January 5th - St. Simeon Stylites
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Saint Simeon Stylites
(† 459)

One winter's day, about the year 401, the snow lay thick around Sisan, a little town in Cilicia. A shepherd boy, who could not lead his sheep to the fields on account of the cold, went to the church instead and listened to the eight Beatitudes, which were read that morning. He asked how these blessings were to be obtained, and then, when he was told of the monastic life, a thirst for perfection arose within him. He became the wonder of the world, the great Saint Simeon Stylites, given by God in spectacle to Angels and men.

He was warned that perfection would cost him dear, that it could not be attained without first conquering self. A mere child, he began the monastic life by learning the Psalter by heart, and thereafter passed a dozen years in superhuman austerity. He bound a rope round his waist until the flesh festered. He took food only once in seven days, and, when God led him to a solitary life, kept fasts of forty days. He desired solitude and spent three years as a hermit in a cabin at the base of a mountain. When he became a curiosity for many persons because of his extreme mortifications, he spent thirty-seven years on the top of a very high pillar in Syria, not far from Antioch, exposed to heat and cold, standing in prayer, never seen to lie down, nourished each week by the Holy Eucharist, day and night adoring the majesty of God.

Perfection was all in all to Saint Simeon; the means were nothing, except in so far as God chose them for him. Certain solitaries of the region, hearing of him, were suspicious of a life so new and so strange, and sent some of their number to test him, reproving him for departing from the tested ways of the Fathers and choosing a path so original. They bade Saint Simeon come down from his pillar and return to the common life he had left. In a moment the Saint made ready to descend, but the emissaries were satisfied with this proof of humility; they had been told to revoke the order if he was disposed to obey. Stay, they said, and take courage; your way of life is from God.

Cheerfulness, humility, and obedience thus set their seal upon the inspired austerities of Saint Simeon. He obtained miracles for those who appealed to his prayers, and by his tears and supplications to God averted catastrophes he foresaw in vision. The words which God put into his mouth brought crowds of pagans to Baptism and sinners to penance. At last, in the year 460, those who watched from below noticed that he had been motionless for three whole days. They ascended, and found the old man's body still bent in the attitude of prayer; but his soul was with God.
January 5 – Vigil of the Epiphany, with a Commemoration of St Telesphorus, Pope & Martyr
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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The Feast of Christmas is over; the five Octaves are closed; and we are on the Eve of the Solemnity of our Lord’s Epiphany. We must spend this fifth of January in preparing ourselves for the Manifestation which Jesus, the Angel of the Great Counsel, is about to make to us of his glory. A few more hours, and the Star will stand still in the heavens, and the Magi will be seeking for admission into the stable at Bethlehem.

This Vigil is not like that of Christmas, a day of penance. The Child, whose coming we were then awaiting, in the fervor of our humble desires, is now among us, preparing to bestow fresh favors upon us. This eve of tomorrow’s Solemnity is a day of joy, like those that have preceded it; and therefore, we do not fast, nor does the Church put on the vestments of mourning, even in those churches where the Octave Day of St. Thomas of Canterbury is not observed. If the Office of the Vigil be the one of today,the color used is White. This is the Twelfth day since the Birth of our Emmanuel.

If the Vigil of the Epiphany fall on a Sunday, it shares, with Christmas Eve, the privilege of not being anticipated, as all other Vigils are, on the Saturday: it is kept on the Sunday, has all the privileges of a Sunday, and the Mass is that of the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas Day. Let us, therefore, celebrate this Vigil in great joy of heart, and prepare our souls for tomorrow’s graces.

The Greek Church keeps this a fasting-day, in memory of the preparation for Baptism, which used formerly to be administered, especially in the East, on the night preceding the feast of the Epiphany. She still solemnly blesses the Water on this Feast. We will, in our next section, speak of this ceremony, of which some vestiges still remain in the Western Church.

The holy Church of Rome commemorates today the holy Pope and Martyr, St. Telesphorus. This Pontiff began his reign in the year 127; and among his decrees, we find that of his prescribing the holy sacrifice of the Mass to be offered up on Christmas Night, in order to honor the hour when our Savior was born: he also ordered that the Angelic Hymn Gloria in excelsis should be said, on most days, at the beginning of Mass. This devotion of the holy Pope towards the great Mystery which we are now celebrating, renders his commemoration at this season of the year doubly dear to us. Telesphorus suffered a glorious martyrdom, as St. Irenaeus expresses it, and was crowned with eternal glory in the year 138.

The Mass of the Vigil of the Epiphany is that of the Sunday within the Octave of Christmas,
except the Commemoration of St. Telesphorus and the Gospel.

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Dum medium silentium tenerent omnia, et nox in suo cursu medium iter haberet, omnipotens sermo tuus, Domine, de cœlis, a regalibus sedibus venit.
Dominus regnavit, decorem indutus est: indutus est Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se. ℣. Gloria Patri. Dum medium.[/i]

While all things were in quiet silence, and the night was in the midst of her course, thy Almighty Word, O Lord, came down from thy royal throne.
Ps. The Lord hath reigned, he is clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength, and hath girded himself. ℣. Glory, &c. While all.


Omnipotens, sempiterne Deus, dirige actus nostros in beneplacito tuo: ut in nomine dilecti Filii tui mereamur bonis operibus abundare. Qui tecum.

O Almighty and Eternal God, regulate our actions according to thy divine will: that, in the name of thy beloved Son, we may abound in good works. Who liveth,&c.

Commemoration of St. Telesphorus


Deus qui nos beati Telesphori, Martyris tui atque Pontificis, annua solemnitate lætificas: concede propitius; ut cujus natalitia colimus, de ejusdem etiam protectione gaudeamus.

