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  WEF is ‘Preparing for Disease X’
Posted by: Stone - 01-12-2024, 06:28 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

WEF is ‘Preparing for Disease X’

[Image: coronavirus-disease-covid-2019-5060522_1280.jpg]

The World Health Organization has issued recent warnings about an unknown “Disease X” that could lead to 20 times more fatalities than COVID-19.

IP | January 11, 2024

Insights from the WEF’s “Preparing for Disease X” session

The session “Preparing for Disease X” is part of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting. The WEF focuses on a long-term strategy for climate, nature, and energy. The session is scheduled for January 17, 2024, from 11:30 to 12:15 CET.

The public speakers for the session are:
  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO
  • Shyam Bishen, Head, Centre for Health and Healthcare; WEF Geneva
  • Roy Jakobs, President and Chief Executive Officer, Royal Philips
  • Preetha Reddy, Executive Vice-Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd
  • Nisia Trindade Lima, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of Brazil
  • Michel Demaré, Chair of the Board, AstraZeneca Plc

Additionally, in a November 2022 update, the WHO brought together more than 300 scientists to examine evidence related to over 25 virus families and bacteria, including “Disease X.” This term is used to signify an unknown pathogen that could lead to a significant global epidemic.

“Disease X” is a somewhat mysterious term for an illness caused by a currently unknown but serious microbial threat, as [Image: what-is-disease-x-how-scientists-are-pre...t-pandemic]. In 2017, the WHO included Disease X in a shortlist of top-priority pathogens for research, alongside well-known diseases like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Ebola.

Disease X and the WHO’s proactive approach to research and development

The COVID-19 pandemic, triggered by a novel coronavirus in 2019, is an example of a Disease X, according to WHO. These diseases are believed to originate from the vast pool of viruses circulating in wildlife. They pose a potential risk to humans by crossing over and causing infections to which people have no immunity.

Moreover, the WHO aims to be well-prepared with research and development (R&D) efforts in advance for an unknown disease, allowing for early response.

In response, the WHO established an R&D Blueprint to fast-track the development of various tools for “priority diseases.” The current list includes diseases like COVID-19, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Ebola virus disease, and Marburg virus disease. Lassa fever, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), SARS, Nipah and henipaviral diseases, Rift Valley fever, and Zika are also on the list.

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  Abp. Viganò: Fernández’s blasphemous book is yet another fruit of the Vatican II revolution
Posted by: Stone - 01-12-2024, 06:21 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - Replies (1)

Abp. Viganò: Fernández’s blasphemous sex book is yet another fruit of the Vatican II revolution
'If we think of the spousal model that Saint Paul offers us in the most chaste relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph 5:22), Tucho’s unmentionable obscenities reveal to us a soul totally corrupted by vice, and by a vice that with all evidence seems to have been amply experimented.'

[Image: IMG_3909-e1697554978132.jpeg]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Jan 11, 2024
(LifeSiteNews - emphasis mine) — If, before Vatican II, an official of the Holy Office had been tasked with examining the text of La Pasión Mística to draw up a report on it in view of making a judgment about it, in all probability he would not have dedicated more than “ten, fifteen seconds” to it before throwing it into the stove. But before Vatican II a heretical pornographer would never have aspired, not only to the Sacred Purple of the cardinalate, but not even to the priesthood; nor would his Superiors have ever admitted him to Holy Orders. Víctor Manuel Fernández – known as “Tucho” by the friends of Santa Marta – instead rose to the very top of the Hierarchy, created Cardinal and appointed Prefect of the Holy Office – excuse me, of the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith” – by another Argentine heretic, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who, since March 13, 2013, has demonstrated by his governance and teaching actions that he is an emissary of the globalist elite, following the wishes, or rather the mandates, of the Anglo-American deep state. But just when Fernández’s cursus horrorum seemed to reserve him entry into the Conclave as Jorge Mario’s candidate, along came the embarrassing pamphlet dusted off from the shelf, destined to weigh like a tombstone on Tucho’s ambitions.

A cursory reading of La Pasión Mística is difficult and shocking for anyone. The limping prose and the didactic insistence on aspects of copulation are accompanied by descriptions of obscenity that would embarrass even a consummate frequenter of brothels, to the point of wondering if certain details were also the subject of personal experimentation by Tucho Fernández. The most obvious and normal reaction to seeing the obscene pages of this pamphlet is the instinctive disgust one feels for the shameful satisfaction in juxtaposing perversions unworthy of a civilized person to the sphere of spirituality, and this is enough to avoid indulging in dangerous curiosities and throw it into the flames. No complex theological speculations are needed to understand that this insistence on sexuality cloaked in mystical ambitions is one of the incontrovertible signs of diabolical action, as Saint Ignatius teaches. But once we have seen Fernández’s foul work being consumed in the avenging fire, we are left with the feeling of having been somehow stained by his moral filth.

If the condemnation without appeal of this work does not even have to be explained, so obvious is its obscenity, it is nevertheless necessary to ask ourselves some questions about its author and ask ourselves how much the doctrinal and spiritual approach that emerges from La Pasión Mística and Saname Con tu Boca is compatible with the priestly, episcopal and the cardinalatial dignity and the role of Prefect of the Dicastery. Because what shocks the reader is not only the author’s ease in dealing with scabrous topics, but in having dared to take them as a key to understanding the mystical experience, in a blasphemous subversion. In fact, if the Christian soul starts from the union with God, from the bond of pure and spiritual Charity that binds it to its Lord, Creator and Redeemer, to behave accordingly in the face of good and evil; Tucho starts instead from a borderline reality to make it the yardstick of divine life, to interpret the relationships between the Three Divine Persons and the soul in the light of a corrupt and deviant sexuality. In his view it is therefore not the Truth of God that illuminates our moral action, sanctifying it and making it meritorious, but the sinful action of the individual and the couple that determines the very essence of God. We have already had various previews of this inverted vision of the terms, not the least of which is the idea that would like to consider the Commandments as ideal objectives which man is supposedly unable to conform to, according to the situational morality endorsed by the Argentine Jesuit. For Tucho it is not the individual who must obey God, but God who must adapt His requests, His Law, to what the individual decides. It is the mentality of Fiducia Supplicans, which in the absence of any doctrinal basis to legitimize a seriously sinful union, invents a new way of considering the blessings in use in the Church – a “true novelty” – in order to bless what cannot be blessed and ratify what not only cannot be ratified, but must indeed be condemned.

