Saint Peregrine - Patron Saint of Cancer
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The Patron Saint of Cancer

Feast Day: May 1st


In the beginning century, the citizens of certain towns in Italy were opposed to accepting the spiritual an civil rights of the Holy See. Among these was the small town of Forli, located on the Adriatic Sea. In the year 1265, there was born Peregrine Laziosi, the youngest member of a rich and civilly potent family, the members of which were in the midst of the political and spiritual rebellion against the Pope or Papacy.

At the early age of 18 years, Peregrine was an active participant and leader of the antipapal forces in Forli. An open rebellion ultimately occurred in the city of Forli. Pope Martin IV enlisted the assistance of King John of Naples to overcome this antagonism.

The Pontiff placed Forli under interdiction but even excommunication did not influence the attitudes and behavior of the citizens. Philip Benizi, who subsequently achieved sainthood, had been frequently mentioned as a possible future pope; he was selected to go to Forli and appeal ot the people through his persuasive oratory and profound sanctity.

As the official Papal Ambassador, he was ill received, and subjected to abuse and beatings with clubs and rocks.

Peregrine, a young and impetuous leader, actually struck Philip in the face, knocking him down. The saintly Ambassador immediately forgave the youth and uttered a prayer for him.

Although the citizens of Forli cheered Peregrine for his violence, he personally was overcome by the meekness and tolerance of Philip, so that in his penitence, he ran three miles to encounter him again and at this meeting confessed his guilt, cried, and begged forgiveness.

Philip encouraged him to rededicate himself, which he did by spending long hours in prayer in the Chapel of Our Lady in the cathedral. In the course of his meditation there, he experienced a divine calling, urging him to go to Siena. On arriving there, he was received into the Order of the Servants of Mary by the same Philip Benizi, five times General of the Order. The Order of the Servants of Mary (Servites) was founded in 1233 by seven saints, to propagate devotion to the Sorrows of Mary.

Peregrine underwent complete reformation, avoided all political entanglements, and dedicated his life to labors among the poor, the sick, and the sinful.

He accepted a commission to re-establish the Servite Monastery in his home town of Forli. His tender care of the sick during a calamitous plague in Forli in 1323 secured for him the everlasting gratitude and respect of the citizens. I is said that for 30 years he never sat down, and when he was forced to sleep, he did so by leaning against a wall.

Peregrine spent 62 years of his life in this religious order. In the course of this period, a huge ulcerative growth appeared on Peregrine’s leg, exposing the bone and emanating the odor of gangrene. He was examined by the best physicians of his time, who unanimously pronounced the lesion to be cancerous and advised amputation of the leg.

The night before the scheduled operation, Peregrine dragged himself to the small chapel of the hospital and spent the night praying before the crucifix. He then fell asleep and dreamed that Christ had reached out from the cross and touched his diseased leg. On awakening, it was found that his leg had healed completely, with no trace of the cancer. This miracle might have been the first spontaneous cure of cancer.

He continued his work among the sick until he died on May 1st, 1345, his 80th birthday.

Peregrine was beatified in 1609. Pope Benedict XIII solemnly canonized him in 1726.

In the years 1608, 1697, and 1715, when his remains were exhumed for inspection, the body was found intact. In 1926, the second centenary of the canonization of St. Peregrine, the Bishop of Forli again examined the body and found it to be nearly perfect.

St. Peregrine has been declared the universal patron of Spain, and in Vienna is cherished as the most popular saint. He is commonly invoked for the cure, survival and alleviation of cancer patients, for which he is best known in Austria, Hungary, Bavaria and Italy.

St. Peregrine Novena

Oh great Saint Peregrine,
You, who have been called “The Mighty”
And “The Wonder Worker”
Because of the numerous miracles
Which you have obtained from God
For those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your own flesh
This cancerous disease that destroys
The very fiber of our being,
And who had recourse to the source of all grace
When the power of man could do no more.
You were favored with the vision of Jesus
Coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction.
Ask of God and Our Lady,
The cure of these sick persons whom we entrust to you.

(State your intention here. . .)

Aided in his way by your powerful intercession,
We shall sing to God,
Now and for all eternity,
A song of gratitude for His great goodness
And mercy.


A Prayer to Saint Peregrine
For Sick Relatives and Friends

O great St. Peregrine, you have been called

“The Mighty”, “The Wonder Worker” because

Of the numerous miracles which you obtained

From God for those who have turned to you

In their need. For so many years, you bore

In your own flesh this cancerous disease

That destroys the very fiber of our being.

You turned to God when the power

Of human beings could do no more,

And you were favored with the vision of Jesus

Coming down from His cross to heal your affliction.

I now ask God to heal these sick persons

Whom I entrust to you:

(here mention their names)

Aided by your powerful intercession,

I shall sing with Mary a hymn of gratitude

To God for His great goodness and mercy.



Prayer to Saint Peregrine

God, who gave Saint Peregrine

And angel as his companion,

The Mother of God as his

Teacher, and Jesus as the

Physician for his illness;

Grant, we ask You, that we

On earth may intensely

Love the Blessed Virgin Mary

And our Savior, and in Heaven

Bless them forever.

Grant that we receive

The favor for which

We now ask through

Jesus Christ Our Lord.


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