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  Feast of the Miraculous Medal - November 27th
Posted by: Stone - 11-27-2023, 06:13 AM - Forum: Our Lady - No Replies

Gratefully borrowed from the Our Lady of Fatima Chapel bulletin: 

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
Today's Feast Day - November 27th

[Image: 54df15a3-2799-411b-89ed-e8248367f651.png]

O Mary Conceived Without Sin, Pray For Us Who Have Recourse To Thee

Not long after France's horrific Reign of Terror, in January of 1830, a young, twenty-three year old Catherine Labouré entered the hospice of the Daughters of Charity at Chatillon-sur-Seine. It was during these days that the Masonic government encouraged the travesty of daily sacrilege, all the while blasphemously committed in the name of liberté, egalité and fraternité - freedom, equality and brotherhood!

Even the body of Saint Genevieve, the Patroness of France, was desecrated. Saint Vincent de Paul's body had been hidden, but four days after Sister Catherine's entry into the Mother House at Rue de Bac in Paris, Saint Vincent's remains were transferred back to his own church with a defiant and joyous procession.

The First Apparition

Later that same year, Sister Catherine was blessed with the apparitions of Mary Immaculate to which we owe the Miraculous Medal. The first apparition came on the eve of the feast of Saint Vincent, July 19th. The mother superior had given each of the novices a piece of cloth from the holy founder's surplice, in which Sister Catherine earnestly prayed to Saint Vincent that she might, with her own eyes, see the Mother of God.

That night, a beautiful child awoke her from her sleep, saying: "Sister Labouré, come to the chapel; the Blessed Virgin is waiting for you!" When Sister Catherine went to the chapel, she found it ablaze with lights as if prepared for Midnight Mass. Quietly, she knelt at the Communion rail, and suddenly heard the rustle of a silk dress. The Blessed Virgin, in a vision of glory, sat in a chair like that of Saint Anne's.

[Image: a4b2b4c5-851f-47a4-b761-08a0da994908.png]

Sister Catherine arose, then went over and knelt, resting her hands in the Virgin's lap, and felt the Virgin's arms around her, as she said: "God wishes to charge you with a mission. You will be contradicted, but do not fear; you will have the grace. Tell your spiritual director all that passes within you. Times are evil in France and in the world." Then, a pained expression crossed the Blessed Virgin's face:

"Come to the foot of the altar. Graces will be shed on all, great and little, especially upon those who seek them. Another community of sisters will join the Rue du Bac community. The community will become large; you will have the protection of God and Saint Vincent; I will always have my eyes upon you." Then, like a fading shadow, Our Lady was gone!

The Second Apparition

Four months passed until our Blessed Lady returned to Rue du Bac. Here are Sister Catherine's own words describing the apparition:

"On the 27th of November, 1830 …while making my meditation in profound silence …I seemed to hear on the right hand side of the sanctuary something like the rustling of a silk dress. Glancing in that direction, I perceived the Blessed Virgin standing near Saint Joseph's picture. Her height was medium and her countenance, indescribably beautiful. She was dressed in a robe the color of the dawn, high-necked, with plain sleeves. Her head was covered with a white veil, which floated over her shoulders down to her feet. Her feet rested upon a globe, or rather one half of a globe, for that was all that could be seen. Her hands which were on a level with her waist, held in an easy manner another globe, a figure of the world. Her eyes were raised to Heaven, and her countenance beamed with light as she offered the globe to Our Lord. On her fingers were many rings, filled with jewels and precious stones, from which shining rays of light descended. As I was busy contemplating her, the Blessed Virgin fixed her eyes upon me, and a voice said in the depths of my heart:

[Image: 32fb1bb3-f0ad-4135-a11d-e5eac6e328a2.jpg]

'This orb which you see is the world, France in particular, and each person individually. I am praying for it and for everyone in the world. The rays which fall on this orb are the graces which I give to those who ask for them. But there are no rays from some of the stones. For many people fail to receive graces because they neglect to ask for them.'

There now formed around the Blessed Virgin a frame rather oval in shape on which were written in letters of gold these words: 'O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.' Then a voice said to me:

'Have a medal struck upon this model. All those who wear it, when it is blessed, will receive great graces especially if they wear it round the neck. Those who repeat this prayer with devotion will be in a special manner under the protection of the Mother of God. Graces will be abundantly bestowed upon those who have confidence.'

At the same instant, the oval frame seemed to turn around. Then I saw on the back of it the letter 'M', surmounted by a cross, with a crossbar beneath it, and under the monogram of the name of Mary, the Holy Hearts of Jesus and of His Mother; the first surrounded by a crown of thorns and the second transpierced by a sword. I was anxious to know what words must be placed on the reverse side of the medal; and after many prayers, one day in meditation, I seemed to hear a voice which said to me: 'The 'M' with the Cross and the two Hearts tell enough.'"

[Image: bf1e6749-21f3-4982-96b9-2ce1eae5167d.jpg]

Encircling the sphere were twelve stars bordering the golden elliptical frame. Originally, it was named The Medal of the Immaculate Conception. The medal streamed from the presses by the millions, quickly overflowing France, and well into the world beyond. Not long after, there was an epidemic in France. The death rate soared and medical science was unable to cope with the crisis. People turned to the Sisters of Charity who gave them the Medal with the assurance that great graces would be showered upon all who would wear it with confidence.

After the first cures, people demanded it excitedly. So many favors, cures, and conversions were effected through its instrumentality that its name and doctrinal significance were lost in the clamor; it became known simply as The Miraculous Medal.

