February 10th - St. Scholastica
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Saint Scholastica

Of this Saint but little is known on earth, save that she was the very pious younger sister of the great patriarch Saint Benedict, and that, under his direction, she founded and governed a numerous community near Monte Casino. Saint Gregory sums up her life by saying that she devoted herself to God from her childhood, and that her pure soul rose to God in the likeness of a dove, as if to show that her life had been enriched with the fullest gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Her brother was accustomed to visit her once every year, before Lent, and she could not be sated or wearied with the words of grace which flowed from his lips. On his last visit, after a day passed in spiritual conversation, the Saint, knowing that her end was near, said, My brother, leave me not, I pray you, this night, but discourse with me till dawn on the bliss of those who see God in heaven. Saint Benedict would not break his rule for the sake of natural affection, but his sister bowed her head and prayed, and there arose a storm so violent that Saint Benedict could not return to his monastery, and they passed the night as she had prayed, in heavenly conversation.

Three days later Saint Benedict saw in a vision the soul of Saint Scholastica going up in the likeness of a dove into heaven. Then he gave thanks to God for the graces He had given her and the glory which had crowned them. When she died, Saint Benedict as well as her spiritual daughters, and the monks sent by their patriarch to her conventual church, mingled their tears and prayed, Alas! alas! dearest mother, to whom dost thou leave us now? Pray for us to Jesus, to whom thou art gone. They then devoutly celebrated holy Mass, commending her soul to God; and her body was borne to Monte Casino, where her brother lay her in the tomb he had prepared for himself. It was written that they all mourned her many days. Finally Saint Benedict said, Weep not, my sisters and brothers; for assuredly Jesus has taken her, before us, to be our aid and defense against all our enemies, that we may remain standing on the evil day and be perfect in all things. Her death occurred in about the year 543.
February 10 – St. Scholastica, Virgin
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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The Sister of the Patriarch Saint Benedict comes to us today, sweetly inviting us to follow her to heaven. Apollonia the Martyr is succeeded by Scholastica the fervent daughter of the Cloister. Both of them are the Spouses of Jesus, both of them wear a crown, for both of them fought hard, and won the palm. Apollonia’s battle was with cruel persecutors, and in those hard times when one had to die to conquer; Scholastica’s combat was the lifelong struggle, whose only truce is the soldier’s dying breath. The Martyr and the Nun are sisters now in the Heart of Him they both so bravely loved.

God, in his infinite wisdom, gave to St. Benedict a faithful cooperatrix—a Sister of such angelic gentleness of character that she would be a sort of counterpoise to the Brother whose vocation as the Legislator of monastic life needed a certain dignity of grave and stern resolve. We continually meet with these contrasts in the lives of the Saints; and they show us that there is a link of which flesh and blood know nothing; a link which binds two souls together, gives them power, harmonizes their differences of character, and renders each complete. Thus it is in heaven with the several hierarchies of the Angels; a mutual love, which is founded on God himself, unites them together, and makes them live in the eternal happiness of the tenderest brotherly affection.

Scholastica’s earthly pilgrimage was not a short one; and yet it has left us but the history of the Dove, which told the Brother, by its flight to heaven, that his Sister had reached the eternal home before him. We have to thank St. Gregory the Great for even this much, which he tells us as a sequel to the holy dispute she had with Benedict, three days previous to her death. But how admirable is the portrait thus drawn in St. Gregory’s best style! We seem to understand the whole character of Scholastica: an earnest simplicity, and a child-like eagerness, for what was worth her desiring it; an affectionate and unshaken confidence in God; a winning persuasiveness, where there was opposition to God’s will, which, when it met such an opponent as Benedict, called on God to interpose, and gained its cause. The old poets tell us strange things about the swan, how sweetly it can sing when dying; how lovely must not have been the last notes of the Dove of the Benedictine Cloister, as she was soaring from earth to heaven!

