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Archbishop Viganò addresses Traditional Eucharistic Revival event - Printable Version

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Archbishop Viganò addresses Traditional Eucharistic Revival event - Stone - 07-20-2024

Archbishop Viganò addresses Traditional Eucharistic Revival event
'If you proclaim with your lives the Kingship of Christ, and denounce the infernal plan against God and man, you will be the salt of the earth that gives flavor, the light of the world in this dark time.'

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Jul 19, 2024
(LifeSiteNews) — The following is the full transcript of the exclusive presentation given via video by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the LifeSite sponsored Traditional Eucharistic Revival event that took place in Victory Field in Indianapolis on July 19.

The full transcript [...] is as follows

Laudetur Iesus Christus!

Dear friends, I extend my greeting to all of you gathered here to honor and adore the Eucharistic King publicly.

The world cries out: ‘We have no king but Cesar.’

You answer: ‘Christ is King.’

And you are accompanying this Divine King along the streets to pay him public honors, bearing witness to your faith and your love for the Lord. A faith that we intend to bear witness to also in the law and in defense of the Traditional Apostolic Mass. The very heart of the Holy Church. The beating heart of the Holy Church, against which the infernal powers are unleashed.

A few days ago, the Roman Sanhedrin, that presents itself as the supreme tribunal of the Church, declared me to be in schism and excommunicated. This authoritarian decision has once again made evident the extraneousness of the Bergoglian church to the true Church of Christ, whose authority it usurps in order to intentionally destroy it. They are the false shepherds against whom the Lord wants us.

But the laws of the Church are made for the good of souls, not so mercenaries can abuse them to scatter the flock.

This is why all the norms that prevent doing good or encourage doing evil are completely forceless and worthless, starting with the war that Bergoglio and the official hierarchy are fighting against the Tridentine Mass.

I urge you not to be intimidated: the Mass is a right sanctioned in perpetuity by the bull Quo Primum Tempore of Pope Saint Pius V, that no one on earth can legitimately prevent you from exercising, especially when the only alternative is to attend a Protestantized and increasingly adulterated rite that puts your faith at risk and forces you to witness or even participate in the desecration of the Blessed Sacrament.

If the bishops close their churches to you, you set up altars in your homes, in squares, in the woods, refusing to give your offering to dioceses and parishes. Look for faithful priests and create communities that fight the present apostasy, just as in Cromwell’s time. Comfort one another and support one another in the bond of charity, nourished by the Most Holy Eucharist and the Word of God. Remain united in Christ, within Holy Mother Church, in order to bear witness to the truth that today is being trampled down.

A few days ago, I received a message from Mel Gibson, whom you all know. He wrote to me:

I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever. It is really a badge of honor to be shunned by the false post-conciliar church. You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice.

To me and many others you are a most courageous hero.

Bergoglio and his cohorts have the clothes and the buildings, but you have the faith.

Mel is right. They have the vestments and the churches, but we have the faith, as in the time of Saint Athanasius. But I am not a hero. Those bishops and priests who open their eyes after my excommunication and take a stand, will be heroes.

May your commitment as Catholics not fail also in the civil sphere.

If your bishops do not have the courage to publicly condemn well-known, self-styled Catholic politicians who brazenly violate God’s commandments, you know that neither can in any way be supported or obeyed.

Denounce the betrayal of the rulers and the breaking of the social contract. Bring to light the coup that the Deep State conducts in your beloved country with the same methods by which the Deep Church [is attempting to demolish] the holy Catholic Church, so that when they do [appear to demolish it], they may be understood by all.

If you want Our Lord to reign in the public sphere, you must ensure that his Kingdom is consolidated and made solid, first of all in your own daily life, especially in your families.

The global coup d’etat (the coup dragging the world, the ecclesial body towards the ruin of apostasy and rebellion against the majesty of God) this coup d’etat counts on your silence and your blind obedience to succeed in imposing itself definitively.

If you proclaim with your lives the Kingship of Christ, and denounce the infernal plan against God and man, you will be the salt of the earth that gives flavor, the light of the world in this dark time.

Holy church is the civitas supra montem posita, the city on the hill: she cannot hide herself precisely because Providence has willed her to be domina gentium, the mistress of the peoples. If she is obscured today, it is because she has been invaded by enemies with the complicity of those who should instead of guarding and protecting her.

If she is humiliated before the nations, it is because those who govern her no longer obey our Lord, whom they no longer recognize as their King.

But you children of the Church and American patriots must continue to fight your good fight, even and especially when the civil and religious authorities are accomplices in the common ruin.

Do not let yourselves be discouraged, dear children!

You are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world. Let yourself be pervaded by the grace of Christ and make yourselves docile instruments in the wise hand of God.

Pray, pray for the holy Church, besieged by terrible and ruthless enemies, so that the Lord may protect and guard her, and along with her, protect and guard all of you, His children.

Upon all of you, dear friends, may the most abundant blessing descend.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.