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  Holy Mass in Minnesota [Long Prairie area] - May 18, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-09-2024, 01:06 PM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Vigil of Pentecost/Feast of St. Venantius

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2F3.bp.blogspot.com%2F-Om...ipo=images]

Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024

Time: Confessions - 7:30 AM
             Holy Mass - 8:00 AM

Location: Long Prairie area [contact coordinator below for details]

Contact: Mike 320-760-8060

Priest: Rev. Fr. David Hewko

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  Holy Mass in North Dakota [Fargo area] - May 17, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-09-2024, 01:00 PM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Feast of St. Pascal Baylon

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...ipo=images]

Date: Friday, May 17, 2024

Time: Confessions - 5:30 PM
            Holy Mass - 6:00 PM

Location: Fargo area [contact coordinator below for details]

Contact: Bernie 701-526-8767

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  Archbishop Aguer: ‘Smoke of Satan’ has made the structures of the Church ‘unbreathable’
Posted by: Stone - 05-09-2024, 09:46 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

God bless this Archbishop who may perhaps be awakening to the utter destruction unleashed by Vatican II and it's codified Modernism. Let us pray and hope he makes a full return to Tradition! - The Catacombs

Archbishop Aguer: ‘Smoke of Satan’ has made the structures of the Church ‘unbreathable’
For more than 60 years, the Church in the West has been suffering a systematic fall in the number of priests, religious, seminarians, and even baptisms. Isn't it time to sincerely admit that the 'smoke of Satan' has made our structures unbreathable?

[Image: Screenshot-2023-10-06-115149-e1696589550189.png]

Archbishop Héctor Aguer

May 8, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — The progressive officialdom installed in Rome for slightly more than a decade continues its policy of “canceling” those who, with freedom of spirit, seek to serve Jesus Christ from orthodoxy and Tradition. What is meant by “canceling” is all forms of ignoring, conspiracy of silence, marginalization, prohibition to publish in the media and on social networks, and even the termination of the functions of those who do not “synodally” bow to Vatican ideologies and discretions.

Good bishops such as Daniel Fernández Torres of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, were canceled. Cardinal Gerhard Müller was not brought back for a new term in the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith. And Cardinal Raymond Burke was even deprived of his salary and Roman flat. Others, such as Dominique Rey of Fréjus-Toulon in France, had their powers limited by the appointment of new “coadjutors” who almost co-govern those dioceses in practice.

There are also numerous priests in different parts of the world who have been dismissed; they have even formed “associations” to help each other and provide the basic necessities for their sustenance. In some cases they have been left on the street and have had to find refuge in the homes of their elderly parents, siblings, or other relatives. I have already addressed them in other articles. I am constantly receiving mail, messages, and phone calls from faithful priests who do not fit into the official slogan of “everyone, everyone, everyone” and who therefore remain outside the “system.” The famous Peronist maxim has been imported into Rome: “For the friend, everything; for the enemy (supposed or imagined), no justice.” Even the Code of Canon Law seems to be dead and buried. Practically speaking, in the face of accusations of being “backwardists,” “worshipers of ashes,” “rigid,” and other similar labels, one can only wait for the guillotine without further ado.

The lay faithful suffer in alarm at so many arbitrary acts. They see how good priests are systematically forced to leave their parishes, or sent to destinations considered as “punishment.” The much-declared “peripheries” are the places chosen for this. They are literally left to their own devices. Alone, without a priestly community, without resources, and exposed to all kinds of dangers, not a few find illness and crisis there. Accusations of being “not very synodal” or of not being open to the “culture of encounter” lead to various forms of banishment.

Or is it the case that “encounter” is confused with “gathering”? Are not all believers – let alone priests – called to have a liberating and personal encounter with Christ, and to lead other brothers and sisters to him? Or is it that now the Lord must be replaced with “Mother Earth,” the globalist 2030 Agenda (considered by its mentors as the “Gospel of the 21st century”), or the globalist impositions and alleged “global governance” of the United Nations? Do those Pelagian types who pretend to “save the planet” seek the salvation of souls?

For more than 60 years, the Church in the West has been suffering a systematic fall in the number of priests, religious, seminarians, and even baptisms. The glacial period that followed Vatican II reflects a seemingly unchecked decadence. Hasn’t the time come to recognize that along this path only more calamities are to be expected? And even if it is a pity for today’s nonagenarian champions of the “spirit of the Council,” isn’t it time to sincerely admit that the “smoke of Satan” has made our structures unbreathable?

Certainly the Church cannot even be remotely compared to a multinational corporation. Keeping due proportions in mind, however, it is worth asking these questions: Are those people who founded several branches of a company being maintained and even rewarded with promotions? Can it be expected that those responsible for the failure will recover sales and save the institution from bankruptcy?