This apparition was the Immaculata's first official herald; and this Heaven-sent insignia ushered in what became known as the modern Age of Mary. It would prepare the world for the great declaration a quarter of a century later - when Pope Blessed Pius IX would declare the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception as an article of Faith and an essential element of Catholic belief.

[Image: 29a19750-e6b1-4559-9970-4da91b553978.jpg]

The Incorrupt Body of Saint Catherine Labouré

On the last day of 1876, Sister Catherine passed to her eternal reward. For the forty-six years from the year of the apparitions until her death, only she and her confessor knew who it was to whom the famous Miraculous Medal was revealed. As the years passed by, Sister Catherine performed daily her mundane and very ordinary tasks of sewing and door keeping, unknown to the world around her, which was buzzing with the miraculous effects of the Medal.

When Sister Catherine's body was exhumed for beatification 57 years after her death in 1933, it was found as fresh as the day it was buried - completely incorrupt! In 1947, she was canonized by Pope Pius XII. The feast day of Saint Catherine Labouré is tomorrow, November 28th. Her incorrupt body can still be seen today at the Mother House of the Daughters of Charity in The Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, 140 Rue du Bac in Paris, France.


On the Anniversary of today's feast day, at the dawn of the Twentieth Century, in 1902, Marie-Julie Jahenny, a French Stigmatist, received a Church approved message from Our Lord which warned of a "new liturgy" that would one day be instituted:

"I give you a warning. The disciples who are not of My Gospel are now working hard to remake according to their ideas, and under the influence of the enemy of souls, a Mass that contains words which are odious in My sight. When the fatal hour arrives where the faith of my priest is put to the test, it will be these texts that will be celebrated, in this second period. The first period is the one of My Priesthood, existing since Me. The second is the one of the persecution, when the enemies of the Faith and of Holy Religion will impose their formulas in the book of the second celebration. These infamous spirits are those who crucified Me and are awaiting the kingdom of the new messiah. Many of My holy priests will refuse this book, sealed with the words of the abyss. Unfortunately, amongst them are those who will accept it." -  The Breton Stigmatist

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  Dom Gueranger: Explanation of the Prayers and Ceremonies of Holy Mass
Posted by: Stone - 11-25-2023, 08:06 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - Replies (17)


Translated from the French by Rev. Dom. Laurence Shepherd, Monk of the English Benedictine Congregation
Taken from here, slightly adapted


The well-known translator of the Liturgical Year has gone to his rest: but in a twofold sense we may say: his works follow him.  This his last, and unfinished work, must therefore come to the readers of the Liturgical Year, as a loving farewell from him, a memento of him and of his lifelong labours in the cause of Holy Church.

To many, it will be of consoling interest to know that, up to the day of his death, as long as speech was his, Rev. Dom Laurence Shepherd was full of the great passion of his heart, - to gain souls to the love of Holy Church.  Several times, within even the last month of his painful illness, did he strive to master sinking nature, and once more guide his trembling pen, to tell the Faithful something more of the Bride of Christ, the Church of God.  Those last pages which came from his failing hand close with the word Lucia, in the explanation of the Nobis quoque peccatoribus.  Before the month was out, his friends had poured forth the consoling prayer put on their lips by Mother Church, Et lux perpetua luceat ei!  Hope had kindled in every heart the reverential confidence that the Champion of Holy Church had received the "Corona Justitiae," - had passed to the Patria Lucis Aeternae.

June 14. 1885.


The Great Bishop of Poitiers, Mgr. Pie, in his funeral Oration on our Father, Dom. Guéranger, said: "You have long been feasting at a royal board, where you were daily regaled with the most delicate and varied food.  Those Conferences on the Christian Life and Virtues, and that incomparable Commentary on your Rule, - you have no right to keep them to yourselves."

Notwithstanding so pressing an invitation on the part of so competent a judge, as was this devoted friend of our Father, we have hesitated long before yielding up to public gaze the secret of our family treasure.  It seemed to us that such notes as these would only do for his own sons, eager of paternal instructions and never likely to carp at either the simplicity of the form, or at the incorrectness of the language.

But so very many friends, assiduous readers of Dom Guéranger's Liturgical Year, by their repeated solicitations and earnest appeals, have succeeded at length in dissipating our first fears.  They are fully aware that they cannot expect to find once more the eminent writer himself, in mere notes, jotted down at the time, almost on the sly, and afterwards hastily put together in a form, the faultiness and inexactitude of which can never be imputed to any one, save to the more or less faithful copyists.  But there is one thing they are sure to find in these pages, - the Teacher and the Father, who in intimacy with his friends or his monks, ever with lavish hand, distributed that sure and luminous doctrine which leads souls to God.

We here open our proposed publication, by a short commentary on the Ceremonies of Holy Mass, incomplete though we certainly know it to be, in many points, and characterised, as were all our Father's Conferences, by a total absence of all pretension to erudition: we have not, therefore, presumed to change or add anything.  Yet, mere notes, as these are, they seem to us calculated to do good of no little importance.

In order to render them of more practical utility, we have given, in the Appendix, the Ordinary of the Mass, interspersed with the same paraphrase, which has already appeared in the Liturgical Year of Dom Guéranger.

Thus will the Faithful be provided, in this small work, with an efficient means of uniting themselves with the Priest in an enlightened manner, and be helped to derive more fruit from their assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

On the welcome accorded to this first attempt at giving publicity to our family treasures, will depend our future decision as to the opportuneness of continuing the proposed series of this Collection of Notes.

