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  Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Young Global Leaders Their Brains ‘Will Be Replaced With AI’ When They Die
Posted by: Stone - 06-20-2024, 01:39 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Young Global Leaders Their Brains ‘Will Be Replaced With AI’ When They Die in Unearthed Clip

RTM | June 20, 2024

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Klaus Schwab unveiled a disturbing message to the organization’s “young global leaders,” leaked footage shows.

Schwab told the group during a private session back in 2022 at the WEF Young Global Leader conference that their brains “will be replicated with AI,” sparking concern on social media.

“You have the chance to look forward to a career of 50 years, in my opinion. Maybe more,” Schwab said during the start of the video shared by Wide Awake Media.

He then went on to suggest life-extension technologies that might include “injections.”

“And your brain will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms…so we don’t know, but at least 50 years.”

The purpose of these technologies, as explained by Schwab himself, would be to extend a person’s career long after their physical bodies have given up.

The two-years-old clip sparked the resurface of others shocking instances where Schwab, who was never elected to his position, lays out a dystopian vision for the future.

Earlier this year Schwab announced himself to be the earth’s “trustee of the future.”

“They’re going after coffee farmers. When he says production is ‘fragmented,’ he’s saying it has yet to be captured by corporations & centralized,” he wrote.

“He’s putting a guilt-trip on coffee drinkers for supporting poor coffee farmers because they don’t know any better in their ‘monoculture’ endeavors.”

“It’s all a power grab to seize land and the means of production to carbon tax you and I [sic] to oblivion,” Hinchliffe continued.

Concerns sparked again in January when WEF leaders were asked how they would prepare for Trump’s possible re-election.

Germany’s Federal Minister of Finance Christian Lindner responded to one question, stating, “Doing our homework is the best preparation for a possible second term of Donald Trump, and this includes our capabilities to defend ourselves.”

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde answered, “I think the best defense, if that’s the way you want to look at it, is attack. And to attack properly.”

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  Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism
Posted by: Stone - 06-20-2024, 01:27 PM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - Replies (1)

Vatican charges Archbishop Viganò with schism for ‘denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis’
The Vatican's doctrinal office summoned Archbishop Viganò to appear before an 'extrajudicial penal trial' on June 20 over accusations of 'schism' owing to a 'denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis, rupture of communion with Him, and rejection of the Second Vatican Council.'

[Image: Screen_Shot_2018-10-19_at_9.28.23_AM.jpg]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
don Elvir Tabaković, Can.Reg

Jun 20, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) has instigated an “extrajudicial penal trial” against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, accusing the prelate of “the crime of schism.”

In an email signed by Monsignor John Kennedy of the dicastery’s Disciplinary Section and sent to the Italian archbishop, who served as papal nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016, the dicastery summoned Viganò to the Vatican on June 20 that he “may take notice of the accusations and evidence concerning the crime of schism.” Namely, the dicastery notified the archbishop that he stands accused of making “public statements which result in a denial of the elements necessary to maintain communion with the Catholic Church; denial of the legitimacy of Pope Francis, rupture of communion with Him, and rejection of the Second Vatican Council.”

In response, Viganò defended himself stating:

Quote:In the face of the Dicastery’s accusations, I claim, as Successor of the Apostles, to be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, with the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs, and with the uninterrupted doctrinal, moral, and liturgical Tradition which they have faithfully preserved.

Regarding the accusations against him “as an honor,” Viganò stressed his desire to “repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who manifests an absolutely tyrannical management of power, exercised against the purpose that legitimizes authority in the Church: an authority that is vicarious of that of Christ, and as such must obey Him alone.”

After arguing that “[no] Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this ‘Bergoglian church,’ because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the popes of history and with the Church of Christ,” Viganò asked Catholics to “pray that the Lord will come to the aid of His Church and give courage to those who are persecuted for their Faith.”

This story is developing…

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of St. Ephraem - June 18, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 06-20-2024, 01:17 PM - Forum: June 2024 - No Replies

Feast of St. Ephraem - June 18, 2024 - "On the Importance of Prayer" (NH)

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  Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16
Posted by: Stone - 06-19-2024, 11:56 AM - Forum: New Rite Sacraments - No Replies

Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16
Sources told Rorate Caeli that Vatican officials want to ban the Latin Mass in a manner ‘as wide, final, and irreversible as possible,’ and a source informed LifeSiteNews that this ban is likely to be issued on the three-year anniversary of Traditionis Custodes.