Today the Vatican’s progressive officialdom is showing its ferocity against the traditional liturgy. Hundreds of young people go there, while in the “attractive liturgies” the gaps are more and more notorious. Young married couples with many children are also looked down upon by Rome; they are part of the solution, not part of the problem. In fact, statistics show that a good proportion of priestly and religious vocations come from their midst. Young priests who, full of fervor and passion for Christ, truly seek to reach the “last ones” and convert them to the Lord, are labeled as closed-minded and concealers of various traumas. And so on and so forth. We could make an endless list of facts – all of them covered or justified by “synodality,” of course.

Do they not see in Rome that progressivism is in itself sterile? Do they see as a threat the children and young people who, despite the mockery of their own parish priests, spend hours and hours before the Blessed Sacrament? Do they not see as true “signs of the times” and as well-founded hope the Rosaries of men that are multiplying in different cities of the world? Do they not appreciate the fervor of so many young people who encounter or return to the Church after being disenchanted – precisely with “progressive” shenanigans? Does it fit with the Vatican’s dialogic flexibility that all those who are “different” are very welcome, except the “diverse” within the Church?

As I said in a previous article to “canceled priests” and now pass on to all those priests, religious, and laity who suffer from this condition:

Quote:Pray for one another; pray also for those who make you suffer. Do it before the Tabernacle, adoring the Lord who is present there. Entrust yourselves filially to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God made Man, Mother of the Church, Mother of each one of us.

As always you can count on my prayers, my affection, and my closeness. And although my octogenarian condition and physical limitations prevent me from moving, know that I am with you on the front lines of the apostolate. Let us fear nothing and no one. May the words of Jesus Christ always resound in our hearts: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt. 28:20).

+ Héctor Aguer
Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata

Buenos Aires, Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Solemnity of Our Lady of Luján, Patroness of the Argentine Republic

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension - May 12, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-09-2024, 09:18 AM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension - May 12, 2024
“Christ Led Captivity Captive, Alleluia” (Ontario, Canada)



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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of the Ascension - May 9, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-09-2024, 09:14 AM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Feast of the Ascension - May 9, 2024 - “Heaven, Earth & Hell Bend the Knee Before Thee!” (NH)



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  AstraZeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect
Posted by: Stone - 05-08-2024, 07:14 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

AstraZeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect

ZH [Emphasis in the original] | MAY 08, 2024

In yet another damning development for the 'safe and effective' crowd, AstraZeneca has announced the worldwide withdrawal of its Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, branded as Vaxzevria, due to a rare but serious side effect. This decision marks the end of the vaccine once hailed as a "triumph for British science" by Boris Johnson and credited with saving over six million lives, The Telegraph reports.

[Image: a03df461a98b4b11c8bd673ac00b8b110d9c49ec...k=MunJJf3n]

The vaccine has been credited with saving millions of lives Credit: GETTY IMAGES EUROPE/MATTHEW HORWOOD

The pharmaceutical giant voluntarily withdrew its "marketing authorization" in the European Union earlier this week, with similar actions expected soon in the UK and other approving countries. The move, described by the company as driven by "commercial reasons," coincides with the availability of newer vaccines designed to combat emerging variants.

That said, the timing of the withdrawal follows months of intense scrutiny over a rare side effect. In a recent High Court document, the company admitted that Vaxzevria could, in very rare instances, cause Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), which has been linked to at least 81 deaths in the UK. Despite these admissions, AstraZeneca maintains that the decision to pull the vaccine is unrelated to the ongoing legal challenges or its potential side effects.

[Image: thrombo.JPG?itok=PNh0F6do]

"We are incredibly proud of the role Vaxzevria played in ending the global pandemic. According to independent estimates, over 6.5 million lives were saved in the first year of use alone and over three billion doses were supplied globally," the company said in a statement. "Our efforts have been recognised by governments around the world and are widely regarded as being a critical component of ending the global pandemic."

The European Medicines Agency has begun the process to formally withdraw the vaccine, reflecting an expected move away from monovalent vaccines, which target only the original COVID-19 strain. Marco Cavaleri, head of vaccines at the agency, emphasized that this is a standard procedure for vaccines that are no longer in use.

Legal experts and victims, however, see the withdrawal as a vindication of their long-held concerns over the vaccine's safety. "To those who we represent, all of whom have suffered bereavement or serious injury as a result of the AstraZeneca vaccine, this decision to withdraw marketing authorisation, ending the usage of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the EU, will be welcomed," said Sarah Moore, a partner at Leigh Day, the law firm representing many of the claimants.

"It will be seen as a decision linked with AstraZeneca’s recent admission that the vaccine can cause TTS, and the fact that regulators across the world suspended or stopped usage of the vaccine following concerns regarding TTS."

Victims and their families have reported a range of severe reactions, from fatal thrombosis to lasting disabilities, sparking a debate over the adequacy of vaccine safety monitoring and compensation for vaccine injuries.

