Pope Pius XII: Cupimus Imprimis - On the Catholic Church in China [Apostolic Letter]

Apostolic Letter - Pope Pius XII - January 18, 1952
[Computer translated from the Italian here.]

First of all, we wish to express to you Our ardent affection for the whole people of China, who from the earliest times have distinguished themselves among the other peoples of Asia for their exploits, their literature and the splendor of their civilization, and , after having been illuminated by the light of the Gospel, which immensely surpasses the wisdom of this world, he drew from it greater riches for his spirit, that is, the Christian virtues, which perfect and consolidate the very civil virtues. In fact, as you well know, the Catholic religion does not contradict any doctrine that is true, or any public or private institution that has justice, freedom and charity as its foundation, but rather everything is promoted, enhanced and perfected by it. Indeed, it is in no way opposed to the natural disposition of each people,

For this reason we have been extremely saddened to know that among you the Catholic Church is considered, presented and fought as the enemy of your people; that its bishops, other sacred ministers and men and women religious very often, unfortunately, are either removed from their seats, or are hindered in the free exercise of their duties, as if it were not at the service of heavenly things, did not endeavor to cultivate and strengthen virtue in souls, to enlighten the minds in schools, to finally alleviate human suffering in hospitals and console children, young children and old people in hospices, but instead obeyed human interests and the lust for earthly power.

Therefore, although already in the recent encyclical Evangelii praecones we have addressed the word to all the faithful of the extreme regions of the East, who have suffered and are suffering precisely because they were and are very attached to their religion, nevertheless Our hearts and We particularly wish to address this letter, to console you, exhort you paternally, knowing well your anguish, your anxieties and your adversities. And since it is no less known to Us how great your steadfastness in faith and ardent love for Christ and his church are, we thank God the Father through his only begotten Son and our divine Redeemer, who has bestowed upon you from on high and he bestows strength on you, in order to sustain the holy battles for his glory and the salvation of souls.

To you, from all parts of the world, Catholics address their minds and hearts with admiration: "Your faith is celebrated throughout the world" ( Rom 1: 8); and to you too can be applied what the apostle to the nations writes: «They were tempted. . . you beg, distressed, afflicted. . . of which the world was not worthy "( Heb 11: 37-38). Not to your dishonor, therefore, but to your glory it must be attributed, if "through Christ you have been given the gift not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him" ( Phil 1:29 ).

Moreover, since it is a question of the cause of God and his holy church "do not be terrified of adversaries for anything" ( Phil 1:28 ); but be strong in that strength of soul which rests not on human strength, but on divine grace, obtained through prayer. Offer to God, as a sweet holocaust, your aches, your pains and your sufferings, so that he may, in his benevolence, finally grant tranquility and freedom to the church in China, and make everyone understand what the the rest is clearer than the light of the sun, that it does not seek earthly things, but celestial ones, and strives by its divine mandate to direct all its followers towards the heavenly homeland, with the practice of virtues and with good works.

