-19 poses an extremely low statistical risk to children, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch contended that he would prefer pulling a healthy child from school to educate them at home to giving them a Covid vaccine.

Meanwhile, Rubin's admission reminded at least one Twitter user of a famous quote from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi:

You can watch the entire hearing below:

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  FDA Panel Votes In Favor Of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Aged 5 - 11
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 07:16 PM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

FDA Panel Votes In Favor Of Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine For Children Aged 5 - 11

ZH |  OCT 26, 2021

In a 17-0 vote, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that the agency authorize the emergency use of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 through 11.

One member abstained from the vote.

The decision opens the door for final approval by the FDA, which could come as early as Wednesday, according to the Texas Tribune's Karen Brooks Harper.

As AP notes, the FDA isn't bound by the panel's recommendation.

Once approved, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will render an opinion over children receiving the jab, and which groups should get them.

The dose for young children will contain one-third of the dose for those aged 12 and older.

Of note...

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  Abp. Viganò warns about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people'
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 07:11 PM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò warns US bishops about COVID jab: The Great Reset wants ‘billions of chronically ill people’
The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See,
represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer.

[Image: Carlo-Maria-Vigano_3_810_500_75_s_c1-810x500.jpg]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 
(LifeSiteNews) – Editor’s note: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has decided to make public an October 23 letter sent to to Cardinal Luis F. Ladaria S.J., Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop José Gomez, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as to all the bishops of the United States of America.

Your Eminences,

Your Excellencies,

I address you, Archbishop Gómez, as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and to you, Cardinals Ladaria and Müller, for your competence, some serious considerations related to the so-called vaccines against Covid-19.

I believe there are some aspects of the question that now allow for a more complete evaluation of what these drugs are and what effects they cause; this evaluation ought to lead to a collegial stance, in conformity with the Magisterium of the Church and not influenced by biased information or by erroneous news spread by the producers of these drugs or by the media.

1. Subject of the Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines was issued last year in the absence of complete data on both the nature of the gene serum and its components. I point out to you that the subject of the Note is limited to “the moral aspects of the use of the vaccines against Covid-19 that have been developed from cell lines derived from tissues obtained from two fetuses that were not spontaneously aborted,”[1] and it states that “[w]e do not intend to judge the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, although ethically relevant and necessary, as this evaluation is the responsibility of biomedical researchers and drug agencies.”[2] Safety and effectiveness are thus not the subject of the Note, which in expressing its opinion about the “morality of use” therefore does not even express its opinion about the “morality of production” of these drugs.

2. Safety and effectiveness of the vaccines

The safety and effectiveness of individual vaccines is determined after a period of experimentation that normally lasts for several years. In this case, the health authorities have decided to carry out experimentation on the entire world population, as an exception to the usual practice of the scientific community, international standards, and the laws of individual nations. This means that the entire population finds itself in the condition of being susceptible to suffering the adverse effects of the vaccine, at their own risk, when normally experimentation is done on a voluntary basis and carried out on a limited number of subjects, who are paid to undergo it.

I think it is clear that this is an experimental drug that has not been approved,[3] but only authorized for administration by the bodies in charge; just as I think it is evident that there are medical treatments without adverse side-effects, even though they have been systematically boycotted by the Health Institutions – WHO, CDC, EMA – and by mainstream media. Even if the Church should express a moral evaluation of the different treatments available – some of which are carried out with drugs produced with cell lines that originated in an aborted fetus, like the vaccines – it must be reiterated that there are effective treatments which cure patients and allow them to develop permanent natural immune defenses, something that the vaccines do not do. Furthermore, these treatments do not cause serious side effects, since the drugs that are used have been licensed for decades.

Other recently developed treatments are absolutely effective, inexpensive, and carry no danger for those who receive them: this is the case with the plasma treatment studied and employed with great success by the Italian doctor Giuseppe De Donno.[4]

Treatment with hyper-immune plasma was strongly discouraged and boycotted by pharmaceutical companies and doctors financed by them, because it does not cost anything and renders the analogous therapy useless, which is made in laboratories with monoclonal cells at exorbitant costs.

International standards specify that an experimental drug cannot be authorized for distribution except in the absence of an effective alternative treatment: this is why drug agencies in the USA and Europe have prevented the use of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, hyper-immune plasma, and other therapies with proven effectiveness. There is no need to remind you that all of these agencies, along with the WHO, are financed almost entirely by the pharmaceutical companies and by foundations tied to them, and that there is a very grave conflict of interest at the highest levels,[5] about which the media are culpably silent.[6] In expressing a moral evaluation of the vaccines, the Church cannot fail to take these elements into consideration, since they cause a manipulation of scientific information, on the basis of which the judgments about their moral liceity by ecclesiastical Authority have been formulated.

3. The experimental drugs are not vaccines in the proper sense

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, while not expressing its opinion on the effectiveness and safety of the so-called vaccines, nevertheless defines them as “vaccines,” taking for granted that they actually give immunity and protect people from active and passive contagion. This element is disavowed by the declarations coming from all of the world’s health authorities and from the WHO, according to which vaccinated people can become infected and infect others more seriously than those who are not vaccinated[7] and find that their immune defenses are drastically reduced if not even completely destroyed.

A recent study confirms that the gene serum can cause forms of acquired immuno-deficiency in those who receive it.[8] Therefore, the drugs that are called “vaccines” do not fall within the official definition of a vaccine to which the CDF’s Note presumably refers. In fact a “vaccine” is defined as a medicinal preparation aimed at inducing the production of protective antibodies by the organism, conferring specific resistance against a specific infectious disease (viral, bacterial, protozoal). This definition was recently changed by the WHO, because otherwise it would not have been able to include anti-Covid drugs, which do not induce the production of protective antibodies and do not confer a specific resistance against the SarsCoV-2 infectious disease.