“Let us now ask ourselves whether these particularities of the male and female in orgasm are somehow also present in the mystical relationship with God,” writes Tucho, who does not only speak of the “aggressive grunts” of the man or of “images with violent sexual scenes, images of orgies” which according to the author should entice the man more than the woman, but also of their sacrilegious use as a figure of supernatural love, so that it is no longer the married couple who give themselves in the fruitful marital relationship on the model of divine Charity, but it is the Divine Persons who see themselves reduced to partners in a sexual relationship, with the aggravating circumstance that this reference model is deliberately distorted and distorted by choosing it from the most extreme examples inspired by pornography, an industry managed almost entirely by Rabbi Solomon Friedman’s MindGeek, with the aim of morally corrupting the goyim.

If we think of the spousal model that Saint Paul offers us in the most chaste relationship between Christ and the Church (Eph 5:22), Tucho’s unmentionable obscenities reveal to us a soul totally corrupted by vice, and by a vice that with all evidence seems to have been amply experimented.

The horror that a normal person feels when reading the revolting pamphlet is twofold: one’s horror at the indecent and blasphemous contents is combined with the horror of seeing how the current Prefect of the most important Roman Dicastery is not only not ashamed of it, but actually has brazenly tried to justify his literary attempts, which according to him could constitute “a moment of dialogue with young couples who wanted to better understand the spiritual meaning of their relationships”. Because if certain perversions are deplorable and serious in a soul brutalized by vice, they become intolerable when they are made the subject of publication by a priest who is a professor of moral theology – as Tucho was at the time the book was published, before being made a Bishop by Bergoglio.

It is not surprising if, in conjunction with the news of the existence of this pamphlet, the Maltese Archbishop Charles Scicluna – Adjunct Secretary of the Tucho dicastery, former Promoter of Justice of the CDF under Benedict XVI – asked to discuss – rectius: asked to open up for discussion – the topic of ecclesiastical celibacy. If the Prefect of the former Holy Office was able to write and publish such blasphemous obscenities, it is because he wants them to become normality not only for lay people, but also and above all for clerics, so that their moral brutalization precludes them from any even remote possibility of preaching a Gospel that they are the first to contradict, and which, according to another Cardinal, “is not a distillation of truth”. Those who ask to abolish Celibacy do so because it is the last Catholic bastion to protect the Priesthood. Look at the erotic frescoes commissioned by Vincenzo Paglia in the Terni cathedral; Rupnik’s blasphemous and sacrilegious sexual magic rituals; the “chem parties” with prostitutes of the secretary of Cardinal Coccopalmerio, Monsignor Capozzi; the appointments of Ricca in Santa Marta and as Prelate of the IOR [Vatican Bank], of Maradiaga to the Council of Cardinals, of Grech, of Hollerich, not to mention the Substitute of the Holy See, Archbishop Peña Parra; the shame of Fabian Pedacchio, former personal secretary of Bergoglio and “companion” of the Secretary of the Dicastery of Bishops Ilson Montanari; look at the cover-ups of the McCarrick sex scandals that I denounced and how his circle is still found in roles of high responsibility, both in the Vatican and in the United States, with Farrell, Cupich, Tobin, Gregory, and McElroy; Bergoglio’s audiences with transsexuals, well-known homosexuals, and cohabiting lovers: can anyone seriously believe that there is no coherence in this cesspool of vices and perversions with what Tucho wrote in 1998?

The first confirmation of this coherence comes from the enthusiastic approval enjoyed by Bergoglio and his henchmen among the declared enemies of Christ and the Church: Freemasons, globalists, LGBTQ+ and gender activists, promoters of the woke ideology, proponents of neo-Malthusian eugenics, abortionists. How can we believe that those who enjoy the support of Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the Soros’s, the Clinton’s, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab can at the same time fight in the name of the Gospel of Christ against the infernal ideology that drives these criminal subversives? There are those who have rightly pointed out that, in light of this shameful mass of pseudo-mystical and sacrilegious pornography, all the insistence of Tucho and the Bergoglian sect on the inclusion of sodomites and concubinarists sounds like a shameless and shameless Cicero pro domo sua. Even the simple faithful, with the common sense that comes from being members of the Church, have understood that this mass of perverts only seeks to legitimize the vices of others in order to be able to practice them themselves in broad daylight, after having clumsily hidden them for decades; and that this shameful conflict of interest is so evident in its obscene arrogance that it disqualifies the mellifluous and deceptive declarations of welcome. Because these misguided people do not seek the salvation of lost souls, but cynically use them as a pretext for their own personal gain, to indulge their own vices and those of their accomplices, to fuel the vile network of blackmail that controls rulers, politicians, actors, clerics, journalists, magistrates, doctors, and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