[Image: shutterstock_1046407054.jpg]

Rome-Italy-10-24-2015. Holy Pontifical Mass in an ancient rite at the Saint Peter's Chair, Mass in Latin, in the Basilica of Saint Peter's in the Vatican, 
pilgrimage Summorum Pontificum

Jun 18, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — Several “credible” sources informed a traditional Catholic media outlet that the Vatican is planning to issue a document “banning” the Traditional Latin Mass, and a source informed LifeSiteNews that this will likely occur on July 16.

“An attempt is being made to implement, as soon as possible, a Vatican document with a stringent, radical, and final solution banning the Traditional Latin Mass,” reported Rorate Caeli on Monday, which attributed the news to “the most credible sources, in different continents,” including from “circles close to” Cardinal Arthur Roche, the prefect for the Dicastery for Divine Worship.

These sources are reportedly “the very same… who first revealed that a document like Traditionis Custodes would come” and also “revealed to Rorate that the Vatican had sent out a survey to bishops” on their implementation of the TLM following Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which allowed widespread use of the Latin Mass.

Those planning this “final” suppression of the TLM are said by Rorate to be “frustrated” with the “apparently slow results” of Pope Francis’ Latin Mass-restricting document Traditionis Custodes, particularly in the U.S. and France, and “want to ban it and shut it down everywhere and immediately.”

These Vatican prelates, which by implication include Pope Francis and at least require his consent, reportedly wish to make this Latin Mass ban “as wide, final and irreversible as possible.” Rorate Caeli is urging people in all states of life to “prevent the ban from becoming a concrete measure.”

LifeSiteNews has received information indicating that a likely date for these expected  restrictions is July 16, the anniversary of the implementation of Traditionis Custodes.

Cardinal Raymond Burke recently highlighted the fact that Traditionis Custodes has in one sense backfired, because it has intensified and multiplied attraction to the Mass of the Ages. The cardinal stated:

Quote:If the intention with the latest legislation Traditionis Custodes and other documents which followed it was to discourage or to decrease the attraction of the holy liturgy according to the Usus Antiquior, it had, I would say, the exactly opposite effect.

“This,” he added, “should not be surprising. One has to think that a form of the Roman rite which has nourished so profoundly and produced so many saints, the declared saints, even let’s say hidden saints, it is not possible that this rite be canceled, that it be eliminated from the life of the Church.”

Pope Benedict XVI himself clarified through his motu proprio Summorum Pontificum that the Latin Mass was never abolished and that no priest needs his bishop’s permission to offer it, stating, “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful.”

Following Traditionis Custodes, Cardinal Burke affirmed that the traditional liturgy is not something that can be excluded from the “valid expression of the lex orandi.”

“It is a question of an objective reality of divine grace which cannot be changed by a mere act of the will of even the highest ecclesiastical authority,” wrote the cardinal in 2021.

In accordance with this idea, liturgical scholar Dr. Peter Kwasniewski has written that priests must resist attempts to restrict the Latin Mass, including through Traditionis Custodes and its accompanying Responsa ad dubia “regardless of threats or penalties,” since obedience to these documents would undermine the very mission of the holy Catholic Church.

‘The traditional Mass belongs to the most intimate part of the common good in the Church. Restricting it, pushing it into ghettos, and ultimately planning its demise can have no legitimacy. This law is not a law of the Church because, as St. Thomas [Aquinas] says, a law against the common good is no valid law,’” he said in a speech during the 2021 Catholic Identity Conference.

True obedience “is always obedience to GOD, whether immediately or mediately,” explained Kwasniewski. Therefore, if any authority commands something contrary to God’s divine or natural law, “We must obey God rather than men,” as is declared in the Acts of the Apostles and affirmed by Pope Leo XIII.

Kwasniewski made the point that “the traditional liturgical worship of the Church, her lex orandi (law of prayer),” is a “fundamental” “expression of her lex credendi, (law of belief), one that cannot be contradicted or abolished or heavily rewritten without rejecting the Spirit-led continuity of the Catholic Church as a whole.”