Furthermore, while mRNA serums are dangerous because of the implications they have at the genetic level, the AstraZeneca serum may be even more harmful, as recent studies show.[9]

4. Proportionality between the costs and benefits of the vaccines

Limiting itself to an evaluation only of the morality of the use of the vaccines, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not take into account the proportionality between the presumed benefits of the gene serum and the short-term and long-term adverse side effects.

Worldwide, the number of deaths and grave pathologies following vaccination is increasing exponentially:[10] in only nine months these vaccines have caused more deaths than all vaccines in the last thirty years.[11] Not only this: in many nations – such as Israel for example[12] – the number of deaths after vaccination is now greater than the number of deaths from Covid.[13]

Having established that the drugs sold as vaccines do not give any significant benefit and on the contrary may cause a very high percentage of deaths or grave pathologies[14] even in subjects for whom Covid does not represent a threat,[15] I do not think that we can conclude that there is any proportionality between the potential damages and the potential benefits.

This means therefore that there is a grave moral obligation to refuse inoculation as a possible and proximate cause of permanent damages[16] or death. In the absence of benefits, there is therefore no need to expose oneself to the risks of its administration, but on the contrary there is a duty to refuse it categorically.

5. New data on the presence of aborted fetal cell lines

Revelations from Pfizer executives have recently been released showing that the mRNA gene serums contain aborted fetal material not only for the production of the original vaccine, but also for its replication and production on a vast scale,[17] and nothing suggests that other pharmaceutical companies are an exception. Bishop Joseph Strickland[18] has also expressed himself in this regard, inviting the faithful to “say no. I’m not going to do it just because you mandate it, in that, who knows what next crazy thing will come up.” This makes the use of these drugs absolutely immoral, just as it is immoral and unacceptable to use drugs that use orphaned children for experimentation.[19]

7. Side Effects on pregnant mothers and nursing children

Another aspect to consider is the concrete danger of grave side effects on pregnant mothers and even more serious ones on newborn children: in the United States there have been 675 miscarriages in vaccinated mothers and in the United Kingdom 521 nursing infants have died.[20] We should remember that for the so-called vaccines against Covid active vigilance was not put into effect, but only passive vigilance, which requires patients to report adverse cases themselves; this means that the data on adverse effects should be multiplied at least ten times.

8. Components of the vaccines

I would like to point out to you that the components of the gene serums are still concealed as trade secrets, even if there are already multiple studies that have analyzed the content of the vaccines;[21] it is therefore not yet possible to completely evaluate the other critical elements and their long-term impacts, because the experimentation on the world population will end only in 2023/2025, and it is not known what the effects of the newly adopted technology are at the genetic level.[22] The presence of graphene in the doses that have been administered, reported by numerous laboratories that have analyzed its content,[23] suggests that the forced use of so-called vaccines – together with the systematic boycott of existing treatments of proven effectiveness[24] – serves the purpose of contact-tracing all vaccinated human beings throughout the world, who will be or already are connected to the Internet of Things[25] by means of a quantum link of pulsed microwave frequencies of 2.4 GHz or higher from cell towers and satellites.[26] As proof that this information is not the fruit of the fantasies of some conspiracy theorist, you should know that the European Union has chosen two projects dedicated to technological innovation as the winners of a competition: “The Human Brain” and “Graphene.” These two projects will receive one billion euro each in funding over the next ten years.[27]

I trust that Your Excellency, Archbishop Gomez, will take into serious consideration these observations of mine – which I have taken care to thoroughly verify with highly qualified Catholic doctors[28] – together with your brothers of the US Bishops’ Conference gathered in plenary Assembly from November 15 to 18, 2021 in Baltimore, so that the official position of the Catholic Church in the United States on the so-called vaccines will be revised and updated. Likewise, I ask Your Eminence, Cardinal Ladaria, to proceed as soon as possible to the revision of the Note of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the morality of certain anti-Covid-19 vaccines.

I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as Shepherds of the flock of the Lord we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the President of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.[29]

The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer. It is necessary to denounce this scandal, this crime against humanity, this satanic action against God.

With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called vaccines guarantee a solution to the pandemic emergency. The Catholic Church has the duty before God and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death. How Joe Biden, who also defines himself as “Catholic,” could impose vaccination on 28 million children aged 5 to 11,[30] is absolutely inconceivable, if only for the fact that there is practically zero risk of them developing the SARS-CoV-2 disease. The Holy See and the Bishops’ Conferences have the duty to express a firm condemnation in this regard, and also in relation to the very serious side effects that can result for children who are inoculated with the experimental gene serum.[31]

It is equally imperative that there be an intervention by the US Bishops’ Conference aimed at promoting the religious exemption and immediately revoking the bans imposed in this regard by many Ordinaries on their priests. Similarly, all vaccination requirements for seminarians and candidates of religious communities must be revoked. Instead, clear directives should be given about the dangers connected to the administration of the vaccine and its grave moral implications.

I am certain that you will want to consider the particular gravity of this subject, the urgency of an intervention that is enlightened by and faithful to the teaching of the Gospel, as well as the salus animarum that the Pastors of the Church must promote and defend.

