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  Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair calls for mandatory vaccine passports
Posted by: Stone - 07-08-2021, 09:49 AM - Forum: COVID Passports - No Replies

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair calls for mandatory vaccine passports
Calling for threats on civil liberties has become mainstream.

[Image: blair2-768x432.png]

ReclaimtheNet | July 6, 2021

Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has called on the British government to mandate vaccine passports for entry into entertainment venues.

The reason he gives for proposing the invasive measures is that they could save “up to 10,000 lives.”

The government, which plans to lift all COVID restrictions on July 19, abandoned plans to mandate vaccine passports in this summer’s sporting events after severe backlash from civil liberties groups.

But residents of England can still request the NHS Covid Pass 14 days after receiving the second dose of the vaccine. Earlier, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the vaccine passport will not be compulsory to gain entry into restaurants and pubs, but gave businesses the freedom to demand them.

A new report by the former PM’s think tank Tony Blair Institute claims that making draconian Covid passes compulsory at large-scale entertainment events could reduce deaths by 10,000 and cut infections by more than 30 percent.

The think tank’s claims are based on data from the Imperial College of London.

“With the NHS Covid Pass now up and running we have the technology to individualize restrictions at moments when the virus is spreading fast,” said TBI’s UK policy director Ian Mulheirn. “This could save thousands of lives, and even boost the economy by allowing customers to return to mass events with confidence. But with infections surging and just two weeks until restrictions are lifted, the clock is ticking.”

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  Vatican Insider: Pope Francis ‘Will Never Be the Same’ After Colon Operation?
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 12:52 PM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Vatican Insider: Pope Francis ‘Will Never Be the Same’ After Colon Operation

[Image: latest-health-check-pope-francis-640x480.jpg]

Breitbart | 7 Jul 20210

ROME — Luis Badilla, editor of the semi-official Vatican news aggregator Il Sismografo, said Wednesday that Pope Francis’ health situation is “severe” and when he returns from hospital he “will never be the same again.”

In his sobering blog post, Badilla declares that journalists and commentators are not doing the pope any favors when they downplay the seriousness of his illness.

There is a very significant detail that many “underestimate, ignore, or manipulate,” he writes, namely that “the disease that has affected Pope Francis is severe and degenerative” and “could also be chronic.”

“The Holy Father will certainly return to the Vatican to resume his path in the footsteps of Peter but he will never be the same again,” Badilla insists. “All the rhetoric about a Jorge Mario Bergoglio ‘superman’ damages his image and charisma.”

In his post, Badilla notes several details of the pope’s recent surgical operation to treat his diverticulitis that give cause for concern.

As cited by numerous authoritative press sources, on Sunday evening the pope underwent general anesthesia and was administered powerful sedatives, Badilla observes, after which he was “subjected to laparoscopic surgery (almost a sort of scouring of the lower part of the abdominal cavity, with small, very sophisticated probes) and immediately afterwards to an ‘open’ or ‘open sky’ surgical intervention to allow hands-on work with full visibility.”

The laparoscopy encountered “insurmountable obstacles,” Badilla asserts, and therefore, the surgeon and his team decided “to switch to another method that allowed the removal of several centimeters of colon that are now being examined for rigorous histological controls.”

Given the gravity of the surgery, Badilla insists, it is counterproductive for journalists to act as if the intervention weren’t a big deal.

“People who read, listen to, or see the news are not stupid or unable to reflect and ask questions also because millions of families have had similar experiences with their elders,” he states.

“It is good to wait with affection and serenity for what the Holy Father will want to do so that everything is the result of his decisions and of the doctors who advise him, without having to suffer pressure from the media,” he insists.

Meanwhile, the state of the pope’s health may well affect future travel plans and other events, he adds.

“It is clear that Francis is eager to go to Budapest in mid-September for the closure of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress and then on to Slovakia,” Badilla notes, “but no one knows today whether this pilgrimage will be possible.”

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  July 7th – Ss Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 11:25 AM - Forum: July - No Replies

July 7 – Ss Cyril & Methodius, Bishops & Confessors, Apostles of the Sclaves
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: Cyril_and_Methodius.jpg?resize=400%2C680&ssl=1]

It seems fitting that the Octave of the Princes of the Apostles should not end without the appearance on the sacred cycle of some, at least, of those brilliant satellites that borrow light from them, and continue their work throughout the course of ages. Twin stars this day arise on the heavens of holy Church, illumining by the radiant beams of their apostolate immense tracts of country. Seeing that they start from Byzantium; one is at first led to suppose that their evolution is going to be performed independently of the laws which Rome has the right to dictate for the movements of the heavens, whereof it is said, that they shall declare the glory of God and the works of his hand. But the auspicious influence of Saint Clement I, through his sacred relics, diverts their course, as we shall see, towards the Mistress of the world; and presently they can be described gravitating with matchless splendor in Peter’s orbit, manifesting once more to the whole earth, that all true light, in the order of salvation, radiates solely from the Vicar of the Man-God. Then once again is realized that word of the Psalmist, that there are no speeches nor languages where the voices of the messengers of light are not heard.

To the sudden and splendid outburst of the good tidings that marked the first centuries of our era, had succeeded the labors of the second apostolate to which the Holy Ghost entrusted the gathering in of those new nations called by Divine Wisdom to replace the ancient world. Already, under that mysterious influence of the Eternal City, whereby she assimilated to herself even her very conquerors, another Latin race had been formed out of those barbarians whose invasion seemed, like a deluge, to have submerged the whole empire. Scarce was this marvellous transformation effected by the baptism of the Franks, the conversion from Arianism of the Goths and of their variously named brethren in arms, than the Anglo-Saxons, the Germans, and lastly the Scandinavians, conducted respectively by an Augustine, a Boniface, or an Anscharius, all three monks, came in turn to knock for admission at the gates of Holy Church. At the creative voice of these new apostles, Europe appeared, issuing form the waters of the sacred font.

Meanwhile, the constant movement of the great migration of nations had, by degrees, brought as far as the banks of the Danube a people whose name began, in the ninth century, to attract universal attention. Betwixt East and West, the Sclaves, profiting on the one side of the weakness of Charlemagne’s descendants, and of the revolutions of the Byzantine court on the other, were aiming at erecting their various tribes into principalities, independent alike of both empires. This was now the hour chosen by Providence to win over to Christianity and to civilization a race hitherto without a history. The Spirit of Pentecost rested on the head of the two holy Brethren whom we are today celebrating. Prepared by the Monastic life for every devotedness and every suffering, they brought to this people struggling to issue from the shades of ignorance the first elements of letters, and tidings of the noble destiny to which God, our Savior, invites men and nations. Thus was the Sclavonic race fitted to complete the great European family, and God ceded thereto a larger territory than he had bestowed upon any other in this Europe of ours, so evidently the object of eternal predilection.

