Italy opens manslaughter case after teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca vaccine
Italy opens manslaughter case after teacher dies hours after getting AstraZeneca vaccine

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NY Post | March 16, 2021 

Prosecutors in Italy have launched a manslaughter investigation after a music teacher there died hours after getting the controversial AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

Sandro Tognatti, 57, got jabbed in his hometown of Biella on Saturday afternoon and went to bed that night with a high fever, his wife, Simona Riussi, told Italian media.

She called an ambulance the next morning but the clarinetist could not be saved, she said.

Prosecutors in the northern Italian region of Piedmont opened the probe into his death later that day, according to the Italian wire service Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA).

They also seized nearly 400,000 shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine from the same batch.

So far, officials have insisted there has yet to be a direct link between Tognatti’s death and his shot.

The criminal investigation is to be “completely sure” that the death “cannot be attributed to the above-mentioned inoculation,” prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio said in a statement.

Italy on Monday joined a growing group of mostly European nations temporarily suspending the UK vaccine amid alarming reports of blood clots in some participants.

They were joined Monday by France and Germany, with the likes of Ireland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Luxembourg and Thailand having already suspended its use.

AstraZeneca — which developed the shot with Oxford University — says the vaccine is safe, an assertion backed up by the World Health Organization.

The vaccine has yet to be approved for use in the US — but the drugmaker is reportedly pushing for emergency-use approval by the end of this month.
Excerpt from the article:  Which COVID-19 vaccines are connected to abortion?

Oxford/AstraZeneca – connected to abortion

Abortion link: The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine has been developed from the cell lines of an aborted baby, the cell line HEK-293. It is also uses the fetal cell line in design and testing.

Structure of the vaccine: It uses viral vectors, which grow antigens to COVID-19 in the persons cells. The viral vectors are made using fetal cell lines from aborted babies to grow these vectors. 

Safety concerns, side effects, and trial results: The vaccine saw “adverse effects” in  60% of recipients in its early phase trial.

The vaccine trials were previously put on hold in September for several weeks due to a severe adverse reaction from a volunteer. 

A volunteer in the vaccine trials in Brazil died in October: reports are conflicting as to whether he died due to complications from the vaccine. 

The U.S. FDA has warned of many serious side effects from any COVID vaccine, including heart attacks, strokes, and anaphylactic shock.
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