In Christo Rege,

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

[1] Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines, 21 December 2020.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Senator Ron Johnson: We don’t have an FDA-approved vaccine in the US. The vaccine (Pfizer Comirnaty) available in Europe is approved, but the vaccine (Pfizer BNT162b2) used in America only has the use of emergency clearance. – Cfr. https://twitter.com/ChanceGardiner/statu...34081?s=20

[4] Cf. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32838270/ e https://alloranews.com/covid-19/giuseppe...-own-life/

[5] Pfizer has now hired 22 separate lobbying firms, all in Washington, DC, to craft drug policy in the United States. Yes, that’s the accurate #. TWENTY TWO lobbying firms. Tons of top Congressional staffers & fmr WH officials have been recruited to push Pfizer’s agenda in DC. – Cf. https://twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/stat...6792205316

[6] Founders and researchers of pharmaceutical firms have been replaced by investment funds that seek only economic results and now finance #OMS and #EMA who decide on vaccines – Cf. https://twitter.com/CathVoicesITA/status...81632?s=20 | In Italy there are 32000 doctors paid by BigPharma – https://www.ogginotizie.eu/ogginotizie/i...aceutiche/

[7] Cf. https://tv.gab.com/channel/white__rabbit...584941980f and https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontari...alsehoods/ > Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots.

[8] Cf. https://twitter.com/alexgiudetti/status/...9673430016 and https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/10/comparis...oping-ade/ > A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

[9] Cf. https://climatecontrarian.com/2021/05/28...-vaccines/

[10] Autopsies performed in Germany on deaths after the vaccine, the study of pathologists, 50% of deaths after the second dose were caused by the vaccine. – Cf. https://corrierequotidiano.it/cronaca/mo...onda-dose/

[11] In just 9 months, death reports from Covid-19 preparations have reached 50% of ALL post-vaccine deaths administered in 30 years in the US – Cfr. https://infovax.substack.com/p/in-soli-9...lazioni-di – See also https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/saved/D8/D188F890

[12] Cf. https://visionetv.it/israele-terza-dose-...-in-massa/ and https://www.gov.il/he/Departments/public...v-25092021

[13] Cf. https://twitter.com/bisagnino/status/144...22090?s=20 and https://infovax.substack.com/p/morti-per...-e-dopo-le and https://infovax.substack.com/p/i-tassi-d...st-vaccino

[14] 155,501 anaphylactic reactions reported to VAERS, with 41% of cases attributed to Pfizer – Cf. https://twitter.com/ChanceGardiner/statu...39584?s=20 and https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield....TATE=NOTFR

[15]– The post-vaccine myocarditis rates found in young Americans (12-15 years) are 19 TIMES higher than the normal background values for these age groups. – Cfr. https://infovax.substack.com/p/i-tassi-d...st-vaccino | Also see https://www.sirillp.com/wp-content/uploa...ia-Lee.pdf | Investigation: Deaths among Teenage Boys have increased by 63% in the UK since they started getting the Covid-19 Vaccine according to ONS data. – Cf. https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/04/teen-boy...d-vaccine/

[16] In Turkey, Dr. Fatih Erbakam, leader of the Welfare party, denounces the birth of children with tails, 3 arms, 4 legs, after the vaccination of parents, against Covid. – Cf. https://www.lapekoranera.it/2021/10/08/t...mbe-video/

[17] The COVID-19 vaccine was developed using a fetal cell line. So were Tylenol, ibuprofen…and ivermectin. – Cf. https://vajenda.substack.com/p/the-covid...-developed | Pfizer Whistleblower Releases Emails Hiding ‘Fetal Cell’ Usage From Public – Cf. https://thecharliekirkshow.com/columnist...rom-public | Pfizer Told Scientists To Coverup Use Of Aborted Human Fetal Tissues In Making Vaccines Says Whistleblower – Cf. https://greatgameindia.com/coverup-abort...-vaccines/ and https://twitter.com/ChanceGardiner/statu...8970932231 | Process-related impurities in the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine. – Cf. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-477964/v1

[18] US bishop slams Pfizer after emails show company wanted to hide jab’s connection to abortion – Cf. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/us-bis...-abortion/

[19] Pfizer stand accused of experimenting on orphan babies to test their Covid-19 vaccine. – Cf. https://theexpose.uk/2021/10/01/breaking...9-vaccine/

[20] «CDC issues an urgent warning strongly recommending the vaccination of pregnant women», despite not having enough studies, 675 abortions in vaccinated mothers in the USA, 521 in the UK, babies who died during breastfeeding from vaccinated mothers, and Pfizer who will carry out the study only in the 2025 Cf. https://twitter.com/ChanceGardiner/statu...11426?s=20

[21] CoV-19 Vaccine Ingredients Revealed: Scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveals PEG, graphene oxide, stainless steel and even a parasite. Cf. https://www.databaseitalia.it/rivelati-i...parassita/

[22] See the interview to Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, professor and expert in pharmacology and toxicology: https://twitter.com/Side73Dark/status/14...36840?s=20

[23] Dr. Mariano Amici, Graphene and PEG oxide in vaccines: https://www.marianoamici.com/ossido-di-g...i-vaccini/

[24] Prof. Peter McCullough, pioneer of early care, has a cracked voice evoking the abandonment to death of elderly patients. Cf. https://twitter.com/ChanceGardiner/statu...70405?s=20

[25] World Economic Forum, These are the top 10 tech trends that will shape the coming decade, according to McKinsey

Cf. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/t...2021+11:30

[26] Exclusive: Pfizer patent approved for monitoring vaccines around the world – Cf. https://www.databaseitalia.it/esclusivo-...-e-grafene