Happy this nation had she but continued ever attached to Rome, that had lent her such valuable assistance in the midst of the early struggles disputing her existence! Nothing, indeed, so strongly seconded her aspirations for independence as the favor of having a peculiar language in the sacred rites, a favor obtained from her, from the See of Peter, by her two Apostles. The outcries uttered, at that very time, by those who would fain hold her fast bound under their own laws, showed clearly enough, even then, the political bearing of a concession as unparalleled as it was decisive, in sealing the existence, in those regions, of a new people distinct at once both from Germans and Greek. The future was to prove this, better still. If, nowadays, from the Balkan to the Ural mountains, from the Greek coasts to the frozen shores of the Northern Ocean, the Sclavonic race spreads itself out, ever strong, ever indomitable to the influence of invasion, maintaining in the midst of the empires that by force of arms have at last prevailed over it, a dualism which the conquering nation must be resigned to endure, through the course of centuries, as a living menace within her, a very thorn in her side, such a phenomenon, unparalleled, to a like degree elsewhere, is but the product of the powerful demarcation effected a thousand years ago, betwixt this race and the rest of the world, by the introduction of its national language into the Liturgy. Having, by this use, become sacred in the primitive Sclavonic tongue has undergone none of those variations incident to the idiom of every other nation; while, at the same time, giving birth indeed to the various dialects of the different peoples issuing from the common stock, it has itself remained the same, following the most insignificant of Sclavonic tribes through every phase of their history, and continuing, in the case of the greater number of them, to group them (apart from all other nationalities), at the foot of their own altars. Beautiful indeed such unity as this, a very glory for holy Church, had but the desire, the hope of the two Saints who based it on the immutable rock, been able to keep it ever fixed thereon! But woeful and terrible would such an arm become in the service of tyranny, if ever Satan should make it fall by schism, into the hands of one of hell’s accursed agents!

But such considerations as these are leading us too far. It is time for us to turn to the ample narrative of the two illustrious Brothers, Saint Cyril and Methodius, given us by the Church, for this day.

Quote:Cyril and Methodius were own brothers, born of the same noble parents in Thessalonica, and when old enough were sent to Constantinople that they might, in the great capital of the East, learn the principles of principles of literature and the arts. Both of them made great progress in a short time; but specially Cyril who attained such a reputation for learning, that as a token of distinction, he was called the Philosopher. Methodius, afterwards became a monk; whilst Cyril was judged worthy by the Empress Theodora, at the suggestion of Ignatius the Patriarch, to be entrusted with the labor of instructing in the faith of Christ the Khazares, a people dwelling beyond the Chersonesus; which people, being taught by his precepts and incited by the grace of God, abolishing their numerous superstitions, he added unto the kingdom of Jesus Christ. Having excellently organized the new Christian community, he returned, filled with joy, to Constantinople, and betook himself to the same Monastery of Polychrone, wherein Methodius had already retired. In the meanwhile, the fame of the success gained in the country beyond the Cersonesus having reached the ears of Ratislas, Prince of Moravia, he was earnest with the Emperor Michael the Third, in negotiating the grant of some evangelical laborers. Cyril and Methodius being therefore designated unto this expedition, were received with great joy in Moravia; and with so much energy, care, and ability did they strive to infuse, into the minds of the people, the Christian doctrine, that it was not long ere this nation most cordially subscribed its name to Jesus Christ. This success was in no small measure due to the knowledge of the Sclavonic tongue which Cyril had previously acquired; and of very great avail likewise, was the translation which he made of both Testaments of the Holy Scriptures, into the language proper to this people: indeed Cyril and Methodius were the first to find alphabetical letters whereby this language of the Sclaves is signified and expressed, and on this account, they are not undeservedly held as the originators of this same language.

When favorable rumor brought as far as Rome, the glorious fame of these achievements, the Pope, Saint Nicholas I, ordered these two illustrious Brethren to repair to Rome. They set out on their journey to Rome, bearing with them the relics of Saint Clement I, which Cyril had discovered in the Chersonesus. At which news, Adrian II who had succeeded on the death of Nicholas, went forth with a great concourse of the clergy and people, to meet them, in token of veneration. Then Cyril and Methodius related to the Sovereign Pontiff, in the presence of the clergy, the details regarding their Apostolic ministry in which they had been holily and laboriously engaged; but as they were accused by the envious on the score of having presumed to use the Sclavonic tongue in the performance of the sacred rites,—such weighty and clear reasons did they allege for so doing, that the Pope and his clergy, both praised and approved these holy men. Then both of them having sworn that they would persevere in the faith of Blessed Peter and of the Roman Pontiffs, they were consecrated Bishops by Adrian. But it was the divine decree that Cyril, ripened rather in virtue than in age, should end his mortal course at Rome. He, therefore, being dead, his corpse was borne in a public funeral, to the very grave that Adrian had prepared for himself; later on, the holy body was taken to St. Clement’s that it might lie near the ashes of that Saint. And as he was thus borne through the City amidst the festive chanting of psalms, with pomps rather triumphal than funeral, the Roman people seemed to be paying to the holy man, the first fruits of heavenly honors. Methodius, on his part, being returned into Moravia, there applied himself with his whole soul to be an example in his works, to his flock; and day by day to strive more and more to further Catholic interests. He likewise confirmed in the faith of the Christian name the Pannonians, Bulgarians and Dalmatians; moreover he labored much among the Carinthians to bring them over to the worship of the one true God.

Being once more accused unto John VIII (who had succeeded Pope Adrian), of suspected faith and of the violation of the custom of the ancients, he was summoned to Rome, where in presence of John, several bishops, and likewise the clergy of the City, he easily defended himself as to his having ever constantly maintained and carefully taught unto others the Catholic faith; but as to his having introduced the Sclavonic tongue into the Sacred Liturgy, he exculpated himself by reason of the permission of Pope Adrian, and of certain motives not contrary to the sacred Letters. Wherefore, embracing the cause of Methodius, in the matter at issue, the Pope recognized his archiepiscopal power and his Sclavonian expedition, giving him likewise letters thereunto appertaining. Hence Methodius being returned into Moravia persevered in fulfilling still more vigilantly the duties of his charge, and for this even gladly suffered exile. He brought over the prince of Bohemia and his wife, to the Faith, and spread the Christian name throughout the length and breadth of this land. He carried the light of the Gospel into Poland, and, as some writers assert, founded the episcopal See of Leopole; and having gone as far as Muscovy, properly so called, there raised an episcopal throne at Kieff. Afterwards, returning to his own people in Moravia, feeling now that he was drawing near his mortal term, he designated a successor, and having, by his last precepts, exhorted the clergy and people to virtue, he peacefully passed away from this life which he had made to be his path to heaven. Even as Rome had paid homage to Cyril, so did Moravia lavish honors on Methodius when dead. Their feast which had been long accustomed to be kept among the Sclavonic people, Pope Leo XIII ordered to be celebrated yearly, throughout the universal Church with a proper Mass and Office.

While inscribing the feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius on the calendar of the universal Church, the sovereign pontiff Leo XIII, was likewise pleased himself to give expression to the homage and prayers of holy Church, in the two Hymns proper to the day.

Hymn I

Sedibus cœli nitidis receptos
Dicite athletas geminos, fideles;
Slavicæ duplex columen, decusque
Dicite gentis.

Sing, O ye Faithful, sing two Athletes, Brothers, received unto their brilliant thrones celestial; sing the two-fold strength and glory of the Sclavonic race.

Hos amor fratres sociavit unus,
Unaque abduxit pietas eremo,
Ferre quo multis celerent beatæ
Pignora vitæ.

One Love these Brethren did together bind in union sweet, and one the tender pity that did them from their solitude urge forth; they haste to bear to many, the pledge of blessed Life.

Luce, quæ templus superis renidet,
Bulgaros complent, Moravos, Bohemos;
Mox feras turmas numerosa Petro sa Petro
Agmina ducunt.

Bulgarians, Moravians, and Bohemians they fill with Light, that beams resplendent in supernal temples; to Peter, soon, these savage hordes they lead, a numerous throng.

