Letter to Monsignor Viganò
Letter to Monsignor Viganò

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aldomariavalli.com - machine translated | July 20, 2024

His excellence,

Allow me to thank you for your courageous defense of the faith in these times when the Church seems to be living the last moments of its long Passion. In reality you are doing nothing other than what a pastor of the Church should do: protecting the faith and morals of the flock entrusted to you and denouncing the wolves and mercenaries who divert souls from their ultimate goal, Heaven. It is regrettable to have to note that when there are not a few Nicodemuses to timidly defend some truths in the Conciliar Church, we “witness” the silence of most of the prelates, a fairly obvious sign of their complicity in the process of self-destruction of the Church.

Please also be thanked for the reference you make to Monsignor Lefebvre because it is true to say that he was a beacon during the years following the Second Vatican Council, the same council of which Cardinal Suenens had said that it was "1789 in the Church”. Given the unfair and derisory sanctions which are now weighing on you, it seems appropriate to recall that Monsignor Lefebvre, after the consecrations of 1988, declared that it was "a strict duty for any priest wishing to remain Catholic to separate himself from this conciliar Church, as long as it does not rediscover the tradition of the Magisterium of the Church and of the Catholic faith” (Spiritual Journey, p. 13).

And time, after the 30 years following the death of Mgr. Lefebvre, effectively showed that on the one hand, the conciliar monster has continued to develop to reveal its true face, and on the other hand, that those who have been able to keep the faith are essentially those who have maintained the wise advice of the “iron bishop”. Unfortunately, a certain number of groups of Tradition, in particular the SSPX, have lost the spirit of their founder and, in their naivety (or blindness?) wanted to join the Conciliar Church for fear of being seen as "schismatics" in the eyes of the world, forgetting that the Christian must seek to position himself in the truth by first seeing God or in relation to God.

Finally, I thank you for the clarifications you provide concerning the legitimacy and validity of “Pope” Francis because what helps intelligence to see the truth are above all arguments of reason. I am thinking in particular of the “defect of consent” that you develop in your publications in order to be able to provide some answers to the mystery of inequity that we have been facing for years. How did the one who is supposed to be the leader of Christianity become the Pontiff of liberalism and the promoter of Masonic ideals in our poor apostate world? Or rather, how could a notorious heretic sit on the throne of Saint Peter so that, disguised as a sheep, he could deceive Christendom? A certain number of "good faith" traditionalists lack credibility, I think, when they use sentimental arguments such as "the Pope wore a clown's nose, but this is scandalous and has never happened before, therefore he cannot be Pope”, etc. while others rely on apparitions or pseudo-appearances which - although some may be true - seem insufficient to assert that Rome is actually led by an antipope.


In any case, I believe – but this is simply a personal opinion – that the Conciliar Church is the prostitute of the Apocalypse as described in chapter 17 and that JM Bergoglio (or Francis) is probably the fake prophet of the Apocalypse, that is to say a false interpreter of God (not to be confused with the Antichrist) who, as the same sacred text says in chapter 13 (v. 12), "brings the inhabitants of the earth to worship the first beast” which is atheistic globalism, a multi-headed monster made by Satan.

I pray, finally, that His Excellency continues to fight the good fight of the faith as Saint Paul says, by defending in particular the immutable doctrine of the Church and by thwarting the multiple traps that the enemies of Christ want to set. Crosses and trials are part of the life of true apostles of Christ. The good Lord will reward you if you persevere.

Please believe in my attachment to eternal Rome, Mistress of wisdom and truth.

In Christo and Maria


faithful of the Catholic Church
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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