What Fernández writes in La Pasión Mística is not that different from what actually happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s island. But this is not normality, even if it is what the author of the pamphlet would like us to believe, with pseudoscientific petulance: “On a hormonal and psychological level there are no pure males and females.” If these are Tucho’s hormones and psychology, there are however many people who live their affection and marital relationship using reason, free will, and the Grace of God. There are people – and this is what Fernández cannot understand – who have the humility to recognize themselves as weak and fallible, but who precisely because they are aware of their own weakness find in God the strength to resist temptations and grow in virtue, with that heroism that only Charity can inspire and nourish in the hearts of those who do not look at reality from a pool of smelly manure. Virtue: something unknown to the new usurpers of Santa Marta. The silence we have witnessed so far has finally been broken by a choral protest to say the least: the list of entire Episcopal Conferences, of some Cardinals, of diocesan Ordinaries, of associations of clerics and professors of ecclesiastical disciplines who oppose Bergoglio is growing longer every day. And to the grievances of the Clergy are added those of the Catholic laity and even exponents of other religious confessions, tired and exasperated by this mad rush towards the abyss. But if the indignation for Fiducia Supplicans and the concomitant Vatican scandals is right and proper, we must have the courage to recognize that the Argentine Jesuit represents the metastasis of the conciliar cancer, and that his apostasy through synodalism – that is, resorting to methods of control of assemblies in which the totalitarian communist regimes are very expert – is consistent with the ideological foundations laid by the collegiality theorized by Vatican II.

I repeat: we must recognize that a revolutionary process has been underway for over a century; a planned process which then materialized with the subversive action of the neomodernists at the Council and with their seizure of power throughout the post-conciliar period; a process in which all the Popes from John XXIII to Benedict XVI took an active part. If we arrived at the worship of the Pachamama it is because we passed through Assisi; if the Abu Dhabi Declaration was signed and desired by the Holy See, it is because we first tolerated Nostra Ætate and Dignitatis Humanæ; if we have come to hear deaconesses theorized it is because we have suffered in silence the introduction of “extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist” and altar girls. And – let’s say it! – if today the Vatican is reduced to a brothel, it is because since the time of Paul VI there was no desire to nip in the bud the lavender mafia that was encysted in the Vatican, instead favoring those who, being more blackmailable, gave greater guarantees of obedience. The pattern of how the deep church acted to infiltrate the Catholic Church is a mirror image of what the deep state followed to take control of civil governments, as recent news shows us. The sewer from which the infamous pamphlet of the Prefect of the former Holy Office re-emerged is the same from which the scandals of the characters mentioned in Epstein’s list emerge. We need a radical return to the God of the human race, through a purification of civil society and the ecclesial body. We need to oppose this attack with collective action, so that the Papacy may return to being a Beacon of Truth and a Harbor of Salvation, and not the megaphone of the antichristic synarchy of the World Economic Forum.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

January 10, 2024

Infra Oct. Epiphaniæ

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  Pope Francis tells Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’
Posted by: Stone - 01-12-2024, 06:14 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Pope Francis tells Communists: ‘Don’t back down, don’t give up’
‘Imagine he had said that [don't give up] to the Traditional Catholics,’ said John-Henry Westen.

[Image: pope-marxists.jpg]

Pope Francis meeting with the Marxist group, January 10, 2024
Vatican News

Jan 11, 2024
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews - adapted) — Hosting a Marxist-Christian dialogue group at the Vatican on Wednesday, Pope Francis urged them to “be open, in dialogue, to new ways,” while avoiding reiterating the Church’s consistent condemnation of Marxism.

Shortly before his weekly general audience on January 10, Pope Francis received a small delegation from the DIALOP group. DIALOP, according to its own description, is a “project of dialogue between Socialists/Marxists and Christians, involving intellectuals, academics, politicians, activists and students from several European Countries.”

In his address, the pope urged the Marxist and Christian attendees to “never lose the ability to dream.”

Quote:Today, in a world divided by war and polarization, we run the risk of losing the ability to dream. We Argentines say, “no te arrugues,” meaning “don’t back off.” This is my invitation to you as well: Don’t back off, don’t give up, and don’t stop dreaming of a better world.

Francis stated that “it is in imagination, the ability to dream, that intelligence, intuition, experience and historical memory come together to make us be creative, take chances and run risks.”

Punctuating the brief address, he gave three “attitudes” which he said would be “helpful for your efforts,” those being: “the courage to break the mould, concern for the less fortunate and support for the rule of law.”

Expanding on having “concern for the less fortunate,” Francis referenced the crimes of “great dictatorships,” mentioning “Naziism” by name, but avoided speaking about the evils of Communism itself.

LifeSite’s John-Henry Westen quipped how Francis’ warm message of welcome to the Marxists is not reflected in his attitude to devotees of the traditional Mass.

Indeed, while the DIALOP group is officially comprised of Marxists and Christians in dialogue, the pope did not mention Christ, Christianity, or the Church’s condemnation of Communism and Marxism at all.

Catholic teaching against Communism is very clear. Writing in Quadragesimo Anno, Pope Pius XI warned the entire Church about “the impious and iniquitous character of Communism.” Describing Socialism as slightly less violent, Pius XI firmly prohibited any attempts to marry Socialism and Catholicism:

Quote:Whether considered as a doctrine, or an historical fact, or a movement, Socialism, if it remains truly Socialism, even after it has yielded to truth and justice on the points which we have mentioned, cannot be reconciled with the teachings of the Catholic Church because its concept of society itself is utterly foreign to Christian truth.

Pius XI also penned such words in Divini Redemptoris:

Quote:Communism is intrinsically wrong, and no one who would save Christian civilization may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever. Those who permit themselves to be deceived into lending their aid towards the triumph of Communism in their own country will be the first to fall victims of their error. And the greater the antiquity and grandeur of the Christian civilization in the regions where Communism successfully penetrates, so much more devastating will be the hatred displayed by the godless.