Debitam cincti meritis coronam,
Pergite o flecti lacrymis precantum;
Prisca vos Slavis opus est datores
dona tueri.

Your brow encircled by the well earned crown of merits, Oh! do ye still continue to be ever moved by suppliants’ tears; needful indeed it is that ye protect your former gifts bestowed upon the Sclaves!

Quæque vos clamat generosa tellus
Servet ætern7aelig; fidei nitorem;
Quæ dedit princeps, dabit ipsa semper
Roma salutem.

May the generous soil, that crieth unto you, preserve the pure brightness of eternal Faith: Rome which first, in the beginning gave, will ever give salvation to that land.

Gentis humanæ Sator et Redemptor,
Qui bonus nobis bona cuncta præbes,
Sint tibi grates, tibi sit per omne
Gloria sæculum. Amen.

O Creator and Redeemer of the human race, who in thy goodness, givest us all good things, to thee, be thanksgiving, to thee, be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Hymn II

Lux o decora patriæ,
Slavisque amica gentibus,
Salvete, fratres: annuo
Vos efferemus cantico;

O Light all beauteous of the Fatherland, and of the Sclavonic race benignant Ray,—Brethren, all hail! To you, our yearly canticle we bring;

Quos Roma plaudens excipit,
Complexa mater filios,
Auget corona præsulum,
Novoque firmat robore.

Whom Rome applauding, did receive, as Mother pressing to her heart, loved sons,—she upon your brow, the Bishop’s diadem doth place, and girdeth with new strength!

Terras ad usque barbaras
Inferre Christum pergitis:
Quot vanus error luserat,
Almo repletis lumine.

Ye penetrate to furthest barbarous lands, to bring them Christ. Where error vain did darkly play, ye there pour in the radiance of fair light.

Noxis soluta pectora
Ardor supernus abripit;
Mutatur horror veprium
In sanctitatis flosculos.

On hearts unshackled from the grasp of ill, doth heavenly ardor seize; thorns’ horrid aspect now is changed for flowers of holiness.

Et nunc serena cœlitum
Locati in aula, supplici
Adeste voto: Slavicas
Servate gentes Numini.

Then deign, O ye who reign secure in courts celestial, to turn unto our suppliant prayer: Preserve unto God the Sclavonic people.

Errore mersos unicum
Ovile Christi congreget;
Factis avitis æmula
Fides virescat pulchrior.

May the one Fold of Christ inclose those in error plunged: emulating the deeds of their forefathers, may faith revive more beauteous still.

Tu nos, beata Trinitas,
Cœlesti amore concita,
Patrumque natos inclyta
Da persequi vestigia.

O Thou, Most Blessed Trinity, spur us on, by heavenly Love, and grant that the sons may follow in the noble footprints of their sires! Amen.

[Image: CYRIL-AND-METHODIUS.jpg?resize=553%2C800&ssl=1]

We presume to join our humble prayer with this august homage: we would fain, together with the Supreme Pontiff, sing your praises, and recommend to you that vast portion of Christ’s inheritance, wherein, watered by your toilsome sweat, flowers of holiness replaced the thorns. Prepared in solitude for every work good and serviceable to the Lord, you feared not to be the first to set foot in these unknown regions, the terror of the ancient world, these lands of the North, wherein the prophets had pointed out Satan’s throne, the inexhaustible source of evils ravaging the universe! The call of the Holy Ghost made you to become apostles, and the Twelve having received orders to teach all nations, you in your turn went, with all the simplicity of obedience, to those that had not yet been evangelized. This obedience, of yours, Rome would test,—such was her duty,—and she found it to be without alloy. Satan too found it so, to his utter defeat; for Scripture says: “The obedient man shall speak of victory.” Scripture likewise reveals to us another source of strength, and it was yours: “A brother helped by his brother, is like a strong city; and their judgments are like the bars of cities.” Driven away by one stronger than he, the strong-armed one beheld, with bitter rage, that dominion now passed on to Christ, which he though to possess in peace, and his last spoils, the people of the North, to become, like those of the South, an ornament to the Bride.

O Methodius, O Cyril, in the holy hymns which the Sovereign Pontiff has dedicated to you, there is the ring of an alarm-cry: “Preserve unto God the Sclavonic people! Needful indeed it is, that ye protect your former gifts.” Lift up your eyes and see, may we truly say with the Prophet, you that come from the North; where is the flock that was given you, your beautiful cattle? What! have ye taught them against you and instructed them against your own head? Ah! the depths of Satan! but too well has he known how to repair his defeat; for your very benefits and Peter’s condescension have alike become a weapon of death for those people to whom you devoted your life! … Be pleased then to console those exiled for the Faith, and give them heart; sustain the martyrs, preserve the remnant of a nation of heroes. On the other hand, deter the rest from the fatal illusion that would entice them to be beforehand in running into tyranny’s way!

O Apostle of the Sclaves, and citizens likewise of that Rome where your sacred relics lie close to those of St. Clement, assist the efforts of the Supreme Pontiff, who is seeking how he may replace on the foundation whereon you built it, that edifice which was your glory!

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  Manchurian Candidate on Steroids? Use of RNA injections as explained by CIA Neurobiologist Expert
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 11:02 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies


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  Here We Go: Scientists Claim “Lambda” Variant May Be Resistant to Covid-19 Vaccines
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 10:49 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (1)

Here We Go: Scientists Claim “Lambda” Variant May Be Resistant to Covid-19 Vaccines

GP | July 6, 2021

Scientists are now claiming the “Lambda” variant may be resistant to Covid-19 vaccines.

The Lambda variant, which reportedly originated in Peru last summer, is all of a sudden a concern to scientists who say mutations could be ‘resistant to Covid vaccines.’

Fox News reported:
Quote:The World Health Organization said the variant’s mutations could increase its transmissibility or possibly increase its resistance to “neutralizing antibodies.” The health body called Lambda, or C.37, a “variant of interest.”

“So far we have seen no indication that the lambda variant is more aggressive,” Jairo Mendez-Rico, a WHO virologist, told the Deutsche Welle. “It is possible that it may exhibit higher infection rates, but we don’t yet have enough reliable data to compare it to gamma or delta.”

He told the German outlet that as SARS-CoV-2 evolves, it may start to become more transmissible, but not as deadly.

Jeff Barrett, director of the COVID-19 Genomics Initiative at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK, told the Financial Times that a reason it is challenging to “make sense of the threat from lambda, using computational and lab data, is that it has rather an unusual set of mutations, compared with other variants.”

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is using the “Delta” variant to scare Americans into getting vaccinated.

Biden on Tuesday said he will send goons door-to-door to harass unvaccinated Americans.

These tyrants are never going to let go of their newfound power.

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  Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 10:38 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Supermarkets Are Stockpiling Inventory as Food Costs Rise
Grocers are setting aside larger amounts of frozen meat, sugar and other items to protect profits ahead of anticipated price increases

WSJ | July 6, 2021 

Supermarkets are stocking up on everything from sugar to frozen meat before they get more pricey, girding for what some executives anticipate will be some of the highest price increases in recent memory.

Some supermarkets said they are buying and storing supplies to keep their shelves full amid stronger demand. Grocery sales in the U.S. for the week ended June 19 rose about 15% from two years earlier and increased 0.5% from a year earlier, according to Jefferies and NielsenIQ data.