But how came Scholastica, the humble retiring Nun, by that energy which could make her resist the will of her Brother, whom she revered as her master and guide? What was it told her that her prayer was not a rash one, and that what she asked for was a higher good than Benedict’s unflinching fidelity to the Rule he had written, and which it was his duty to teach by his own keeping it? Let us hear St. Gregory’s answer: “It is not to be wondered at that the Sister, who wished to prolong her Brother’s stay, should have prevailed over him; for, whereas St. John tells us that God is Charity, it happened by a most just judgment that she that had the stronger love, had the stronger power.

”Our Season is appropriate for the beautiful lesson taught us by St. Scholastica—fraternal charity. Her example should excite us to the love of our neighbor, that love which God bids us labor for, now that we are intent on giving Him our undivided service and our complete conversion. The Easter Solemnity we are preparing for is to unite us all in the grant Banquet, where we are all to feast on the one Divine Victim of Love. Let us have our nuptial garment ready; for He that invites us, insists on our having union of heart when we dwell in his House.

The Church has inserted in her Office of this Feast the account given by St. Gregory of the last interview between St. Scholastica and St. Benedict. It is as follows:

Quote:From the second book of the Dialogues of Saint Gregory, Pope.

Scholastica was the Sister of the venerable father Benedict. She had been consecrated to Almighty God from her very infancy, and was accustomed to visit her Brother once a year. The man of God came down to meet her at a house belonging to the monastery, not far from the gate. It was the day for the usual visit, and her venerable Brother came down to her accompanied by some of his brethren. The whole day was spent in the praises of God and holy conversation; and at night-fall, they took their repast together. While they were at table, and it grew late as they conferred with each other on sacred things, the holy Nun thus spoke to her Brother: “I beseech thee, stay the night with me, and let us talk till morning on the joys of heaven.” He replied: “What is this thou sayest, Sister? On no account may I remain out of the monastery.” The evening was so fair, that not a cloud could be seen in the sky. When, therefore, the holy Nun heard her Brother’s refusal, she clasped her hands together, and, resting them on the table, she hid her face in them, and made a prayer to the God of all power. As soon as she raised her head from the table, there came down so great a storm of thunder and lightning, and rain, that neither the venerable Benedict, nor the brethren who were with him, could set foot outside the place where they were sitting.

The holy virgin had shed a flood of tears as she leaned her head upon the table, and the cloudless sky poured down the wished-for rain. The prayer was said, the rain fell in torrents; there was no interval; but so closely on each other were prayer and rain, that the storm came as she raised her head. Then the man of God, seeing that it was impossible to reach his monastery amidst all this lightning, thunder, and rain, was sad, and said complainingly: “God forgive thee, Sister! What has thou done?” But she replied: “I asked thee a favor, and thou wouldst not hear me; I asked it of my God, and he granted it. Go, now, if thou canst, to the monastery, and leave me here!” But it was not in his power to stir from the place; so that, he who would not stay willingly, had to stay unwillingly, and spend the whole night with his Sister, delighting each other with their questions and answers about the secrets of spiritual life.

On the morrow, the holy woman returned to her monastery, and the man of God to his. When lo! three days after, he was in his cell; and raising his eyes, he saw the soul of his Sister going up to heaven, in the shape of a dove. Full of joy at her being thus glorified, he thanked his God in hymns of praise, and told the brethren of her death. He straightways bade them go and bring her body to the monastery; which having done, he had it buried in the tomb he had prepared for himself. Thus it was, that, as they had ever been one soul in God, their bodies were united in the same grave.

We select the following from the Monastic Office for the Feast of our Saint.
Responsories and Antiphons
℟. Alma Scholastica, sanctissimi Patris Benedicti soror, * ab ipso infantiæ tempore omnipotenti Domino dedicata, viam justitiæ non deseruit. 
℟. The venerable Scholastica, the Sister of the most holy Father Benedict, * Being from her very infancy consecrated to Almighty God, never left the path of righteousness.
℣. Laudate pueri Dominum, laudate Nomen Domini. * Ab ipso infantiæ. 
℣. O ye children! praise the Lord; praise ye the Name of the Lord. * Being.