[27] EU: The greatest research excellence award for the “Graphene” and “Human Brain” projects – Cfr. https://www.isprambiente.gov.it/it/archi...ello-umano  | Graphene and Human Brain Project win largest research excellence award in history, as battle for sustained science funding continues. – Cfr. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscor...n/IP_13_54

[28] Government, Dr. Citro: «Either they are ignorant or higher orders wanted the dead» – Cfr. https://stopcensura.online/dott-citro-co...o-i-morti/

[29]Listen what Bill Gates said: https://twitter.com/ZombieBuster5/status/1444245496701272065

[30] White House Details Plan To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 – Cf. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/white...n-age-5-11

[31] Robert W Malone: «This is just sick. And heartbreaking, both literally and figuratively. This must stop» Cf. https://twitter.com/rwmalonemd/status/14...78880?s=21

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  Livestream: FDA Advisory Committee Reviews EUA Pfizer Vaccines For 5-11 Year Olds
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 11:38 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

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  Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 10:01 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City

GP | October 26, 2021

In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing.

Dr. Fauci also spent over $16 million in taxpayer funds on disturbing “toxic brain injection” experiments on monkeys in 2018.

And Dr. Fauci was more recently caught funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China laboratory blamed for the production and leak of the coronavirus.

Fauci lied about his funding of the lab under oath numerous times.

[Image: nyc-orphans.jpg]

Now this…
Dr. Fauci’s NIH was also caught funding experiments on AIDS orphans at a New York City hospital in 2004.

The Fauci NIH approved experiments on hundreds of New York City orphans.  Government agencies and pharmaceutical companies used the orphans in deadly AIDS drug trials.

Quote:In 2005, the city of New York hired the VERA Institute to form a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.

They reported that twenty-five children died during the drug studies, that an additional fifty-five children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29% of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used). [LINK]

The WIKIPEDIA writers cover up all details, as is expected.

No payment or compensation has been paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families.

A hospital nurse later spoke out to reporters about the testing. She reported that children would immediately get sick, break out or throw up during the testing.
They were orphans at the Incarnation Children’s Center in New York City.

The ICC Investigation website offers several documents and interviews with children and childcare workers at the hospital who participated in the research.

Download the collected PDFs: The ICC Investigation | Related-HIV-Testing-and-AIDS-Drug-Investigation | Media-Coverage-and-Cover-up | Media Part 2

Inside Incarnation | German Translation NY Press July/Aug 2005 – Interviews with children and childcare workers from the orphanage. Radio Interview with a childcare worker from ICC.
The House That AIDS Built | The Nurse’s Story – Altheal.org January 2004 -The original expose.
The ICC Investigation Continues Altheal.org May 2004
The ICC Audio Interviews and Thalidomide Document February 2007 –interview with the medical director of the orphanage, and drugging with Thalidomide on orphans at ICC.
Still on Trial NY Press, April 2005
Noble Doctors Crux Magazine,November 2004 | Reductionism On Trial An Aids Debate, Summer 2006

Note: The investigator credited with exposing this horrific study on AIDS orphans is (or was) an AIDS ‘skeptic’ but his research and interviews were explosive and disturbing.

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  Business groups ask White House to delay Biden Covid vaccine mandate until after the holidays
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 09:12 AM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

Business groups ask White House to delay Biden Covid vaccine mandate until after the holidays

CNBC |  OCT 25 2021

  • White House officials at the OMB are meeting with industry lobbyists as it conducts the final review of President Joe Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate.
  • Business groups are asking the administration to wait until after the holiday shopping season to implement the rule.
  • They say the mandate could exacerbate labor shortages and supply chain problems.
Worried that President Joe Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate for private companies could cause a mass exodus of employees, business groups are pleading with the White House to delay the rule until after the holiday season.

White House officials at the Office of Management and Budget held dozens of meetings with labor unions, industry lobbyists and private individuals last week as the administration conducts its final review of the mandate, which will require businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure they are vaccinated against Covid or tested weekly for the virus. It is estimated to cover roughly two-thirds of the private sector workforce.

OMB officials have several meetings lined up Monday and Tuesday with groups representing dentists, trucking companies, staffing companies and realtors, among others.

The American Trucking Associations, which will meet with the OMB on Tuesday, warned the administration last week that many drivers will likely quit rather than get vaccinated, further disrupting the national supply chain at time when the industry is already short 80,000 drivers.

The trucking association estimates companies covered by the mandate could lose 37% of drivers through retirements, resignations and workers switching to smaller companies not covered by the requirements.

“Now placing vaccination mandates on employers, which in turn force employees to be vaccinated, will create a workforce crisis for our industry and the communities, families and businesses we serve,” Chris Spear, the association’s president and CEO, wrote in a letter to the OMB last Thursday.

Retailers are also particularly concerned the mandate could trigger a spike in resignations that would exacerbate staffing problems at businesses already short on people, said Evan Armstrong, a lobbyist at the Retail Industry Leaders Association.

“It has been a hectic holiday season already, as you know, with supply chain struggles,” Armstrong told CNBC after a meeting with White House officials last Monday. “This is a difficult policy to implement. It would be even more difficult during the holiday season.”

Thirty percent of unvaccinated workers said they would leave their jobs rather than comply with a vaccine or testing mandate, according to a KFF poll published last month. Goldman Sachs, in an analysis published in September, said the mandate could hurt the already tight labor market. However, it said survey responses are often exaggerated and not as many people will actually quit.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration delivered its final rule to the OMB on Oct. 12, and the mandate is expected to take effect soon after the agency completes its review.