Kate Scott, whose husband suffered a permanent brain injury after receiving the vaccine, expressed mixed feelings: "AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine no longer being used in the UK or Europe, and soon the rest of the world, means no one else will suffer from this awful adverse reaction," she said. "They say it is for commercial reasons, but maybe it’s because it can no longer be seen as being within the acceptable safety parameters, with 445 confirmed cases of VITT, 81 of these fatal in the UK alone."

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Mr Scott, pictured with his wife, wishes the vaccine had been withdrawn much earlier Credit: ANDREW FOX via The Telegraph

The government's vaccine damage payment scheme has been criticized for not providing sufficient compensation, prompting calls for reform. "This is an important regulatory step, but still our clients remain without fair compensation. We will continue to fight for the compensation our clients need and campaign for reform of the vaccine damage payment scheme.," Moore added.

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  The Errors of V-II continue: Vatican holds meeting on ‘human fraternity’
Posted by: Stone - 05-08-2024, 06:48 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (3)

Vatican meeting on ‘human fraternity’ seeks ‘answers’ for the future but is silent on faith
The Vatican event, titled ‘Be Human,’ gathers secular leaders, Nobel laureates, and various professionals to discuss ‘proposals for a fraternal planet,’ drawing from Pope Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti.

[Image: mauro-gambetti.jpg]

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, May 7, 2024

May 7, 2024
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — The Vatican is partnering with the Fratelli Tutti Foundation to host the second “World Meeting on Human Fraternity,” which will see secular leaders and Nobel laureates attempt to “find answers” to build “the future.”

Announced via a press conference May 7, details of the May 10-11 “World Meeting on Human Fraternity” were revealed principally by Cardinal Archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica Mauro Gambetti. He spoke of a need to “bring attention to the world” of the need for “fraternity,” expressing his hope that the event would assist people to “rediscover” aspects such as “human dialogue.”

“The experience,” said Gambetti, is intended to “renew the charter of humanity.”

This week’s event is entitled “Be Human,” and is jointly organized by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation – born out of Pope Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti – and the Vatican.

It will draw numerous Nobel Peace Prize laureates to events around Rome and the Vatican. Businessmen, political activists, economist Jeffrey Sachs, and Nelson Mandela’s wife Graca Machel Mandela will also be present.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2024-05-07-at-12.30.52.png]

The 2024 event’s logo. Credit: Fratelli Tutti Foundation.

A series of “round table” events will take place across the city and in the Holy See, with the Nobel laureates and other ranking participants divided accordingly amongst the various events which “will once again make proposals for a fraternal planet.”

The personalities will discuss “how to promote the value of fraternity among people at a time when war and fear dominate our days.”

As noted by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, “personalities from around the world, Nobel Laureates, scientists, artists, professors, mayors, doctors, managers, workers, sports champions will try to find answers.”

Such answers “may be different, they may not be unequivocal. But they will be the building blocks of the future,” stated the foundation.

Pope Francis will lead an event with children in the Vatican’s New Synod Hall, with the event specifically arranged to give focus to the voice of children as the next generation. Francis will deliver “a reflection on the theme of fraternity, which is particularly dear to him,” the Fratelli Tutti Foundation noted.

A closing concert will take place at 9:30 p.m. on May 11, on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica. Among other names, it will feature Italian composer Giovanni Allevi, Italian actress and TV host Eleonora Daniele, and pro-LGBT U.S. country singer Garth Brooks.

No mention was made of involving religion generally, or the Catholic faith specifically, in the discussions.

The Fratelli Tutti Foundation stated that this 2024 event was “following last year’s success,” referring to the first World Day of Human Fraternity in 2023 held at St. Peter’s Basilica, which was billed as a means to demonstrate that “human fraternity is possible.”

The highlight of the 2023 event was the signing of the newly composed document on human fraternity. With Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin representing the Pope, he joined 30 Nobel Peace Prize laureates in signing the “Declaration of Human Fraternity,” which drew from Fratelli Tutti, and also avoided any mention of Christ, God, or Catholicism. 

Rather than promoting religion as the solution to any of the numerous global crises referenced in the document, the 2023 text posited man as the answer to such problems: “Our children, our future can only thrive in a world of peace, justice and equality, to the benefit of the single human family: only fraternity can generate humanity.”

However, it appears the the May meeting, while given heavy emphasis by the Vatican, is itself oriented towards a September 2025 meeting on fraternity, which will work “to establish a worldwide Pact of Fraternity.”

READ: Pope Francis silent about Christ, Catholicism in new messages on anniversary of Abu Dhabi document

The foundation’s description of the 2023 World Day of Human Fraternity as a “success” is of note, given that – as this correspondent previously noted – the event spectacularly failed to draw large crowds, despite the obvious amount of money and effort spent in organizing it.