Stockpiling by food retailers is driving shortages of some staples, grocery industry executives said, and is challenging a U.S. food supply chain already squeezed by transportation costs, labor pressure and ingredient constraints.

The move is a reversal from last year when consumers hoarded groceries because of concerns about food availability, disrupting the food industry. Now, retailers themselves are stockpiling to keep costs down and protect margins.

“We’re buying a lot of everything. Our inventories are up significantly over the same period last year,” said David Smith, chief executive officer of Associated Wholesale Grocers Inc. The nation’s largest wholesaler for more than 3,000 grocery stores recently purchased 15% to 20% more inventory, mainly of packaged foods with longer shelf life, he said.

Keeping bigger supplies also helps Associated offer higher in-stock levels, as the food industry fights shortages of items like beverages and frozen food.

When prices start rising, food sellers often purchase more inventory than they need to protect their profit. Price changes have been minor in recent years, executives said, generally involving a pool of specific products. The current price increases are bigger and are playing out more broadly across supermarket aisles, executives said.

General Mills Inc., Campbell Soup Co. , and J.M. Smucker Co. are among food makers raising prices to compensate for higher costs. Meat and produce prices have been climbing, too, with retailers anticipating more increases through the rest of the year.

Supermarkets say they are passing along some of those increases to shoppers, who continue to buy more groceries than they did before the pandemic, as prices also climb for used cars, airline tickets and other products. So far consumers have yet to see the same price increases confronting supermarket operators, as grocers said they hold down some prices to better compete against discount or low-price chains.

Few retailers expect pricing pressure to ease soon. Worker shortages are keeping labor and transportation expensive, industry executives said, as companies boost wages and offer bonuses to recruit and keep employees.

“When you have a uniquely inflationary period like now, it’s a feeding frenzy,” said Tony Sarsam, chief executive officer of SpartanNash Co. The Grand Rapids, Mich.-based retailer and distributor is stockpiling about 20% to 25% more groceries such as frozen meat and boxed foods after more than 100 suppliers notified SpartanNash that they would raise prices, he said.

Other supermarkets are rethinking how they store inventory as consumer spending remains strong and pushes up sales.

Ahold Delhaize USA is holding more safety stock, said Chris Lewis, president of Ahold’s supply-chain company. He said total inventory is higher than it was two years ago, including 20% more supply of paper and cleaning products. Ahold Delhaize USA, which owns the Food Lion and Stop & Shop chains, is also expanding capacity in its warehouses.

For food sellers, stockpiling can require complicated math to determine what to purchase, when and how much. For instance, perishable foods can’t be stored for a long time, while bulky products take up more space. Grocers face the possibility of losing money if prices drop after they purchase inventory, though that isn’t expected to happen this year, executives say.

Stockpiling can also worsen shortages as food makers and sellers look toward recovery. The supermarket industry has bounced back from last year’s widespread shortages driven by consumers’ panic buying early in the pandemic. But retailers said they are now running low on some items, with many receiving about 80% of their orders from suppliers, compared with more than 90% before the pandemic.

“It runs the risk of making a bad situation worse,” said Mark Griffin, president of B&R Stores Inc., which is storing 10% more groceries including sugar, flour and cereal. B&R tries to negotiate lower prices if manufacturers push back on the volume the chain wants to secure, he said, while monitoring competitors.

“If Walmart raises prices, so will we,” Mr. Griffin said.

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  IT BEGINS: Banks Now Dictating What Customers Are Permitted to Purchase with Their Own Money
Posted by: Stone - 07-07-2021, 10:34 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

IT BEGINS: Banks Now Dictating What Customers Are Permitted to Purchase with Their Own Money

GP | July 6, 2021

Banks are now dictating what you can and cannot purchase with your own money.

Banks are now making purchasing decisions for their customers.

Binance US is a site in the US where you can buy, sell and trade cryptocurrencies.

Are banks threatened by cryptocurrencies or are they thinking of your best interest when they prevent you from trading in cryptocurrencies?  If they can do this, what’s next?

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  'We'll Go Door-To-Door': Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 07:41 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - Replies (2)

'We'll Go Door-To-Door': Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab

Zero Hedge | JUL 06, 2021
The Biden administration is organizing a door-to-door campaign to encourage unvaccinated Americans to take the jab,
after failing to achieve their 4th of July vaccination targets.

While laying out the Biden administration's plan to boost vaccines, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said they would focus on "targeted community door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring they get the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.

So, they've got a list?


Earlier in the day, Biden spoke from the White House after failing to reach his goal of partially vaccinating at least 70% of American adults by Independence day.

According to the Daily Mail, at least 67% of American adults have received at least one shot.

[Image: daily%20vax.PNG?itok=Lt6riBpo]

He's also expected to push for adolescents aged 12-18 to get vaccinated as they go back to school or prepare for fall sports.

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  Irish government announces it will continue restrictions on Catholic sacraments
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 07:35 PM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Spiritual] - No Replies

Irish government announces it will continue restrictions on Catholic sacraments
'It is advised that religious ceremonies such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. Further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe to do so,' new advice published on the Irish government website on June 29 reads.

[Image: Archbishop-Eamon-Martin(1)_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg]
Archbishop Eamon Martin said that the new announcement was made in a 'grossly disrespectful' manner.

DUBLIN, Ireland, July 6, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – The Irish government has reversed its decision to allow baptisms, first communions and confirmations to take place in July.

The announcement was made in a manner that the Primate of All Ireland, Archbishop Eamon Martin, described as “grossly disrespectful” in an interview he gave to Ireland’s RTÉ Radio 1 last Thursday.

“A journalist’s tweet and the Tánaiste [Deputy Prime Minister] dismissively saying: ‘Oh, they’re off.’ That was how we were told about the change in direction,” the archbishop said.

“The manner of communication, in this case, was grossly disrespectful and we are extremely disappointed.”

Martin, 59, made it clear during the interview that the new government advice constitutes a reversal of a previous decision that the Taoiseach’s office communicated in writing to the bishops of Ireland at the beginning of June, a communication Martin took as a “a go-head to celebrate these sacraments.”  According to the archbishop, the decision stated that “in line with the gradual reopening of society from July 5, these ceremonies could take place.”

But new advice published on the Irish government website on June 29 reads:

Quote:It is advised that religious ceremonies such as Baptisms, First Holy Communions and Confirmations should not take place at this time. Further advice will follow on resumption of these ceremonies when it is safe to do so.

Martin told RTÉ Radio 1 that there had been “a lot of confusion,” “a lot of frustration,” “deep disappointment,” and “anger.”

“We’ve been deluged with calls from parishes, and I know that priests and others have been extremely disappointed by this reversal of the decision that was written to us from the T’s office in June,” he said.

The archbishop said that, believing the sacramental celebrations would be permitted, there had been “a huge amount of preparation with the children in their schools, with their families, to hold very safely these sacraments.”

“And they’re important, very important moments in the journey of faith of our young people and their families, and we had been planning to do them extremely carefully, with small numbers, keeping alert to all of the public health advice on gatherings afterwards,” Martin added.

Martin said that the Church had been “consistently told” that the government’s fears were not for the actual ceremonies inside churches but for traditional social events held afterwards. He stressed that Catholic families had been told that the sacraments are important and they should keep any celebrations afterwards "very safe” and within public health guidelines. 

“And I think we could have done it,” the archbishop said.

“It was very disrespectful, the way this [change] was done.”

