Mass in ‘Masonic Auditorium’ raises questions
Mass in ‘Masonic Auditorium’ raises questions

THE PILLAR | June 23, 2023

A Mass meant to foster Catholic brotherhood at the border between the U.S. and Canada has raised questions, after organizers scheduled it to take place in an auditorium built and sponsored by an international coalition of Freemasonic organizations.

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The Masonic Auditorium at the International Peace Gardens. Credit: Grand Masonic Lodge of Manitoba.

The International Field Mass began in 1960 as a Mass of solidarity and friendship between Knights of Columbus in North Dakota and the Canadian province of Manitoba. The Mass has been held since that year at the International Peace Garden, a large park which straddles the border between the U.S. and Canada.

The Mass was initially held on a large field with a tent to shelter the altar, and then on a band shell constructed by the Knights of Columbus in the park. Promotional material from prior events says the Mass has been held in recent years in an auditorium connected to a music camp with facilities on the grounds of the peace garden park.

But promotional material for the 2023 Mass says it will be held July 9 in the “Masonic Auditorium” on the grounds of the park.

That auditorium, which can seat some 2,000 people, is built in the shape of the Masonic square and compass logo. The building was constructed as a joint initiative of the Masonic Grand Lodges of Manitoba and North Dakota, and is home to the Peace Garden Lodge of Freemasons, which holds annual Masonic meetings there.

It is not clear whether the Mass has been held in the Masonic Auditorium previously. But the location of the Mass has raised questions, given the Church’s longstanding ban on Catholic participation in Masonic organizations.

A spokesperson for the Diocese of Fargo, on the U.S. side of the border, directed questions to the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, on the Canadian side, because Archbishop Richard Gagnon of Winnipeg is scheduled to offer the Mass.

The Winnipeg archdiocese referred The Pillar to Knights of Columbus organizers, who have not yet responded to questions. 

A Winnipeg archdiocesan official speaking on background told The Pillar that the archbishop had expected the Mass would be celebrated outdoors when he agreed to it, and was waiting for the Knights of Columbus to clarify plans for the Mass venue.

The choice of a Masonic venue for an event organized by the Knight of Columbus could be seen as a kind of historical irony.

The Catholic fraternal society was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney in Connecticut, in part to offer a direct Catholic alternative to Masonic lodges which, at the time, offered to members benefits that would later be associated with workplace insurance and trade union membership, including disability and survivor benefits. Many Masonic lodges, especially in the New England region, used those benefits to encourage Catholic laborers to join, despite the penalty of excommunication imposed by the Church at the time.

Knights of Columbus policies explicitly prohibit Freemasons from membership in the Catholic fraternal organization.

The Church has taught for centuries that Freemasonry has an explicitly religious nature, which is antithetical to Christianity, and described Masonic lodges as “societies which plot against the Church.”

In 1738, Pope Clement XII banned Freemasonry for Catholics, saying it promoted religious indifferentism and undermined a Catholic’s proper relationship to the Church.

From Clement until the promulgation of the first universal Code of Canon Law in 1917, eight popes issued encyclicals or papal bulls denouncing Freemasonry and imposing a penalty of excommunication, reserved to the Holy See, for any Catholic who joined.

The ritual for initiation into the first level of Masonry involves explicitly renouncing the unique saving power of the Church and the sacraments, and accepting that all religions are essentially equally partial truths, with Masonry offering the real, secret truth needed to understand God.

The higher degrees of some Masonic branches, like the Royal Arch and Scottish Rites — whose membership has included some Deer Park Masons — have explicitly anti-Catholic rituals.

In one initiation ceremony, a replica human skull wearing a mock papal tiara is presented to the candidate, to represent “the cruel and cowardly pontiff” — an “imposter” pretending to be the vicar of Christ. The candidate is invited to stab the skull with a dagger, and trample on the tiara. 

In his Masonic catechism, “Morals and Dogma,” the founder of the Scottish Rite, former Confederate General Albert Pike, described the society as “at its very origin devoted to the cause of opposition to the tiara of Rome.”

The Church still considers it a canonical crime for a Catholic to become a Mason, and maintains penalties for anyone who does so — including in the recently revised Book VI of the Code of Canon Law, promulgated by Pope Francis in 2021.

In 1983, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith reaffirmed its stance. “The Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association remains unchanged,” the CDF said, “since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.”

The Church’s canon law also specifies that Mass “is to be carried out in a sacred place unless in a particular case necessity requires otherwise; in such a case the celebration must be done in a decent place.”
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Knights of Columbus cancels Mass scheduled for Masonic auditorium
The International Field Mass, held annually since 1960, will not take place this year after Catholics raised concern about the venue.

[Image: Masonic-lodge-e1687948142620-810x500.jpg]

Grand Masonic Lodge of Manitoba.

Jul 5, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) — The Knights of Columbus in North Dakota and the Canadian province of Manitoba have canceled a Mass that had been scheduled to be held in a Masonic lodge.

The annual Mass of solidarity and friendship held at the International Peace Garden was scheduled this year for the Masonic auditorium on the grounds of the park. The building functions as the annual meeting place for the Peace Garden Lodge of the Freemasons. The announcement of the location raised serious questions among concerned Catholics about the appropriateness of holding a Mass there.

LifeSiteNews reached out last week to the Knights of Columbus for clarification about the location and also published a petition protesting the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Manitoba’s Grand Masonic Lodge’s Auditorium.

The Knights announced this week that its plans had changed, with the Archdiocese of Winnipeg contacting LifeSiteNews to confirm the Mass would not proceed.

“Due to the lack of an alternate venue, the International Field Mass, which began in 1960 as a sign of fraternity between Knights of Columbus in North Dakota and Manitoba, has been cancelled for 2023,” the Knights said. “Information regarding a new location for future Masses will be shared when available.”

The annual International Peace Garden Field Mass has been offered by the Knights of Columbus since 1960 as a gesture of solidarity between the provinces of Knights in North Dakota and Manitoba. The International Peace Garden is an international territory that borders the U.S. and Canada.

In previous years, the Mass was held outside and then in an auditorium for a music camp. This year, it was scheduled for Sunday, July 9, in the Masonic Auditorium, which functions as a lodge for the Masons. Archbishop Richard Gagnon of Winnipeg had agreed to be the celebrant.

According to Canon Law, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass “is to be carried out in a sacred place unless in a particular case necessity requires otherwise; in such a case the celebration must be done in a decent place.” Given the doctrine and rituals of Freemasonry, which include gruesome blood oaths upon advancement to higher degrees, the holding of a Mass in an auditorium that functions as the annual meeting place for a Masonic Lodge was met with shock among scandalized Catholics.

According to Church law, it has long been forbidden to be a member of Freemasonry, which rejects Catholic dogma on original sin, redemption through Christ, and the necessity of grace and the Church for salvation. Beginning with Clement XII in 1738, many Popes have condemned Freemasonry, with the penalty of excommunication still in place for any Catholic who becomes a member of a Masonic Lodge.

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael McGivney in Connecticut in direct opposition to the work of the Masons in America and as a Catholic alternative to the ostensible economic benefits and social advantages offered by membership in the Masonic lodges of New England.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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