To drive this home, he quoted the solemn words of St. Pius V’s bull Quo Primum, which he noted “is not ‘just a disciplinary document’ that can be readily set aside or contradicted by his successors; it is a document de rebus fidei et morum, concerning matters of faith and morals, and therefore not susceptible to being set aside by a later pontiff” – something acknowledged by “his successors who, whenever they published a new edition of the missal, were careful to preface it with Quo Primum, showing that they accepted and embraced that which Pius V had codified and canonized.”

Quo Primum states:

Quote:In virtue of Our Apostolic authority, We grant and concede in perpetuity that, for the chanting or reading of the Mass in any church whatsoever, this Missal is hereafter to be followed absolutely, without any scruple of conscience or fear of incurring any penalty, judgment, or censure, and may freely and lawfully be used. Nor are superiors, administrators, canons, chaplains, and other secular priests, or religious, of whatever title designated, obliged to celebrate the Mass otherwise than as enjoined by Us. We likewise declare and ordain… that this present document cannot be revoked or modified, but remains always valid and retains its full force… Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act [i.e., altering Quo Primum], he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.

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  Washington governor issues directive requiring hospitals to commit ‘emergency’ abortions
Posted by: Stone - 06-19-2024, 11:48 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Washington governor issues directive requiring hospitals to commit ‘emergency’ abortions
A policy statement reaffirms and clarifies the requirements under state law for hospitals to provide emergency abortion services in anticipation of a Supreme Court ruling backing conscience rights.

[Image: jay_inslee_1-e1718744948226.jpg]

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee

un 18, 2024
OLYMPIA, Washington (LifeSiteNews) — Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee has issued a directive meant to force hospitals to provide “medically necessary” abortions in anticipation of a pending Supreme Court ruling about medical conscience rights that many in the abortion lobby fear will not go their way.

“I hereby direct the Department of Health to issue a policy statement reaffirming and clarifying the requirements under state law for hospitals to provide emergency abortion services,” reads Inslee’s June 11 directive. “Further, I direct the Department of Health to take enforcement action, in accordance with applicable law, against those hospitals that do not provide such required care.”

“Ideological politicians are relentlessly interfering with the most private and crucial health care decisions a doctor and their patient will ever make, and now they’re doing so even when the life of a mother hangs in the balance,” the governor added in a press release. “Fortunately, we’ve taken numerous steps in Washington to make sure patients in Washington are not subject to these horrors. Hospitals and clinics in Washington have become a haven for patients seeking the abortion care they can no longer access in other states. We will meet every challenge to women’s right of choice with an unwavering affirmation that Washington is and will remain a pro-choice state.”

The move is meant to prepare for the outcome of a current case at the nation’s highest court regarding the Biden administration’s efforts to force emergency room doctors in Idaho to participate in abortions under the guise of “medical necessity.”

In August 2022, the administration filed a lawsuit contending that the federal Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) overrides Idaho’s pro-life laws and requires emergency room doctors to commit abortions that would otherwise be illegal under state law. A lower court sided with the White House, prompting the U.S. Supreme Court to take the case and allow Idaho to continue to enforce its pro-life laws until it is resolved.

In April, Idaho Republican Attorney General Raúl Labrador, along with attorneys from Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the law firm Cooper & Kirk, filed their reply brief laying out the case that the administration misreads and misapplies EMTALA in numerous ways, including that the law does not require procedures that violate state law, does not mandate services a particular hospital does not offer, and in fact requires hospitals to provide care for preborn children. The justices heard oral arguments later that month.

“We want the highest standard of care for women, and we do make an exception for abortion to save the life of the mother,” including in cases of ectopic pregnancy, Esther Ripplinger, president of Human Life of Washington, told NBC News in response to Inslee’s move. “But when you say ‘health’ is threatened — that’s an interesting proposal, because now, ‘health’ can mean, ‘Oh, I’ve got a headache, I need an abortion.’… We need to be very specific about what is that emergency and what is not.”

While some emergency situations in pregnancy can necessitate treatments indirectly resulting in a child’s death, numerous medical experts attest that intentionally killing a preborn baby is never medically necessary. Regardless, every state in the union with abortion prohibitions currently in effect also permits doctors to administer life-saving, non-abortive treatment to pregnant women even if it comes at the expense of a baby’s life.