Nor – it appears – was the document on human fraternity of any particular efficacy given that the 2024 event is described as preparing for the signing of a new “Pact of Fraternity” in 2025.

Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti – which is widely argued to promote religious indifferentism, highlighting the theme of “dialogue” – has become an increasingly key aspect of the current pontificate, becoming the “go-to” reference text for all such events relating to the topic of “fraternity.” Along with the equally controversial 2019 Abu Dhabi document on human fraternity, the two texts have taken center stage for Francis, despite the fact that proposition of “fraternity” promoted is seen as problematic for Catholics. 

READ: Pope’s controversial Abu Dhabi document is actively forming UN global policy

The Abu Dhabi text has been described as seemingly seeking to “overturn the doctrine of the Gospel” due to its promotion of equality of religions in a form of “fraternity.” Fratelli Tutti has also been similarly condemned by former papal nuncio to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, as promoting a “blasphemous” form of brotherhood without God as well as “religious indifferentism.”

According to Church historian Roberto de Mattei, when “fraternity” is divorced from Christian charity, “far from constituting an element of cohesion in society,” it “becomes the source of its disintegration.” He argued that “if men, in the name of fraternity, are forced to live together without an end that gives meaning to their sense of belonging, the ‘ark’ becomes a prison.”

Indeed, after Fratelli Tutti’s publication, it was welcomed by the Masonic Lodge of Spain, which stated it was “the latest encyclical” of Pope Francis in which he “embraces the Universal Fraternity, the great principle of Modern Freemasonry.”

“Pope Francis’ last encyclical shows how far the current Catholic Church is from its former positions,” the lodge wrote.

Fratelli Tutti has also been posited as linking the Vatican to international, globalist ideologies. At the 2022 delayed Davos World Economic Forum meeting, a Vatican official declared that the Catholic Church is “committed to the various issues considered at the forum,” citing Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti as examples of how the Catholic Church was adhering to the globalist agenda on particular issues.

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  Cardinal Marx: ‘Global, synodal Church’ without ‘purely clerical rule’ is ‘in the making’
Posted by: Stone - 05-07-2024, 06:58 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Cardinal Marx: ‘Global, synodal Church’ without ‘purely clerical rule’ is ‘in the making’
Cardinal Marx called for changes to ‘the theology of Holy Orders’ and said the Church should be subjected to a ‘social-scientific examination’ in the heretical, pro-LGBT prelate’s latest comments against Catholic teaching.

[Image: Cardinal_Reinhard_Marx_-_GettyImages-1.jpg]

Cardinal Reinhard Marx
Popow/ullstein bild via Getty Images

May 6, 2024
(LifeSiteNews - comments in brackets mine]) — Cardinal Reinhard Marx has said a “global, synodal Church” without a “purely clerical rule” is “in the making.”

In an essay for the German magazine Herder Korrespondenz entitled “Church on the horizon of modernity,” the German cardinal, who rejects Catholic teaching on various subjects, claimed that “a church of the future can only be imagined with greater participation of all, with greater clarification of responsibilities, with better, more transparent communication from top to bottom and from bottom to top, a global, synodal church that is in the making.”

Marx wrote, “A purely clerical rule, as can. 129 CIC suggests, will probably not be possible […]” suggesting that laypeople could take on the role of priests and bishops.

READ: Cardinal Marx: Lay people can run parishes

Canon 129 §1 of the [New Conciliar] Code of Canon Law states that “Those who have received sacred orders are qualified, according to the norm of the prescripts of the law, for the power of governance, which exists in the Church by divine institution and is also called the power of jurisdiction,” echoing Catholic teaching.

“‘The bishops, as vicars and legates of Christ, govern the particular Churches assigned to them by their counsels, exhortations, and example, but over and above that also by the authority and sacred power’ which indeed they ought to exercise so as to edify, in the spirit of service which is that of their Master,” states the Catechism of the Catholic Church (894).

Quoting Swiss sociologist Franz-Xaver Kaufmann, Marx asserted that “there are many more possibilities for changing the social shape of the Church, including the theology of Holy Orders, than some people assume.”

Marx, who has served as the archbishop of Munich and Freising since 2008, is an ardent proponent of “women deacons.”

Contrary to the cardinal’s claim, the Catholic Church has pronounced the impossibility of so-called “female deacons” since the diaconate is part of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which consists of three orders: deacons, priests, and bishops.

In his 1994 apostolic letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, [even the modern and Conciliar] Pope John Paul II taught, “I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful.”

In 2002, the Vatican’s International Theological Commission wrote after much study that:
  • The deaconesses mentioned in the tradition of the ancient Church — as evidenced by the rite of institution and the functions they exercised — were not purely and simply equivalent to the deacons;
  • The unity of the sacrament of Holy Orders, in the clear distinction between the ministries of the bishop and the priests on the one hand and the diaconal ministry on the other, is strongly underlined by ecclesial tradition, especially in the teaching of the Magisterium

READ: Cardinals Cupich, McElroy promote Synod’s ‘urgent’ call for female governance

Marx: Church should adapt to ‘social sciences’

In his essay, Marx repeatedly claimed that the Church must learn from the so-called “social sciences.”