℟. Exemplo vitæ venerabilis, et verbo sanctæ prædicationis informari cupiens, ad eum semel in anno venire consueverat: * Et eam vir Dei doctrinis cœlestibus instruebat. 
℟. Anxious to be trained by the saintly life and the words of his holy teaching, she used to visit him once a year: * And the man of God instructed her in heavenly doctrine.

℣. Beatus qui audit verba ipsius, et servat ea quæ scripta sunt. * Et eam.
℣. Blessed is he that heareth Benedict’s words, and keepeth those things which he hath written. * And.

℟. Sancta virgo Scholastica, quasi hortus irriguus, * Gratiarum cœlestium jugi rore perfundebatur. 
℟. The holy virgin Scholastica, like a watered garden, * was enriched with the ceaseless dew of heaven’s graces.

℣. Sicut fons aquarum, cujus non deficient aquæ. * Gratiarum. 
℣. Like a fountain of water whose stream shall not fail. * Was enriched.

℟. Desiderium cordis ejus tribuit ei Dominus: * A quo obtinuit quod a fratre obtinere non potuit. 
℟. The Lord granted her the desire of her heart: * And from Him she obtained what her Brother refused.

℣. Bonus est Dominus omnibus sperantibus in eum, animæ quærenti illum. * A quo obtinuit. 
℣. The Lord is good to all them that trust in him, to the soul that seeketh him, * And.

℟. Moram faciente Sponso, ingemisceba Scholastica dicens: * Quis dabit mihi pennas sicut columbæ, et volabo et requiescam? 
℟. The Bridegroom tarrying, Scholastica moaned, saying: * Who will give me the wings of a dove, and I will fly and take my rest?

℣. En dilectus meus loquitur mihi: Surge, amica mea, et veni. * Quis dabit. 
℣. Lo! my beloved speaketh unto me: Arise, my love, and come. * Who will.

℟. In columbæ specie Scholastica visa est, fraterna mens lætata est hymnis et immensis laudibus: * Benedictus sit talis exitus, multo magis talis introitus! 
℟. Scholastica was seen in the form of a dove, and the Brother’s glad soul sang hymns and praises beyond measure: * Blessed be such a departure, and still more blessed such an entrance!

℣. Totus cœlesti gaudio perfusus remansit Pater Benedictus. * Benedictus. 
℣. Father Benedict was filled with heavenly joy. * Blessed.

℟. Anima Scholasticæ ex arca corporis instar columbæ egressa, portans, ramum olivæ, signum pacis et gratiæ. * In cœlos evolavit. 
℟. Scholastica’s soul went forth, like a dove, from the ark of her body, bearing an olive branch, the sign of peace and grace. * She took her flight to heaven.

℣. Quæ cum non inveniret ubi requiesceret pes ejus. * In cœlos evolavit. 
℣. She found not whereon to rest her feet. * She took.

Ant. Exsultet omnium turba fidelium pro gloria virginis almæ Scholasticæ; lætentur præcipue catervæ virginum, celebrantes ejus solemnitatem, quæ fundens lacrymas, Dominum rogavit, et ab eo plus potuit, quia plus amavit. 
Ant. Let all the assembly of the Faithful rejoice at the glory of the venerable virgin Scholastica; but, above the rest, let the choirs of virgins be glad, as they celebrate the feast of her who besought her Lord with many tears, and had more power with him, because she had more love.

Ant. Hodie sacra virgo Scholastica in specie columbæ, ad æthera tota festiva perrexit: hodie cœlestis vitæ gaudiis cum fratre suo perfrui meretur in sempiternum.
Ant. On this day, the holy virgin Scholastica took her flight, in the shape of a dove, all joyfully to heaven: on this day, she is enjoying, with her Brother, the eternal joys of the heavenly life she so well deserves.