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  Pius IX: The Vicar of Christ Cannot Collaborate with the Modern World
Posted by: Stone - 11-25-2023, 06:45 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - No Replies

The Vicar of Christ Cannot Collaborate with the Modern World

TIA | November 24, 2023

When we see Pope Francis doing everything possible to collaborate with the modern world, it is opportune to recall the teaching of Pope Pius IX on the distance the Vicar of Christ must maintain from modern civilization.

These strong words by Pius IX give us the criterion to evaluate how far away the Conciliar Popes – who all preached the adaptation of the Catholic Church to the modern world – situated themselves from the True Church.

Pope Pius IX

In fact there is on earth but one sole true and holy religion founded and established by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself; this religion, which is the fecund mother and nurturer of all virtues, the enemy of vice, the savior of souls and the mistress of true happiness is called Catholic, Apostolic and Roman. What one must think about those who live outside this ark of salvation, we have already declared in our consistorial allocution of December 9, 1854, and we confirm here the same doctrine.

Now, to those who, for the good of the religion, invite us to extend our hand to the present-day civilization, we would ask this: Could the Vicar of Christ, divinely established by Him to guard the purity of His celestial doctrine and to feed and confirm the lambs and sheep in that same doctrine, associate himself with the contemporary civilization without assuming a very grave danger of conscience and causing a very great scandal to all? For indeed, it [the modern world] generates so many evils, as well as proclaims so many disastrous opinions, errors and principles that are extremely opposed to the Catholic Religion and her doctrine, that they could never be sufficiently deplored by us.

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  Freemasonry’s secret rituals exposed in viral video published by undercover Catholic journalist
Posted by: Stone - 11-24-2023, 07:16 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Freemasonry’s secret rituals exposed in viral video published by undercover Catholic journalist
Independent Catholic journalist Kyle Clifton has faced numerous death threats
after exposing secret Masonic rituals and their mockery of Catholicism.

Nov 23, 2023
(LifeSiteNews - slightly adapted) — An independent Catholic journalist has received scores of death threats after publishing footage of secret Masonic rituals.

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Clifton explained that he joined a Masonic lodge a number of years ago, with the intention of exposing their secrets. Clifton said that since filming the ritual, he has been baptized as a Catholic.

On November 16, Kyle Clifton began posting a series of video clips he made while attending a highly secretive Masonic ritual. Filmed with a concealed camera, his footage documents the induction ceremony of a third degree Master Mason, which is the highest degree of Freemasonry in the Blue Lodge, before members can choose to deepen their membership through more specific routes such as in the Scottish Rite. One of his videos has been viewed more than 7 million times on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Clifton told LifeSiteNews that when he was 18 years-old he decided he wanted to expose Freemasonry because he believed it to be influential in much of the evil in the world. He explained that as a young man  he was asking question such as: “Why is the world the way it is? Why is there so much degeneracy in this world? Who’s pushing all this propaganda?” and that the more he researched “it was like everyone was pointing to the Freemasons.”

“I went down to a local Freemason lodge and I befriended some of them and got into it. But then I realized I was a little bit over my head with it all,” Clifton said.

Clifton explained that, after developing a significant online following for his undercover journalism work, he decided earlier this year to go back to his local lodge and film one of the rituals.

“After I went I spoke with a priest and explained everything,” Clifton said. “I was baptized and confirmed into the Church just three months after shooting this video. And yes, I definitely wouldn’t go back. It’s against the Church. And the ceremonies and oaths that you have to take — that’s all repented for.”

Clifton’s videos provide evidence of the fiercely guarded secret rituals, including the mock execution ceremony, profession of the Masonic oath and the mimicry made of Christianity throughout the rituals.

The Masonic ritual is built on the recounting and re-enactment of details form the life of Hiram Abiff – believed to be the chief architect of King Solomon’s temple, who in Masonic lore was murdered by junior stone-masons demanding his information. The Old Testament records a craftsman named Hiram working on Solomon’s temple, though does not present him as the chief architect nor gives any record of his apprehension and murder.

The Masonic ritual is replete with a faux resurrection ceremony, metaphorically life-bestowing words and handshakes, and ceremonies which demand a particular number of bodily contact points.

For the incoming Master Mason, he is also taught the all-important password while making physical contact on five points of his body with already professed masters, in a mimic of the five chief wounds endured by Christ during the Passion.

Two members of the ritual are denoted by the terms “deacons,” in a mimic of the Catholic High Mass with subdeacon and deacon, and an “altar” is also used by the Masons.

Clifton has reported that his publication of the videos had led to numerous death threats against him by Masons.

In addition to over 30 death threats, Clifton stated his family had been intimidated by “an officer of the court” in an attempt to curtail his exposition of the Masonic secrets.

Among the threats issued to Clifton were messages warning him of the “price” he would pay for revealing the secrets of the Lodge, which members are bound by oath to keep secret.

As part of the oath uttered during the ritual, the Mason states that should he break the secrecy of the lodge then he would find himself “in no less penalty than of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken from thence and burnt to ashes. The ashes cast to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance may be had of me among men and Masons forever. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in due observance of this, my solemn obligation, as master mason.”

Such words have been downplayed by Masons in PR moves attempting to win public support for the secretive, anti-Catholic organization, with the dire penalties being described simply as “powerful, symbolic imagery.”

As LifeSiteNews has previously published, being its own universal religion, Freemasonry has long set its hostility against Christianity, and the Catholic Church in particular. David Gray, Catholic convert from Freemasonry, who rose to the “Sublime Degree of Master Mason” and held the office of “High Priest of a Royal Arch Chapter,” has stated:

Quote:The fact of the matter is that all Freemasonry shares the same principles and it is those principles that plot against the Church. Whether some Freemasons express those principles in the public sphere and other Freemasons express them only in their private relationships is only a distance in the accidents or the articulation, but not in the substance.