The National Retail Federation, the trucking association and the retail leaders group are asking White House officials to give businesses 90 days to comply with the mandate, delaying implementation until late January at the earliest.

The Business Roundtable told CNBC it supports the White House’s vaccination efforts, but the administration “should allow the time necessary for employers to comply, and that includes taking into account employee retention issues, supply chain challenges and the upcoming holiday season.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which met with the OMB on Oct. 15, also asked the administration to delay implementing the rule until after the holiday season. Officials at the OMB declined to comment on the implementation period.

However, former officials at OSHA, which will enforce the mandate, told CNBC that businesses will likely have some time to implement the rules.

Jordan Barab, deputy assistant secretary of OSHA during the Obama administration, said the administration will probably give businesses about 10 weeks, as they did for federal contractors, until employees have to be fully vaccinated.

However, the compliance date could come sooner for weekly testing, he said.

“OSHA has always had provisions where its required equipment, for example, that may be in short supply to suspend enforcement if an employer can show its made a good faith effort to procure that equipment,” Barab said. “They may make a relatively early date for weekly testing but also provide some additional time in case supplies are not adequate.”

The National Association of Manufacturers, in a letter to the OMB and OSHA head James Frederick last Monday, asked the administration to exempt businesses from the requirements if they have already implemented companywide mandates, or achieved a certain level of vaccination among employees through voluntary programs if certified by a local public health agency.

Robyn Boerstling, a top lobbyist for the manufacturers’ group, called the federal requirements “redundant and costly” for companies that already support vaccination among their staff. Boerstling also expressed concern that businesses with barely more than 100 employees could lose valuable people to competitors who are not covered by the mandate.

“A realistic implementation period can allow for workforce planning that is necessary given the acute skilled worker shortage and ongoing supply chain challenges by supporting the need to keep manufacturing open and operational,” Boerstling wrote in the letter to the administration last Monday.

The American Trucking Associations, in its letter last week, also asked the administration to consider exempting truckers from the mandate, arguing that drivers are similar to remote workers because they do not interact with another employee for days or weeks at a time.

Industry lobbyists have also raised concerns about the cost of testing, and who will cover those costs. The Retail Industry Leaders Association believes employees who choose not to get vaccinated should pay for their weekly testing.

“If folks are allowed to refuse vaccination, and the employer takes testing obligations from a cost standpoint, then there’s no real motivation for those employees to get the vaccine,” Armstrong said. With an estimated 4 million unvaccinated retail workers, testing costs will also add up quickly, he said.

However, Barab said OSHA generally requires employers to cover the cost of equipment and procedures called for under its rules throughout the agency’s 50-year history.

Industry concerns about the impact of Biden’s vaccine mandate on employment come after a record 4.3 million workers quit their jobs in August, the highest level of turnover in 20 years. The retail industry was particularly hard hit, with 721,000 workers leaving their positions.

Goldman Sachs says the mandate would actually boost employment by reducing Covid transmission and mitigating health risks that have been a drag on labor force participation, encouraging many of the 5 million workers who have left the job market since the pandemic to return.

Global supply chains are also strained amid a surge in pandemic-related demand for durable goods, factory shutdowns in places like China and Vietnam, and a shortage of truck drivers and skilled longshoremen on the West Coast.

The White House admits there is little it can do to tackle the macro issues like increased demand and foreign factory operations. But it has recently taken some steps to help, like brokering a deal to keep major West Coast ports open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“We’re already having supply chain issues; we’re already having workforce shortage issues,” Ed Egee, a top lobbyist at the National Retail Federation, told CNBC after the group’s meeting with the OMB last Tuesday. “This mandate cannot be implemented in 2021 without having serious repercussions on the American economy.”

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  October 26th – St. Evaristus, Pope and Martyr
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 08:13 AM - Forum: October - No Replies

October 26 – St. Evaristus, Pope and Martyr
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: img-Pope-Saint-Evaristus-1.jpg?w=340&ssl=1]

The Beloved Disciple had just received the long-promised visit of our Lord inviting him to heaven when the Church, under Evaristus, completed the drawing up of the itinerary for her long pilgrimage to the end of time. The blessed period of the apostolic times was definitively closed, but the eternal City continued to augment her treasure of glory. Under this pontificate the virgin Domitilla, by her martyrdom, cemented the foundations of the new Jerusalem with the old. Then Ignatius of Antioch brought to the “Church that presides in charity” the testimony of his death; he was the wheat of Christ, and the teeth of the wild beasts in the Coliseum satisfied his desire of becoming a most pure bread.

Quote:Evaristus was born in Greece, of a Jewish father, and was Sovereign Pontiff during the reign of Trajan. He divided the titles of the churches of Rome among the priests, and ordained that seven deacons should attend the bishop when preaching. He also decreed that, according to the tradition of the Apostles, matrimony should be celebrated publicly and blessed by a priest. He governed the Church nine years and three months. He held ordinations four times in the month of December, and ordained seventeen priests, two deacons and fifteen bishops. He was crowned with martyrdom, and buried near the tomb of the Prince of the Apostles on the seventh of the Kalends of November.

Thou art the first Pontiff to whom the Church was entrusted after the departure of all those who had seen the Lord. The world could then say in all strictness: If we have known Christ according to the flesh, now we know him so no longer. The Church was now more truly an exile; at that period, which was not without perils and anxieties, her Spouse gave to thee the charge of teaching her to pursue alone her path of faith and hope and love. And thou didst not betray the confidence of our Lord. Earth owes thee, on this account, a special gratitude, O Evaristus; and a special reward is doubtless thine. Watch still over Rome and the Church. Teach us that we must be ready not only to fast here on earth, but to be resigned to the absence of the Bridegroom when he hides himself; and not the less to serve him and love him with our whole heart and mind and soul and strength, as long as the world endures, and he is pleased to leave us therein.