As everyone knows and can easily see, there is certainly no shortage of those who strive to seize earthly power and seek every day more and more to extend and increase it; but the church does not aspire to this, nor does it seek it. Indeed, it strives to spread the truth of the Gospel, with which it adorns the hearts of men, improves them and makes them worthy of heaven, seeks to promote fraternal harmony among citizens, consoles and relieves the poor as much as possible, and consolidates and it strengthens the very foundations of the human consortium with the Christian virtues which are more powerful than any weapon. Those who adhere to none are inferior in the love of country; they obey the public authorities out of a duty of conscience and according to the norms established by God; they render to each one, and above all to God, what is due. It does not call to itself a single people, a single nation, but loves the people of any lineage with that supernatural love of Christ, which must unite all of them as brothers. Therefore no one can affirm that it is at the service of a particular power; likewise, it cannot be requested that, having broken the unity which its divine Founder wished to bestow on it, and constituting particular churches in each nation, these should be miserably separated from the Apostolic See, where Peter, Vicar of Jesus Christ, continues to live in his successors until the end of the centuries. If any Christian community wanted to do this, it would lose its vitality like a branch detached from the vine (cf. supernatural love of Christ, who must join all together as brothers. Therefore no one can affirm that it is at the service of a particular power; likewise, it cannot be requested that, having broken the unity which its divine Founder wished to bestow on it, and constituting particular churches in each nation, these should be miserably separated from the Apostolic See, where Peter, Vicar of Jesus Christ, continues to live in his successors until the end of the centuries. If any Christian community wanted to do this, it would lose its vitality like a branch detached from the vine (cf. supernatural love of Christ, who must join all together as brothers. Therefore no one can affirm that it is at the service of a particular power; likewise, it cannot be requested that, having broken the unity which its divine Founder wished to bestow on it, and constituting particular churches in each nation, these should be miserably separated from the Apostolic See, where Peter, Vicar of Jesus Christ, continues to live in his successors until the end of the centuries. If any Christian community wanted to do this, it would lose its vitality like a branch detached from the vine (cf. unity with which its divine Founder wanted to honor it, and particular churches in each nation are constituted, these are miserably separated from the Apostolic See, where Peter, vicar of Jesus Christ, continues to live in his successors until the end of the centuries. If any Christian community wanted to do this, it would lose its vitality like a branch detached from the vine (cf. unity with which its divine Founder wanted to honor it, and particular churches in each nation are constituted, these are miserably separated from the Apostolic See, where Peter, vicar of Jesus Christ, continues to live in his successors until the end of the centuries. If any Christian community wanted to do this, it would lose its vitality like a branch detached from the vine (cf.Jn 15: 6), nor could it produce wholesome fruit.

You, venerable brothers and beloved children, know all this well, and for this reason you oppose the firmness of your will to the pitfalls of all kinds, even if they are presented to you in a subtle way under false appearances of truth. Nor is it unknown to you that the missionaries of foreign nations are sent among you for this reason alone, to provide for the immense needs of your people in matters relating to the Christian religion, and to offer their help to the indigenous clergy, who are still numerically insufficient for the needs themselves. Therefore, as soon as this apostolic see had the opportunity to entrust your dioceses to bishops who were your fellow citizens, it did so willingly. In fact, twenty-five years have already passed since our predecessor Pius XI of happy memory, for his ardent love for the church of China; he himself consecrated the first six bishops, chosen from among your people, in the majesty of St. Peter's Basilica; and We ourselves, desirous of nothing more than to increase and make ever more lasting the progress of your church, a few years ago we constituted the sacred hierarchy in China and raised to the dignity of the Roman purple, first in the annals of history, a your fellow citizen.

If, therefore, all the missionaries who, having abandoned their beloved homeland, have fertilized the field of the Lord among you with their labors, are ordered to leave your places, as if they were harmful people, this, besides to be ungrateful to them, it returns very harmful to the very developments of your church. That if they are not citizens of a single foreign nation, but are chosen by many, indeed from all nations, where the Catholic religion is flourishing and the ardor of the apostolate is developed, the universal character of the Catholic Church is evident, and these heralds of the gospel ask for nothing else, want nothing else more than to choose your land as their second homeland, to illuminate it with the light of the evangelical doctrine, to introduce Christian customs,

Nor should it be less evident to all honest people that the religious, who also among you, as comforting angels, lend their work in schools, orphanages, hospitals, are driven to do so by that love. divine for which, renouncing the earthly marriage to be united with the celestial Spouse, they take your children as their own, especially the poor and the abandoned, and with a spirit of sweet and supernatural motherhood, as far as is in their power, they raise them, instruct them conveniently and educate them.

