US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots
US doctors propose ‘Vaccine Bill of Rights’ to protect citizens from forced shots
‘No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated,
and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t.‘

February 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — With a push for vaccine mandates on the rise, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has provided a tool to assist state law makers in protecting the rights and dignity of their constituents in the face of such intrusive, dangerous and unnecessary proposals.

The “Vaccine Bill of Rights” (VBOR) was composed “so that state legislatures can re-affirm their commitment to individual rights of conscience, assembly, and movement,” an AFLDS announcement states.

With this draft resolution, AFLDS encourages their readers: “You are now armed with the tools to fight for your freedom. THIS IS YOUR MISSION.”

AFLDS urges everyone to contact their “state representative with a copy of the VBOR urging him/her to pass the resolution immediately.”

In order to help facilitate the dissemination of this critical and urgent appeal to state representatives, the LifeSite Action Center has sponsored a nation-wide “Alert” on its Voter Voice platform, which allows constituents to contact their state legislators in one easy step using a single simple contact form. This system will automatically match citizens to their representatives’ email and / or Twitter accounts, and with a single click they can send their message to them directly. Calling the legislators’ offices is an option provided as well.

The VBOR itself seeks to ensure “six general categories of protections for individuals against overweening government and attempted interventions by private businesses and organizations.” These protections include the following:
  • No persons will be mandated, coerced, forced or pressured to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

  • No physician or nurse shall be asked by their employer to promote a COVID-19 vaccine.

  • All persons reserve the right, at all times, to determine what is in their own best medical interest without threat to their livelihood or freedom of movement.
  • All persons must be given access to independent information to help them determine what is in their own best medical interest, including the risk of death based upon age/condition from contracting COVID-19 naturally. This information must include information from sources that are independent of a conflict of interest such as a government, political or commercial entity. Such information can be included but cannot be the sole source of information.
  • The elderly are additionally entitled to a knowledgeable, independent advocate with medical training to help them determine their own medical interest.

  • Private businesses operating within the jurisdiction have no legal authority to require or mandate or coerce medication or experimental medication for any persons.
In a press release announcing the VBOR, AFLDS went on to state, “Mandates, ‘passports’ or any effort to intimidate Americans into taking a vaccine for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate not only is damaging to individual liberty, it also contradicts safe medical practice. Yet state governments, along with powerful private interests, are moving in the direction of requiring inoculations for large segments of our society as a condition to return to a ‘normal’ life. This is wrong.”

“As part of the AFLDS commitment to science-based information exchange, transparency, and accountability, our organization developed this Vaccine Bill of Rights so that state legislatures can re-affirm their commitments to individual rights of conscience, assembly, and movement. America’s Frontline Doctors encourages our representatives to immediately pass this critical measure, direct public health officials to comply, and preserve the freedom of their constituents.”

The LifeSite Action Alert clarifies that the fundamental rights listed above are “at risk of total violation thanks to extreme government efforts around the world to force people to get vaccinated.”

“The AFLDS proposal is a reasonable, responsible, and reassuring step in the right direction as we move into the next phase of the pandemic, and state legislators should either introduce its provisions as legislation or model their proposal after them,” the Alert states.

“No one – not the government, employers, nor any individual – should maintain the authority to force anyone to get vaccinated, and a Vaccine Bill of Rights in your state will ensure that they don’t.

CONTACT YOUR State Legislators: Urge them to support a Vaccine Bill of Rights! Click to contact your state House Member or Senator, now.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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