The Folly of Worldliness - My Daily Bread
Taken from the book "My Daily Bread - Page 211-213 by Anthony J. Paone, S.J. 1954

The Folly of Worldliness
MY CHILD, beware of the spirit of worldliness. It blinds one to the truth and makes him
think more of this earthly life than of the world to come. It so deceives a man that he is
more ready to work for death than for life. He becomes more interested in appearing great
than in actually being great by living a good life.
2. If worldly men took time to think of their earthly life, they would quickly realize how
foolish they are for loving it too much. In this world there is so much opposition, pain,
sorrow, disappointment, and disillusionment. Rarely are earthly ambitions fully satisfied.
The worldly man often finds bitterness where he had expected sweetness. In the things and
people on whom he relied, he sees so many limitations and short-comings. Sooner or later,
he will have to admit that the happiness, peace, and satisfaction for which he hoped, are not
of this world.
3. Do not let appearances fool you. The worldly man is doomed to disappointment, but My
followers will never be disappointed as long as they are devoted to My Will. My promises
are not empty words, nor will they deceive those who trust in Me. What I have promised, I
will give. What I have said, I will do, if only you will continue to be loyal to the end.
The man who follows his feelings and refuses to think, keeps chasing after permanent
happiness and peace, where he can never find them. He goes on hoping that after the
present failures and disappointment, he will find at last what he has not found thus far.
Little does he dream that only in the friendship and love of God can he find what he
My God, all-loving and all-wise, may I find bitterness in any person or thing which holds
me back from You. Take away from me whatever leads me into sin. Grant that I may never
be enslaved by my feelings, but rather give me an interior vision which will detect sin in all
its disguises. Bestow on me courage to resist evil, patience to go on doing what is right, and
endurance to continue doing my best. I long for the interior joy of Your friendship and
company. Instead of foolish earthly attachments, I want a strong love for Your wise and
holy Will in all things. Amen.

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