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  Fr. Hewko reads St. Vincent Ferrer: On the Life of Christ in the Mass [Feast of the Sacred Heart of
Posted by: Stone - 06-17-2023, 05:10 AM - Forum: Fr. Hewko's Sermons, Catechisms, & Conferences - No Replies

Fr. Hewko reads St. Vincent Ferrer: On the Life of Christ in the Mass [Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus]
June 16, 2023

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  Don’t Call Protestants Christians
Posted by: SAguide - 06-15-2023, 04:20 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Please, Don’t Call Protestants Christians
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.

[Image: M013_PiusIX.jpg]
Pius IX: “He who abandons the Chair of Peter is falsely persuaded that he is in the Church of Christ”

It is very common today to hear Catholics call a Protestant “a Christian,” or even, “a good Christian.” In the United States, it was already a practice before Vatican II because of the tendency of American Catholics to accommodate Protestantism, whose tonus dominated the social and business spheres. Then, there was the question of adaptation as prominent Protestants joined the Catholic faith, or Catholics entered into marriages with Protestants. It was just easier to call everyone “Christian.” Supposedly it underplayed differences. It was meant to create the impression that Catholics and Protestants were cousins in one big, happy family. Pope Leo XIII condemned this tolerance toward Protestantism under the name of Americanism, the heresy of Americanism, to be more precise.

After Vatican II, needless to say, the practice of calling Protestants Christians has snowballed, with the official conciliar documents assuming this same impropriety. Hence, the Holy See, Prelates and priests have made its use as widespread as possible. Accommodation to Protestantism in our days has reached such a point that some Catholics, to distinguish between Catholics and their Protestant “separated brethren,” call themselves Catholic Christians. A redundancy if I've ever heard one. Only Catholics can be true Christians. No one who dissents from the Roman Catholic Church can be a Christian. The terms are synonymous.

Every time I hear the term Christian used for Protestants, I cringe. Its usage clearly nourishes a trend toward a dangerous religious indifferentism, which denies the duty of man to worship God by believing and practicing the one true Catholic Religion. It is an implicit admission that those who deny the one Faith can nonetheless be Christians, that is, be in the Church of Christ. Inherently it leads to the progressivist notion that men can be saved in any religion that accepts Christ as Savior. A “good Lutheran,” a “good Anglican,” a “good Presbyterian – what does it matter so long as they are good people and sincerely love Christ?

Regardless of who is applying this usage today, I want to stress that it is at variance with the entire tradition of the Catholic Church until the Council. To consider heretics as Christians is not the teaching of the Church.

Before Vatican II, the Magisterium was always very clear: It is not a matter of an individual’s character or traits. No one can be in the Church of Christ without professing the ensemble of the truths of Catholic Faith, being in unity with the Chair of Peter and receiving the same Seven Sacraments. The only Christian is one who accepts Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church he established. Who can have God for Father and not accept the Church for Mother? (Pope Pius IX, Singulari quidem of March 17, 1856) Who can accept the spouse Christ, and not his mystical bride the Church? Who can separate the Head, the only begotten Son of God, from the body, which is His Church? (Pope Leo XIII, Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896). It is not possible.

In short, only those who profess the one Catholic Faith and are united with the Mystical Body of Christ are members of the Church of Christ. And only those members can legitimately bear the title of honor of Christian.

The Protestant sect started as a revolt, protesting the Church of Christ and, pretending to accept Christ without Peter, the authority He established on earth. With this split, they left the Church and became heretics. This used to be clearly said and understood, without sentimental fear of offending one’s neighbors or relatives: A Protestant is a heretic because he severed himself from the Body of the Church. He is not a Christian, and certainly not a “good Christian.”

Scriptures confirm this truth

My friend Jan thought I was being too severe on this topic. “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill,” she said. “Don’t Scriptures teach us to love our neighbor and not be judgmental?”

It is the same old post Vatican II story, claiming that it is “judgmental” to correct bad practices and false teachings and arguing with disputable interpretations of Scriptures.

Well, despite these subjective interpretations, the inspired words of Scriptures provide an unambiguous defense that the custody of the vineyard has been committed by Christ to the Catholic Church alone. Let me quote just a few verses:
  • “He who hears you (Peter) hears me, and he who rejects you, rejects me, and he who rejects me, rejects him who sent me (Lk 10:16).” It could not be clearer: the Protestant who rejects the head, rejects Christ himself, and should not be granted the name Christian.

  • Christ establishes one Church with a single head: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matt 16:19).

  • St. Paul is severe in his condemnation of false teachers, e.g. Protestants: “If any man preaches any other Gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed” (Gal 1: 9).

  • In another passage he instructs Catholics to remove themselves from the bad society of non-Catholics: “And we charge you, brethren, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly and not according to the Tradition which they have received of us” (2 Thess 3:6).

  • The Apostle St. John forbade any intercourse with heretics: “If any man come to you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house or welcome him” (2 Jo 1:10)”
Holy Scriptures are clear on the point that only those who belong to the one Church founded by Christ, the Catholic Church, can rightfully be considered Christians.

Popes reiterate this teaching

The traditional Papal Magisterium was also clear on this topic. Let me offer a few texts by way of exemplification.

Pius XII stated unequivocally: “To be Christian one must be Roman. One must recognize the oneness of Christ’s Church that is governed by one successor of the Prince of the Apostles who is the Bishop of Rome, Christ’s Vicar on earth” (Allocution to the Irish pilgrims of October 8, 1957). How is it possible to be clearer than this about those who can be called Christian?

Leo XIII makes it plain that separated members cannot belong to the same body: “So long as the member was on the body, it lived; separated, it lost its life. Thus the man, so long as he lives on the body of the [Catholic] Church, he is a Christian; separated from her, he becomes a heretic” (Encyclical Satis cognitum of June 29, 1896).

Emphasizing the fate of those who break away from the one Faith, he says: “Whoever leaves her [the Catholic Church] departs from the will and command of Our Lord Jesus Christ; leaving the path of salvation, he enters that of perdition. Whoever is separated from the Church is united to an adulteress” (ibid.). Certainly, they do not share with us the same title of Christian.

Pope Pius IX stated: “He who abandons the Chair of Peter on which the Church is founded, is falsely persuaded that he is in the Church of Christ” (Quartus supra of January 6 1873, n. 8).

In the Syllabus of Modern Errors, the proposition that Protestantism is nothing more than another form of the same true Christian religion was specifically condemned (Pius IX, n. 18)(1).

Therefore, there is only one Christian Church, the Catholic Church, and only those who belong to it should rightfully be called Christians.

How to fight Americanism?
Many persons ask me: What can I do to fight Progressivism? Others have requested: Give me some specific examples of how I can combat Americanism.