The change also revealed communication issues between the Church and the Irish government; there has been conflicting information regarding, for instance, confirmations.

“They were not supposed to be happening anyway,” said Ireland’s Tánaiste (and former Prime Minister) Leo Varadkar, stressing that this advice came from Ireland’s chief medical officer Dr. Tony Holohan.

Concerns over the Delta variant first identified in India and efforts to limit the type of indoor social gatherings that often follow first celebrations of these sacraments are the main reasons invoked for the decision to continue to prohibit the ceremonies.

“People who aren’t vaccinated are not supposed to gather indoors” explained Varadkar, adding “I understand it is a big disappointment.”

This new “big disappointment” comes after months of draconian restrictions on religious services which some Irish Catholics have described as outright persecution by the government and a violation of religious liberties.

In October 2020, a law was passed in Ireland banning religious gatherings and threatening priests who broke the restrictions with prison sentences.

And in April of this year, another law was passed further tightening restrictions on gatherings both indoors and outdoors, effectively criminalizing attendance at any religious gathering, including sacramental confession to a priest.

During his interview with RTÉ radio 1, Martin recalled a discussion he had with a parent who said: “We’re just easy targets.”

The archbishop concluded the interview by apparently reaching out to the Irish government and calling for further discussions on the issue.

“All of this is making me think that it’s time for a proper dialogue about the place of faith and its expression in public life; and that is something I would be very open to,” he stated.

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  US Army Directs Commands To Prep For Mandatory COVID Shots For Troops; Report
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 07:56 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

US Army Directs Commands To Prep For Mandatory COVID Shots For Troops; Report

Zero Hedge [slightly adapted - emphasis in the original] | JUL 05, 2021 

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

The US Army is preparing to enforce mandatory coronavirus vaccinations for service members from the beginning of September, according to an Army Times report.
The report published Saturday notes “The Army has directed commands to prepare to administer mandatory COVID-19 vaccines as early as Sept. 1, pending full Food and Drug Administration licensure.”

“The directive came from an execute order sent to the force by Department of the Army Headquarters,” the report adds.

An update to a purported leaked military directive says that “Commands will be prepared to provide a backbrief on servicemember vaccination status and way ahead for completion once the vaccine is mandated.”

Both the Army and the DoD have denied that there are plans for mandatory vaccinations.

Army spokesperson Maj. Jackie Wren staled that “As a matter of policy we do not comment on leaked documents. The vaccine continues to be voluntary.”

“If we are directed by DoD to change our posture, we are prepared to do so,” Wren added.

The military is experiencing vaccine hesitancy, just as in the greater population. This is sure to continue, with new research linking heart issues and chest pains in soldiers to mRNA vaccines.

The latest study, published in JAMA’s Cardiology Journal on Tuesday, showed that 23 male soldiers (including 22 who were deemed “previously health”) between the ages of 20 and 51 presented “acute onset of marked chest pain” within four days of receiving their second dose. Patients who sought care for chest pain in the military health-care system following COVID-19 vaccination and were subsequently diagnosed with clinical myocarditis were included in the case study.

In the UK, soldiers have been warned that if they decline the vaccine they will face ‘punishment and re-education’.

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  Link between Communism and Mask Mandates?
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 07:22 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Communist Party Lockdown Zealot Freaks Out When Asked About Her Beliefs

[Image: 060721michie1.jpg]

Summit News | 6 July, 2021

A behavioral scientist who wants mask mandates to continue forever freaked out and refused to answer the question when asked if her lifetime membership of the Communist Party informed her beliefs.

Susan Michie, who is advising the UK government as part of the SAGE scientific dictatorship which has had the country locked down for the best part of 15 months, was finally confronted during a segment on Good Morning Britain.

When she was previously asked for how much longer social distancing, mask mandates and lockdowns should continue, Michie said “forever.”

Despite Michie making innumerable appearances on television, not one single interviewer asked her about being a Communist until GMB host Richard Madeley broke the ice yesterday morning.

Richard Madeley: There’s a point I really have to put to you and you’ll be aware of this because there’s been a lot of commentary about this in the British media about you and it’s to do with your politics and you know what I’m going to ask you. You’ve been a member of the Communist Party for about 40 years now, you’re still a member, and we know that they’re statist. We look at Communist countries around the world and we see that they are tremendously top down dominant and controlled societies that they rule over. I just wonder – and I’m putting this question on behalf of those who wonder about your politics – if your politics actually informs your sense of control? It’s not just the medical arguments, but you have a kind of a political bent to want the state to tell people what to do?

Susan Michie: I’ve come on your program as a scientist, as do all people who come on to your program as scientists. They come on to talk about the evidence, relevant theories, how we approach our scientific disciplines, and you don’t ask other scientists about politics so I’m very happy to speak about science which is what my job is and to limit it to that.

RM: So you’re saying that your politics doesn’t inform your opinion on this subject?

SM: I’m saying that I agreed to come on this program as a scientist and I’m very happy to talk to you about the issues that you’re raising as a scientist which is the same for other scientists that you invite on to the program.

Michie’s attempt to squirm out of answering the question is transparently deceptive.

For a start, she isn’t a medical scientist or virologist, she’s a behavioral scientist.

In other words, Michie was one of the individuals responsible for brainwashing the British public using “mind control” and the weaponization of behavioral psychology at the start of the pandemic to make everyone overly terrified of a virus that in reality has a relatively low fatality rate.

The fact that the government used people like Michie to deliberately scare people using “unethical” and “totalitarian” tactics isn’t a conspiracy theory, it’s all been admitted.

Given that Michie effusively praised Communist China’s draconian response to the pandemic, which included welding people inside their own homes, grilling her on her Communist inclinations is perfectly reasonable.

She tweeted: “China has a socialist, collective system (whatever criticisms people may have) not an individualistic, consumer-oriented, profit-driven society badly damaged by 20 years of failed neoliberal economic policies. #LearntLessons.”

Making masks permanent is a an integral part of building the collectivist, Communist society that Michie yearns for.

As Toby Young highlights, the woke mob on Twitter rushed to Michie’s defense, with some even claiming it was “misogynistic” to question her extremist political beliefs.

Despite the perfectly justifiable line of Madeley’s questioning, Twitter bed-wetters reacted with outrage, calling for a boycott of GMB and labeling the host a “dangerous man” for daring to challenge the woman who once earned the nickname “Stalin’s nanny.”

[Emphasis mine.]

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  Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 07:07 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Big Tech cracks down on Robert Malone, mRNA vaccine pioneer who warns about their risks
"To censor and silence scientists under such circumstances can lead to many unnecessary deaths," says previously censored Harvard Med professor Martin Kulldorff.

Just the News [slightly adapted - emphasis mine] | June 30, 2021

A scientist who credits himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, and has warned that they carry risks downplayed in the COVID-19 pandemic, said this week that LinkedIn "shut down" his personal account without explanation.

"The historic record of what I have done, stated, figured out (and when) etc. over time is a key part of establishing my credibility and track record as a professional," Robert Malone tweeted Wednesday. "And that has been erased completely and arbitrarily without warning or explanation."

He pays for the premium version of LinkedIn for the biotech and government consulting business he runs with his wife Jill, Malone said. That page remains live, but its last post, which highlighted his mRNA vaccine patents, is three weeks old.

"He was given no notice, no warnings" before removal Tuesday, Jill Malone wrote in an email to Just the News. "He has a 10-15 year old account - has never even had a warning. 6,000 followers."