The Catholic Church has consistently and firmly forbidden Catholics from joining the Freemasons, which was re-stated by the Vatican in recent weeks. Pope Clement XII’s 1739 papal bull, In Eminenti, judged Freemasonry so serious a matter, and membership in it so dangerous, that he imposed an automatic excommunication, latae sententiae, on any Catholic who joined the freemasons.

Subsequently, Pope Leo XIII wrote in Humanum Genus that Freemasons have as “their ultimate purpose…the utter overthrow of that whole religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution of a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.”

In the CDF’s 1981 Declaration Concerning Status of Catholics Becoming Freemasons, the Vatican reaffirmed the prior teaching on this prohibition, based on renewed questions on the topic, noting that the excommunication and all penalties remained in place for Catholics looking to become Masons.

Subsequent texts a few years later – Declaration on Masonic Associations and Irreconcilability of Christian Faith and Freemasonry – re-iterated the Church’s position, noting the “irreconcilability between the principles of Freemasonry and the Catholic faith.”

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  Catholic Women’s College to Consider Applicants That ‘Identify as Women’
Posted by: Stone - 11-24-2023, 07:09 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Catholic Women’s College to Consider Applicants That ‘Identify as Women’

[Image: FotoJet-30.jpg?ezimgfmt=ng%3Awebp%2Fngcb...%2Frscb1-1]

Screenshot / YouTube Via a shot of hennessy

Resist the Mainstream | November 23, 2023US

This is an excerpt from New York Post.

Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana recently declared it will consider allowing biological males to attend the university if they have a history of identifying as women.

President Katie Conboy told the faculty in an email on Tuesday about the change in policy, according to the Notre Dame student paper, The Observer.

“Saint Mary’s will consider undergraduate applicants whose sex assigned at birth is female or who consistently live and identify as women,” Conboy emailed.

While the college is still reportedly determining the practices that will follow from the policy change, admissions will begin considering transgender applicants in fall 2024.

A campus newspaper reported that Conboy previously assembled a “President’s Task Force for Gender Identity and Expression” that is tasked with coming up with recommendations for housing and possible education surrounding “Catholic identity and women’s college identity.”

Conboy’s email reportedly quoted His Holiness Pope Francis to justify the policy.

“Pope Francis advocates for love as the appropriate approach to those who are different from ourselves: ‘Love, then, is more than just a series of benevolent actions. Those actions have their source in a union increasingly directed towards others, considering them of value, worthy, pleasing and beautiful apart from their physical or moral appearances. Our love for others, for who they are, moves us to seek the best for their lives,” the email reportedly said.

Earlier this year, Pope Francis told journalist Elisabetta Piqué for the Argentine daily newspaper La Nación, that “Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations.”

“Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs differences and the value of men and women,” he added.

He also noted that there is a major difference between caring for people who identify as transgender versus actually endorsing their values, noting the contrast “between what pastoral care is for people who have a different sexual orientation and what gender ideology is.”

The college received blowback for its decision from current students and some alumni.

“St. Mary’s College is no longer Catholic,” Saint Mary’s student Claire Bettag, a junior, told The Daily Signal. “It is no longer a women’s institution. This is fraudulent misrepresentation at best. Every student should be entitled to a refund for fraudulent misrepresentation. An attorney should file a class action lawsuit against the college. They have abandoned their faith, and they’ve abandoned the women. No woman should be forced to share a bathroom or living quarters with a man.”

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  Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual
Posted by: Stone - 11-23-2023, 07:44 AM - Forum: Abortion - No Replies

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

The Western Journal [slightly adapted] | Nov. 22, 2023

Cosmopolitan was always the trashiest of the ladies’ magazines one could pick up at your local Shop-Rite check-out aisle, but the dying of print and the squeeze put upon whatever shopping lane business they were still doing by self-checkout apparently has the editors over at Cosmo pretty desperate these days.

So, they decided it was high time to profile Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic [Abortion] Clinic. Seriously.

“Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic. Does it sound like pure clickbait? Sure,” the writers admitted in the piece, published Nov. 14.

“But beneath the outlandish branding lies a sincere mission: The New Mexico–based telehealth practice, a legitimate medical entity run by an accredited clinical team, offers abortion care to patients within state lines.

“The staff prescribes abortion pills (at $91 per set, a competitive price) up until the eleventh week of pregnancy and offers 24/7 phone access to licensed medical personnel to anyone in need. It’s just that they’re also Satanists, members of a religious organization called The Satanic Temple.”

The Temple, Cosmo said, “chose New Mexico for a few reasons. It has about 3,300 members in the state, a robust base of potential need. New Mexico is also considered an abortion-rights stronghold, lacking oppressive laws dictating gestational limits, age restrictions, waiting periods, and mandatory ‘counseling.’

“Here, unlike in neighboring states Texas and Oklahoma, it’s still legal for doctors and nurse practitioners to prescribe abortion pills remotely and have them mailed to patients for safe use at home,” the report said. “Anyone traveling to New Mexico from out of state can use a P.O. box or a friend or family member’s address — even a hotel’s.”

My initial (flippant, sardonic) reaction was that the abortion mill industry had always been satanic and its high time satanists themselves got a bit of the action. Where’s the representation here, people? Planned Parenthood may be doing the work of the devil, but how many devil-worshippers are filling key roles in the organization? Check your demonic privilege, PP.