Let Us Pray

O God, who by the yearly solemnity of blessed Telesphorus, thy Martyr and Bishop, rejoicest the hearts of the faithful; mercifully grant that we who celebrate his martyrdom may enjoy his protection.

Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin.

Deus, qui salutis æternæ, beatæ Mariæ virginitate fœcunda, humano generi præmia prætitisti: tribue, quæsumus, ut ipsam pro nobis intercedere sentiamus, per quam meruimus auctorem vitæ suscipere auctorem vitæ suscipere Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum, Filium tuum. Qui tecum.

O God, who by the fruitful Virginity of Blessed Mary, hast given to mankind the rewards of eternal salvation; grant, we beseech thee, that we may experience Her intercession, by whom we received the Author of Life, our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son. Who liveth, &c.


Lesson of the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle, to the Galatians. Ch. iv.

Brethren: As long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed by the father: So we also, when we were children, were serving under the elements of the world. But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman, made under the law: That he might redeem them who were under the law: that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father. Therefore now he is not a servant, but a son. And if a son, an heir also through God.


Speciosa forma præ filiis hominum: diffusa est gratia in labiis tuia.
℣. Eeructavit cor meum verbum bonum; dico ego opera mea Regi: lingua mea calamus scribæ velociter scribentis.

Thou art beautiful above the sons of men: grace is poured abroad in thy lips.
℣. My heart hath uttered a good word; I speak my works to the King: my tongue is the pen of a scrivener, that writeth swiftly.

Alleluia, alleluia.

℣. Dominus regnavit, decorem induit: induit Dominus fortitudinem, et præcinxit se virtute. Alleluia.

Alleluia, alleluia.
℣. The Lord hath reigned: he hath clothed himself with beauty: he hath clothed himself with strength, and armed himself with might. Alleluia.


Sequel of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew. Ch. ii.

At that time: When Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph in Egypt, Saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel. For they are dead that sought the life of the child. Who arose, and took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel. But hearing that Archelaus reigned in Judea in the room of Herod his father, he was afraid to go thither: and being warned in sleep retired into the quarters of Galilee. And coming he dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was said by prophets: That he shall be called a Nazarene.


Deus firmavit orbem terræ, qui non commovebitur; parata sedes tua, Deus, ex tunc: a seculo tu es.

God hath established the world, which shall not be moved; thy throne, O God, is prepared from of old; thou art from everlasting.


Concede, quæsumus, omnipotens Deus; ut oculis tuæ majestatis munus oblatum, et gratiam nobis piæ devotionis obtineat, et effectum beatæ perennitatis acquirat. Per Dominum.

Grant, we beseech thee, O Almighty God, that this sacrifice, offered to thy divine majesty, may obtain for us the grace of true devotion, and a happy eternity. Through, &c.

Commemoration of St. Telesphorus.

Munera tibi, Domine, dicata sanctifica: et, intercedente beato Telesphoro, Martyre tuo atque Pontifice, per eadem nos placatus intende.

Sanctify, O Lord, the offerings consecrated to thee: and being appeased thereby, mercifully look upon us, by the intercession of blessed Telesphorus, thy Martyr and Bishop.

Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin.

Muneribus nostris, quæsumus, Domine, precibusque susceptis: et cœlestibus nos munda mysteriis, et clementer exaudi. Per Dominum.

Receive, O Lord, our offerings and prayers: cleanse us by these mysteries, and mercifully hear us. Through, &c.


Tolle puerum, et matrem ejus, et vade in terram Israel; defuncti sunt enim qui quærebant animam pueri.

Take the Child and his Mother, and go in to the land of Israel: for they are dead, who sought the life of the Child.


Per hujus, Domine, operationem mysterii, et vitia nostra pergentur, et justa desideria compleantur. Per Dominum.

May the efficacy of this sacrament, O Lord, cleanse us from our sins, and obtain for us the accomplishment of our just desires. Through, &c.

Commemoration of St. Telesphorus.

Refecti participatione muneris sacri, quæsumus, Domine Deus noster, ut cujus exsequimur cultum, intercedente beato Telesphoro, Martyre tuo atque Pontifice, sentiamus effectum.

Let Us Pray.
May this communion, O Lord, cleanse us from sin, and by the intercession of blessed Telesphorus, thy Martyr and Bishop, make us effectually partakers of this heavenly remedy.

Commemoration of the Blessed Virgin.

Hæc nos communio, Domine, purget a crimine: et intercedente beata Virgine Dei Genitrice Maria, cœlestis remedii faciat esse consortes. Per Dominum.

May this communion, O Lord, cleanse us from sin: and by the intercession of Blessed Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, make us partakers of thy heavenly remedy. Through, &c.

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The last words of our Advent were those of the Spouse, recorded in the prophecy of the Beloved Disciple: Come, Lord Jesus, come! We will close this first part of our Christmas with those words of the Prophet Isaias, which the Church has so often spoken to us: unto us a Child is born! The heavens have dropped down their Dew, the clouds have rained down the Just One, the earth has yielded its Savior, the Word is made flesh, the Virgin has brought forth her sweet Fruit—our Emmanuel, that is, God with us. The Sun of Justice now shines upon us; darkness has fled; in heaven there is Glory to God; on earth, there is Peace to men. All these blessings have been brought to us by the humble yet glorious Birth of this Child. Let us adore him in his Crib; let us love him for all his love of us; and let us prepare the gifts we intend to present to him, with the Magi, on tomorrow’s Feast. The joy of the Church is as great as ever; the Angels are adoring in their wondering admiration; all nature thrills with delight:—Unto us is born a little Child!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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