Pius’ words merely built on the constant teaching of his predecessors. Pius IX’s 1846 encyclical Qui pluribus described Communism as “a doctrine most opposed to the very natural law,” which would usher in “complete destruction of everyone’s laws, government, property, and even of human society itself.”

Pope Leo XIII’s 1878 encyclical Quod Apostolici Muneris condemned Socialism as a “deadly plague that is creeping into the very fibres of human society and leading it on to the verge of destruction.”

Catholic philosopher Edward Feser took particular care to highlight sections from the Church’s teaching on the evils of Socialism, Communism, and Marxism. Even though some more recent [Conciliar] popes have pronounced less boldly and forthrightly on the issues when compared with their predecessors, the constant prohibition of acceptance of, or collaboration with, such ideologies has remained constant.

Pope Benedict XVI’s 2005 encyclical Deus Caritas Est bore especial relevance to Francis’ condoning of the Catholic-Marxist collaboration. The late pontiff noted that Catholic charitable activity must not be done alongside Marxist intervention, but be independent and centrally Catholic:

Quote:Christian charitable activity must be independent of parties and ideologies. It is not a means of changing the world ideologically, and it is not at the service of worldly stratagems, but it is a way of making present here and now the love which man always needs.

Indeed, Leo XIII preemptively condemned the form of Catholic-Marxist collaboration which Francis condoned. Writing in Quod Apostolici Muneris, Leo outlined how societal improvements were to be made by the Church acting without being restrained by outside forces:

Quote:since they know that the Church of Christ has such power to ward off the plague of socialism as cannot be found in human laws, in the mandates of magistrates, or in the force of armies, let them restore that Church to the condition and liberty in which she may exert her healing force for the benefit of all society.

The DIALOP group states of itself that “dialogue is the best way to make a real change and we work to turn the world into a better place to live in,” and Francis in turn praised DIALOP as “a fine program.”

Its link with Francis is perhaps deeper than is fully realized. One of its goals is to pursue deeper relations between the Catholic Church and a little-known organization called the Global Compact on Education (GCE). The GCE is actually a brain child of Pope Francis, which aims to promote education in light with U.N. ideals, including on talking points such as “sustainable” living and “gender equality.”

In recent years, Francis has increasingly aligned himself with globalist entities such as the U.N.; the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican,” which is fundamentally committed to promote “environmental, social, and governance measures” in order to achieve the U.N.’s pro-abortion Sustainable Development Goals; the International Monetary Fund; the COP climate agenda; and the World Economic Forum.

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  Abp. Viganò rebukes Vatican official’s remarks on blessing homosexual ‘couples’ in St. Peter’s
Posted by: Stone - 01-12-2024, 06:04 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò rebukes Vatican official’s remarks on blessing homosexual ‘couples’ in St. Peter’s
'Fidelity to Christ is considered by the top leadership of the Bergoglian Hierarchy as rebellion and a reason for division in the Church. In reality, these mercenaries are showing their true face as apostates and heaping coals of fire on their own heads.'

[Image: Vigano_foto.jpg]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Thu Jan 11, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò issued a statement on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday after a Vatican official announced homosexual “couples” will be allowed to be blessed at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Below is the statement published in full.

True Catholics – bishops, priests, religious and laity – oppose Fiducia Supplicans and condemn Bergoglio’s subservience to the Globalist Agenda.

On the other side, his courtiers scurry to demonstrate their cowardly servility. This already happened with the idol of the Pachamama that was devoutly carried on the shoulders of bishops and prelates who consider the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the veneration of saints “medieval superstitions.”

Fidelity to Christ is considered by the top leadership of the Bergoglian Hierarchy as rebellion and a reason for division in the Church. In reality, these mercenaries are showing their true face as apostates and heaping coals of fire on their own heads.

The hypocritical simulacrum of false unity erected by conciliar irenicism at the price of Catholic Truth will be torn down, while the Vatican Sanhedrin will sink under the weight of the cowardice of those who think only of pleasing the tyrant.

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  Holy Mass in Arizona [Phoenix area] - January 14, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 01-10-2024, 11:29 AM - Forum: January 2024 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Second Sunday after Epiphany

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fuploads2.wikiart.org%2Fi...ipo=images]

Date: Sunday, January 14, 2024

Time: Confessions - 9:30 AM
              Holy Mass - 10:00 AM

Location: 1206 East Grove Street
                     Phoenix, Arizona

Contact: Myrna 623-695-0278

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  Holy Mass in Arizona [Phoenix area] - January 13, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 01-10-2024, 11:26 AM - Forum: January 2024 - No Replies

Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - Octave of the Epiphany

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Ff...ipo=images]

Date: Saturday, January 13, 2024

Time: Confessions - 6:00 PM
              Holy Mass - 6:30 PM

Location: 1206 East Grove Street
                     Phoenix, Arizona

Contact: Myrna 623-695-0278

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  Saint Bridget: Pope Who Would Abolish Celibacy Would Become Food of Demons in Hell
Posted by: Stone - 01-10-2024, 07:16 AM - Forum: Sedevacantism - No Replies

Saint Bridget: Pope Who Would Abolish Celibacy Would Become Food of Demons in Hell

gloria.tv [Emphasis mine] | January 9, 2024

When Saint Bridget of Sweden, +1373, was in Naples, Italy, as an advisor of Archbishop Bernardo of Naples, they once talked about priests living with concubines. Bernardo argued that, were he pope, he would abolish celibacy to avoid such scandals.

Saint Bridget replied to him that Our Lady told her (Revelationes, Book 7, Chapter 10) that a pope who would abolish priestly celibacy “would be totally deprived by God of his spiritual sight and hearing” and “his spiritual wisdom would grow completely cold.” 

Our Lady added that “after his death, his soul would be cast out to be tortured eternally in hell where it would become the food of demons everlastingly and without end.”