Malone announced his removal several hours after sharing his LinkedIn post on Health Canada's response to concerns raised by him and others about the "spike protein" on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

He appears to be referring to the regulator's new heart-inflammation warnings, directed toward younger male adults and adolescents, on the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

"This is certainly a big step forward in my opinion — particularly in contrast to the communication (or lack thereof) and denial from the US and other governments," according to an incomplete archived version of his LinkedIn post. "At least we are now discussing the merits and limitations of the scientific data."

It's the latest allegation of Big Tech suppressing contrarian views on COVID from highly credentialed scientists, even as medical and legal experts call attention to reported risks of mRNA vaccines for younger people, including college students and active-duty military men.

Twitter locked Harvard Medical School epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff out of his account for a month in response to his stated skepticism of the protective power of masks. He took to LinkedIn to share his thoughts and has continued to do so after Twitter reinstated him.

Kulldorff told Just the News that LinkedIn's action against Malone was "disturbing" but didn't answer how it would affect his own use of the professional social network. Malone is retweeting followers sharing screenshots of their LinkedIn account cancelations.

"Open debate is especially important during a public health emergency when many important public health question[s] do not yet have a known answer," Kulldorff wrote in an email. "To censor and silence scientists under such circumstances can lead to many unnecessary deaths," which is why LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube should "restore all suspended accounts."

Microsoft-owned LinkedIn did not respond to a request from Just the News to explain why it took down Malone's personal account and whether his business account is locked and, if so, on what basis. It previously declined to explain why it removed a post about Hunter Biden's laptop by a former Department of Homeland Security official.

He's also retweeting followers who claim Malone's accomplishments are under attack by anonymous contributors to Wikipedia. His page was edited to remove "all traces of your involvement with mRNA in the late 80s," according to one user, and another said it has been locked against further edits.

His professional website goes into great detail on his claim to have invented mRNA vaccines, including a 17-page page essay written by Jill Malone. Having married Robert before he started his research as a graduate student, she witnessed "the events involved in how RNA vaccination was invented and developed" and then how credit was stripped from him.

Malone does not appear to have an English-language page on the user-maintained online encyclopedia, but only a German-language page, another user pointed out. (He offered to hire "someone skilled and experienced in posting biographies on Wiki" two weeks ago.)

The discussion section of the German page says it was created in light of reporting on "possible Nobel Prize candidates arising from the RNA vaccines" and claims Malone is "currently raising the mood against the Covid19 mRNA vaccines and for ivermectin on Twitter."

The LinkedIn removal was not Malone's first brush with Big Tech censorship. Earlier this week he got caught in YouTube's removal of an episode of the DarkHorse podcast, hosted by former Evergreen State College evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying.

Malone had warned that the spike protein used in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines was "very dangerous" and that he had alerted the Food and Drug Administration of this danger "months and months ago." He told Fox News following the podcast episode's removal that the CDC had yet to perform "risk-benefit analyses" of COVID-19 vaccines, and that the "benefits probably don't outweigh the risks" for young people.

YouTube also demonetized the two channels used by the DarkHorse podcast, which erased "more than half our family income," Weinstein said Monday.

A YouTube spokesperson confirmed to Just the News it demonetized Weinstein's channel and affiliated channels and suspended them from its partner program, for "repeatedly" violating its policies, though he can "appeal the decision or reapply once the underlying issues that led to suspension have been addressed."

Malone's discussion of spike proteins wasn't a target, according to YouTube. (The clip of that specific discussion remains live.) Jill Malone said YouTube had removed other podcasts her husband has appeared on, and "seems to be banning any content with him in it," but she emphasized they could have been targeted simply for criticizing the "party line" of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and World Health Organization.

The site bans content that recommends "use of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine (HQN) for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19," or that claims these treatments are "effective" or "safe," unless it "includes audio or imagery refuting these claims or gives weight to the consensus from health and medical authorities that the claims are untrue."

Weinstein has regularly promoted the "incredible story of Ivermectin," as it's termed on his June 9 podcast.

Two days before he disclosed the demonetization, Weinstein had accused Google and YouTube of "infantilizing a huge fraction of the population" by stamping out contrarian COVID discussions. "We are only able to discuss the COVID situation if we adhere to certain predigested conclusions and we pretend they emerged from evidence, which they do not."

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  Canada proposed Orwellian “pre-crime” hate speech bill
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 06:54 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

Canada proposed Orwellian “pre-crime” hate speech bill
Zero Hedge | JUL 02, 2021
Via Sovereign Man

Canada plans to punish hate speech pre-crime

If passed, a bill in the Canadian legislature will punish online or in-person “hate speech” with a fine up to C$20,000 (about $16,000 USD) if it targets a specific person.

The law states that “hate speech means the content of a communication that expresses detestation or vilification of an individual or group of individuals on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.”

Nice and vague, just the way they like it.

The law also allows the courts to intervene if a person fears they will be the target of a hatred motivated offense.

So basically it’s like pre-crime. If a potential victim feels that you might hate them, they can apply for what is essentially a restraining order. What’s more, the judge can demand that you surrender weapons, wear a GPS monitor, remain under house arrest, abstain from alcohol, and submit to drug tests.

This is all without being charged, let alone convicted, of any crime.

And anyone who does does not follow the orders faces a year in prison.

Click here to read the full bill.

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  Open (Source) VAERS Project
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 06:49 AM - Forum: Pandemic 2020 [Secular] - No Replies


VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov.

The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov).

As of June 25, 2021: 

[Image: Capture.png]

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  July 6th - Octave of the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul
Posted by: Stone - 07-06-2021, 06:43 AM - Forum: July - No Replies

July 6th – The Octave Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Guéranger  (1841-1875)

[Image: sts-peter-and-paul.jpg?w=688]

Firmly resting upon Peter, the Church turns to him whom the Spouse has given to be her Head, and testifies to him no less veneration and love, than obedience and fidelity; such is the craving of her gratitude. Moreover she is fully aware of what is thus expressed by St. Peter Damian (or as others say by a disciple of St. Bernard), “none may pretend to intimacy with our Lord, unless he be intimate with Peter.” How admirable is this unity in God’s advance towards his creature! but, at the same time, how absolute is the law of the creature’s progress to the Life Divine. God is not found, save in Jesus; nor Jesus, save in the Church; nor the Church, save in Peter. If you had known Me, said Christ, you would, without doubt, have known my Father also; but the Jews sought God, outside of Jesus, and their efforts were vain. Since then, others have come, wanting to find Jesus, while setting aside his Church; but that which God has joined, what man shall put asunder? So these men, running after a Christ, a phantom of their own conceptions, have found neither Jesus Christ nor his Church. In fine, others are sons of the Church, yet they persuade themselves that in those pastures where, by right, the soul may feed upon God, they have none to seek, save the divine Shepherd, who dwells in heaven. By the very fact of his having committed to another, the care of feeding both lambs and sheep, Jesus seems to have had quite a different view; for these words imply, not only some, either mere beginners and the imperfect, or the strong and saints, but all, little and great, whom the heavenly Shepherd confided to Simon-Barjona, to be, by him, fed, directed, advanced, and guarded.