Let me offer one concrete way to fight in yourself the tendency toward accommodation with Protestantism.

When you catch yourself calling a Protestant a “Christian,” stop and correct yourself. Call him a Protestant. It is a way to affirm that you do not accept the Protestant errors and that you acknowledge it for the terrible thing it is: Protestants denied many Catholic dogmas and for this reason caused that first major crack in the unity of the Catholic Church that caused untold damage to Christendom and the perdition of those souls adhering to it.

It is a small thing, but by such small customs we as a people have been walking steadily toward religious indifferentism. It is time to set some roadblocks on that path. We should not veil in ambiguous terms our love for the ensemble of the Catholic Faith. The only true union possible for Catholics with Protestants is by their return to the one true Church of Christ, the Catholic Church. Only with such a return can they rightfully call themselves Christians.

[Image: M013_perugino_pietro.jpg]
Our Lord delivers the keys of His Church to St. Peter
Pietro Perugino, 15th century, Sistine Chapel

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  Synthetic human embryos have been created in a "scientific breakthrough."
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2023, 06:18 AM - Forum: Health - No Replies

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  Abp. Viganò: Cdl. Gregory’s silence on DC ‘Pride Mass’
Posted by: Stone - 06-15-2023, 06:07 AM - Forum: Archbishop Viganò - No Replies

Abp. Viganò: Cdl. Gregory’s silence on DC ‘Pride Mass’ a ‘betrayal of Christ’s teaching’
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has urged the faithful to 'prayer, fasting, and penance' in 'atonement for the disrespect and sacrilege committed' at the 'Pride Mass' in Washington, DC.

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Jun 14, 2023

Editor’s note: The following is a statement from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò regarding the “Pride Mass” being celebrated at Holy Trinity Catholic parish in Washington, D.C. on June 14, 2023.

(LifeSiteNews) — Today at Holy Trinity Parish, run by the Jesuits of Georgetown University in the Archdiocese of Washington, a Mass will be celebrated for “Catholic” activists of the LGBT movement.

For years – ever since he was Archbishop of Atlanta – Wilton Daniel Gregory has been abusing his power to promote the homosexual agenda, much to the scandal of the Catholic faithful. His monomaniacal fixation on the vice against nature earned him the sacred purple (i.e., the cardinalate) and appointment to the See of Washington, D.C., a worthy heir to McCarrick and Wuerl, thus confirming that betrayal of Christ’s teaching is regarded in Bergoglio’s Vatican as a prerequisite for an ecclesiastical career.

It is not surprising that Cardinal Gregory is a follower of James Martin, S.J., whose recent sacrilegious remarks on devotion to the Sacred Heart have aroused indignation in the ecclesial body and prompted the organization of a reparatory procession on June 16 at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

It brings me great sorrow to learn that the clergy of the Archdiocese of Washington prefer to remain slavishly silent to this umpteenth sacrilege, in which the holy sacrifice is sacrilegiously used as a propaganda tool for a sin that cries out for vengeance before God, while the souls of so many poor sinners are confirmed in vice.

But even greater is the pain of seeing the Most Blessed Sacrament profaned – during the Octave of Corpus Christi and two days before the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – by admitting to Communion people whom pastors should instead admonish and direct towards a path of true conversion and fidelity to God’s will.

Pastors led astray by homo-heresy should remember that, when they stand before the throne of God to be judged, they will have to give an account to Our Lord for the souls who, because of them, have been damned for eternity: souls for whom He shed His own blood on the Cross. By confirming these poor souls in mortal sin, they have usurped the authority of Christ and the authority of the Church for a purpose opposite to that which Christian charity demands, demonstrating thereby their own moral corruption, along with that of those who let them act undisturbed to scatter the flock entrusted to them.

[Image: Locandina.png]

I therefore unite myself spiritually with the holy rosary of reparation that has been organized in front of Holy Trinity parish, in the hope that this praiseworthy initiative may obtain forgiveness from Our Lord for the betrayal of His ministers, conversion for the souls led astray by these false shepherds, and atonement for the disrespect and sacrilege committed.

In this bleak landscape of apostasy and rebellion against the God’s commandments and the natural law, the aversion to Christ’s truth by these unfaithful priests should bring home to Catholics the gravity of the situation of the Church in the United States of America, moving them to prayer, fasting, and penance that the divine majesty may grant His Church holy shepherds inflamed with love for the Lord and for souls, and remove the servants of the Antichrist from the sacred precincts.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

June 14, 2023

Infra Oct. Ss.mi Corporis et Sanguinis D.ni

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  Lawsuit: Password Company Bitwarden Fired Catholic Employee For Listing Pronouns As “Assigned By God
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2023, 07:15 AM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Lawsuit: Password Company Bitwarden Fired Catholic Employee For Listing Pronouns As “Assigned By God”
Bitwarden allegedly pressured the Catholic employee to list pronouns is his Slack profile in the name of "inclusivity," and he was fired for rejecting gender ideology.

[Image: bitwarden-pronouns-1024x576.jpg]

Reclaim the Net | June 12, 2023

A former software engineer for password manager Bitwarden says he was fired for putting “Assigned By God” as the “preferred pronoun” on his internal company profile and has filed a lawsuit against the company.

Bitwarden operates a password manager with an open-source framework, facilitating the creation and safekeeping of passwords.

Chad Scharf, who served as the vice president of software engineering at Bitwarden’s Jacksonville, Florida location, and was responsible for supervising fifty-one people, alleges that his termination was a violation of his Title VII rights against religious discrimination.

“Mr. Scharf is Catholic; at the very core of his religion is the doctrine that God created man in his own image, and created them male and female. This has been a Catholic doctrine for over two thousand years,” the lawsuit states.

“Mr. Scharf’s religious beliefs are that there are only two sexes and that gender cannot be changed, chosen, or manipulated. When pressured by the company to add pronouns to his Slack profile, he chose those in conformity with his religious belief: ‘Assigned by God.’”

The complaint alleges that Scharf was constantly pressured to add his pronouns to his employee profile on internal communications tool Slack as part of an “inclusivity initiative.”

The complaint states: “Mr. Scharf explained that he chose these pronouns because of his religious beliefs, which would not allow him to be silent in the face of the contrary ideology being advanced and encouraged by Bitwarden. Mr. Scharf explained that he could not speak untruthfully and against his beliefs and that Bitwarden’s policies and practices discriminated against his religion.”

The lawsuit alleges that Scharf was fired after he “requested accommodation for his religious beliefs and because he raised objections to Bitwarden’s ‘inclusivity’ initiative.”

The complaint also says that Bitwarden “refused to tolerate Mr. Scharf’s religious beliefs and practices.”

