The Three Days of Darkness
     After the three days of chastisement are over, there will be no ungodly persons left, the godless will be annihilated. Seventy-five percent of humanity will be destroyed, more men than women. Everyone left on earth will believe in God with all their hearts. The devastations will be astonishingly great, but the earth will be purified. The spiritual fervor of the early Christians will return, but there will be so few men left on earth. When all seems lost, then in a twinkling all will be saved, the sun will shine again and it will be as springtime, all fair and beautiful. The Holy Angels will descend from Heaven and spread the spirit of peace over the earth, and the just will be able to start life anew.
     Some nations will disappear entirely, and the face of the earth will be changed. There will be no more big business, huge factories and assembly lines which will sap men's souls and moralities. People will return to the land.
     Our Holy Church will rise again, and religious communities will flower. A feeling of immeasurable gratitude will possess the hearts of those who survive this terrible ordeal and, upon the return of light, all should kneel down immediately and give thanks to the Holy Trinity for Their protection, and Bless God. Then will follow the era of peace as promised by the Blessed Virgin at Fatima.


     For we never know the day nor the hour when God may call us. We must let none of these signs turn us from  our Holy Mother Church, but we must cling to our Holy Faith and Trust in God's mercy. He has promised to protect the just. Do not offend Him by lack of trust.
     ''Those who believe my words and spread this message will have nothing to fear. Those who fight for My cause will receive Grace from My Divine Heart.''
     There are always some who say they would rather not hear these things because they are frightening - these people are like a person who does not want to be told when their house is burning down! Surely it is better to make the endeavor to sanctify ourselves and be saved, than to scoff and risk our eternal happiness. God sent His Son to suffer and die for our salvation. He wants us all to behold His Holy Face for eternity.
     We must be true Christians, fervent and zealous for souls. Respect and obey priests. Support our Holy Catholic Church, and not only with alms and occasional attendance, but with daily Mass and reception of Holy Communion; also with more faithful attendance at he various church devotions: Rosary, Novenas, Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Holy Hour and special devotions. We should particularly keep Our Lord company during days or nights of exposition, as prayers before the Blessed Sacrament are the most valuable of all and most beneficial to us.
     We should pray wholeheartedly and steadily for our Holy Father, for priests, brothers, nuns, seminarians, postulants, and all those good people who work for our Holy Religion - to give them courage and strength to go on in these evil times.
     Love poverty, abhor possessions, relieve the poor. Jesus gave us only two commandments: Love God and Love each other. We must live these commandments in our daily lives. No one can carry hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, ill feeling, gossip, backbitting or any such malice into Heaven. The more we truly love God and love our Neighbor, the more we shall be protected and given special graces.
     Our Lord pleads for generous souls to offer themselves as victims for the salvation of many. This victimhood can be accomplished in countless ordinary ways: little mortifications, sacrifices, and penances - to curb the tongue of a curt remark, to suffer a headache or pain without speaking of it, never to complain about anything, to be silent when accused justly or unjustly, to deny our senses and appetites, etc. We are asked to make more reparation, as ''Many Souls are lost because there is no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. The prayers and reparation of faithful souls will work miracles!''
     Discouragement is the finest tool of the devil, his opening wedge. Do not give in to it. Persevere in prayer, to keep your adversary from taking dominion over you. Remember that NO one goes to hell unless he himself wills it. Think of that ! You cannot be dragged down to hell without your own consent - you yourself have to will to go to hell. Therefore, take courage and Will to go to Heaven where God wants you.
     We must have very great devotion and recourse to Mary - especially to Her Immaculate Conception and to Her Immaculate Heart. Both Our Lord and Our Lady beg for many more Rosaries. ''Pray the Rosary, but pray it well, with meditation on the mysteries and with true devotion.'' Our Lord said, ''Tell the people not nearly enough of them are praying the daily Rosary. They must pray the Rosary for the conversion of Russia.''  Remember what the Blessed Virgin said at Fatima: ''In the end, Russia will be converted, and there will be an era of peace.'' Do not belittle the power of the Rosary. Gather together and pray in unison, in Christian charity. The Family Rosary, the Block Rosary, especially the Rosary in Church before the Blessed Sacrament. The Saintly Pope Pius XII said that ''Next to Mass, the Fatima Devotions are the most important.''
     If you can, attend more than one Mass, have said or offer your Masses in honor of the "Holy Spirit", and "The Holy Angels", "The Immaculate Heart of Mary".
     We are urged to give much attention to the Holy Eucharist, to receive daily or frequent Holy Communion with great devotion and thanksgiving. We should keep our tongues pure and clean to receive Our Lord in a way most pleasing to Him (not stained by gossip or any malice). Saint Teresa of Avila said, "that we should be most careful of our tongue since it is the most privileged member of our body, the table on which we receive the True Body and Blood of Our Crucified Lord. Every effort should be made to receive Daily Communion because every Communion received in the state of grace not only strengthens you, but also strengthens the Mystical Body of Christ. Therefore, be generous in this effort, as we can easily understand that the neglect of Communion has the opposite effect.
     It is best to become a "tertiary" and thus gain the greatest spiritual benefits. The benefits of a tertiary are far above those of any association or confraternity, because the tertiary or oblate actually belongs to an established religious order of the Church. A number of orders offer this privilege: Franciscan, Dominican, Benedictine, Carmelite, Trinitatian, and others. Anyone can become a tertiary, male or female, married or single. A tertiary lives in the world, but endeavors to live a more holy life.
     Let no one foolishly say that they are too bad or too ordinary to become a Saint, for this would be denying God's merciful plan. Holy Scripture tells us: "This is the will of God: Your sanctification." It is up to each of us, His creatures whom He created out of the love of His Heart, to seek to obey Him. Remember, those beautiful words in Holy Scripture: "What does God ask of you, but to walk in His way and do His Holy Will."