He wrote that “an important perspective for the future of the Church, its institutions and its functioning is to subject it to a social-scientific examination, to compare it with other organizations, both theoretically and empirically, and thus always in the context of society.”

“We must continue to advance this line of thinking through research and interdisciplinary dialogue between theology and the social sciences,” Marx opined.

Sociological theories or opinions cannot invalidate or supersede Catholic doctrine or divine revelation but are subject to them.

Since the German cardinal, who is the former head of the German Bishops’ Conference, has been a key leader of the heretical Synodal Way, his promotion of the “social sciences” is likely related to his pro-LGBT activism.

During the Synodal Way, Marx voted in favor of heretical documents that called for women’s ordination, claimed that homosexual acts are not sinful, and advocated for ordaining “transgender” priests. The documents on homosexuality and transgenderism both cite “the human sciences.”

Marx recently praised the current German abortion law that allows abortion up to 12 weeks for having “contributed to peace” in society and claimed the present law keeps both “the plight of the woman” and “the child’s right to life” in mind, despite it resulting in around 100,000 unborn children killed each year.

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  Fr. Ruiz's Sermons: Fifth Sunday after Easter - May 5, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-07-2024, 06:34 AM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons May 2024 - No Replies


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  Pope Francis hints at new ‘understanding’ of papacy during meeting with Anglican leaders
Posted by: Stone - 05-05-2024, 06:25 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis hints at new ‘understanding’ of papacy during meeting with Anglican leaders
The Pontiff’s speech to the Anglicans held a revolutionary possibility: namely, a decision by Francis to use the papacy itself as an

[Image: francis-welby.jpg]

Pope Francis greets Canterbury's Justin Welby, May 2, 2024.
Vatican Media/Facebook

May 3, 2024
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis hosted leaders from the Anglican Communion at the Vatican Thursday, and while speaking about the “controversial” role of the papacy, the Pontiff raised the possibility of a new “understanding” that could result from ecumenical relations and the Synod on Synodality.

On the morning of May 2, members of the Anglican Communion Primates’ meeting met with Pope Francis at the Vatican, in what the Anglicans described as the “highlight” of their 5-day gathering in Rome.

The Pontiff’s speech to the Anglicans held a revolutionary possibility: namely, a decision by Francis, effected by the Synod on Synodality, to use the papacy itself as an ecumenical bargaining tool, in a manner which could – at least on paper – appear to undermine the authority wielded by the Pope.

Anglican Primates in Rome

The Primates’ gathering drew Anglican leaders from across the globe to Rome for the first time. There they held a series of meetings, made visits to Catholic shrines across the city, and also met with Pope Francis and Cardinal Mario Grech – the general secretary of the Synod of Bishops. Their high-level gathering was billed to aid “unity” amongst the various Anglican bodies throughout the world, although, as noted below, such “unity” is a serious point of contention given the dissent in the Anglican body over same-sex blessings.

Addressing the assembled Primates, Francis thanked the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for his continued collaboration with the Pope and his “fraternal cooperation on behalf of the Gospel.”

“The Lord calls each of us to be a builder of unity and, even if we are not yet one, our imperfect communion must not prevent us from walking together,” stated Francis, echoing themes he has used in the not infrequent ecumenical gatherings he attends alongside Welby.

Francis also gave an honorable mention to the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC), which has – he stated – “made great efforts to overcome various obstacles that stand in the way of unity.”

This has been effected, said Francis, by the acknowledgement that “the communion already shared is grounded in faith in God our Father, in our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit; our common baptism into Christ; our sharing of the Holy Scriptures, of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds; the Chalcedonian definition and the teaching of the Fathers; our common Christian inheritance for many centuries.”

The Papacy: a ‘controversial and divisive issue’

Most notable in the Pope’s speech was the description he gave of his own office. Thanking the Anglican Primates for meeting in Rome, Francis declared, “I realize that the role of the Bishop of Rome is still a controversial and divisive issue among Christians.”

Continuing, Francis appeared to suggest that a new understanding of the Papacy could be developed which would prove more acceptable to Anglicans, given the Anglican opposition to papal primacy.

He quoted from Pope Gregory the Great’s description of the Pope as “servant of the servants of God,” and John Paul II’s own statement in his ecumenical encyclical Ut Unum Sint, in which the Polish pope said: “his designation is the best possible safeguard against the risk of separating power (and in particular the primacy) from ministry. Such a separation would contradict the very meaning of power according to the Gospel: ‘I am among you as one who serves’.”