Pro-abortion activists have long sought to keep abortion debates focused on such situations to divert attention from the vast majority of abortions that are sought for far less “sympathetic” reasons. They have gotten mileage out of that approach, which has helped defeat pro-lifers in recent state ballot referendums and convinced national Republicans to take a more moderate stance on life this year.

However, data released late last month by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, covering roughly 123,000 abortions across eight states in 2021 (the last full year that Roe v. Wade mandated legal abortion nationwide), found that alleged “risks to a woman’s life or a major bodily function” constituted just 0.3 percent of women’s reasons for abortion.

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  Bishops of Turkey consecrate country to Sacred Heart of Jesus
Posted by: Stone - 06-19-2024, 11:42 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Bishops of Turkey consecrate country to Sacred Heart of Jesus
In initiating the consecration, a Turkish priest was inspired by the ‘spiritual fruits’ of the consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart that occurred 150 years ago.

[Image: Shutterstock_1689358282.jpg]


Jun 18, 2024
IZMIR, Turkey (LifeSiteNews) — Turkey joined the ranks of more than 20 countries consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, June 7, the feast of the Sacred Heart.

Monsignor Marek Solczyński, apostolic nuncio to Turkey, presided over the consecration to the Sacred Heart at St. John’s Cathedral, Izmir, “surrounded by almost all the bishops of the country’s four Catholic communities — Latin, Armenian, Syriac, and Chaldean,” according to the National Catholic Register.

The idea of consecration came from Father Alessandro Amprino, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Izmir who will represent the Turkish Catholic Church in Quito, Ecuador at the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. The South American country was the first in the world to become consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1874, 150 years ago, as requested by President Gabriel García Moreno.

Since then, 24 countries were consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Fatima, Portugal, at the request of their bishops’ conferences, including Portugal, Albania, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Slovakia, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Mexico, Moldova, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Kenya, the Dominican Republic, Romania, Spain, Tanzania, East Timor, and Zimbabwe.

Amprino explained that he was inspired by the “enthusiasm” and “spiritual fruits” of Ecuador’s consecration, the Register reported. He proposed the idea to the Turkish Episcopal Conference (CET) as a special way to celebrate Turkey’s national Eucharistic year of the Catholic Church, which has been organized this year together with Quito’s bishops.

The consecration is to be complemented by a spiritual retreat for religious in Iskenderun as well as the conclusion of the national Eucharistic year on November 24.

Archbishop Martin Kmetec, OFM Conv., of Izmir, president of the bishops’ conference, said that the purpose of the consecration was “to rediscover and renew the consecration which took place on the day of baptism, to renounce the seductions of evil to live in the freedom of the children of God, to place one’s whole life in the hands of Christ, even in the face of violence.”

His comments come almost five months after a terrorist attack was carried out at the church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Büyükdere.

The origins of devotion to the Sacred Heart come from an apparition of Christ to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in Paris in the 1670s, when he revealed the love of His Sacred Heart for the world and asked for reparation for the sins of sacrilege and blasphemy.

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  Fr. Ruiz's Sermons: Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - June 16, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 06-18-2024, 08:26 AM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons June 2024 - No Replies


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  The Holy Emulation between Two Great Saints
Posted by: Stone - 06-18-2024, 08:21 AM - Forum: The Saints - No Replies

The Holy Emulation between Two Great Saints
by Hugh O’Reilly

TIA | June 15, 2024

In 1264, when Pope Urban IV instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi, he asked St. Bonaventure, a Franciscan, and St. Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican, to each compose a liturgy for the Mass and Office for this great Feast. On a designated day, each would read his manuscript before the Holy Father, who would decide which text would be chosen for the Feast Day celebration.

[Image: H261_con.jpg]

St. Thomas reads his Corpus Christi Liturgy to Urban IV; at left, St. Bonaventure shreds his own text

The day arrived. St. Thomas was chosen to be the first to present his text, in deference to his position as Lector of the Sacred Palace. As St. Thomas stood and read his text, St. Bonaventure, with great humility and tears of emotion in eyes eyes, turned aside and tore up the manuscript that he was holding.