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  Project Veritas: NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandates after Re-election
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 08:09 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies

BREAKING: Project Veritas: Senior Advisor Reveals NJ Governor Murphy to Impose State-Wide Covid Vaccine Mandate AFTER Re-Election (VIDEO)

[Image: IMG_6857-2.jpg]

GP | October 25, 2021

Project Veritas on Monday released video of a senior campaign advisor admitting New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy will impose a state-wide Covid vaccine mandate AFTER re-election.

Phil Murphy is hiding information from the public in order to win independents, moderates and undecided voters.

Wendy Martinez, a senior advisor for Phil Murphy told a Project Veritas journalist the governor is waiting to impose the mandates until after the election because the “independents and undecided” will not vote for him if he did mandates.

“He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections,” Martinez said. “Because they’re [undecided and independents] all into the my rights, my sh*t,” Martinez said.

“This appears to be a top down understanding,” James O’Keefe said.

Matthew Urquijo, manager of NJ Forward said, “Once, you know, we have a win, he’s like, ‘Alright, guns blazing,” like, who cares? I’m in it, let’s do the mandates, let’s do this, XY and Z.”

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  Archbishop Lefebvre 1979: Sermon given on the Feast of Christ the King
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 07:39 AM - Forum: Sermons and Conferences - No Replies

Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre - Feast of Christ the King - October 28, 1979
Taken from here.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

My dear brethren,

In the magnificent Encyclical Quas Primas of His Holiness Pope Pius XI, instituting the Feast of Christ the King, the Pope explains why Our Lord Jesus Christ is truly King, and he gives two particular and profound reasons. There are indeed many scriptural proofs. We have just read the Gospel in which Our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims Himself King. There are many passages from the Psalms and in the New Testament which express this same quality of Our Lord Jesus Christ as King. But His Holiness Pius XI takes care to deepen our knowledge of the reasons of this royalty.

The first reason is what the Church calls the "hypostatic union," the union of the Divine Person of Our Lord with His human nature. Our Lord is King because He is God. Indeed, there are not two persons in Our Lord, there is not one Divine Person and one human person. There is only one person – the Divine Person who directly assumed a human soul and a human body without passing by the intermediary of a human person. Consequently, when we speak of Jesus Christ, we say the Person of Jesus Christ. Now, this person of Jesus is a Divine Person. Certainly, Jesus Christ is both God and man since He assumed a human soul and a human body. Thus, the human soul and the human body of Our Lord Jesus Christ have become so intimately united to God that they cannot be separated. It is the Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ which is entirely Divine, and by His Person, His Body and Soul are "deified."

Thus, Our Lord Jesus Christ as He presented Himself along the roads of Palestine, and even as He presented Himself as an infant in Bethlehem, is King. Not only does He possess the character of this royalty but also the Church teaches that by this union of God with human nature, with a soul and with a body, which He assumed, Our Lord Jesus Christ is essentially, by nature – Savior, Priest and King. He cannot be but Savior, for He alone may say that He is God. He alone is able to say that He is the Priest, the Pontiff – He who truly makes the link between heaven and earth – and also He alone is able to say that He is the King. He is not king according to the kingships of this world, that is to say, over a given territory and limited to the earth, to men. Indeed, Our Lord is King not only of the earth but also of heaven. This is the first profound reason for the royalty of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and of this we must be convinced in order to see Our Lord as King, our personal King. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our King.

But He is King for another reason as well. Pope Pius XI explains perceptively that Our Lord Jesus Christ is King by conquest. By what conquest?

It is because Our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered all by His Blood, by His Cross and by Calvary. Regnavit a ligno Deus, God has reigned from the wood, i.e., from the Cross, Our Lord has conquered all souls, whomsoever they may be, by right – a strict right. All souls since they are created by God, even if they live for only a moment here on earth, are, by right, subjects of Our Lord Jesus Christ because He conquered them by His Blood. He wants to save them. He desires to redeem them all by His Blood, His Divine Blood, in order to lead them to heaven. Yes, Our Lord, by His Precious Blood and by His Cross, is by right Our King. This is the very reason why in the early centuries after the peace of Constantine, when the Christians were officially able to present the Cross in their churches, in their chapels and in other places of worship, they usually represented Our Lord Jesus Christ as a crowned King; crowned with the crown of kings. Christ is surely our King and He is King by His Cross.

We must then consider the principles of this nature of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of this conquest which Jesus has made upon our hearts and our souls by His death upon the Cross. Is Our Lord Jesus Christ daily in practice, in all our actions, in all of our thoughts, truly our King? Pope Pius XI continues in his encyclical to describe the manner in which Our Lord must be our King.

He must be the King of our intellects and of our thoughts because He us the truth. Jesus Christ is the Truth, because He is God.

Is then Our Lord Jesus Christ truly King of our thoughts? Is it He who truly orients all of our thoughts, our reflections, our intellectual life, in the life of our Faith? Is it truly Our Lord Jesus Christ Who is the light of our intellects? Is He King of our wills?