[NB: One immediately notices Our Lady does NOT say he ceases to be pope. She speaks of earthy and eternal punishments. But loss of office is not mentioned. - The Catacombs]

Quote:The full quote from St. Bridget from the comments to the above:

Revelationes, Book 7, Chapter 10

And therefore, through God's preordinance and his judgment, it has been justly ordained that priests who do not live in chastity and continence of the flesh are cursed and excommunicated before God and deserve to be deprived of their priestly office. But still, if they truthfully amend their lives with the true purpose of not sinning further, they will obtain mercy from God.

Know this too: that if some pope concedes to priests a license to contract carnal marriage, God will condemn him to a sentence as great, in a spiritual way, as that which the law justly inflicts in a corporeal way on a man who has transgressed so gravely that he must have his eyes gouged out, his tongue and lips, nose and ears cut off, his hands and feet amputated, all his body's blood spilled out to grow completely cold, and finally, his whole bloodless corpse cast out to be devoured by dogs and other wild beasts. Similar things would truly happen in a spiritual way to that pope who were to go against the aforementioned preordinance and will of God
and concede to priests such a license to contract marriage.

For that same pope would be totally deprived by God of his spiritual sight and hearing, and of his spiritual words and deeds. All his spiritual wisdom would grow completely cold; and finally, after his death, his soul would be cast out to be tortured eternally in hell so that there it might become the food of demons everlastingly and without end. Yes, even if Saint Gregory the Pope had made this statute, in the aforesaid sentence he would never have obtained mercy from God if he had not humbly revoked his statute before his death.”

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  Rumors persist: Bishop Williamson may have conditionally reconsecrated Archbishop Viganò
Posted by: Stone - 01-10-2024, 07:00 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Archbishop Viganó Conditionally Re-Consecrated a Bishop[?]

[Image: qig6ikdhqx3qhoy8o7n5mtdszyw3ie4mif5b6nj....31&webp=on]

gloria.tv [Emphasis mine]| January 10, 2024

Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò has been secretely re-consecrated a bishop by Bishop Richard Williamson in case his Novus Ordo consecration was not valid (sub conditione), writes FaroDiRoma.it (9 January). The ordination has been rumoured for at least two months. If the consecration did indeed happen, it has still to be officially confirmed by Archbishop Viganò or Bishop Williamson.

If true, Viganò has chosen to distance himself from the Church by doubting the validity of ordinations according to the new rite (of 1968). The Fraternity of Pius X (FSSPX), from which Williamson was expelled in 2012, does not consecrate bishops sub conditione.

Monsignor Viganò was ordained a priest in March 1968 in Pavia, Italy, and a bishop in April 1992 by John Paul II, Cardinal Macharski of Krakow and Cardinal Sodano.

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  Nativity scene vandalized at Overbrook, Pennsylvania church
Posted by: Stone - 01-09-2024, 06:51 AM - Forum: Anti-Catholic Violence - No Replies

Nativity scene vandalized at Overbrook church: "Someone is hurting worse than we are"

[Image: AA1mBkZp.img?w=620&h=349&m=6]

January 8, 2024
OVERBROOK, Pa. (CBS) – When Mass ended inside Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Sunday, families came out to get a closer look at the vandalized nativity scene near their church.

"It just made me cry. I can't stand to see that. The desecration of the nativity, of the holy family," parishioner AnnaMaria DiPilla said. Just so heartbreaking."

A few of the sculptures were cracked, broken and strewn around, including St. Joseph's head and an angel's wing.

"It's a feeling of sadness. Me, personally, it's also a feeling of anger," parishioner Domenic DiPilla said.

"Our lady's hands were broken. It looked like a horn was broken off one of the animals. So it was just somebody who got, I guess, a little bit upset and threw everything around and smashed it," the Rev. Matthew Phelan said.

Phelan, who is the pastor, said he learned about the damage Sunday morning, the last day the nativity scene would be up.

"It's significant in its meaning, so it hurts a little bit, but someone is hurting worse than we are and they need our prayers," Phelan said.

As bells rang out, some parishioners said they think that sound and the Christmas music played during the last week might have been a reason for the vandalism, after the church received complaints about the noise.

"The bells are going to ring. It's a Catholic Church. The bells are going to ring, and maybe you don't like it, but you have to respect it," Domenic DePilla said.

"To say that it's related to people angry about the bells, I wouldn't go that far, but it was an issue this week," Phelan said.

Regardless of the reason, many say they'll continue to lean on their faith through this time.

"Whoever did this has a lot of anger within them and I just want to pray for them, that they turn away from that and realize what they did was very hurtful to us and to Jesus," AnnaMaria DiPilla said.

The church says staff plan to file a police report in hopes of documenting the incident in case something like this happens again in the future.

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  Fr. Hewko recommended video clip - January 8, 2024
Posted by: Stone - 01-08-2024, 06:42 PM - Forum: Rev. Father David Hewko - No Replies

"Young Jesus Tested by Rabbi"

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  Amid row over same-sex blessings, Pope laments ‘splitting into groups’ in the Church
Posted by: Stone - 01-08-2024, 07:48 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

From the pro-Conciliar publication, Crux Now..

Amid row over same-sex blessings, Pope laments ‘splitting into groups’ in the Church

Crux Now [Emphasis - The Catacombs] |Jan 6, 2024

ROME – Pope Francis on the feast of the Epiphany lamented the sharp division among Catholics of differing views, saying believers must imitate the three wise men in putting God at the center of their lives, rather than their own ideas of the faith.

Speaking to attendees of his Jan. 6 Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, the pope said that as members of the church, “instead of splitting into groups based on our own ideas, we are called to put God back at the center.”