Turning to the Holy Father, he said: “Your Holiness, it is as if I heard the Holy Spirit speak, for only the Holy Spirit can inspire such beautiful thoughts. I cannot compare my poor essay with such a perfect masterpiece. This is all that remains of it.”

And he showed the Pope the shredded papers.

The Pope, impressed with this humility and with the greatness of the text of St. Thomas, determined that the work of the Angelic Doctor should henceforth be used for the liturgy of the Mass and the Office of that day. Thus was St. Thomas declared winner of the holy emulation.

Among the beautiful texts composed by St. Thomas Aquinas that echo in the churches during the Solemnity of the Corpus Christi are the following: Adoro te Devote, Sauda Sion Salvatorem (the sequence), Sacris Solmniis (which included the Panis Angelicus), Pange Lingua Gloriosi (including its last two stanzas the Tantum Ergo), and Verbum Supernum (including its last two stanzas, the O Salutaris.

The Angelic Doctor is recognized as one of the great hymnologists of the Church although he produced only 188 lines.

[Image: H261_Pro.jpg]

A grandiose Corpus Christi procession from the past

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  Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'
Posted by: Stone - 06-18-2024, 08:17 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

ZH | JUN 18, 2024

The development of totalitarian governments always coincides with sweeping efforts to socially engineer the population to adhere to less rebellious behaviors. Specific groups that present a threat to the regime are usually identified and targeted with propaganda or indoctrination. In tandem, the rest of the population is also conditioned to fear those groups and treat them with suspicion. In this way the establishment elites mold the more submissive public into a shield that protects them from the revolutionaries that might dethrone them.

But what happens when the social engineers want to create tyranny on a global scale? The list of possible rebels grows exponentially larger and efforts to control them all or demonize them all become far more complex. How can the elites simplify their agenda and suppress the public with more efficiency?

The only answer is to attack and cripple the largest subset of the population that is most likely to give them problems in the future. Which monolithic group is more likely to fight back against the system? Obviously, the answer is masculine men. Therefore, this new global regime seeks to undermine and sabotage men, labeling masculinity an existential danger to society, like nuclear weapons or global warming.

In recent years Australia has been at the forefront of many authoritarian experiments. Their egregious violations of citizen liberties during the covid hysteria were astonishing. Perhaps even worse has been the complete takeover of DEI within the Australian government along with the infestation of radical feminism. Australia, it would seem, is all but lost to the nightmare of the woke religion.

That's why it's not at all surprising that the the Premier of the Australian state of Victoria has created a new ministry tasked with the purpose of changing and perhaps even controlling men.

Jacinta Allan announced this month that state MP Tim Richardson would serve as the inaugural Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change – the first position of its kind in the country. The appointment was in response to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calling gender-based violence a “national crisis” and promising greater government action. First, Australia blamed guns for violent crime; now they are blaming men in general.

[Image: MensChange1.jpg?itok=Eqyqc9aL]

The mainstream media claims the new effort is in response to a 'crisis of sexist violence against women.' The problem is that the data doesn't support this. Hospital records for assaults and homicides in Australia show a steady decline among men and women in the past two decades, and they also show that men are much more likely to face victimization compared to women.

Of course, it all depends on how the government defines "sexist violence." Does this include contrary ideas or mean words? Let's not forget that for progressives words can be the same as violence. Interestingly, Tim Richardson suggested that his role will focus primarily on the internet and how it "affects men's attitudes towards women." In other words, the government likely wants to control speech on the web to prevent "toxic" male behaviors.

It is not the job of "all men" to take responsibility of the crimes of a tiny handful. It is not the job of government to mold the behavior of the citizenry.

All western nations have been involved in the campaign to demonize men in one form or another, utilizing third-wave feminism as a vehicle. Australia is simply acting as a beta test for similar programs to be implemented in other countries.

The use of feminism is necessary to fabricate a rationale; they can't merely attack men for being men or attack men for being potentially rebellious against authoritarian government, there has to be a "victim" that needs protection so that the attack on men appears justified. Those who defend masculinity are thus by extension accused of threatening the safety of women.