The legal justification for the lawsuit is religious discrimination and Scharf has already filed a charge of religious discrimination and retaliation on August 29, 2022, with the Florida Commission on Human Relations, which was dual-filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and his state law claims are benign reviewed by the Florida Department of Administrative Hearings.

Before his firing, the complaint alleges that Scharf’s employment record was “stellar” and that he “never had any negative feedback regarding his job performance or inter-personal relations with his colleagues.”

The lawsuit also suggests that Scharf was informed that he “could keep his faith at work but not show it,” and that Scharf, in internal writings, did not use the “preferred pronoun” of a potential employee.

From the complaint:

Quote:“CEO Michael Crandell contacted Mr. Scharf to inquire why he had not used the requested pronouns in the interview notes; Mr. Scharf explained that to do so would violate his religious convictions.”

Scharf was then fired. The complaint alleges that Bitwarden is “inclusive” of certain beliefs but was exclusive of Scharf’s religious beliefs when it terminated his employment.

Scharf’s attorney, Jennifer Vasquez, of Campbell Trohn Tamayo & Aranda, told Reclaim The Net, “Despite what many seem to believe, the law is not that ‘religious beliefs are protected until someone finds them offensive.’ Religious beliefs by their very nature cause offense to those outside of the religion – precisely why our federal and state laws protect religious belief.”

Vasquez told Reclaim The Net: “Per the Supreme Court, religious beliefs are not merely to be tolerated but must receive ‘favored treatment’ in the workplace. One employee’s feeling offended, harassed, or unsafe just because another employee has stated his religious beliefs does not overcome these legal protections. All religions are protected, but recently discrimination against Christians has been on the rise – not an unexpected outcome of the sudden explosion of companies advocating gender ideology, a belief system at enmity with ancient Christian doctrine.”

Scharf’s lawsuit argues that Bitwarden’s pressure to compel speech that is counter to a person’s religious beliefs, in the name of “inclusivity” is an attempt to get them to undermine their religion.

Vasquez further told Reclaim The Net that “Mr. Scharf was ultimately fired for refusing to yield his Catholic beliefs to gender ideology.”

Bitwarden ignored a request for comment.

We obtained a copy of the lawsuit for you here.

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  WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2023, 06:49 AM - Forum: Great Reset - No Replies

WEF Calls for AI to Rewrite Bible, Create ‘Religions That Are Actually Correct’

[Image: yuval-noah-harari-klaus-schwab-wef-bible-ai.jpg]

Slay News | June 10, 2023

A top official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for religious scripture to be “rewritten” by artificial intelligence (AI) to create a globalized “new Bible.”

Yuval Noah Harari, the senior advisor to the WEF and its chairman Klaus Schwab, argues that using AI to replace scriptures will create unified “religions that are actually correct.”

Harari, an influential author and professor, made the call while giving a talk on the “future of humanity.”

According to Harari, the power of AI can be harnessed and used to reshape spirituality into the WEF’s globalist vision of “equity” and inclusivism.

Speaking with journalist Pedro Pinto in Lisbon, Portugal, Harari told the elitist audience:

“It’s the first technology ever that can create new ideas.

“You know, the printing press, radio, television, they broadcast, they spread the ideas created by the human brain, by the human mind.

“They cannot create a new idea.

“You know, [Johannes] Gutenberg printed the Bible in the middle of the 15th century; the printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page.

“It had no ideas of its own about the Bible: Is it good? Is it bad? How to interpret this? How to interpret that?”

Harari then revealed that he and his allies at the WEF have a solution to the supposed problems he’d just highlighted.

“AI can create new ideas; [it] can even write a new Bible,” he declared.

“Throughout history, religions dreamt about having a book written by a superhuman intelligence, by a non-human entity,” he added.

“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct … just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI.

“That could be a reality in a few years.”


Harari noted in another recent gathering that software like ChatGPT has mastered human languages and can harness that function to influence culture, the Times of Israel said.

“For thousands of years, prophets and poets and politicians have used language and storytelling in order to manipulate and to control people and to reshape society,” he said, according to the paper.

“Now AI is likely to be able to do it.

“And once it can… it doesn’t need to send killer robots to shoot us.

“It can get humans to pull the trigger.”

Harari also said that “contrary to what some conspiracy theories assume, you don’t really need to implant chips in people’s brains in order to control them or to manipulate them,” the paper noted.

He also warned that “we need to act quickly before AI gets out of our control” and that “governments must immediately ban the release into the public domain of any more revolutionary AI tools before they are made safe,” the paper added.

Harari frequently pushes ideas that involve humanity being replaced by machines.

As Slay News previously reported, Harari gloated last year that “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population” in today’s world.

According to Harari, most of the general public has now become “redundant” and will be of little use to the global elite in the future.

Harari argues that modern technologies like artificial intelligence “make it possible to replace the people.”

“If you go back to the middle of the 20th century — and it doesn’t matter if you’re in the United States with Roosevelt, or if you’re in Germany with Hitler, or even in the USSR with Stalin — and you think about building the future, then your building materials are those millions of people who are working hard in the factories, in the farms, the soldiers,” Harari said.

“You need them.

“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” he added.

“The future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering.

“Most people don’t contribute anything to that, except perhaps for their data, and whatever people are still doing which is useful, these technologies increasingly will make redundant and will make it possible to replace the people.”

READ MORE: WEF Member Calls for 86% Reduction in World’s Population

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  St. John Eudes on 'The Sacred Heart of Jesus '
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2023, 06:30 AM - Forum: The Saints - Replies (3)

St. John Eudes on The Sacred Heart of Jesus (Part 1 of 4)

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  Fr. Ruiz's Sermons: Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi - June 11, 2023
Posted by: Stone - 06-13-2023, 06:20 AM - Forum: Fr. Ruiz's Sermons June 2023 - No Replies

2023 06 11 LA EUCARISTÍA ALIMENTO SOBRENATURAL 2° Dom desp de Pentecostés

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  June 8th: Notre-Dame du Dimanche (Our Lady of Sunday)
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2023, 07:39 AM - Forum: Our Lady - No Replies

Notre-Dame du Dimanche
(Our Lady of Sunday) - June 8

TIA | June 8, 2023

Auguste Arnaud entered the world on March 12, 1843, the son of a simple farmer of Saint Bauzille de la Sylve, a small village of 600 inhabitants in the Canton of Gignac, France. While he was still a young child, his mother suffered a fall, and her health worsened until she was half-paralyzed. Instead of attending school, Auguste assisted his mother until she died. He was 18 years old, and he felt the loss keenly.

