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The Catholic Trumpet: The Passion of the Mystical Body - Printable Version

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The Catholic Trumpet: The Passion of the Mystical Body - Stone - 01-01-2025

The Passion of the Mystical Body

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The Catholic Trumpet [adapted] | December 31, 2024

The Mystical Body and the Passion of Christ

The Catholic Church, as the Mystical Body of Christ, is destined to relive the Passion of her Lord. Just as Christ endured His agony, betrayal, crucifixion, and death before rising in glory, so too must the Church undergo her own Passion. This suffering, foretold by Christ Himself, has unfolded through centuries of persecution, heresy, and modernist infiltration. Yet, the Church’s Resurrection is certain, as promised through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This article endeavors to explore the Church’s mystical Passion, paralleling it with Christ’s Passion, using typology and rigorous analysis. Through Scripture, the Church Fathers, and verifiable historical evidence, we seek to expose the betrayal of Vatican II, the errors of modernist popes, and the Synagogue of Satan–Rabbinical Judaism and its Freemasonic agents that orchestrated this Passion.

It is not merely a recounting of history, but a reflection on prophecy in motion—a call to remain faithful, humble, and hopeful amid the trials of our time.

I. The Church’s Agony: The Rise of Modernism and Betrayal Within

The Church’s agony began in the 19th century with the rise of modernism—what Pope St. Pius X called the “synthesis of all heresies.” This movement sought to corrupt the Church’s teachings, planned by the Synagogue of Satan–Rabbinical Judaism and carried out through its agent, Freemasonry.

Pope Leo XIII, in Humanum Genus (1884), explicitly warned:
Quote:“The goal of Freemasonry is to overthrow the entire religious and political order of the world which the Christian teaching has produced, and to replace it with a new state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.”

Pope St. Pius X, in Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907), condemned modernism as:
Quote:“The synthesis of all heresies… laying the axe to the very root, that is, to the faith and its deepest fibers. Once this is destroyed, they destroy everything.”

These infiltrations were not merely ideological but strategic. The secret societies—Alta Vendita, Freemasonry, and Carbonari—acted as the arms of Rabbinical Judaism to undermine Catholicism from within. The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita explicitly reveals this plan:
Quote:“Our ultimate end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution—the destruction forever of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea… That idea, like ashes, might revive under some new impulse.”

These betrayals mirror Judas’ role in Christ’s Passion, carried out by those closest to Him. The seeds of Vatican II were planted by these movements, initiating the Church’s mystical agony.

II. Vatican II: The Trial of the Mystical Body

Just as Christ stood before the Sanhedrin—the supreme Jewish council tasked with upholding the Law and preserving religious order—He was falsely accused and condemned by the Pharisees. The Sanhedrin, established to defend divine truth, instead became an instrument of betrayal. After condemning Christ, they handed Him over to Pilate, the secular authority, where He was mocked, scourged, and sentenced to death despite Pilate’s declaration of innocence.

In the same way, Vatican II mirrors this trial. The modern Sanhedrin—the Council Fathers—allowed Rabbinical Judaic and Masonic influences to infiltrate their deliberations. By choosing to align with the modern world rather than uphold Christ’s Kingship, they rejected the divine mission of the Church and delivered her into the hands of secularism.

Just as the crowd rejected Christ and demanded Barabbas, Vatican II echoed this tragic cry. By rejecting Christ’s Kingship for worldly power, Vatican II mirrored the crowd’s cry for Barabbas, symbolizing rebellion, false freedoms, and humanism. Barabbas, whose name ironically means “son of the father,” represents the Church’s preference for naturalism and humanism, rejecting the divine Kingship of Christ. As St. Augustine observed:
Quote:“In Barabbas, they chose sin; in Christ, they rejected righteousness.”

The Alta Vendita instructed:
Quote:“Infiltrate the young clergy… Let them become masters of parishes and educators of future priests, until they govern and transform the Church.”

This revolution came to fruition at Vatican II. Its key documents reflect the betrayal:

Dignitatis Humanae: Declared false religious liberty, undermining Christ as the sole King of Nations.

Nostra Aetate: Elevated Rabbinical Judaism and Islam, silencing calls for conversion to the true Faith.

Unitatis Redintegratio: Equated heretical sects with the Church, undermining her unique salvific mission.

This marked the trial of the Mystical Body, where Christ’s Bride was handed over to the secular world, just as He was handed over to Pilate.

III. The Crucifixion of the Mystical Body

Just as Christ was handed over to the Romans by the Pharisees, the Church was handed over to spiritual death by modernist Catholics. While Catholics, as the true Jews of the New Covenant, should have upheld the Faith, many—including some who later repented—signed Vatican II documents or remained silent in the face of its errors. Yet, this betrayal perpetuated the Pharisaic rejection of Christ.

The Alta Vendita instructed infiltrators to feign Catholicism, even blaspheming their own origins to gain trust:
Quote:“Even if your posture is false, remain under a mask. Let some among you become Catholic priests… allow them to curse their Madonna.”

The Novus Ordo Missae (1969), with its Jude and Protestant-inspired revisions, epitomizes the Church’s crucifixion, stripping the Mass of its sacrificial essence. Alongside this, the new rite of episcopal consecration, confirmations, and even baptisms are dubious and doubtful, and now in our age, most likely invalid. Yet, as with Christ’s Passion, Rabbinical Judaism bears responsibility for perpetuating this rejection, invoking the curse of their forefathers: “His blood be upon us and upon our children” (Matthew 27:25).

IV. The Burial: Suppression of Tradition and the Role of the Remnant

The Church entered her burial phase following Vatican II. The suppression of the Traditional Latin Mass, the [promotion of the] Novus Ordo Missae, and the rise of compromised clergy marked this spiritual dormancy. Faithful Catholics were silenced, mirroring the apostles’ despair after Christ’s burial.

Key Moments of Burial:

1. The Indult Mass (1984): A mockery of Tradition, placing severe restrictions on the Mass of the Ages.

2. The 2012 Doctrinal Declaration: Presented by Bishop Fellay, this declaration signaled a grave compromise with modernist Rome, accepting ambiguous formulations and 95% of Vatican II. Despite fierce resistance from faithful priests and laity, it remains unretracted, threatening the integrity of Archbishop Lefebvre’s uncompromising stance.

V. The Role of the Holy Prelate

Our Lady of Good Success foretold a holy prelate who would preserve the priesthood. +Archbishop Lefebvre emerges as the fulfillment of this prophecy. His actions formed the bridge between the Church’s burial and her Resurrection, inspiring a remnant of uncompromised clergy and laity.

VI. The Resurrection: The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

The Resurrection of the Church will come through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Signs of this Resurrection include:

1. The True Restoration of the Tridentine Mass: Celebrated by uncompromised priests who remain faithful to the Church’s doctrine and liturgy.

2. The Conversion of the Jews (Romans 11:26).

3. The Social Kingship of Christ.

This article attempts to illuminate the Church’s Passion, identifying the Synagogue of Satan and its agents in Judeo-Masonry as the orchestrators of her trials. Yet, as with Christ’s Passion, the Church’s Resurrection is assured. Fidelity to Tradition, consecration to the Immaculate Heart, and trust in God’s promises will guide the remnant through this storm.

“In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.” – Our Lady of Fatima

No Compromise. No Retreat.
