The Spirit of Paul VI Is a False Spirit and, like All False Spirits, It Is Unconsciously Cruel
The Spirit of Paul VI Is a False Spirit and, like All False Spirits, It Is Unconsciously Cruel | August 31, 2024

In 1970, the Belgian philosopher Marcel De Corte (+1994), who taught at the University of Liège, wrote a letter to the French publisher Jean Madiran (+2013) about the Novus Ordo

- "I confess that for a long time I was deceived by Paul VI. I thought he was trying to preserve the essential".

- But there is no example in history of a deceiver who does not eventually expose himself.

- "How dare Paul VI proclaim that there is no 'new Mass', that 'nothing has changed', that 'everything is as it was before', when nothing or almost nothing remains of the Mass that so many saints lovingly cherished?"

- De Corte reminds us that the "experts" appointed to work on the Novus Ordo have repeatedly described it as a "liturgical revolution".

- He quotes a woman who, after assisting at the first Novus Ordo, said: "There's nothing Catholic about it any more".

- During the Novus Ordo, De Corte writes, "I carefully cover my ears with wax. I hide at the back of the church behind a curtain, which I make thicker by sitting on the lowest chair I can find. I read the Holy Mass in the missal that my saintly mother gave me after the previous one she had given me had been torn to shreds".

- "I read the Imitation of Christ in Latin during the drivel that now passes for a sermon."

- "I force the priest who distributes communion into the hands of the 'sheep' he has been ordered to domesticate, to give it to me at the communion rail where I kneel."

- Cardinal Ottaviani is certainly not alone in thinking that Paul VI, by his words and deeds, "departs strikingly from the Catholic theology of the Holy Mass".

- "Paul VI is a man full of contradictions".

- "This is a man who extols the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in grand and traditional terms in his 'Credo of the People of God', but downplays it in the Eucharist he imposes on Catholic Christendom."

- "This is a man who sees to it that the Dutch Catechism is condemned, but who tolerates the spread of the dogmatic errors it contains."

- "This is the man who proclaims Mary to be the Mother of the Church, but who allows countless clerics of all ranks to sully the purity of her name."

- "This is the man who prays in St Peter's and in the Masonic Chamber of Reflection at the United Nations."

- "This is the man who gives an audience to two actresses deliberately and provocatively dressed in miniskirts, but then speaks out against the growing wave of sexualisation in the world."

- This is the man who tells the Protestant Pastor Boegner that Catholics are 'not mature enough' for birth control with the 'pill', but who publishes Humanæ vitæ, while allowing it to be questioned by entire Bishops' Conferences".

- "This is the man who proclaims that the law of clerical celibacy will never be abolished, but allows it to be questioned endlessly, while making it easy for priests who wish to marry to do so."

- "This is the man who forbids communion in the hand, but allows it, even allowing certain churches, by special indult, to have lay people distribute the Holy Hosts."

- This is the man who deplores the 'self-destruction of the Church', but who, although he is its head and chief, does nothing to stop it.

- This is the man who issues the Nota prævia on his powers as Pope, but allows it to be dismissed at the Synod of Rome as obsolete and consigned to oblivion.

- For De Corte, it could also be that Paul VI "knows what he wants" and that the contradictions he shows are merely those that "a man of action, driven by the goal he wants to achieve, encounters along the way and does not worry about in the least, carried away as he is by the force of his ambition".

- Like any experienced politician, Paul VI knows that it is possible to unite people with fundamentally different "philosophical and religious opinions" and therefore "we can expect in the near future further manifestations of papal ecumenical action, modelled on political manoeuvring".

- De Corte believes that the two interpretations of Paul VI's behaviour can be combined: a weak man fleeing from his weakness, "clearly focused on the world and the metamorphoses it implies, which influence his actions in it".

- The Novus Ordo Eucharist is "like a permanent revolution that appeals to all young people and adults who have not yet passed through the crisis of puberty, because it conceals the contradictions that they cannot overcome, precisely because these contradictions are integral to them".

- "The man who tries to flee from himself through change never catches up, despite his sometimes comical efforts".

- John H. Knox observed (National Review, 21 October 1969), "There has never been, and probably never will be, a pope who has tried so hard to please the liberals and who has so sincerely shared so many of their beliefs".

- "Let us remember his [Paul VI's] enthusiastic support for the Chinese youth whom Mao was mobilising in the 'Cultural Revolution'!"

- Paul VI consistently sees things other than they are; his is a false mind, and like all false minds, it is unconsciously cruel.

- "While a contemplative is gentle, a man of action, who, like Paul VI, sees the goal of his action through a dreamlike lens, is merciless towards the poor souls of flesh and bone whom he cannot see or, if he does see them, regards as obstacles".

- "This explains the inflexibility of Paul VI's character, which seems at odds with his inability to govern the Church".

- "A man of action is almost always inhuman, but when he moves in a millenarian and spiritually triumphant atmosphere, one must be afraid. Paul VI will move forward without looking back, crushing all resistance".
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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