[Image: 370_Vil.jpg]

The village of Saint Bauzille de la Sylve in Southern France

In 1867 Auguste married and had several children. But good fortune did not follow the famer, who could not make ends meet with his own small farm, so he took on work with the owner of a large vineyard in the area. With this excuse, often he would work several hours on Sunday mornings in his own small vineyard.

Auguste was an upright and simple soul, and more often than not he would return to the village to attend a later Sunday Mass. However, all were not that conscientious. It had become the custom for many laborers to work on Sunday instead of going to Mass and observing the rest.

The First Apparition of Our Lady

On Sunday, June 8, 1873, Auguste, age 30, sat down to rest and smoke his pipe after working several hours on his vines. Suddenly he saw a Young Woman several yards in front of him. She was dressed in white gown with a fringed belt. Upon her head, shrouded with a luminous veil, was a type of vicar-shaped crown; her hands were crossed on her chest.

[Image: 370_App.jpg]

‘I am the Virgin Mary. You have the disease of the vine’ – that is: You are working on Sunday

Startled, he stood and asked: “Who are you?”

She replied: “I am the Blessed Virgin. Do not be afraid. You have the disease of the vine. You have abandoned Saint Bauzille (patron saint of the parish church whose feast day is May 20th but the general custom had developed to postpone its celebration until the closest Sunday). You must celebrate it the day upon which it falls.”

Then, she gave him several instructions:

“You must go in procession to Notre Dame de Gignac (Our Lady of Graces, a nearby shrine). Next Sunday you must go in procession to St. Anthony (of Egypt’s hermitage) and hear Mass there. You should place a cross with a Virgin’s image at the foot of your vineyard. You will come here every year in procession. All the people of Gignac, Monellier and the city of Lodéve should join you. Go to tell this to your father and to your priest right away.

“Do all of this and in a month I will come to thank you.”

Then, the Lady ascended toward the heavens and gradually disappeared from view.

Auguste immediately returned to his home to tell his father what had happened. The two men went straightaway to speak to the parish priest, Fr. Coste, who received them coldly and was skeptical about the apparition.

[Image: 370_Aug.jpg]

The simple farmer Auguste Arnaud at age 51

On leaving, Auguste Arnaud said to his priest:

“I will not try to force you to believe everything I have just told you. The Blessed Virgin really appeared to me - and I know that I saw her for truly I saw her as I see you and I heard her speaking to me as I hear you speaking to me. Well, the Blessed Virgin ordered me to come and tell you... and I am glad I did it.

"And if I do everything she ordered me to do, I know that she will come back to thank me as she promised.”

The next day, the simple farmer had a wood cross made and placed on the spot indicated by Our Lady. But the priest refused to bless the cross.

Then, on June 12 he and family members made a pilgrimage to the hermitage of St. Anthony. On June 22, a Sunday, they went to Notre Dame de Grâce in Gignac. And on July 4, he replaced the wood cross with an iron cross that he had ordered in Montpellier.

The Second Apparition & the Miracle

One month later, on July 8, 1873, Auguste Arnaud left early to work in his vineyard. Around 400-600 persons – some believers, some scoffers, other just curious – were there to see if the Virgin Mary would return as she said, for the news of the apparition had spread rapidly. Arnaud was calm and confident that Our Lady would return, for he had done everything she had asked.

Shortly after he began to cultivate the vines, Arnaud dropped his pickaxe, threw his hat to the ground, and raised his arms toward a person above him whom only he could see. The Blessed Virgin was in front of him, this time in a gold garment; her hands were joined in prayer and she held a Rosary.

[Image: 370_Vin.jpg]

Our Lady raised him up and he ‘flew’ across the vineyard

Then the crowd saw Auguste rise up in the air about a foot above the ground and move at a high speed over the vineyard – about 45 feet – toward the foot of the cross the Virgin Mary had directed him to place there. Everyone present witnessed this miraculous flight.

Speaking in the simple French dialect of the people, Our Lady, who stood above the cross, told him: “You must not work on Sunday.“

She continued: “Blessed is he who believes, and unblessed he who does not believe. You must go to Notre-Dame de Gignac in procession. You will be happy with your whole family.”

Our Lady then moved the Rosary she was carrying to her left hand and blessed the crowd with her right. Afterward, she said “Let them sing hymns.” Then she disappeared.

The crowd intoned the Magnificat.

These were the miracles at the foot of the Cross, which became a place of pilgrimage.

The Church Approves the Apparition

The people of the area began to visit the site, leaving candles, flowers, Rosaries. Many unexplained healings and conversions occurred.

Moved by the reaction of the people and the simple faith of Auguste, Fr. Coste went to the Bishop de Cabrières, who set up a commission to examine the apparition. Auguste was questioned, along with 18 witnesses who had seen the miracle of his levitation and flight through the air. All related the same phenomena: A cloud appeared in the air, Auguste threw down his pickaxes and his hat, raised his eyes and arms up, and then moved with the speed of lightning towards the cross.

[Image: 370_OL2.jpg]

Statues were placed on the two sites where Our Lady of Sunday appeared

Bishop de Cabrières appointed a commission of inquiry and in 1876 the Church recognized the authenticity of the Apparitions. In 1880, a Chapel was built in honor of the Blessed Virgin, whom the people called Notre Dame du Dimanche, Our Lady of Sunday, which became a pilgrimage site.

Continuing his life as a wine-grower, Auguste became a fervent Catholic with a strong devotion to Our Lady. He never tried to enrich himself and always observed the Sunday rest. He died on February 8, 1936, at the age of 92 after receiving Extreme Unction and intoning the hymn “I will go see her one day!"

[Image: 370_Tom.jpg]

His tomb faces the statue of the first apparition & chapel

He is buried at the site of the Apparitions; his funerary monument faces the Virgin of the second Apparition and reads: "At the feet of the Virgin whom he so loved and so faithfully served, here rests while awaiting the blessed Resurrection the body of Auguste Arnaud, piously asleep in the peace of the Lord on February 8, 1936, at the age of 92. RIP.”

A pilgrimage and a Mass take place every year on June 8 and July 8, the dates of the two apparitions. This year of 2023 is the 150th anniversary of the apparition.

It is a very simple apparition. Our Lady appeared and worked a marvelous miracle remindful of the stories in the Golden Legend. Today the Chapel and two statues remain in the village of Saint-Bauzille-de-la-Sylve, but fewer and fewer give her the honor and respect she received in the past.

What remains also is the Virgin's simple message, also being forgotten and set aside, which is this: Do not work on Sundays. It was a message not just for Auguste Arnaud, but for the village, for all of France, for the whole world. Let us heed the message of Notre Dame du Dimanche – Our Lady of Sunday – and give to God the glory he merits on the day of rest He established for mankind.