Hinting at possible changes of understanding to the papacy, Francis stated that “for this reason, it is necessary to engage in ‘a patient and fraternal dialogue on this subject, a dialogue in which, leaving useless controversies behind,’ strives to understand how the Petrine ministry can develops as a service of love for all.”

He praised the work of the ARCIC group, noting that “positive results have been achieved in the various ecumenical dialogues on the question of primacy as a ‘gift to be shared.’”

[Image: 438855691_955753306555873_4591034221169272477_n.jpg]

Pope Francis praying with Anglican leaders in the Vatican. May 2, 2024

Synod on Synodality to rewrite the Papacy?

Not content with committing to a “dialogue” on the papacy, Francis stated that he hoped the multi-year Synod on Synodality would lead to “a better understanding of the role of the Bishop of Rome.”

The Synod is due to conclude this October, with the second month-long gathering of bishops, priests, laity and ecumenical representatives all taking part in the Vatican’s meeting. While the ecumenical representatives do not have voting powers, they participate in the rest of the month’s activities.

Among the 2023 Synod meeting was an Anglican prelate, and Francis expressed his happiness in anticipating “further ecumenical participation in the session to be held this autumn.”

“I pray that a better understanding of the role of the Bishop of Rome will be among the fruits of the Synod,” he said. “The Synthesis Report at the end of the first session called for a deeper study of the link between synodality and primacy at various levels: local, regional and universal.”

He also pointed to the work of the ARCIC group as a “helpful resource” in the desired new understanding of the papacy.

Indeed, both the Catholic-Anglican ecumenical work groups and the Synod on Synodality were also highlighted by the Anglican Primates themselves during a May 2 press conference about their week in Rome. Responding to this correspondent’s inquiry about what a new understanding of the papacy might look like in practice, the Anglican primate of the Church of Canada, Linda Nicholls, said that the “question is being addressed through the work of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission.”

“There certainly has been conversation about the Petrine Ministry in the work of ARCIC 2 in the gift of authority. That has been received by some and not by others,” she added.

READ: Anglican Church of Canada publishes ‘blessing over the process of gender transition’

Nicholls stated that the question of the papacy “continues to be wrestled with, partly because it’s challenging to separate the practice of a particular person in the seat of the Bishop of Rome from the overall iconic nature of the Petrine Ministry within the whole of the Christian community because of its historical significance.”

She also queried if “a renewed Petrine Ministry might be something that would help to draw together the unity of the church, and I mean the whole church,” implying both Catholics and Anglicans.

The issue “is still very live in ecumenical circles,” she added.

Papal alliance with Anglicans

Anglicans, particularly those of the Church of England, have enjoyed a notably closer relationship with the Holy See in recent years, as especially evidenced by the close friendship between Francis and Justin Welby. Recent events in just the last 18 months include
  • Welby joining Francis on an ecumenical “pilgrimage of peace” to South Sudan in February 2023.
  • Francis giving a relic of the True Cross to King Charles III – head of the Church of England – to mark his coronation. 
  • Francis inviting Welby to take a place of honor at the ecumenical prayer vigil held on the eve of the Synod on Synodality last October.
  • Francis giving direct permission for Welby to offer an Anglican eucharist service in a Catholic basilica in Rome this January.
  • Francis and Welby commissioning pairs of Anglican and Catholic prelates in Rome in January, on the second such occasion. 

Francis regularly remarks on how he and Welby have a similar duty and experience since they both began their respective roles in spring 2013.

READ: Freemason Anglican bishop celebrates ‘Mass’ in papal basilica with Protestant clergy

Indeed, increasingly it appears that Francis is one of Welby’s more loyal supporters – to the extent that he is prepared to somehow manipulate the understanding of the papacy to achieve further union – while many in the Anglican communion internationally have turned their back on the Anglican churchman.

[Image: 438082007_955753303222540_8190664089994839693_n.jpg]

Pope Francis and Justin Welby, May 2, 2024

In April 2023, Anglican bishops throughout the world declared their communion with the Anglican Church of England to be “broken” over the latter’s support of same-sex “marriage” and its official approval of a liturgical rite of blessing for same-sex unions. The statement was issued by 1,300 delegates, representing an estimated 85% of the world’s Anglicans.

Such disunity was a key feature of the May 2 press conference, with journalists linked to the Anglican community pressing for details about how many primates refused to attend the gathering in a protest of conscience.

While Welby’s term as Archbishop of Canterbury is soon to end, Pope Francis appears set to continue a potentially revolutionary understanding of the papal office through the dual means of ecumenical working groups and the Synod on Synodality.

With the Synod’s already clear focus on “listening,” rather than on hierarchical teaching and structure, along with a new-found prominence given to lay voices and roles in governance, a potential revolution in the concept of the papacy is not unlikely to emerge from the October 2024 Synod meetings.