O thou soul that hungerest after God, go to Peter; think not, otherwise, to appease thy cravings. Formed in the school of the holy Liturgy, thou hast surely no part with such as neglect the Humanity, as they say (speaking of Mary’s Divine Son), in order to come all the more assuredly to the word; but in like manner take care, thou also, not to turn God’s Vicar into an obstacle in thy path. Jesus longs for the blissful meeting, even as thou dost; be certain, therefore, that what he places between thee and himself, on the way, is no obstacle, but a help. Just as in the adorable Eucharist, the sacred species are but to point out to thee where he is whom, of thyself, thou couldst never find here below; so too the mystery of Peter has no other end but this, to show thee with absolute certainty He Who resides for thee in the Divine Sacrament, in his proper substance, resides also for thee, in his authority and infallible guidance. These two mysteries complete one another; they walk hand in hand an will both cease at the same moment,—at the moment when our eyes may gaze at last directly upon Jesus; but, from now till then, the Church sees herein not so much an intermediary or a veil, as the most precious Sign of the invisible Spouse. Therefore, wonder not, if the homage she pays to Peter seems to rival that which she bestows on the Sacred Host; in her multiplied genuflections which she makes before both, she is indeed adoring; adoring not that man, it is true, whom we see seated on the apostolic throne, nor yet the mere species perceived by our senses on the altar; but, adoring, in both instances, the same Jesus, who is silent in the Eucharistic Sacrament, and who speaks and commands in his Vicar.

Further still, she knows that Peter alone can give her the Sacred Host. Baptism which makes us to be sons of God, and all the sacraments which multiply the divine energies within us, are a treasure which he alone has license to dispose of legitimately, either by himself or by others. It is his word, throughout the world, that, in every grade of authorized teaching, gives birth within souls to faith, the beginning of salvation, and develops it from these humble commencements right up to the luminous summits of sanctity. And because, on the mountain heights, the life of the Evangelical counsels of the chosen garden reserved to himself by the Spouse, Peter must needs likewise claim as his own, the guidance and protection, in a more special manner, of religious communities, for he is wishful to be always able himself to offer directly to Jesus, the fairest flowers of that holiness of which his exalted ministry is the very principle and support. Thus sanctified, to Peter again, does the Church address herself, when she would learn in what way to approach her Spouse, in her worship; she says to him, as heretofore, the disciples said to Our Lord: Teach us to pray, and Peter, animated with what he knows so well of the gorgeous pomp of worship in the heavenly country, regulates for us here below the sacred ceremonial, and dictates to the Bride herself the theme of her songs. Lastly, who but Peter can add to her holiness, those other marks of unity, catholicity, and apostolicity, which are, in face of the whole world, her irrefragable right and title to the throne and to the love of the son of God.

If we are truly sons of the Church, if in very deed it is from the heart of our Mother, that we draw our sentiments, let us well understand what should be our gratitude, respectful love, tender confidence, and utter devotedness of our whole being, towards him from whom, by the sweet Will of God, come all these good things. Peter, in his own person and in that of his successors, specially in him who in these our own days bears the weight of the whole world and our burdens also, ought to be the constant object of our filial reverence and homage. His glories, his sufferings, his thoughts should become ours. Forget not that He of whom the Roman Pontiff is visible Representative, has willed that every one of his members should have their invisible share in the government of his Church; the responsibility of each one in a point of such major importance, is clearly indicated in the great duty of prayer, which in God’s sight is of more value than action, and which is rendered by love, stronger than hell. Then, there is that other strict duty of alms-deeds, whereby we are obliged to come to the relief of the indigent, even of our humblest brother: if so, can we deem ourselves free with regard to the Bishop and Father of our souls, when unjust spoliation makes him know, in the necessities of his immense administration, cramping want and difficulty? Happy they who to the tribute of gold, may be allowed to add that of blood! but all are not granted such an honor!

On this, the last day of the Octave consecrated to the triumph of these two Princes of the Apostles, let us, once again, salute the city which was witness of their final combat. She is guardian of their tombs and continues to be the the See of Peter’s successors; by this double title, she is the vestibule of heaven, the capital of the spiritual empire. The very thought of the august trophies that adorn both banks of her noble river, and of all those other glorious memories that linger around her, made the heart of St. John Chrysostom exult with enthusiasm, beneath his eastern sky. We give his words as addressed to the people, in one of his Homilies: “In very deed, the heavens illumined by the fiery rays of the meridian sun, have naught comparable to Rome’s resplendent rays shed over the whole earth by these two luminaries of hers. Thence will Paul arise, thence Peter likewise. Reflect, yea tremble, at the thought of what a spectacle Rome is to witness, when Peter and Paul rising up from their graves, shall be borne aloft to meet the Lord. How brilliant in her roseate hue is Rome before the eyes of Christ! What garlands encircle this city! With what golden chains is she girded! What fountains are hers! Oh! this city of stupendous fame! I admire her, not because of the gold wherewith she abounds, nor because of her proud porticoes, but because she holds within her these two Pillars of the Church.” Then the illustrious orator goes on to remark how he burnt with longing desire to visit these sacred tombs, the treasure of the world, the secure rampart of the queen-city.

In these our own days, the bishops of God’s Church are bound by law to come at fixed intervals, from their various dioceses, throughout the world, to visit the basilicas raised over the precious remains of Peter and Paul; like this latter, they too must needs come and see Peter, still living in the Pontiff, his successor in the primacy. Although simple Christians are not subject to the same obligation to which bishops are bound by oath, yet ought every true Catholic frequently to visit in thought, at least, these blessed hills, whence flow the streams of salvation that divide and carry their waters over the whole world. One of the most consoling symptoms, at the present sad time, is the visible stir which is evidently taking hold of the masses, and urging them to the Eternal City. A movement, which must be encouraged as much as possible, because it is a return to the wisest traditions of our forefathers; and in these days the facility for such a pilgrimage, once in a lifetime, is so great, that few or none would thereby undergo any serious inconvenience, as regards either their family or social position.

But if some there be who really cannot apply to themselves in this literal sense these words of the Psalm: “I have rejoiced at the things that have been said to me, we shall go into the House of the Lord;” let them, at least, make these sentiments of true spiritual patriotism their own, and more so than did the Jews of yore: “May there be abundance for them that love thee, O true Jerusalem! Let peace be in thy strength and abundance in thy towers. For the sake of my brethren who are in thee, this is my prayer: yea this is my prayer, because thou art the house of the Lord our God.”

To pay honor to the churches of the Eternal City, where are preserved the chief memorials of the Holy Apostles, Benedict XIV fixed that on each of the days within the Octave, a pontifical mass, should be sung in one of these churches successively, the cantors and other ministers of the papal chapel attending. The festival of the Twenty-ninth of June is reserved to the sovereign pontiff himself, who celebrates in the Vatican Basilica, at the very tomb of the Prince of the Apostles; but the following day, the Bishops Assistants at the pontifical Throne, are convoked in the Basilica on the Ostian Way, built not far from the site of his martyrdom, and enclosing both the body of the Doctor of the Gentiles and his chains. The Apostolic Protonotaries are assembled on the first of July, in the Church of St. Prudentiana, formerly the house of the Senator Pudens, where, as we are informed by Benedict XIV, “Peter preached the divine word and celebrated the sacred Mysteries; thus, in a way, laying the first foundations of the Roman Church, the Mother and Mistress of all other Churches.” On the second of July the Major Domo or Master of the Sacred Palace, and the Auditors of the Rota pay homage, in like manner, at Sancta Maria in Via lata, to the memory of the two-years’ sojourn of the Apostle of the Gentiles in this place. On the fifth day, July the third, the Pontifical Mass is celebrated at Saint Peter’s ad vincula, the Clerks of the Camera assisting; on the sixth day, at the Mamertine Prison, in the presence of the Referendarii of the Segnatura; on the seventh, before the Abbreviators of the greater Parcus, at St. Peter’s in Montorio, said, by tradition, to be the very spot of the Apostle’s martyrdom. Lastly, on July the sixth, the Sacred College of Cardinals terminates the Octave with a grand solemnity at Saint John Lateran, where are exposed to public veneration, the Head of Saint Peter and that of Saint Paul, in rich reliquaries.