He is the Law. If the Tablets of the Law were found in the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament, they represented precisely Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who today is found in our tabernacles. But today with a tremendous superiority have we the Law in our tabernacles, in our "arks of the covenant." It is no longer the cold stones of the Old Testament but rather it is Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself Who is the Law. The Word of God is the Law by Whom all has been made, in Whom all things have been created. He is the Law not only of souls, of minds, of wills, but He is the Law of all nature. All the laws which we discover in nature come from Our Lord Jesus Christ – come from the Word of God. It suffices to consider that all creatures follow with incomparable fidelity the laws of God, that they follow physical laws, chemical laws, and all the laws of vegetative nature, of animal nature. These laws are followed impeccably. And we, too, must follow in a diligent manner, in a free manner, the laws of God inscribed in our hearts. It is precisely due to our liberty that we must attach ourselves to this law which is the path of our happiness, the way to eternal life.

Man has turned away from this law.

Our Lord Jesus Christ must then be – must again become – the King of our wills and we must conform our wills to His Law, to His Law of love, to His Law of charity, to the Commandments which He has given us and which He Himself told us encompass all other Commandments: To love God and to love one's neighbors. Are not these two in fact one and the same Commandment? It is He Who tells us so. Do we then truly conform our wills to the law of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Is Jesus Christ truly King of our wills?

Finally, Jesus has to be, as Pope Pius XI tells us, the King of our hearts. Are our hearts truly attached to Our Lord Jesus Christ? Are we conscious of the fact that Our Lord Jesus Christ is our ALL – Omnia in omnibus? Jesus Christ is all and in things. It is He in ipso omnia constant as St. Paul says. In Him all is sustained, in Him we live, in Him we are and we act. It is this that St. Paul explains in his discourse to the Areopagite: "In ipso vivimus, in ipso movemur, in ipso sumus” – He holds all in His hand.

We must then wonder what the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph must have thought. I believe that there is an admirable example for us. If we truly desire that Jesus Christ be our King we must try to imagine what Nazareth must have been. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What must Mary have thought of Jesus? What must Joseph have thought of Jesus? It is incredible! It is a great mystery, an impenetrable mystery of goodness, of the charity of God. To think that He permitted two creatures chosen by Him, to live with Him! For St. Joseph during thirty years, for the Blessed Virgin during thirty-three years, in the intimacy of Jesus, in the intimacy of Him Who is God. It is He without Whom neither Mary nor Joseph could speak, think, nor live. Mary bearing Jesus in her arms, bearing God in her arms! As the Gospel often says it was not she who was bearing Jesus but Jesus who was bearing her. For Jesus was much greater than she, for He is God. Just think what must have been in the soul, will and heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary living with Jesus, seeing Him with His young companions, seeing Him working with St. Joseph.

We also have the joy to live with Our Lord.

Even under the delicate envelope of her body, the Blessed Virgin Mary adored the Living God for she knew – she knew that the living God was in her womb. She knew this through by the Annunciation by the angel. And St. Joseph knew it perfectly as well.

We, too, know that we have the living Jesus in our tabernacles under the delicate Eucharistic species. Jesus is there! Not only do we have Him in our tabernacles, but moreover in a manner which I would say is almost more intimate than that of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of St. Joseph, when Our Lord gives Himself to us as our spiritual food.

Imagine, that truly in our bodies, in our hearts we bear Jesus – we bear God who sustains us, for without Him we would not be able to live nor exist nor say a single word nor even think a single thought. And we bear this God in the Holy Eucharist!

Let us ask Our Lord Jesus Christ when we receive Him in us that He be our King – that He may give us the thoughts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of St. Joseph; that He may grant us the affections of the hearts of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph, these creatures whom He chose from all eternity to be His guardians, to be those with whom He was to live.

Ask them – ask Mary and Joseph – to help us live under the sweet Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ. One day, we hope that we shall be in that Kingdom and that we shall see Him in His splendor and in His glory as we say so often when we recite the Angelus: ut per passionem ejus et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur – in order that by His Passion and Cross we may be brought to the glory of His Resurrection.

Indeed, we also must pass now by the Passion and Cross of Jesus upon the earth in order that one day we may be able to join in the glory of His Resurrection, this glory which illuminates heaven, which is heaven, for God is heaven. That Our Lord Jesus Christ is heaven. In Him we will live in the grace of God by the grace of God. If we have Him as our King here on earth, then we shall have Him as our King for all eternity.

Beseech the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph today, not only for us, but for our families, for all those who surround us, that they may come to the light of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that they recognize evil, and also for those who do not obey Him or who have withdrawn themselves from Him. Have pity on all these souls who do not know the King of Love and of Glory, in Whom we have the happiness to believe, in Whom we have the happiness to love. Beseech Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph to convert all these souls to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King.

[Emphasis - The Catacombs]

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  Eighth Sacrament? Canadian Bishop: Anyone over 12 Must be Vaccinated to Attend Mass
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 07:13 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - Replies (1)

Eighth Sacrament: Bishop Imposes Vaccine

gloria.tv | October 25, 2021

Grand Falls Bishop Anthony Daniels, 64, Canada, requires since October 22 a vaccination for all older than 12 for attending Mass.

His October 15 decree (below) allows for exceptions only in extraordinary circumstances such es funerals or weddings.

Daniels adds, “After verifying proof of vaccination, you must also review identification.” For persons older than 19, this identification must include name, age and a photo. This name must match with the vaccination-passport.

Despite the vaccination mandate, all other restrictions stay in place such as capacity limit, masks, contact tracing and physical distancing.

Daniels, a former London Auxiliary Bishop, Ontario, was appointed to Grand Falls by Benedict XVI in 2011.