As you well know, the Catholic Church does all this by order and mandate of its divine Founder; this he does, let's say, nor does he ask for anything other than the legitimate freedom to be able to carry out his duties everywhere, for the good and salvation of the peoples themselves. And if she is attacked with false accusations, her pastors and her followers must not lose heart, but confidently lean on the promises of Jesus Christ expressed with these solemn words: "The gates of hell will not be able to prevail against her" ( Mt 16:18 ); "And behold, I will be with you always until the end of the ages" ( Mt28, 20). On the contrary, please raise ardent prayers to God for the persecutors themselves, so that in his goodness, with his light and with the motion of his grace, he illumines their minds, moves them and directs them towards the celestial truths. Continue to work in this way, venerable brothers and beloved children, without fear of dangers and difficulties, but mindful of that sublime sentence of the divine Redeemer: «Blessed are those who weep: for they will be comforted. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice: for they will be satisfied. ... Blessed are you, when they curse you, and persecute you, and lying they will say every evil of you for my sake. Rejoice and rejoice: for great is your reward in heaven "( Mt5, 5-12). As in the early days of the Church, the Apostles "went away full of joy. . . since they had been deemed worthy to suffer contumelia for the name of Jesus "( Acts 5:41), so you too do not be frightened, but with your eyes, minds and souls turned towards heaven, be filled with that joy and those heavenly consolations, which derive from a good conscience and are nourished by the firm hope of the eternal reward.

Already other times along the course of the centuries your church has had to endure very fierce persecutions, your soil has already been purple with the sacred blood of the martyrs; however, you can rightly apply those famous words to yourselves: «We become more and more numerous every time we are reaped ...; the blood of Christians is seed ”. ( 2 ) As everyone can observe all human things, sad or happy, weak or very powerful, sooner or later they will have to disappear; but the society that Christ the Lord founded, under the guidance of the eternal God, through difficulties and contrasts, snares and triumphs, struggles and victories, will continue to carry out its mission of peace and salvation until the end of the centuries: it can in fact be fought, but it cannot be won. Firmly therefore trusting in the divine promises, in no way let yourselves be intimidated; as the sun shines again after storms, so after so much anguish, upheaval and suffering, peace, tranquility and freedom will finally shine on your church with God's help. In the meantime, together with your prayers, Our supplications and those of all the faithful come together in the most intense manner, and almost do sweet violence to the Father of mercies, to implore from him that as soon as possible and in the happiest way this happens.

Let us pray that those holy martyrs who already gave an example of heroism to your ancestors, and who now enjoy immortal glory in heaven, may obtain this for you; this is obtained mainly by the Virgin Mother of God Mary, Queen of China whom you love and venerate with such ardor of piety. May she bring in a particular way her very valid comfort to all those who find themselves in danger, in distress, in prison, in exile; and may she be especially present with her assistance to those who, having formed a peaceful association, have consecrated themselves to her service and boast in her name, and grant them strength, consolation, help.

As we raise Our suppliant hands to heaven, and implore for you divine grace, bearer of Christian strength, in the hope of this and as a sign of Our benevolence, to each of you, venerable brothers, and to all the faithful who have been entrusted to the your pastoral care, we cordially impart the apostolic blessing in the Lord.

Rome, at Saint Peter's, January 18, the feast of the Roman chair of Saint Peter, in the year 1952, the thirteenth of our pontificate.


(1) PIUS PP. XII, Epist. apost. Cupimus imprimis de catholica Ecclesia in Sinis, [Ad venerabiles Fratres ac dilectos Filios Archiepiscopos, Episcopos aliosque locorum Ordinarios ceterumque Clerum ac populum Sinarum, pacem et communionem cum Apostolica Sede habentes], 18 ianuarii 1952: AAS 44 (1952). pp. 153-158.
Fears for the difficult situation of the church in China. I invite you to remain steadfast in the faith and united to the Roman See, if necessary even up to martyrdom.

(2) TERTULLIANUS, Apolog ., 50: PL 1, 534.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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