We need to abandon ecclesial ideologies [i.e. tradition - The Catacombs] to find the meaning of holy mother church, the ecclesial attitude. Ecclesial ideologies no, ecclesial vocation yes,” he said, saying, “The Lord, not our own ideas or our own projects,” must be the focus.

“Let us set out anew from God; let us seek from him the courage not to lose heart in the face of difficulties, the strength to surmount all obstacles, the joy to live in harmonious communion,” he said.

The pontiff’s comments came amid a burgeoning controversy over a recent Vatican declaration permitting non-liturgical blessings of same-sex unions, which has revealed strong divisions within Catholicism.

Pope Francis spoke during his Mass for the Catholic feast of the Epiphany, which commemorates the biblical narrative when the three Magi, also called the Three Wise Men or the “Three Kings,” follow a star that leads them to Jesus and the discovery of his identity as the Messiah. [...]

Pope Francis in his homily said the Magi are a reflection of the world’s peoples who are “journeying in search of God…of all those who were lost and now hear the beckoning of a friendly voice.”

Focusing on three aspects of the biblical narrative of the Magi, Francis noted that they are described as having their “eyes are raised to the heavens.”

The Magi “do not pass their lives staring at their feet, self-absorbed, confined by earthly horizons, plodding ahead in resignation or lamentation,” but rather, they “lift their heads high and await the light that can illumine the meaning of their lives,” he said.

“If we remain closed in the narrow confines of earthly things, if we waste away, heads bowed, hostages of our failures and our regrets; if we thirst for wealth and worldly comforts rather than becoming seekers of life and love, our life slowly loses its light,” he said.

What the Magi illustrate is the necessity to fix one’s eyes on heaven in order to discover the meaning of life, the pope said, saying humanity needs God’s word and friendship to move forward.

“We need to set out on this journey, so that our faith will not be reduced to an assemblage of religious devotions or mere outward appearance, but will instead become a fire burning within us, making us passionate seekers of the Lord’s face and witnesses to his Gospel,” he said.

Francis then lamented that the church is often split into groups based on various interpretations of the faith and stressed the importance of communion, saying God must be at the center of faith, rather than one’s own ideas about it.

Noting how the Magi also completed a journey on earth, the pope said they chose to follow God’s sign in the star, and ultimately their journey culminates in finding God “in man, in a little Child lying in a manger.”

“That is where the God who is infinitely great has revealed himself: in the little, the infinitely little,” he said, and stressed the importance of journeying in the world as witnesses to the Gospel.

Jesus was given to the world, Pope Francis said, “not to warm our nights, but to let rays of light break through the dark shadows that envelop so many situations in our societies.”

In this sense, he said God is found “not by basking in some elegant religious theory, but by setting out on a journey, seeking the signs of his presence in everyday life, and above all in encountering and touching the flesh of our brothers and sisters,” just as the Magi themselves found a real child.

“This is important: to find God in flesh and bone, in the faces of those we meet each day, and especially in the poor,” Francis said, saying this encounter with God opens faithful to something bigger and “makes us change our way of life and transform our world.” [Read more here.]

From the secular AP News...

Pope Francis warns against ideological splits in the Church, says focus on the poor, not ‘theory’

[Image: ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.apnews.com%2F7...fb09adc661]

Pope Francis presides over Epiphany Mass January 6, 2024

VATICAN CITY (AP [Emphasis - The Catacombs]) — Amid resistance to some Vatican policy by more conservative factions of the Catholic church, Pope Francis on Saturday cautioned the faithful against fracturing into groups “based on our own ideas.”

He issued the call to abandon “ecclesiastical ideologies” in his homily in St. Peter’s Basilica during Epiphany Day Mass, the last major Christmas season holiday.

Francis also warned against “basking in some elegant religious theory” instead of finding God in the faces of the poor.

Last month, Francis gave permission for priests to bless couples outside of marriage, including same-sex relationships, as long as the blessing was pastoral and not liturgical or part of some religious rite.

Some bishops who view Francis as a dangerous progressive immediately rejected such blessings. That prompted the Vatican earlier this week to issue a statement stressing that the blessings don’t constitute heresy and there were no doctrinal grounds to reject the practice.

Francis in his Epiphany homily didn’t cite the pushback against his same-sex blessings policy. But he deviated from the written text of the homily to cite the “need to abandon ecclesiastical ideologies.”

Francis said the Church needed to ensure that “our faith will not be reduced to an assemblage of religious devotions or mere outward appearance.”

“We find the God who comes down to visit us, not by basking in some elegant religious theory, but by setting out on a journey, seeking the signs of his presence in everyday life,” especially in the faces of the poor, the pontiff said.

The pontiff, who turned 87 last month and who battled health problems last year, held up well during the Epiphany ceremony, which included singing of Christmas hymns. At the end of the 90-minute service, an aide wheeled Francis down the basilica’s center aisle. The pope has a chronic knee problem and uses a wheelchair to navigate longer distances. [...]

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  Fiducia Supplicans refusal lands French bishop in legal trouble
Posted by: Stone - 01-08-2024, 06:47 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

NB: Fr. Hewko mentioned in a recent sermon how Fiducia Supplicans will open the door to priests getting ensnarled in legal trouble... didn't take too long.

Propaganda Piece “Sodoma Supplicans” Lands Bishop in Legal Trouble

[Image: 7mvc4di7jj2k86604j9g58z9r5ebaug8tykxnfq....28&webp=on]

gloria.tv | January 7, 2024

The homosexual lobby group "SOS Homophobie" is accusing Bishop Marc Aillet of Bayonne-Lescar-Oloron, France, of behaviour the group doesn't like.

Bishop Aillet instructed the priests of his diocese that if two homosexual concubines ask for a "blessing", they should bless each person individually and call them to conversion.