The same Benedictine Breviary gives us these two Hymns for this Feast.
Te beata sponsa Christ,
Te, columba virginum,
Siderum tollunt coloni
Laudibus, Scholastica:
Nostra te lætis salutant
Vocibus præcordia. 

O Scholastica, blessed spouse of Christ! O Dove of the cloister! the citizens of heaven proclaim thy merits, and we, too, sing thy praises with joyful hymns and loving hearts.

Sceptra mundi cum coronis
Docta quondam spernere,
Dogma fratris insecuta
Atque sanctæ Regulæ,
Ex odore gratiarum,
Astra nosti quærere. 

Thou didst scorn the honors and glory of the world; thou didst follow the teaching of thy Brother and his Holy Rule; and, rich in the fragrance of every grace, thou caredst for heaven alone.

O potens virtus amoris!
O decus vitoriæ!
Dum fluentis lacrymarum
Cogis imbres currere,
Ore Nursini parentis
Verba cœli suscipis. 

Oh! what power was in thy love, and how glorious thy victory, when thy tears drew rain from the skies, and forced the Patriarch of Nursia, to tell thee what he knew of the land above!

Luce fulges expetita
In polorum vertice,
Clara flammis charitatis
Cum nitore gratiæ:
Juncta Sponso conquiscis
In decore gloriæ. 

And now thou shinest in heaven’s longed-for light; thou art as a seraph in thy burning love, beautiful in thy bright grace; and united with thy divine Spouse, thou art reposing in the splendor of glory.

Nunc benigna pelle nubes
Cordibus fidelium,
Ut serena fronte splendens
Sol perennis luminis,
Sempiterne claritatis
Impleat nos gaudiis. 

Have pity on us the Faithful of Christ, and drive from us the miseries which cloud our hearts; that thus, the Sun of light eternal may sweetly shine upon us, and fill us with the joys of his everlasting beams.

Gloriam Patri canamus
Unicoque Filio;
Par tributum proferamus
Inclyto Paraclito,
Nutibus cujus creantur,
Et reguntur sæcula. Amen. 

Let us sing a hymn of glory to the Father, and to his only Son; let us give an equal homage of our praise to the Blessed Paraclete: yea, to God, the Creator and Ruler of all, be glory without end. Amen.

Jam noctis umbræ concidunt,
Dies cupita nascitur,
Qua virgini Scholasticæ
Sponsus perennis jungitur. 

The shades of night are passing away: the longed-for day is come, when the virgin Scholastica is united to her God, her Spouse.

Brumæ recedit tædium,
Fugantur imbres nubibus,
Vernantque campi siderum
Æternitatis floribus. 

Winter’s tedious gloom is over; the rainy clouds are gone; and the Spring of the starry land yields its eternal flowers.

Amoris auctor evocat,
Dilecta pennas induit;
Ardens ad oris oscula
Columba velox evolat. 

The God of love bids his beloved come; and she, taking the wings of a dove, flies swiftly to the embrace so ardently desired.

Quam pulchra gressum promoves,
O chara proles Principis!
Nursinus Abbas aspicit,
Grates rependit Numini.

 How beautiful is thy soaring, dear daughter of the King! Thy Brother, the Abbot, sees thee, and fervently thanks his God.

Amplexa Sponsi dextera,
Metit coronas debitas,
Immersa rivis gloriæ,
Deique pota gaudiis. 

Scholastica receives the embrace of her Spouse, and the crown her works have won; inebriated with the torrent of glory, she drinks of the joys of her Lord.