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  Holy Mass in Pennsylvania [Pittsburgh area] - May 7, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-04-2024, 07:11 AM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Feast of St. Stanislaus

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...ipo=images]

Date: Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Time: Confessions - 8:00 AM
             Holy Mass - 8:30 AM

Location: 156 Upland Drive
                     New Castle, PA 16105 [Pittsburgh area]

Contact: Ned 814-315-7300

Priest: Rev. Fr. David Hewko

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  Fr. Altamira 2016: Concerns re Bp. Williamson
Posted by: Stone - 05-03-2024, 08:04 AM - Forum: True vs. False Resistance - Replies (1)

While we sadly note that Fr. Altamira, since the writing of these letters has since been 'consecrated' a bishop in the Thuc line (which is considered doubtful), the content has been repeated by others over the years regarding the confusion and concerns about what Bp. Williamson publicly writes and speaks of regarding the Conciliar Church and New Mass and New Mass 'Miracles.' 

The Catacombs has repeatedly echoed the good priests who have not been afraid to warn against the errors promoted by Bp. Williamson on these topics as they are an acceptance of error. Indeed, we have quoted the 'traditional' words of Bp. Williamson condemning the New Mass many years ago and compared that to the 'new' Bp. Williamson allowing for it. And this change of orthodoxy has gone so far that Bp. Williamson refuses Holy Oils to priests who do not accept the New Mass 'miracles'. How low things have fallen!

We earnestly pray for a return to true tradition for all the bishops and priests who have compromised and thus have created an environment of confusion for souls.

The following links were forwarded to me by a good friend in Australia.

From TIA [adapted] | February 5, 2016

Editor Note ... a reader sent TIA a recent letter by a priest of this split, Fr. Fernando Altamira, addressed to Bishop Jean-Marie Faure, the priest consecrated a bishop by Williamson in March 2015 in Brazil. The letter is self explanatory. It reveals that at least one split is taking place inside of the split. It is not a good sign. Our Lord warned us: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined.” (Mt 12:25)

TIA reproduces this letter as we received it, without any changes, solely to provide information for our readers. We do not agree either with several points of its general lines, such as accepting as normal the “episcopal consecration” of Fr. Faure by Bishop Williamson, or with some particular views, such as accepting sede-vacantism as a well founded hypothesis.



I saw this posted on other forums and thought it would be interesting to share what one R&R [recognize and resist] priest has to say.


Letter from Fr. Altamira to Bishop Faure

Dear Bishop Faure (cc. Bp. Williamson), dear Fathers,

Permit me to speak frankly to you: it seems to me that we are not showing ourselves to be honest, either with ourselves or with the faithful.

We are doing what Bishop Fellay does and we will provoke the same consequences. In the current situation of the crisis in the Church and the “crisis in the Resistance,” there is not a lot left and what is left is ill.

What’s more, our comrades who are still in the SSPX (priests and brothers), seeing the way we are, will never join us. One of them said: if we do something (against Bishop Fellay), we won’t come over to the Resistance.

Bishop Fellay and his group continue and will continue to laugh at us. The fact that we are the way we are is the best thing that could have happened to him.

On the subject of Bishop Williamson:

Some (four) have tried to defend Bishop Williamson and his words about the New Mass (USA, Eleison Comments, etc).

I have the impression that we are not showing ourselves to be honest: if Bishop Fellay had said those things, we would have criticised him roundly. But it’s Bishop Williamson who said them: “So let’s not say anything, we have to defend him.” Please excuse me if I speak frankly, but what we’re doing is shameful, we’re the laughing stock of the world.

Bishop Faure defends Bishop Williamson with insistence (in his declarations on his trip to Mexico, in emails, etc.)

Bishop Faure affirms that there is no error in the Eleison Comments, which is debatable.

It is more serious if one takes into consideration the words of Bishop Williamson in the USA (if anyone wants to listen to it again, here’s the link. I don’t approve of the mocking style, but the information is exact) I will merely remark that, from a moral point of view, what Bishop Williamson said to this lady is unacceptable.

Even more serious if one takes equally into consideration the other information concerning Bishop Williamson (the “Nazi” business, the reintegration into the apostolate of Fr. X, his words to several priests of the SSPX, etc.

Another argument of Bishop Faure to try to defend Bishop Williamson’s miracles in the New Mass is the fact that God can work outside the Catholic Church, and that God has made miracles among certain sacrileges.

But that’s a sophism since, if God permits a miracle, for example, in a false religion, from all evidence it doesn’t serve as a guarantee of what is false or evil, but will be against all that.

The same goes for a miracle in the case of a sacrilege, with hosts, it is always against the sacrilege, never in its favour.

However, the “miracles” put forth by Bishop Williamson clearly favour the new Mass, including the “fruits”: thus, the “great” national sanctuary in Poland… at the service of the false religion of the Council.