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  Blasphemy was preached at the the German Protestant Church Congress
Posted by: Stone - 06-12-2023, 07:32 AM - Forum: Global News - No Replies

Someone I know who is incredibly smart summed up our times as the "post-truth era" wherein truth doesn't matter, it has become completely irrelevant. 

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  LA farmer facing economic hit after social media post touted his Catholic faith
Posted by: Stone - 06-11-2023, 07:21 PM - Forum: General Commentary - No Replies

Louisiana farmer facing economic hit after social media post touted his Catholic faith, called out Pride month
Since publishing his pro-faith post, the Backwater farmstead has lost two-thirds of its restaurant business

Fox News [emphasis mine] | June 10, 2023

A Louisiana farm is facing devastating backlash for its pro-faith social media post.

Owner of the Backwater Foei Gras farmstead, Ross McKnight, has lost two-thirds of his restaurant business after he made an Instagram post commemorating the Catholic celebration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, leaving his "tiny" family-owned farm under intense economic pressure.

In the post, he referred to the "attempted coup of the month," referring to Pride Month. He then suggested "some antidotes to a false pride."

[Image: instagram2.png?ve=1&tl=1]

Louisiana small business owner and father of five Ross McKnight made a social media post last weekend celebrating the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which occurs every June and has been since the 17th century, during pride month.  (Backwater Foie Gras Instagram)

During his appearance on "Fox & Friends Weekend," McKnight noted that he has never been "quiet" about his faith, making the widespread pushback from his post even more surprising.

"I did know, I suppose in the back of my mind, that eventually there would be a conflict," he began. "It's not out of nowhere, of course, right. Because the conflict happens across the country all the time. But, that it would happen now seemed a little bit perhaps like it was a concerted effort."

Since making the controversial post, the Backwater Foei Gras farmstead has taken a massive financial hit, leaving the future of the farm in inauspicious circumstances. 

"Fox & Friends Weekend" co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy asked McKnight, how has the unrelenting blowback impacted his livelihood?

"We have a great deal of confidence in our faith" McKnight replied with valor.

"Like you mentioned, you know, about two thirds of our restaurant business. So that's, of course, never a good thing when you're a really, really tiny operation that's just a family farm. But, you know, we have a great deal of confidence in our faith. We have a great deal of confidence in the triumph of the Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary," he explained.

"And so, we're not worried in that sense. You know, we know we will be taken care of regardless of what that looks like, but it's a veil of tears. So what's to be expected other than suffering?"

Reports show money for US farmers sent to China, RussiaVideo
The Louisiana farm owner continued, sending an urgent message to Christian-Americans who have been continuously confronted about their faith.

"If we're fighting a battle, there's no ground behind this particular battle," McKnight said Saturday.

"So this is where we have to stand, because there's nothing behind it. There's nothing. You know, once this battle is over, and we lose, if it is that we do lose, then there's nothing else behind it. So we have to fight." he warned.

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  St. Alphonsus Liguori: Daily Meditations for Second Week of Pentecost
Posted by: Stone - 06-11-2023, 07:15 PM - Forum: Pentecost - Replies (7)

Second Sunday After Pentecost

[Image: 11-0.jpg]

Morning Meditation


Jesus has no need of us. He is equally happy, rich and powerful, with or without our love, and yet He loves us so intensely that He desires our love as much as if man were His God. This so filled Job with astonishment that he cried out: What is man that thou shouldst magnify him? Or why dost thou set thy heart upon him?


Jesus has no need of us. He is equally happy, rich, and powerful with or without our love; and yet, as St. Thomas says He loves us so intensely that He desires our love as much as if man were His God, and His felicity depended on that of man. This so filled holy Job with astonishment that he cried out: What is man that thou shouldst magnify him? Or why dost thou set thy heart upon him?-(Job vii. 17).

What! can God desire or ask with such eagerness for the love of a worm? It would have been a great favour if God had only permitted us to love Him. If a vassal were to say to his king: “Sire, I love you!” he would be considered impertinent. But what would one say if the king were to tell his vassal, “I desire you to love me”? The princes of the earth do not humble themselves to this; but Jesus, Who is the King of Heaven, is He Who with so much earnestness demands our love: Love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart-(Matt. xxii. 37). So pressingly does He ask for our hearts: My son, give me thy heart-(Prov. xxiii. 26). And if He is driven from a soul, He does not depart, but stands outside the door of the heart, and calls and knocks to be allowed to return: I stand at the gate and knock-(Apoc. iii. 20). Jesus beseeches the soul to open to Him, calling her sister and spouse: Open to me, my sister, my love -(Cant. v. 2). In short, He takes a delight in being loved by us, and is quite consoled when we say, arid repeat often: “My God! My God, I love Thee!”

My dearest Redeemer, I will say to Thee with St. Augustine, Thou dost command me to love Thee, and dost threaten me with hell if I do not love Thee; but what more dreadful hell, what greater misfortune, can happen to me than to be deprived of Thy love! If, therefore, Thou desirest to terrify me, Thou shouldst threaten me only that I should live without loving Thee; for this threat alone will terrify me more than a thousand hells. If, in the midst of the flames of hell, the damned could burn with Thy love, O my God, hell itself would become a Paradise; and if, on the contrary, the Blessed in Heaven could not love Thee, Paradise would become a hell.

I see, indeed, my dearest Lord, that I, on account of my sins, did deserve to be forsaken by Thy grace, and at the same time condemned to be incapable of loving Thee; but still I understand that Thou dost continue to command me to love Thee, and I also feel within me a great desire to love Thee. This my desire is the gift of Thy grace, and it comes from Thee. Oh, give me also the strength necessary to put it into execution, and make me, from this day forth, say to Thee earnestly, and from the bottom of my heart, and to repeat to Thee always: My God, I love Thee! I love Thee! I love Thee!


The great desire of Jesus’ Heart to be loved by us is the effect of His own great love for us. He who loves necessarily desires to be loved. The heart requires the heart; love seeks love: “Why does God love, but that He may be loved,” said St. Bernard; and God Himself first said: What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but that thou fear the Lord thy God, .. and love him? -(Deut. x. 12). Therefore He tells us that He is that Shepherd Who, having found the lost sheep, calls all the others to rejoice with Him: Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost-(Luke xv. 6). He tells us that He is that Father Who, when His lost son returns and throws himself at His feet, not only forgives him, but embraces him tenderly. Jesus tells us he that loves Him not is condemned to death: He that loveth not abideth in death-(1 John iii. 14). And, on the contrary, that He takes him who loves Him and keeps possession of him: He that abideth in charity, abideth in God, and God in him-(1 John iv. 16). Oh, will not such invitations, such entreaties, such threats, and such promises move us to love God Who so much desires to be loved by us?