Te, Christe, flos convallium,
Patremque cum Paraclito,
Cunctos per orbis cardines
Adoret omne sæculum. Amen

May the world-wide creation of every age, adore thee, O Jesus, sweet Flower of the vale, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

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Dear Spouse of the Lamb! Innocent and simple Dove! How rapid was thy flight to thy Jesus, when called home from thine exile! Thy Brother’s eye followed thee for an instant, and then heaven received thee with a joyous welcome from the choirs of the Angels and Saints. Thou art now at the very source of that love which here filled thy soul, and gained thee everything thou asked of thy Divine Master. Drink of this fount of life to thy heart’s eternal content. Satiate the ambition taught thee by thy Brother in his Rule, when he says (Instrument 46) that we must “desire Heaven with all the might of our spirit.” Feed on that sovereign Beauty, who himself feeds, as he tells us, among the lilies.

But forget not this lower world, which was to thee what it is to us—a place of trial, for winning heavenly honors. During thy sojourn here, thou was the Dove in the clefts of the rock; as the Canticle describes a soul like thine own; there was nothing on this earth which tempted thee to spread thy wings in its pursuit, there was nothing worthy of thy giving it the treasure of the love which God had put in thy heart. Timid before men and simple as innocence ever is, thou knewest not that thou hadst wounded the Heart of the Spouse. Thy prayers were made to him with all the humility and confidence of a soul that had never been disloyal; and he granted thee thy petitions with the promptness of tender love: so that thy Brother—the venerable Saint—he who was accustomed to see nature obedient to his command—yes, even Benedict was overcome by thee in that contest wherein thy simplicity was more penetrating than his profound wisdom.

And who was it, O Scholastica, that gave thee this sublime knowledge, and made thee, on that day of thy last visit, wiser than the great Patriarch, who was raised up in the Church to be the living rule of them that are called to Perfection? It was the same God who chose Benedict to be one of the pillars of the Religious State; but who wished to show that a holy and pure and tender charity is dearer to him than the most scrupulous fidelity to rules, which are only made for leading men to what thou hadst already attained. Benedict, himself such a lover of God, knew all this; the subject so dear to thy heart was renewed, and Brother and Sister were soon lost in the contemplation of that Infinite Beauty, who had just given such a proof that he would have you neglect all else. Thou wast ripe for heaven, O Scholastica! Creatures could teach thee no more love of thy Creator; he would take thee to himself. A few short hours more, and the Divine Spouse would speak to thee those words of the ineffable Canticle, which the Holy Spirit seems to have dictated for a soul like thine: Arise, make haste, my Love, my Dove, my beautiful one, and come! Show me thy face; let thy voice sound in mine ears; for thy voice is sweet, and comely is thy face.

Thou hast left us, O Scholastica! but do not forget us. Our souls have not the same beauty in the eyes of our God as thine, and yet they are called to the same heaven. It may be that years are still needed to fit them for the celestial abode, where we shall see thy grand glory. Thy prayer drew down a torrent of rain upon the earth; let it now be offered for us, and obtain for us tears of repentance. Thou couldst endure no conversation which had not eternity for its subject; give us a disgust for useless and dangerous talk, and a relish for hearing such as are on God and Heaven. Thy heart had mastered the secret of fraternal charity, yea of that affectionate charity, which is so well-pleasing to our Lord; soften our hearts to the love of our neighbour, banish from them all coldness and indifference, and make us love one another as God would have us love.

Dear Dove of holy solitude! remember the Tree, whose branches gave thee shelter here on earth. The Benedictine cloister venerates thee, not only as the Sister, but also as the Daughter of its sainted Patriarch. Cast thine eye upon the remnants of that Tree, which was once so vigorous in its beauty and its fruits, and under whose shadow the nations of the West found shelter for so many long ages. Alas! the hack and hew of impious persecutions have struck its root and branches. Every land of Europe, as well as our own, sits weeping over the ruins. And yet, root and branches, both must needs revive, for we know that it is the will of thy Divine Spouse, Scholastica, that the destinies of this venerable Tree keep pace with those of the Church herself. Pray that its primitive vigour be soon restored; protect, with thy maternal care, the tender buds it is now giving forth; cover them from the storm; bless them; make them worthy of the confidence wherewith the Church deigns to honour them!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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