Dear colleagues: I believe that it is time to cease trying to look for arguments to defend what is indefensible. Otherwise, we could incur a divine curse. “The Eleison Comments and declarations in the USA are only ambiguous”: isn’t that funny: that’s exactly what Bishop Fellay does.

Dom Tomas said more or less the same thing to defend Bishop Williamson.

Fr. Cardozo has already written two articles against this subject of so-called miracles of the New Mass. [Here is one - The Catacombs]

And that’s without even getting to the subject of the risk of invalidity of the modern episcopacy and priesthood. On this subject, and quite logically, Bishop Williamson endorses the thesis of their validity.

And all this without forgetting the other problems which we have (re-read the letter “The same causes will produce the same effects”).

I imagine that you have already seen the abberant video of Francis about his intention for 2016 and the different religions:

Faced with the scandals and heresies of Francis:

1. Surrendering to False Rome. Bp. Fellay: I’m going to Rome. Bp. Williamson: I’m going to Rome. Bishop Faure: I’m going to Rome.

2. Agreement. Bp. Fellay: I want an agreement. Bp. Williamson: A canonical regularisation or a juridical status would be desirable, of course. Bp. Faure:…?

3. Francis. We criticise Bp. Fellay because, publicly, he doesn’t say anything, or almost, about Francis. Bp. Williamson: same thing. Bp. Faure: same thing.

4. We deny the theological and factual possibility of sedevacantism. And this, against good theology which speaks of the possibility. And we evoke the possibility of making sermons against sedevacantism, which is absurd: you can’t make sermons against facts which are possible.

5. Fr. Altamira is a sedevacantist. That’s not true: I pray for Francis, sub conditione. But I do not exclude nor put to one side colleagues who refuse to do so, be they in France or Spanish-speaking America. And even less so after such a video.

Dear colleagues: Permit me to share with you my opinion, in all simplicity: we need to change course. We are acting like Bp. Fellay and his group. He will destroy the SSPX. And we, we are doing the same to the Resistance, almost before it has been born (and the same goes for the USML).

“The interests of the group are more important than the truth, the priests of the Resistance who refuse are put to one side, isolated, marginalised, they find themselves alone.”

If we continue to act thus, the risk is great that God will leave us and withdraw his blessing. Pray God that some of you decide to act in the face of this situation, to resolve it.

I fraternally greet you in Jesus and Mary (Sunday 10th January)

Fr. Altamira

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  House passes antisemitism bill in which citing certain passages of Scripture would be punished
Posted by: Stone - 05-02-2024, 09:29 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Gaetz dubs House antisemitism bill a ‘ridiculous hate speech bill’ 

The Hill [adapted] | May 1, 2024

The House approved a bill that aims to crack down on antisemitism on college campuses amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests taking place at U.S. universities across the country. Gaetz voiced his opposition to the bill ahead of the vote, saying that some excerpts of the Bible would meet this bill’s definition of antisemitism.

“This evening, I will vote AGAINST the ridiculous hate speech bill called the ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act,'” he wrote on social media platform X.

“Antisemitism is wrong, but this legislation is written without regard for the Constitution, common sense, or even the common understanding of the meaning of words. The Gospel itself would meet the definition of antisemitism under the terms of this bill!” he continued.

The bill, if enacted, would require the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism when enforcing antidiscrimination laws.

Gaetz said that one of the examples of IHRA’s definition of antisemitism includes “claims of Jews killing Jesus.” He then pointed to excerpts from the Bible to back his argument, suggesting that the religious text would fall under the definition.

“The Bible is clear. There is no myth or controversy on this. Therefore, I will not support this bill,” he added on X.

The IHRA defines antisemitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” and says “Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

The bill would also cover contemporary examples of antisemitism identified by IHRA, including  “using the symbols and messages associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) made a similar argument Wednesday about the legislation, saying she would oppose the bill because it would define antisemitic behavior to include remarks about Jews killing Jesus. The Georgia Republican said in a social media post that the bill “could convict Christians of antisemitism for believing the Gospel that says Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews.”

Reps. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) took aim at Greene for opposing the bill and her rationale for doing so during a joint appearance on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” Wednesday.

Both lawmakers, who introduced the bill last year, said that the bill would not make believing in the Gospel illegal. The bill passed the House Wednesday in a 320-91 vote to send to the Senate for consideration.

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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Fifth Sunday after Easter - May 5, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-02-2024, 06:14 AM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Fifth Sunday after Easter - May 5, 2024 - “Great Pope St. Pius V” (KY)



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  Fr. Hewko's Sermons: Feast of St. Monica/First Saturday - May 4, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 05-02-2024, 06:12 AM - Forum: May 2024 - No Replies

Feast of St. Monica/First Saturday - May 4, 2024 - “St. Monica’s Tears Move the Heart of Christ” (NH)



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