Thou, then, desirest my love, O Jesus. I also desire Thine. Blot out, therefore, from Thy remembrance, O my Jesus, the offences that in past times I have committed against Thee; let us love each other henceforth forever. I will not leave Thee, and Thou wilt not leave me. Thou wilt always love me, and I will always love Thee. My dearest Saviour, in Thy merits do I place my hope; oh, do Thou make Thyself to be loved forever, and loved greatly, by a sinner who has so greatly offended Thee.

O Mary, Immaculate Virgin, do thou help me; do thou pray to Jesus for me.

Spiritual Reading


“Let us be careful,” says St. Teresa, “never to be at a distance from Jesus, our beloved Shepherd, or to lose sight of Him: for the sheep which are near their shepherd are always more caressed and better fed, and always receive some choice morsels of that which he himself eats. If by chance the shepherd sleeps, still the lamb remains near him and either waits until his slumber ends, or itself wakens him; and it is then caressed with new favours.”

My Redeemer, present in this Most Holy Sacrament, hehold me near Thee. The only favour which I ask of Thee is fervour and perseverance in Thy love. I thank thee, O holy Faith, for thou teachest and assurest me that in the divine Sacrament of the Altar, in that heavenly Bread, bread does not exist; but that my Lord Jesus Christ is all there, and that He is there for love of me. My Lord and my All, I believe that Thou art present in the Most Holy Sacrament; and though unknown to eyes of flesh, by the light of holy Faith I discern Thee in the consecrated Host, as the Monarch of Heaven and earth, and as the Saviour of the world. Ah, my most sweet Jesus, as Thou art my hope, my salvation, my strength, my consolation, so also I will that Thou shouldst be all my love, and the only object of all my thoughts, of my desires, and of my affections. I rejoice more in the supreme happiness which Thou enjoyest, and wilt enjoy for ever, than in any good thing I could ever have in time or in eternity. My supreme satisfaction is that Thou, my beloved Redeemer, art supremely happy, and that Thy happiness is infinite. Reign, reign, my Lord, over my whole soul; I give it all to Thee; do Thou ever possess it. May my will, my senses, my faculties be all servants of Thy love, and may they never in this world serve anything else than to give Thee satisfaction and glory. Such was thy life, O first lover and Mother of my Jesus! Most Holy Mary, do thou help me; do thou obtain for me the grace to live henceforward, as thou didst always live, in the happiness of belonging to God alone.

Ejac. My Jesus, may I be all Thine, and be Thou all mine!


My Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love Thee above all things, and I desire to possess Thee within my soul. Since I am unable now to receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace Thee as already there, and unite myself wholly to Thee; never permit me to be separated from Thee.


Blessed is the man … that watcheth daily at my gates, and waiteth at the posts of my doors-(Prov. viii. 34). Blessed is he, who, like the poor who stand before the gates of the rich, is careful to seek for the alms of graces before the doors of the mercy of Mary! And thrice blessed is he, who, moreover, seeks to imitate the virtues which he remarks in Mary, and more especially her purity and her humility.

Ejac. My hope, succour me!

Concluding Prayer

Most holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary, to thee, who art the Mother of my Lord, and Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge of sinners, I have recourse today I, who am the most miserable of all. I render thee my most humble homage, O great Queen, and I thank thee for all the graces thou hast conferred on me until now, particularly for having delivered me from hell, which I have so often deserved. I love thee, O most amiable Lady; and for the love which I bear thee, I promise to serve thee always, and to do all in my power to make others love thee also. I place in thee all my hopes; I confide my salvation to thy care. Accept me for thy servant, and receive me under thy mantle, O Mother of Mercy. And since thou art so powerful with God, deliver me from all temptations, or rather obtain for me the strength to triumph over them until death. Of thee I ask a perfect love of Jesus Christ. From thee I hope to die a good death.

O my Mother, for the love which thou bearest to God, I beseech thee to help me at all times, but especially at the last moment of my life. Leave me not, I beseech thee, until thou seest me safe in Heaven, blessing thee, and singing thy mercies for all eternity. Amen. So I hope. So may it be.

Evening Mediation




Oh, what security is found in the hidden life for such as wish cordially to love Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ set us the example, by living hidden and despised for thirty years in a workshop. And with the same view of escaping the esteem of men, the Saints went and hid themselves in deserts and caves. It was said by St. Vincent de Paul, that love of appearing in public, and of being spoken of in terms of praise, and of hearing our conduct commended, or that people should say that we succeed admirably and work wonders, is an evil which, while it makes us unmindful of God, contaminates our best actions, and proves the most fatal drawback to the spiritual life. Whoever, therefore, would make progress in the love of Jesus Christ, must absolutely give a death–blow to self-esteem. But how shall we inflict this blow? Behold how St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi instructs us: “That which keeps alive the appetite of self-esteem is the occupying a favourable position in the minds of all; consequently the death of self-esteem is to keep oneself hidden so not to be known to anyone. And till we learn to die in this manner, we shall never be true servants of God.”

O my Jesus, grant me a desire to please Thee, and make me forget all creatures and myself also. What will it profit me to be loved by the whole world if I be not loved by Thee, the only love of my soul! My Jesus, Thou camest into the world to win our hearts; if I am unable to give Thee my heart, do Thou be pleased to take it and replenish it with Thy love, and never allow me to be separated from Thee any more. I have, alas, turned my back upon Thee in the past; but now that I am conscious of the evil I have done, I grieve over it with my whole heart, and no affliction in the world can so distress me as the remembrance of the offences I have so often committed against Thee. I am consoled to think that Thou art Infinite Goodness; that Thou dost not disdain to love a sinner who loves Thee. My beloved Redeemer, O sweetest Love of my soul, I have heretofore slighted Thee, but now at least I love Thee more than myself! I offer Thee myself and all that belongs to me.


In order, then, to be pleasing in the sight of God, we must avoid all ambition of appearing and of making a parade in the eyes of men. And we must shun with still greater caution the ambition of governing others. Sooner than behold this accursed ambition set foot in her convent, St. Teresa declared she would prefer to have the whole convent burnt, and all the nuns with it. So that she signified her wish, that if ever one of her Religious should be caught aiming at superiorship, she should be expelled from the community, or at least undergo perpetual confinement. St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi says, “The honour of a spiritual person consists in being put below all, and in abhorring all superiority over others.” The ambition of a soul that loves God should be to excel all others in humility, according to the counsel of St. Paul: In humility let each esteem others better than themselves-(Philipp. ii. 3). In a word, he that loves God must make God the sole object of his ambition.