The extremist homosexuals insult this instruction as "discriminatory", claiming that to separate "the couple" - which is not a couple - is to "deny its existence". For the group, the call for conversion is "tantamount to legitimising conversion therapy", which is "illegal" in France.

A spokesman for Aillet told Rfi.fr (2 January) that the issue is not "conversion therapy" but the Gospel, which invites all believers "to change direction in order to take the right path".

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  Senior Vatican official makes case for a married priesthood
Posted by: Stone - 01-08-2024, 06:43 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

NB: Archbishop Viganò has linked "this style of re-interpreting the understanding of blessings to potential future plans to introduce female deacons, married clergy or a new concept of the priesthood."  We didn't have to wait too long ...

Senior Vatican official makes case for a married priesthood


Special Vatican envoys, archbishop Charles Scicluna reads a brochure entitled "A new beginning", during a meeting with priests inside a church in Osorno, Chile June 15, 2018. REUTERS/Fernando Lavoz/File Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

Reuters | January 8, 20243:08 AM EST

The Roman Catholic Church should "seriously think" about allowing priests to marry, a senior Vatican official and advisor to Pope Francis said in an interview published on Sunday.

"This is probably the first time I'm saying it publicly and it will sound heretical to some people," Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, who is also adjunct secretary in the Vatican's doctrinal office, told the Times of Malta.

Pope Francis in 2019 ruled out any chance that he would change the Roman Catholic rule requiring priests to be celibate. But it is not a formal doctrine of the Church and so it could be changed by a future pope.

In an interview with a Latin American news outlet in 2023, Francis spoke about the celibacy rule again, saying that "it is not eternal, like priestly ordination", but a "discipline" that could be revised.

A Vatican spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Scicluna, perhaps best known for his investigations of sexual abuse crimes, noted that priests were allowed to marry in the first millennium of the Church's history and that marriage is allowed today in the Eastern rite of the Catholic Church.

"If it were up to me, I would revise the requirement that priests have to be celibate," he said. "Experience has shown me that this is something we need to seriously think about."

Scicluna, 64, said the Church had "lost many great priests because they chose marriage".

He said "there is a place" for celibacy in the Church but that it also had to take into consideration that a priest sometimes falls in love. He then has to choose "between her and the priesthood and some priests cope with that by secretly engaging in sentimental relationships".

The debate over whether Roman Catholic priests should be allowed to married has been around for centuries.

Married men are allowed to become priests in the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church as well as in the Orthodox Church. Protestant and Anglican Churches also allow a married priesthood.

Opponents of a married priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church say celibacy allows a priest to dedicate himself entirely to the Church.

In 2021, the pope dismissed a proposal to allow some elderly married men to be ordained in remote areas in the Amazon where in some places the faithful saw a priest as little as once a year.

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  Pius IX Condemns the Modern Italian State
Posted by: Stone - 01-07-2024, 06:54 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

Pius IX Condemns the Modern Italian State

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3...ipo=images]

Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Cum Catholica Ecclesia, March 26, 1860

TIA [slightly adapted - emphasis TIA]| January 6, 2024

Today when in the laws of almost every nation the stench of the Masonic tolerance is present, it is salutary to read the words with which Pope Pius IX condemned the founders of the Italian State who invaded and usurped the Pontifical Territories. These words have an exorcist power to expel this bad tolerance and help true Catholic militancy be restored in our souls.

Pope Pius IX

Since we are aware, not without the deepest displeasure of Our soul, that other requests would not find acceptance among those who, having clogged their ears like deaf aspids, have not yet allowed themselves to be moved by Our admonitions and Our complaints, and, on the other hand, feeling most profoundly what the cause of the Church, of this Apostolic See and of the entire Catholic world, attacked with such violence by these perverse men, requires of Us, We feel the duty to avoid what, by remaining without speaking, could be understood as a failure to fulfill the grave task of Our Office.

The situation has been made unsustainable to the point of inducing Us, following in the footsteps of Our Predecessors, to employ Our supreme power, entrusted to Us by God, not only to loosen but also to bind, resorting to a dutiful severity towards the guilty, which also serves as a healthy example for others.

Therefore, after having invoked the light of the Divine Spirit with public and private prayers and after having heard the opinion of a selected Congregation of Our Venerable Brother Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, with the authority of Almighty God, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and Our own, we declare again that all those who have taken part in the rebellion, usurpation, occupation and criminal invasion of the aforementioned provinces of Our Papal States, and similar matters of which We have complained in Our Allocutions of June 20 and September 26 of last year, as well as those who took part in any of these enterprises – their executors, accomplices, supporters, advisors, followers or anyone else who favored the realization of what was described above – whether having personally taken part in it or by way of any pretext or other means, have incurred Major Excommunication and other ecclesiastical censures and penalties imposed by the Sacred Canons, the Apostolic Constitutions and the Decrees of the General Councils and particularly of the Council of Trent [sess. 22, chap. 11, De reform .]. And, if this be necessary, We strike them again with Excommunication and Anathema.

We further declare that they have simultaneously incurred the loss of all privileges, graces and indults granted, under any title, by Us or by the Roman Pontiffs Our Predecessors. We desire that they not be absolved and freed from these penalties except by Us or by the Roman Pontiff in office (except in the case of danger of death, but in case of convalescence they fall again under the same penalties). They will also be unable and incapable of obtaining the benefit of absolution until they have publicly retracted, revoked, canceled and eliminated everything that in any way they have promoted in this matter; until they have entirely and effectively returned everything to the original situation, to the Church, to Us and the Holy See and have repaired their crime by a proportional penance.