[Image: image.png]

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  Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to PASS
Posted by: Stone - 10-26-2021, 07:00 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - Replies (1)

Pope Francis appoints population control activist Jeffrey Sachs to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
The pro-abortion, globalist has long been a supporter and collaborator with Francis.

[Image: Sachs-and-Francis-810x500.jpg]
Sachs and Pope Francis at the Vatican in 2019.

Mon Oct 25, 2021
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis appointed prominent abortion advocate and supporter of the United Nations’ climate change-oriented policies Jeffrey Sachs as an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences in a move that has drawn significant criticism from concerned Catholics.

Announced October 25, the Vatican described Sachs, having been a regular visiting figure at the Academy for some time, as a “distinguished” professor while highlighting his work in “sustainable development” but avoiding any mention of his support for abortion.

The appointment prompted numerous Catholics to protest, with Bishop Joseph Strickland calling for the Pope to clarify his actions, and Restoring the Faith Media telling LifeSiteNews that Sachs’ “‘expertise’ is reduction of the global human population, an aspiration which squares perfectly with the naturalist worldview driving the radical, superstitious COVID agenda.”

Pro-abortion globalist a regular figure in Vatican halls

Sachs was behind the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development goals, and is an architect of the pro-abortion and pro-LGBT Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Currently serving as director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University in New York, the 66-year-old has been a favorite of Pope Francis since the early days of the current pontificate.

In 2015, Sachs notably partnered with the Vatican to host and moderate a conference on climate change, a shared passion of both the Pope and the highly influential U.N. figure. However, as Elizabeth Yore noted at the time, the economist’s 2015 address was but the latest of “over nine appearances and speeches at the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy in the last three years.”

Since then, Sachs has continued as a regular visitor at the Vatican, including for key events such as the 2019 Amazon Synod, a 2019 Vatican youth conference based on the SDGs, a 2020 online conference on “a new world economy,” and the Pope’s 2020 launch of his partnership with the U.N. for education.

In a 2017 Vatican conference, Sachs yelled out at LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen, “You’re disgusting, you’re disgusting, disgusting,” in response to an article Westen had written in which he described Sachs as a “pro-abortion globalist.”

A former special adviser to current U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres on the U.N.’s SDGs, and for Ki-Moon when he was Secretary-General, Sachs has made no secret of his anti-life views.

In his 2009 book “Commonwealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet,” he called for the legalizing abortion as a cost-effective way to eliminate “unwanted children” when contraception fails to achieve that end. “To accelerate the decline in fertility … abortion should be legalized,” Sachs wrote.

Among the SDGs for which Sachs is heavily responsible, Goal 3.7 explicitly calls for “universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services,” terms that were defined by the U.N. in 1994 as meaning providing women with “modern contraception” for “family planning” and with “safe abortion” where it is legal.

Meanwhile, Goal 5.6 reads, “Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.”

Sachs has even previously praised the Pope’s controversial encyclical Laudato Si for having “made possible” the passage of the SDGs.

Sachs’ membership of the Academy

In 2020, Catholic News Agency questioned Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, as to why Sachs appeared “with such frequency at Vatican conferences.”

Bishop Sorondo replied that it was “because he integrates the magisterium of the Church and of Pope Francis into economics by putting the human person and the common good at the center.” Sachs will now enjoy a 10-year period as an ordinary member of the Academy, after which he could be reappointed by the Pope following discussion with the President and the Council of the Academy.

Under the statues of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, founded by Pope John Paul II in 1994, candidates must be “proposed to the President by at least two members,” and a “secret vote” is then held “to indicate the order of preference in which the candidates are to be proposed to the Supreme Pontiff.”

The Academy’s proclaimed aim is the “study and progress of the social sciences, primarily economics, sociology, law and political science,” in order to allow the Church to develop “her social doctrine,” and the implementation of this doctrine. The Academy works closely with the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

Instant consternation at appointment

News of the appointment sparked instant consternation from Catholics, with U.K. blogger Mark Lambert noting that Francis “maintains the facade of faith while perverting the contents. He’s been ‘incremental’ and a lot of folks are frogs wondering why the water is getting so warm.”

The Spectator’s Damian Thompson called for “prominent Catholic defenders of unborn life and Chinese democracy to criticise the Pope for this. If they don’t, they are complicit.”

Bishop Strickland of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, also wrote to ask for prayers and imploring the Pope to “clarify this confusion.”

Meanwhile, Cardinal Joseph Zen, the long-suffering bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, simply shared a screenshot of the Vatican’s announcement without making comment.

Speaking to LifeSiteNews, a spokesperson for Restoring the Faith Media said that “Sachs hates human beings. He wishes we were far fewer – billions fewer, in fact.”

“His lifelong ‘expertise’ is in the reduction of the global human population, an aspiration which squares perfectly with the naturalist worldview driving the radical, superstitious COVID agenda,” continued Restoring the Faith’s spokesman.

“This nomination furthers the already festering mistrust faithful Catholics have in this pontificate and widens the gulf between those earnestly seeking to practice the faith and the clerical consultant class, whom for the next two years it seems, are turning their gaze inward in an attempt to discover how vague notions of synodality, participation, and ‘mission’ can obfuscate the obvious collapse of the physical institutions,” he warned.

Similar concerns were shared by author and catechist Deacon Nick Donnelly, who highlighted the confusion created by the Pope’s actions. “Last week, Francis told pharmacists that they must not become accessories to the homicide of abortion, but this week appoints to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences one of the world’s leading proponents of abortion as a tool of population control,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“What are we to make of this contradictory behavior? Yet again Francis’s words and actions are at profound variance with each other.”

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