Anyway, like the usual establishment media reports on anything related to the Satanic Temple, Cosmo is quick to point out “that Satanists don’t actually worship the devil” and  that its “roughly 1.5 million global members view Satan more like a mascot, one depicted not as a dark, omniscient deity but as a literary character.”

A literary character who acts, um, a lot like the devil. As popular YouTuber Ruslan KD noted, it was “the most demonic thing I’ve ever seen.”

Take what Cosmo calls “the optional ceremonial aspects of the Satanic abortion ritual” as recommended by the TST.

“First, you find a quiet space. Bring a mirror if you can. Just before taking the medication, gaze at your reflection and focus on your personhood. Home in on your intent, your responsibility to you. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When you’re ready, read the following tenet aloud: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” Cosmo reports.

“Take the medication and immediately afterward, recite, Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

“Later, once your body expels the aborted tissue, return to your reflection. Focus again on your personhood, your power in making this decision. Complete the ritual by reciting a personal affirmation: By my body, my blood; by my will, it is done.”

Yes, these people clearly believe that Satan is just a mascot, the same way that the people running Black Lives Matter clearly aren’t grifters.

These were the steps explained to Jessica* (the asterisk meaning that’s not her real name; if an abortion is so normal and righteous, why the asterisk and the pseudonym, hmm?), a patient of the troll teleabortion clinic.

“I think it’s genius,” the 37-year-old mother of three told Cosmo as she drove her children around Albuquerque.

“She’s also pregnant but not for long. A set of abortion pills is waiting for her back home, thanks to speedy shipping via Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic team,” Cosmo noted. “Jessica and her husband don’t want any more children, especially given her history of super-high-risk pregnancies.”

“Jessica decided to incorporate some ceremonial aspects into her solo abortion experience,” Cosmo reported. “Why not? she thought. The overall messaging just clicked with her.”

Yes, one imagines that it would. After all, this is what satanism is: The worship of the self while we’re here on earth. It’s the literal deal with the devil that we make, playing the long odds on Pascal’s wager.

Don’t want another child — or a child, period? It’s all about you. Do a few rituals to convince yourself that it’s all about you.

“The experience was just very supportive,” Jessica told Cosmo. “I think that’s the biggest thing — they really reinforce that this is your decision and your choice and that you are supported.”

Yes, that’s the important thing — while we’re here, anyway. Eternity might reveal harsher realities, however.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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  NY Court Rules in Favor of Landmark Case Allowing Quarantine Camps
Posted by: Stone - 11-23-2023, 07:18 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

NY Court Rules in Favor of Hochul in Landmark Case For Government Overreach Over Quarantine Orders

GP | November 22, 2023

New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul won an appeal over a lawsuit against her administration’s Covid-19 quarantine rules and regulations.

Rule 2.13: “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” will give the state of New York the ability to come in your home and take you away to quarantine without any notice and for any virus or infection they deem necessary.

Plaintiffs sued Hochul and the NYS Department of Health arguing the quarantine rules violated their rights and overstepped the separation of powers.

The plaintiffs initially won the lawsuit, however, NY Attorney General Letitia James filed an appeal to overturn the verdict.

The state’s Supreme Court Appellate Division on Tuesday ruled in favor of Hochul.

Noted attorney Harmeet Dhillon reacted to the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division’s ruling.

“Time for SCOTUS to step up and overturn Jacobson v Massachusetts, an outdated decision that enables the violation of our fundamental human and civil rights nationally as happened in COVID and will surely happen again the next time malevolent actors want to manipulate a credulous and enervated populace. We must NEVER let this happen again and this authoritarian decree needs to be reversed at the polls in every state and territory in the nation,” Harmeet Dhillon said.

WROC reported:

Quote:A decision in a lawsuit over New York’s COVID-19 quarantine regulations has been overturned.

After oral arguments ended last September, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division ruled that the state’s Commissioner of Health is allowed to issue quarantine orders to control the disease.

According to the document, the plaintiffs “lacked standing” in their complaint that the quarantine regulations overstepped the separation of powers.

This decision comes after a lawsuit was filed against Governor Kathy Hochul and the NYS Department of Health. The plaintiffs, including Senator George Borello, argued that the regulation impedes individual liberty and oversteps the separation of powers.

The plaintiffs won the lawsuit against the Hochul administration, but NYS Attorney General Letitia James appealed to overturn the verdict on behalf of Hochul and the Department of Health.

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  Vatican Sees Buddha As Great Healer On Same Level as Christ
Posted by: Stone - 11-23-2023, 06:40 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - Replies (1)

Vatican Sees Buddha As Great Healer On Same Level as Christ

[Image: eq0nimpcm23nt32r0glpfduuv9b71qdk28ps8ju....77&webp=on]

gloria.tv | November 16, 2023

“As Buddhists and Christians, we see the Buddha and Jesus as great healers,” says a joint statement published on Vatican.va (November 16).

It is the closing statement of the Seventh Buddhist-Christian Colloquium at the Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in Bangkok, Thailand, co-organised by the useless Vatican Dicarstery for Interreligious Dialogue.

According to the statement, “Jesus and the Buddha proposed love and compassion as medicine to drive out the darkness in the human heart and the world.”

Somebody should tell the Vatican that Christ and the Catholic Church are all about rejecting false gods and ideologies such as Buddhism and worshipping the Holy Trinity to find the small door to eternal salvation.