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  Spiritual Combat By Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
Posted by: Stone - 01-07-2024, 06:37 AM - Forum: Resources Online - Replies (68)

Spiritual Combat
By Dom Lorenzo Scupoli
Taken from this PDF

[Image: Spiritual-Combat-screenshot.png]


I. Preface

1. Preliminary Words On Perfection
2. Concerning Distrust Of Self
3. Confidence In God
4. How To Discover If We Distrust Ourselves And Place Confidence In God
5. Mistake Of Considering Cowardice A Virtue
6. Further Advice To Acquire Confidence In God
7. The Right Use Of Our Faculties
8. An Obstacle To Forming A Correct Judgment
9. Another Method To Prevent Deception Of The Understanding
10. Exercise Of The Will
11. Some Considerations To Incline The Will To Seek Pleasing God Only
12. The Opposition Within Man's Twofold Nature
13. How We Are To Encounter Sensuality
14. What To Do When The Will Is Apparently Overpowered
15. Further Advice On How To Fight Skillfully
16. The Soldier Of Christ Must Prepare Early For Battle
17. The Method Of Fighting Your Passions And Vices
18. How To Curb The Sudden Impulses Of Your Passions
19. How We Are To Fight Against Impurity
20. How To Combat Sloth
21. The Proper Use Of Our Senses To Contemplate Divine Things
22. How Sensible May Aid Us To Meditate On The Passion Of Christ
23. Other Dangerous Uses Of The Senses In Different Situations
24. How To Govern One's Speech
25. The Soldier Of Christ Must Avoid That Which Intrudes Upon Peace Of Mind
26. What We Are To Do When Wounded
27. The Methods Used By The Devil To Seduce Those Who Desire To Acquire Virtue
28. The Devil's Cunning Devices
29. The Efforts Of The Devil To Prevent Conversion
30. Concerning The Delusions Of Some Who Consider Themselves Being Perfected
31. Concerning The Artifices Of The Devil To Make Us Forsake The Virtuous Life
32. The Last Artifice Of The Devil In Making Even The Practice Of Virtue An Occasion Of Sin
33. Some Important Instructions For Those Who Wish To Mortify Themselves
34. Virtues Are To Be Acquired One At A Time And By Degrees
35. The Most Profitable Means Of Acquiring Virtue, And The Manner In Which We Apply Ourselves To A Particular Virtue For A Time
36. The Practice Of Virtue Requires Constant Application
37. Concerning The Necessity Of Seizing Eagerly All Opportunities Of Practicing Virtue
38. The Necessity Of Esteemimg All Opportunities Of Fighting For The Acquisition Of Virtue
39. The Manner In Which We May Exercise The Same Virtue On Different Occasions
40. The Time To Be Employed In The Acquisition Of Each Virtue And Indications Of Progress
41. The Need Of Moderation In The Desire To Be Freed Of Those Evils Patiently Borne, And The Manner In Which Our Desires Are To Be Regulated 
42. The Defense Against The Artifices Of The Devil When He Suggests Indiscreet Devotions
43. The Tendency Of Our Corrupt Natures, Prompted By The Devil, To Indulge In Rash Judgment, And The Remedy For This Evil
44. Prayer
45. Mental Prayer
46. Meditation
47. Another Method Of Meditation
48. Prayer Based On The Intercession Of The Blessed Virgin
49. Some Considerations To Induce Confidence In The Assistance Of The Blessed Virgin
50. A Method Of Meditation And Prayer Involving The Intercession Of The Saints And The Angels
51. Meditation On The Sufferings Of Christ
52. The Benefits Derived From Meditations On The Cross And The Imitation Of The Virtue Of Christ Crucified
53. Concerning The Most Holy Sacrament Of The Eucharist
54. The Manner In Which We Ought To Receive Holy Communion
55. Preparation For Holy Communion, And The Role Of The Eucharist In Exciting In Us A Love Of God
56. Concerning Spiritual Communion
57. Concerning Thanksgiving
58. The Offering Of Self To God
59. Concerning Sensible Devotion And Dryness
60. Concerning The Examination Of Conscience
61. Concerning The Manner In Which We Are To Persevere In The Spiritual Combat Until Death
62. Concerning Our Preparation Against The Enemies Who Assail Us At The Hour Of Death
63. Concerning The Four Assaults Of The Enemy At The Hour Of Death-----The First Assault Against Faith And The Manner Of Resisting It
64. Concerning The Assault Of Despair And Its Remedy
65. Concerning Temptation To Vainglory
66. Concerning The Various Illusions Employed By The Devil At The Hour Of Our Death


The Spiritual Combat is known as one of the greatest classics in ascetic theology, along with The Imitation of Christ. In both cases the authors are shrouded in mystery. Several 17th century editions were published under the name of the Spanish Benedictine, John of Castanzia. Some writers of the Society of Jesus have ascribed the book to the Jesuit, Achilles Gagliardi, but most critics however consider Fr. Lawrence Scupoli as the author of this famous treatise. The first known edition was published in Venice in 1589 and contained but 24 chapters; later editions appeared with more chapters, so it is possible that the Theatines or another religious order may have been part of the composition. Whatever may be the solution of the problem of the author, doubt of the actual one or ones, can take nothing away from the value and efficacy of this "golden book" as St. Frances de Sales called it. It was "the favorite, the dear book" of this great master of the spiritual life who, for 18 years, carried in a pocket a copy which he had received from Fr. Scupoli in Padua himself. The Saint read some pages of it every day, entrusted to its supernatural and human wisdom, the guidance of his soul, and recommended it to all under his direction. The purpose of the work is to lead the soul to the summit of spiritual perfection, by means of a constant, courageous struggle against our evil nature, which tends to keep us away from that goal.

The author was a genius, the kind that can only be inspired by the grace of God and his book is a Catholic treasure and one of the greatest gifts God could have given any age, but most especially this benighted age which has lost its appreciation for the kind of simplicity necessary for sanctity.

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