Let us enter into the thought which inspired the great Pontiff Benedict XIV, in his distribution of the days within the Octave of the holy Apostles, and so let us pray with him, for the City and the world, by taking from the Sacramentary of his immortal predecessor, Saint Leo I, the following two Formulæ.


Vere dignum. Qui prævidens quantis nostra Civitas laboratura esset incommodis, Apostolici roboris in eadem præcipua membra posuisti. Sed O felix, si tuos præsules, Roma, cognosceres, et tantos digne studeres celebrare rectores! Nulli te hostes impeterent, Nulla prorsus arma terrerent, si eorum famulata doctrinis veraciter atque fideliter eos proposito christianæ sinceritatis ambires; quum tibi sufficienter appareat, quæ benemeritis dona conferrent, qui tuentur etiam peccatores.

Truly it is right and just to give thanks to Thee, Who foreseeing what great difficulties our City would have to labor under, didst place therein the leading members of Apostolic strength. Yet, happy thou, O Rome, if thou do but know these thy Leaders, if thou do but study how worthily to celebrate such Rulers! No foe shall attack thee, no armies shall henceforth terrify thee, if so thou walk truly and faithfully in obedience to their teaching, in the profession of sincere Christianity; for it is indeed sufficiently manifest unto thee what great gifts they may confer on the well-deserving, since they give protection even unto sinners.


Deus, qui Ecclesiæ tuæ in sanctis montibus fundamenta posuisti: da, ut nullis errorum subruatur incursibus, nulla mundi perturbatione quatiatur; sed Apostolica semper et institutione sit firma, et interventione secura. Per Dominum.

O God, who hast laid the foundations of thy Church in the holy Mountains; grant that she may be undermined by no attacks of error, nor shaken by any perturbation of the world; but let her be ever firm in Apostolical institution and secure in the same intervention. Through our Lord.

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The following Prose, by Adam of Saint Victor, will serve as an appropriate termination to the collection of liturgical pieces which have assisted our devotion during this Octave, in seizing the spirit of holy Church. We have chosen it in preference to that other, by the same illustrious author, commencing with the words Gaude, Roma, caput mundi, inasmuch as this latter is exclusively dedicated to the life and miracles of Saint Peter.


Roma Petro glorietur,
Roma Paulum veneretur
Pari reverentia:
Imo tota jocundetur,
Et jucundis occupetur
Laudibus Ecclesia.

Let Rome glory in Peter, let Rome venerate Paul with equal reverence: or rather, let the whole Church be made glad, and be occupied with songs of joy.

Hi sunt ejus fundamenta,
Fundatores, fulcimenta,
Bases, epistylia;
Iidem saga, qui cortinæ,
Pelles templi jacinthinæ,
Scyphi spheræ, lilia.

Lo! here, her foundations, her founders, her buttresses, her bases, her architraves; yea, here, her costly hangings and canopies, her hyacinth-dyed skins (as of the temple), her cups, her pomegrantes, her lilies.

Hi sunt nubes coruscantes,
Terram cordis irrigantes,
Nunc rore, nunc pluvia;
Hi præcones novæ legis
Et ductores novi gregis
Ad Christi præsepia.

These are refulgent clouds watering the earth of our hearts, now with dew, now with rain. These are the heralds of the New Law, and leaders of the new flock, unto Christ’s Fold.

Laborum socii
Triturant aream,In spe denarii
Colentes vineam.

Companions in labor, they tread the threshing-floor: in hopes of the Penny, they till the vineyard.

His ventilantibus,
Secedit palea,
Novisque frugibus
Replentur horrea.

By their winnowing is the chaff separated, and the barns are filled with new harvestings.

Ipsi montes appellantur:
Ipsi prius illustrantur
Veri solis lumine,
Mira virtus est eorum:
Firmamenti vel cœlorum
Designantur nomine.

They are called Mountains: they are the first to be illumined by the rays of the True Sun, Wondrous is their power; they are entitled Firmaments, or Heavens.

Fugam morbis imperant,
Leges mortis superant,
Effugant dæmonia.
Delent idolatriam,
Reis præbent veniam,
Miseris solatia.

They command sickness to flee away, they over-rule the laws of death; demons they put to flight. To the guilty they give pardon, to the sorrowful consolation.

Laus communis est amborum
Quum sint tamen singulorum
Dignitates propriæ:
Petrus præit principatu,
Paulus pollet magistratu
Totius Ecclesiæ.

Praise is common to both of them; yet a peculiar dignity is proper unto each: Peter holds the first rank in the Primacy, Paul is famous for his teachings throughout the whole Church.

Principatus uni datur,
Unitasque commendatur
Fidei catholicæ;
Unus cortex est granorum,
Sed hæc una vis multorum
Sub eodem cortice.

Primacy is given but to one, so that thus the unity of Catholic Faith is proclaimed: one rind contains many grains, and all, in their multiplicity, have the same virtue under one single rind.

Romam convenerant
Salutis nuntii,
Ubi plus noverant
Inesse vitii,
Nihil medicinæ.
Insistunt vitiis
Fideles medici;
Vitæ remediis
Obstant phrenetici,
Fatui doctrinæ.

Unto Rome come the messengers of salvation, where they know there is much of vice and naught of remedy. The faithful physicians attack vice, yet the delirious sick reject the medicine of life, the insane refuse doctrine.

Facta Christi mentione,
Simon magus cum Nerone
Conturbantur hoc sermone,
Nec cedunt Apostolis.
Languor cedit, mors obedit,
Magus crepat, Roma credit,
Et ad vitam mundus redit,
Reprobatis idolis.

Christ’s Name being preached, Simon Magus and Nero are troubled at this word, nor will they yield to the Apostles. Sickness gives way, death obeys, Magus is dashed to pieces, Rome believes, and the world returns to life, rejecting her idols.

Fremit Nero sceleratus,
Magi morte desolatus,
Cujus error ei gratus,
Grave præcipitium,
Bellatores prælecti
Non a fide possunt flecti:
Sed in pugna stant erecti,
Nec formidant gladium.

Wicked Nero trembles with rage; aggravated at the Magician’s death, whose downfall is as annoying to him as his deception had been pleasing. But the chosen warriors can never be turned from the faith; bold they stand erect for the combat, nor dread the sword.

Petrus, hæres veræ lucis,
Fert inversus pœnam crucis,
Paulus ictum pugionis:
Nec diversæ passionis
Sunt diversa præmia.

Peter heir of the True Light, endures the penalty of the inverted cross; and Paul, the stroke of the sword: Though diverse the suffering, yet the rewards are alike.

Patres summæ dignitatis,
Summo Regi conregnatis:
Vincla nostræ pravitatis
Solvat vestræ potestatis
Efficax sententia.

O ye Fathers of surpassing worth, ye are reigning now with the Supreme King! may the efficacious sentence of your immense power loosen the chains of our guilt. Amen

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