O my dear Jesus, I have only one wish: to love Thee and to please Thee. This forms all my ambition; accept of it, and be pleased to increase it, and exterminate in me all desire of earthly goods. Thou art indeed deserving of love, and great indeed are my obligations of loving Thee. Behold me, then, I wish to be wholly Thine; and I will suffer whatever Thou pleasest, Thou who for love of me didst die of sorrow on the Cross! Thou wishest me to be a saint; in Thee I place my trust. And I also confide in thy protection, O Mary, great Mother of God!

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  Dr. Carol Byrne: Liturgical Calisthenics
Posted by: Stone - 06-11-2023, 07:03 PM - Forum: In Defense of Tradition - No Replies

Many of you may be familiar with Dr. Carol Byrne's work on the Dialogue Mass

Below is the response she gives in response to a question regarding standing during the Pater Noster in the pre-1955 Missae:

Liturgical Calisthenics

TIA | June 1, 2023

Dear TIA,

I was hoping you could ask Dr. Carol Byrne a question about the old rubrics of the Mass.

For some time now, I have been kneeling during the Our Father in High Masses (everyone kneels during it in the Low Masses). I was told that standing during the Our Father was an innovation. Recently however, I became concerned that this could be wrong and I do not want to stand out for no reason during the Holy Mass (at present, only I and another family continue to kneel).

Can you clarify for me the correct rubrics regarding the position of the congregation (standing or kneeling) during the Our Father?

Thank you,



Dr. Carol Byrne responds:

Dear M.G.,

Whether to stand at the Pater Noster during a High or Sung Mass is one of those vexed questions that even traditional Catholics today have been known to argue about at length but never manage to settle or resolve.

There are no rubrics for lay people in the traditional Roman Missal. Whatever postures they adopted during a High or Sung Mass were regulated purely by custom, which varied slightly from place to place. These were, however, usually kept to a minimum, such as standing for the Gospel and the Creed, and at the entrance and exit of the priest and his ministers, as ecclesiastical decorum dictates.

My memories go back to the early 1950s when the congregation, including my parents, knelt during most of the High Mass, telling their beads while the choir sang. Any orders for the laity to stand, let along sing, during the Pater Noster would have been greeted with admiratio (astonishment). It would never have occurred to the older generation of those days that they should mimic the actions of the priest and choir (as they are instructed to do nowadays) – in fact, they would have instinctively recoiled from such an instruction.

It was only when the Liturgical Movement introduced “active participation”, and when it was imposed on the faithful by progressive Bishops from the 1960s onwards, that all the congregation were expected to stand up and sing at various intervals, including at the Pater Noster. Since then, they have been in a constant state of movement up and down, up and down, throughout the Mass, performing a sort of Catholic calisthenics. This is hardly conducive to the right atmosphere for contemplation of the Holy Sacrifice, which is the only correct way for lay people to participate in the Mass.

So, it is my opinion that you do well in kneeling during the Pater Noster.

Kind regards,

Dr. Carol Byrne

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  Bp. Athanasius Schneider appeals to Pope to revoke lay voting rights before Synod on Synodality
Posted by: Stone - 06-10-2023, 06:31 AM - Forum: Pope Francis - No Replies

Bp. Schneider, though still accepting of Vatican II, is one of the few voices speaking out on the many errors coming out of Conciliar Rome...

Bp. Athanasius Schneider appeals to Pope to revoke lay voting rights before Synod on Synodality
The Kazakhstan bishop warned against attempts to 'undermine the divine constitution of the Church' and allow the spirit of Modernism to prevail.

Jun 9, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider called on Pope Francis to rescind the new norms of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on Synodality taking place in October 2023 in Rome that grant equal voting rights to bishops and laity. Schneider denounced the innovations as a “radical novelty” that “undermine the divine constitution of the Church, conforming it more to a Protestant or even secular model.”

READ: Pope Francis to personally select lay men, women to form up to 25% of Synodal vote

In a press statement on April 26, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality issued announced changes to the composition of the October 2023 Synod in Rome. According to the changes, 10 clerics would be replaced by five men and five women religious, and auditors would be replaced by 70 non-episcopal members chosen by the Pope, all of whom will have the right to vote in the synodal proceedings, in a move that runs contrary to the previously exclusive right of bishops to vote in a Synod.

Asked about these new norms by Diane Montagna in an interview published by the Catholic Herald, Bishop Schneider said that the change “represents a radical novelty in the history of the Catholic Church.”

“A synod of bishops is an instrument by which the hierarchy exercises its teaching and governing office,” Schneider explained, insisting that the voting rights in a synod of bishops must reflect the distinction between the ministerial priesthood of the Church’s hierarchy and the common priesthood of all the baptized.

“Although lay people can be invited to participate at a synod to lend their advice, the voting norms of a synod have always reflected the essential difference between the hierarchical/ministerial and the common priesthood. Granting lay people the same right to vote as bishops undermines the hierarchical structure of the Church and resembles more the norms of synods of the Anglican and other Protestant communities, where clergy and laity are given equal voting rights.”

Schneider continued, “The very fact that lay people will be voting along with bishops on matters regarding the faith and discipline of the Church is itself revealing and transmits a highly ambiguous doctrinal message. Furthermore, the fact that the vote at the October 2023 assembly in Rome is merely consultative does not lessen the truth that the upcoming synod resembles a democratic or egalitarian parliament, rather than a monarchical hierarchy established by Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Addressing the doctrinal problems of the processes and documents of the upcoming synod — which include proposals for women’s ordinations and the acceptance of LGBT ideology and lifestyles — the Kazakhstan bishop compared the doctrinal crisis currently facing the Church to the crisis of the Arian heresy, which saw widespread infidelity, confusion, and weakness among the episcopacy.

“The widespread doctrinal confusion in the fourth century bears a striking resemblance to our own day,” Schneider declared. “What St. John Henry Newman said of that time may well be applied to the current doctrinal and disciplinary confusion being created by the various synodal processes and preparatory documents issued by the Holy See over the past year.

“Cardinal Newman wrote of the Arian crisis: ‘The body of Bishops failed in the confession of the faith. They spoke variously, one against another; there was nothing, after Nicaea, of firm, unvarying, consistent testimony, for nearly 60 years. There were untrustworthy Councils, unfaithful Bishops; there was weakness, fear of consequences, misguidance, delusion, hallucination, endless, hopeless, extending itself into nearly every corner of the Catholic Church. The comparatively few who remained faithful were discredited and driven into exile; the rest were either deceivers or were deceived.’”

“The various documents issued during the current synodal process represent the sort of confusion against which the fourth-century Doctor of the Church St. Hilary of Poitiers warned, saying: ‘It is impossible, it is unreasonable, to mix true and false, to confuse light and darkness, and bring into a union, of whatever kind, night and day’ (In Constantium, 1).”