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  JFK: The Speech on Secret Societies & Communism
Posted by: Stone - 11-22-2023, 08:34 AM - Forum: Socialism & Communism - No Replies

JFK: The Speech on Secret Societies & Communism

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  The First Thanksgivings were Catholic (Reality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving)
Posted by: Stone - 11-22-2023, 08:32 AM - Forum: Resources Online - No Replies

The First Thanksgivings were Catholic (Reality & Myth regarding Thanksgiving)

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  New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots
Posted by: Stone - 11-21-2023, 07:27 AM - Forum: COVID Vaccines - No Replies

‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots
Under 'Chair Care,' a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Mexico hairstylists are paid and trained as 'trusted messengers' to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines, especially to minority and conservative clients with low vaccination rates.
[Image: chair-care-hairstylist-covid-flu-vaccine...x417-1.jpg]

Children's Health Defense

Nov 20, 2023
This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.

(Children’s Health Defense - adapted [not all original hyperlinks included below]) — Public health agencies are funding a New Mexico program to train and pay local hairstylists working in privately owned salons to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines to their clients.

The “Chair Care” program trains these “trusted messengers” to target New Mexico’s Hispanic, Black, Native American and conservative populations who have been shown to have the lowest vaccine uptake and highest “vaccine hesitancy.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Mexico Department of Public Health (NMDOH) are funding the program, which is run by Presbyterian Community Health and Better Together New Mexico, an NMDOH initiative that connects local organizations to do vaccine outreach throughout the state.

Other partners in the grant program include an unnamed doctor, a salon, a hairstylist and an Albuquerque company, Serna Solutions, which provides behavioral health training.

The program is training hairstylists to spread the agencies’ vetted messaging on vaccines to the public. The “trusted messenger” strategy is based on the assumption that people tend to trust such figures more than they trust public health authorities, according to the project website, which states:

Quote:Research tells us that who a message comes from is just as important – if not more – than what the content of the message is … Chair Care TMs [trusted messengers] play a critical role in sharing the facts about vaccination with their clients because their clients trust them.

TMs can talk with their clients about vaccinations in a more relaxed, conversational way than traditional authority figures or healthcare providers sometimes can.

By training the “trusted messengers” to promote their messages, the public health authorities can get their message across to the public, without the public being aware the message is designed and paid for by those health authorities.

Hairstylists who sign up for a six-month commitment participate in two day-long trainings where they receive tools so they can “feel more confident” talking to their clients about taking vaccines.

They will be trained in motivational interviewing, COVID-19 basics, flu basics and long COVID basics.

After the initial training, the hairstylists are required to participate in twice-monthly virtual meetings to receive updated content and program support. At the end of the six-month program, they participate in a half-day debrief.

They also spend 30-45 minutes per week submitting data on their client interactions. The program website doesn’t indicate what types of data they are collecting.
[Emphasis - The Catacombs]

Participants receive a one-time participant stipend, but the amount is also not specified on the website.

Better Together offers grants of up to $300,000 for proposals like Chair Care designed to circulate “vetted vaccine information” or increase access to vaccines for New Mexicans. All projects must include a focus on COVID-19 vaccination.

Better Together did not respond to The Defender’s request for more information about the program at the time of publication.

‘Trusted messengers,’ brought to you by corporate elite and the CDC

Chair Care cites an Ad Council Research Institute report, “The 2022 Trusted Messenger Study,” a follow-up on a similar report published in 2021, as the justification for the program.

The Ad Council is a nonprofit research organization whose directorship is comprised of over 100 representatives from almost every major legacy and social media corporation, Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Tech, professional sports, banking and consulting.

Its mission is to “convene the best storytellers to educate, unite and uplift – by opening hearts, inspiring action and accelerating change.”

The Trusted Messenger Study concluded that Americans don’t trust political leaders and institutions. To “market” messages that will “shift perceptions” and “ignite new behaviors,” leaders have to find the messengers that people trust and get them to deliver the desired message.

A key finding in the study was that local leaders – teachers, community leaders, nonprofits – are important references for people when they are gathering information to make decisions.

Based on these and similar ideas, the CDC since 2021 has doled out hundreds of millions of dollars in grants for the creation of “culturally tailored” pro-vaccine materials and for training “trusted messengers” to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines to communities of color in every state across the country.

In March 2021, the Biden administration also earmarked $3 billion for the CDC to support local initiatives to “strengthen vaccine confidence.”

The method: motivational interviewing

The Chair Care stylists will be trained to use motivational interviewing to influence their clients.

Better Together defines the method, from the CDC’s website, as “an evidence-based and culturally sensitive approach to helping people manage mixed feelings and move toward healthy behavior change that is consistent with their values and needs.”

According to Psychology Today, it is a counseling method used to help people decide to change their behavior, and it is particularly effective with people who are ambivalent, or even hostile. It can be effective in one or two sessions.

Originally developed for people with substance abuse disorders, the method is now applied broadly in healthcare, psychotherapy, correctional and counseling settings, according to the American Psychological Association.

The clinician – or in this case, the hairstylist – is meant to listen, show empathy and support for the idea that someone can change, and help people think about how they can do so.

The goal is to guide the communication in order to direct people in a way that is “respectful and curious.”

The CDC provides a script for healthcare professionals to implement the methodology to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake on its website. It also provides training in this method for clinicians working with HIV patients, opioid users and the elderly.

This article was originally published by The Defender – Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.

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  No more needles? Gates Foundation funds patch-style vaccine technology
Posted by: Stone - 11-21-2023, 07:16 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

No more needles? Gates Foundation funds patch-style vaccine technology


The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation campus is pictured in Seattle, Washington, U.S. May 5, 2021. 
REUTERS/Lindsey Wasson/File Photo Acquire Licensing Rights

LONDON, Nov 16 [2023] (Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given $23.6 million to U.S.-based life science company Micron Biomedical to fund the first ever mass production of needle-free vaccine technology.

