Prayer of Mothers for their Children

(Taken from Mother Love - A Manual for Christian Mothers by a Priest of the Capuchin Order (1888) - Offered by Angelus Press)

O Good God, we thank Thee, that Thou hast given us children, made them heirs of heaven by holy baptism, and entrusted to us their training.  Penetrate us with a sense of our responsibility; assist us in the care of their health,but especially in the preservation of their innocence and purity of heart.  Grant that we may teach them early to know and serve Thee, and to love Thee, with their whole heart.  Grant that we ourselves may carefully avoid all that we must forbid them, and may assiduously practice all that we should inculcate to them.  We commend them, O God, to Thy paternal care and to the guardianship of Thy holy angels.  Bless, O heavenly Father, our little efforts!  May our children's advancement in years be to thy honor, and may they persevere to the end!  Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, Thou hast created, redeemed, and sanctified my children.  O, permit not that they should be eternally lost!

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