In other words, the totalitarians become the "good guys" because they supposedly have women's best interests at heart. And, since men are everywhere, the totalitarians need to be everywhere too so they can keep that terrifying masculinity at bay. The global regime suddenly becomes sacrosanct; a precious defender of women's safety.

Of course, none of this is true. The establishment's obsession with the cult of transsexualism is proof of that. Their insistence that women are nothing more than a "social construct" that can be replaced by mentally ill men in wigs and makeup leaves little doubt that femininity is being targeted nearly as much as masculinity. But the hyperfocus on men is logical if one accepts the possibility that the goal of these programs is to weaken western societies to the point that they are easy to conquer. In this way, the war on masculine men makes perfect sense.

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  Restore the 54 website resources
Posted by: Stone - 06-17-2024, 08:08 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Many resources compiled to aid priests and laity in using the pre-1955 Liturgical changes: https://www.restorethe54.com/resources/

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  Annibale Bugnini: For a General Liturgical Reform (1949)
Posted by: Stone - 06-17-2024, 07:59 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

PDF here: https://cdn.restorethe54.com/media/pdf/b...m-1949.pdf

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  Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service
Posted by: Stone - 06-16-2024, 08:25 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Military Draft Coming? House Passes Measure To Automatically Register Men For Selective Service

From Congressional push:

Quote:The automatic draft registration proposal was instigated by the Selective Service System (SSS) as part of its annual budget request to Congress, introduced by Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.), “wholeheartedly” endorsed by HASC Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), and approved by voice vote of the full committee without audible opposition. The text of Rep. Houlahan’s proposal can be read here. Her office’s press release on the proposal can be read here.

Rep. Houlahan had been one of the leading advocates of proposals in previous years to expand draft registration to women as well as men. Her latest proposal for automatic registration of men only for a military draft indicates that she is more deeply committed to militarization than to any purported feminism.

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - June 16, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 06-16-2024, 08:13 AM - Forum: June 2024 - Replies (1)

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost [First Mass] - June 16, 2024 - “Help us, O God Our Savior!” (PA)



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  UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2024, 07:52 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens – New rules for all poultry keepers

[Image: f16b7626-1ff7-4402-81da-93911e5b1414_800...00&scale=1]

First published 22 March 2024

New rules on registering poultry are coming into force this year and backyard birdkeepers will need to officially register their flock regardless of the number.

Previously, only people with more than 50 birds were required to register, but the new measures announced by Defra has reduced this to anyone with just one bird.

Defra consulted on the changes in March last year and has this week announced that the government, along with the devolved administrations, has agreed to make the following changes in England, Wales and Scotland:
  • The threshold for mandatory registration will be reduced from 50 birds to 1, which means all poultry and captive bird keepers will be legally required to register their birds.
  • Poultry keepers will be required to review their poultry register entry annually to ensure their details are up to date.

Key dates

The requirement for all poultry keepers to register will come into force in autumn 2024, with the requirement for an annual review to be introduced 12 months later. Budgies, parrots, canaries and similar species that are kept indoors or in a dedicated ‘bird house’ without any outside access will be exempt from the above changes.

In England and Wales, keepers are encouraged to register their birds ahead of the legal deadline on 1 October 2024.

Bird keepers will need to provide information, including their contact details, the location where birds are kept and details of the birds (species, number and what they are kept for).

The government said the changes would help manage potential disease outbreaks, such as avian influenza, and limit any spread.

The information on the register will also be used to identify all bird keepers in disease control zones, allowing for more effective surveillance, so that zones can be lifted at the earliest possible opportunity.

NFU Poultry Board chair James Mottershead said the NFU was pleased to see Defra and the devolved governments taking steps to improve the accuracy and the relevance of the information it holds on poultry keepers of all scales and sizes.

He said: “It’s important that the government now focuses on making the process of registering, reviewing and updating the GB Poultry Register as straightforward as possible to minimise the administrative burden on all poultry keepers.

“These changes should help the government communicate important information to all poultry keepers in a more timely manner, which in turn will help protect the health of the national flock.”

There have been more than 360 cases of avian influenza across Great Britain since October 2021, including a significant number of backyard flocks.

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  Video: All 15 Decades of the Rosary (A Scriptural Rosary)
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2024, 07:23 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

All 15 Decades of the Rosary (A Scriptural Rosary)

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