The technology works by delivering the vaccine via dissolvable microneedles attached to the skin on a patch-like device.

Global health experts have long argued for the potential of similar technology to boost the uptake of life-saving shots.

It is simpler to transport and administer than traditional injections, particularly in low-income countries where reaching all of the children who need vaccines remains challenging. But scaling up production has been a hurdle.

A trial in Gambia earlier this year showed that Micron’s device delivered the measles-rubella vaccine, produced by the Serum Institute of India, to adults, babies and toddlers as safely and effectively as syringes, and produced a similar immune response.

The technology "could help overcome some of the most substantial barriers to eradicating measles and rubella globally", said James Goodson, senior scientist in the immunization division at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has also partnered with Micron.

It reduces the need for a cold chain for distribution, and does not require a trained professional to give the vaccine. It could also help those with a fear of injections, the company said in a statement on Thursday.

The funding will support the development of a manufacturing facility to help make around 10 million devices annually, for larger clinical trials and then wider use, subject to approvals from regulatory authorities.

The company has had several other grants from Gates, to help deliver the technology to "underserved populations around the world", Micron's CEO Steven Damon said.

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  Archbishop Lefebvre: Excerpt from 'A Bishop Speaks' on the Validity of the New Mass
Posted by: Stone - 11-20-2023, 07:14 AM - Forum: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre - No Replies

Taken from here:

From A Bishop Speaks (Kansas City, MO: Angelus Press, 2007), pp 97-98.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, Rome, March 13, 1971: The Fruits of the New Mass

"There are thus three realities needful for the reality of the Mass, 1) The Priest-Sacerdotes...having a sacerdotal character. 2) The real and substantial presence of the Victim, who is Christ. 3) The sacerdotal action of the sacrificial oblation which is realized essentially in the Consecration.

Let us not forget that it is precisely these three fundamental truths that are denied by the Protestants and Modernists. Let us not forget that it is to manifest their refusal to believe in these dogmas that their Masses have been transformed into services, into a eucharistic meal or gathering, where a much greater place is given to readings from the Bible, to the word, to the detriment of the offering and the liturgy of the sacrifice....Everything laid down in this new order clearly reflects this new conception, which is nearer the Protestant conception than the Catholic. The statements of the Protestants who contributed to the reform illustrate the truth of this naively and sadly: 'Protestants can no longer find anything to prevent their celebrating the Novus Ordo.' We may therefore quite legitimately ask ourselves whether, as the Catholic belief in the essential truths of the Mass insensibly disappears, the validity of the Mass is also disappearing. The intention of the celebrant will have a bearing on the new conception of the Mass which, before long, will be no other than the Protestant. THE MASS WILL NO LONGER BE VALID."

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  The Apocalypse Tapestries
Posted by: Stone - 11-20-2023, 05:51 AM - Forum: General Commentary - Replies (2)

The Apocalypse Tapestries
(Part 1)

NLM | November 18, 2023

As the Church’s year draws to a close, the book of the Apocalypse becomes very prominent in the Roman liturgy. It is read at the Mass of both the vigil (5, 6-12) and feast of All Saints (7, 2-12), and at Matins of the latter (4, 2-8 and 5, 1-14); at the third Mass of All Souls’ day (a reading of single verse, 14, 3, borrowed from the daily Mass for the Dead); and at Matins of the two dedication feasts on the universal calendar, those of the Lateran basilica on November 9th (21, 9-18), and of Ss Peter and Paul today (21, 18-27). It also provides the epistle for the Mass of a dedication generally (21, 2-5), and the Introit and Magnificat antiphon of Second Vespers of Christ the King. In the Mass lectionary of the post-Conciliar rite, it is read on the ferial days of the last two weeks of even-numbered years.

Introitus Dignus est Agnus, qui occísus est, accípere virtútem, et divinitátem, et sapientiam, et fortitúdinem, et honórem. Ipsi gloria et imperium in saecula saeculórum. Ps. 71 Deus, judicium tuum Regi da, et justitiam tuam Filio Regis. Gloria Patri... Dignus est Agnus...

Introit, Apoc. 5,12 & 1, 6 Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain to receive power, and divinity, and wisdom, and strength, and honor. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Ps 71 O God, give Thy judgment to the King, and Thy justice to the King’s son. Glory be... Worthy is the Lamb...

One of the most magnificent artistic representations of the Apocalypse is a set of six enormous tapestries (20 feet high by almost 79 long) woven in Paris between 1377 and 1382. Each of them begins on the left with a man sitting under a Gothic baldachin, reading the Apocalypse from a book on a stand in front of him. There follow 14 scenes of St John’s visions arranged in the order of the book, running from left to right, first above and then below, making for 15 panels per tapestry, a total of 90 scenes between the six.

[Image: 1200px-Tapisserie_de_l%27Apocalypse%2C_A...0607195543]

Part of the tapestries in their modern display space within the Château d’Angers. Image from Wikimedia Commons by c6L, CC BY-SA 2.0.

These tapestries were commissioned by Louis I (1339-84), the second son of King Jean II of France, and first Duke of Anjou. His grandson and third successor to his title, René, donated them to the cathedral of Angers, the capital of the duchy, where they remained until the French Revolution. France’s artistic treasures perished by the millions in that hideous debauch of barbarism, and the tapestries were cut into pieces and used for various purposes, such as covering crops for winter storage in barns. The surviving were recovered in 1848, but fourteen of the scenes from the book and two of the readers were lost; the sixth tapestry is the most badly damaged (five scenes and the reader lost, and the last scene in fragments), but the third and fourth are intact. In 2020, a group of 30 more fragments were discovered in a Parisian art gallery, and have been donated to the museum of the castle in Angers where the tapestries are now housed.