Schneider then drew attention to Paul VI’s admonitions to bishops on the necessity of faithfully guarding the deposit of faith in its integrity without hypothesizing “changes, evolutions, transformations of the Church in matters of faith.” In a General Audience given in Rome on Oct. 6, 1971, Paul VI said,

Quote:Can we suppose that the hierarchy is free to teach in the religious sphere what it likes, or what may please certain doctrinal, or rather anti-doctrinal currents of modern opinion? No. We must remember that the episcopate is invested with a primordial duty: that of witness, that of the rigorous and faithful transmission of Christ’s original message, that is, of the complex of truths revealed by Him and entrusted to the Apostles, with regard to salvation. Christianity cannot change its constitutional doctrines. Bishops are more than any others those who must “guard the deposit,” as the Apostle says [1 Tim. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:14]. Nor should we hypothesize changes, evolutions, transformations of the Church in matters of faith. The Creed remains. In this respect, the Church is tenaciously conservative and therefore does not grow old (General Audience, October 6, 1971).

Schneider argued that the current proposals being pushed by the Syond of Bishops on Synodality is infected by a capitulation to the world that is nothing other than the spirit of Modernism, a heresy condemned by numerous popes.

“The greatest evil and spiritual sickness which has infected the Church in our day is the ‘conformation to the spirit of this world’ (Rom 12:2), which is basically the spirit of Modernism,” Schneider warned. “Pope Paul VI spoke about this danger already in 1964, saying: ‘The Church itself is being engulfed and shaken by this tidal wave of change, for however much men may be committed to the Church, they are deeply affected by the climate of the world.

“They run the risk of becoming confused, bewildered, and alarmed, and this is a state of affairs which strikes at the very roots of the Church. It drives many people to adopt the most outlandish views. They imagine that the Church should abdicate her proper role and adopt an entirely new and unprecedented mode of existence. Modernism might be cited as an example. This is an error which is still making its appearance under various new guises, wholly inconsistent with any genuine religious expression. It is surely an attempt on the part of secular philosophies and secular trends to vitiate the true teaching and discipline of the Church of Christ’ (Encyclical Ecclesiam Suam, 26).”

Condemning the processes and documents adopted for the upcoming Synod as a departure from Apostolic Tradition, the Kazakhstan prelate declared, “The synodal processes and documents, and the upcoming Synod in Rome, have adopted a method which is alien to the spirit of the Apostles, Church Fathers, and genuine tradition of the Church. In making psychological and sociological data a criterion for deciding matters of faith, morals, and discipline, the Synod Secretariat has ignored Paul VI, who said: ‘The conclusions of [sociological] investigations could not in themselves constitute a decisive criterion of truth’ (Apostolic Exhortation Quinque Iam Anni, December 8, 1970).”

“Pope Paul VI warned against taking such a worldly approach, when he said, ‘We see a tendency to reconstruct, from psychological and sociological data, a Christianity detached from the unbroken Tradition that links it to the faith of the Apostles, and to exalt a Christian life devoid of religious elements’ (Apostolic Exhortation Quinque Iam Anni, December 8, 1970).”

“Pope Francis and all the members of the upcoming Synod in Rome should earnestly heed the following prophetic warnings of Pope Paul VI: ‘We are not the judges of God’s word: it is it that judges us and exposes our conformity to worldly fashion’ (Apostolic Exhortation Quinque Iam Anni, December 8, 1970).”

Schneider called on the cardinals to appeal to the Pope in protest against the clear effort to make the Church more Protestant and secular, which he said ultimately “undermines the divine constitution of the Church.”

“Giving equal voting rights to the episcopacy and laity is unprecedented and seriously undermines the divine constitution of the Church, conforming it more to a Protestant or even secular model,” Schneider stated. “The absence of clear goals for the synod, which would bring clarity at a time of great doctrinal confusion, is also very harmful to the Church. It is therefore clear that the upcoming synod is a vehicle to accelerate the Protestantization and secularization of the Catholic Church. The Cardinals cannot simply remain silent as the Church is harmed and the salvation of souls is jeopardized. They are obliged to appeal to the Pope, with clarity and all due reverence, as the Apostle Paul did towards Peter, when he was not walking ‘uprightly unto the truth of the gospel’ (Gal 2:14).”

RELATED: Vatican’s new synodal document calls for ‘female diaconate’ and ‘radical inclusion’

Asked what his message to Pope Francis was, Bishop Schneider replied, “The matter before us is urgent, and I appeal fraternally to Pope Francis to rescind the new norms of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, which grant equal voting rights to the bishops and the laity. I also appeal fraternally to him to issue clear goals for the Synod that will enable bishops to profess courageously and unambiguously before the entire Church, and the world, the uniqueness of Christ and His saving work, the validity of God’s commandments, and the divinely established order of the Church.”

“Along with such a profession, the Synod should propose concrete and effective remedies against the spiritual viruses and maladies which severely and almost globally affect the body of the Church today. If the 2023-2024 synodal assemblies fail to do this, Cardinal Charles Journet’s prediction will come to pass: ‘One day the faithful will wake up and realize that they have been intoxicated by the spirit of the world.’”

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  Lego Duplo Cross At Corpus Christi
Posted by: Stone - 06-09-2023, 08:53 AM - Forum: Vatican II and the Fruits of Modernism - No Replies

Lego Cross At Corpus Christi

[Image: 8hmmyd0k8cvty13uc5ayj8tqwn984229bckr4k8....25&webp=on]

gloria.tv | June 8, 2023

Aichbach Parish in Augsburg Diocese, Germany, used a Lego/Duplo cross for a Corpus Christi altar on 8 June. Cathcon.Blogspot.com comments that when the children in the photo grow up, they will associate Corpus Christi with playtime and a secular ditty rather than with a time of prayer with a devotional tune.

[Image: 0xt9xubmgs5o5o8w7e8mhtopvgwd6xb7za5m3j1....21&webp=on]

✠ ✠ ✠

How unfortunate the advice given by Bp. Williamson not to necessarily avoid the New Mass!:

· The new religion can build your Faith.

· Attending the New Mass can build your Faith.
· Do whatever you think you need to do to keep the Faith, which can include attending the Novus Ordo Mass.

· If you attend the Novus Ordo Mass you have to be careful, but you can find the grace of God there and sanctify your soul.

· Not everyone needs to avoid the Novus Ordo Mass.

· Attending the Novus Ordo may do more good than harm spiritually.

· Not every priest needs to leave the Conciliar church or stop saying the Novus Ordo Mass.

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