The images are taken from this page of Wikimedia Commons, which shows the arrangement of the panels divided by tapestry (by PMR Maeyaert, CC BY-SA 4.0, except where noted otherwise.) I will present them in three posts, two tapestries per.


The First Reader

[Image: PMa_ANG001_F_Angers.jpg]

The first panel, which represented the opening of the Apocalypse, with St John on the island of Patmos, is lost. The second represents the first mention of the seven churches to which he is ordered to write, chapter 1, verse 11.

[Image: PMa_ANG002_F_Angers.jpg]

The vision of the Son of Man in the midst of the seven candlesticks (1, 12-20)

[Image: PMa_ANG003_F_Angers.jpg]

Chapters 2 and 3, the letters which John writes to the seven churches, are passed over; the next panel is his vision of the throne of God in chapter 4.

[Image: PMa_ANG004b_F_Angers.jpg]

The twenty-four elders present their crowns to Christ (4, 10).

[Image: PMa_ANG005_F_Angers.jpg]

The angel opens the book (5, 1-8)

[Image: PMa_ANG006b_F_Angers.jpg]

The Adoration of the Lamb that was slain (5, 9-14).

[Image: PMa_ANG007_F_Angers.jpg]

The first panel of the lower register, which showed the Lamb receiving the book, is lost. The second panel shows the first horseman, who rides a white horse, and has a crown and bow (6, 2).

[Image: PMa_ANG008b_F_Angers.jpg]

The second horseman is also lost; the third rides a black horse, and has a scale in his hands (6, 5).

[Image: PMa_ANG009_F_Angers.jpg]

The fourth horseman, Death, riding a pale horse (6, 8).

[Image: PMa_ANG010_F_Angers.jpg]

The vision of the souls of the martyrs underneath the altar (6, 9)

[Image: PMa_ANG011_F_Angers.jpg]

The reader of the second tapestry and the first panel of the upper register are both lost. The second panel shows the 144,000 signed, 12,000 from each of the tribes of Israel (7, 1-8). Since this is read as the Epistle of the Mass of All Saints, they are symbolic represented by Saints of various classes: clergy, royalty, religious and laymen.

[Image: PMa_ANG012_F_Angers.jpg]

The angels receive the seven trumpets (8, 2).

[Image: PMa_ANG013_F_Angers.jpg]

The angel receives the incense which represents the prayers of the Saints (8, 3).

[Image: PMa_ANG014_F_Angers.jpg]

The angel pours the incense upon the earth (8, 5), and the first trumpet is blown (8, 7), bringing with it hail and fire.

[Image: PMa_ANG015_F_Angers.jpg]

A panel showing the effects of the first trumpet (8, 7) is lost; with the second trumpet (8, 8-9), a great mountain burning with first is cast into the sea, and a third part of the ships are destroyed.

[Image: PMa_ANG016_F_Angers.jpg]

The first panel of the lower register, the descent of the star called Wormwood (8, 10-11).

[Image: PMa_ANG017_F_Angers.jpg]

The fourth trumpet (8, 12-13): the darkening of the sun, moon and stars, and the coming of the great eagle that cries out “Woe, woe to those that dwell upon the earth.”

[Image: PMa_ANG018_F_Angers.jpg]

The fifth trumpet (9, 1-12): the locusts ascend from the pit.

[Image: PMa_ANG019_F_Angers.jpg]

The sixth trumpet (9, 13 etc.): the release of the four angels.

[Image: Screenshot-2023-11-20-045001.png]

The riders on fire-breathing horses (9, 16 etc.)

[Image: PMa_ANG021_F_Angers.jpg]

The angel with seven thunders (10, 1-4)

[Image: PMa_ANG022_F_Angers.jpg]

St John eats the book (10, 8-10)

[Image: PMa_ANG023_F_Angers.jpg]

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  Bl. Jacobus de Voragine's Golden Legend: Adam to Noah
Posted by: Stone - 11-16-2023, 07:50 AM - Forum: Church Doctrine & Teaching - Replies (3)

Bl. Jacobus de Voragine's Golden Legend: Adam to Noah
Part I

Taken from here.

[Image: wf4r3prmmeie82ddzklgll3gg6yd5842abklyob....68&webp=on]

Hans Baldung Grien - Adam

"God saw that all these works /six days of Creation/ were good and said: 'Faciamus hominem, etc. Make we man unto our similitude and image.' Here spake the Father to the Son and Holy Ghost, or else as it were the common voice of three persons, when it was said 'make we,' and 'to our' in plural number. Man was made to the image of God in his soul.

...And man was made in the field of Damascus; he was made of the slime of the earth. Paradise was made on the third day of Creation, and was beset with herbs, plants and trees, and is a place of most mirth and joy. In the midst whereof be set two trees, that is the tree of life, and the other the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

God said it is not good for a man to be alone, make we to him a helper like to himself for to bring children...Therefore God brought to Adam all living beasts of the earth and air, in which be understood them of the water also, which with one commandment all came tofore him...And he named them in Hebrew tongue which was only the language and none other at the beginning. God sent to Adam a lust to sleep, which was no dream, but as is supposed in an ecstasy or in a trance; in which it was showed to him the celestial court. Wherefore when he awoke he prophesied of the conjunction of Christ and His Church, and of the flood that was to come, and of the doom and destruction by fire, he knew, which afterward he told to his children."

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