Have Your Home Blessed and Consecrated to the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary

And always keep on hand: Holy Water, Blessed Wax Candles, Blessed Palm, Blessed Crucifix, Images of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Recommended Prayers and Devotions

     Holy Mother Church gives us a choice of many devotions and a great treasury of indulgences. She tells us that we should value indulgences highly and we should gain as many as possible for ourselves and others.
     After Holy Mass, Holy Communion, the Sacraments, and the Sacramentals, there is the Rosary, of which we have already spoken. It is good to join the Archconfraternity of the Holy Rosary, remembering Our Blessed Mother's promise: "I have obtained from My Divine Son that all members of the Rosary Confraternity shall have for their intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of their death."
     Be enrolled in and constantly wear the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which is "Our Lady's Livery." Every day recite the commutation prayers of seven times Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, to gain the Sabbatine Privilege (rescue from purgatory the Saturday following your death).
     Be enrolled in and wear the Miraculous Medal of Our Lady, which bestows such great graces. Remember Her words when She sadly said: "Many people do not receive graces, because they do not ask for them."
     O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
     It is well also to wear the Saint Benedict Medal, which is the highest indulgenced Medal of the Church. Learn and recite the prayers against Satan, which are engraved on the medal.
     We should cultivate much devotion to Saint Joseph. It is revealed that wherever the Blessed Virgin is, Saint Joseph is always with Her, because it was given to him to take care of Her.
     We must always draw nearer to and rely upon the Holy Angels, remembering that they are not only our guardians but also our messengers, ready to do our bidding. There is a chaplet in honor of the Angels, which contains remarkable promises for those who recite it.
     We are urged to make Many more visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and make Holy Hours. If we cannot go to a Church for these things, then we should send our Angel to attend Holy Mass for us, to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to attend to our prayers. We should make Very many spiritual communions. Our Lord asked Sister Benigna to let not even a quarter of an hour pass without making a spiritual communion. So desirable this is.

     The "Storm Novena" is valuable, in that it brings us to the Blessed Sacrament nine times in one day. Another devotion most pleasing to Our Lord is to His Holy Face. He not only wishes us to make reparation for the insults to His Holy Face, but He wants us to behold Him face to face for all eternity. Saint Athanasius relates that the devils on being asked what verse in the Scriptures they feared the most, replied: "That with which the 67th Psalm commences: Let God arise, and let His Enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Him flee from before His face!" They added that this verse always compelled them to take flight.
     We should give special attention to Saint Michael, the Archangel, and continue to recite the prayer (by Pope Leo XIII) after each Mass. This holy Pope composed this prayer after his terrifying vision of Satan's power of destruction in these times.
    Much more devotion should be given to the Holy Ghost. We should be impressed with the importance of the Holy Ghost when we recall that Our Lord said that He must go, in order that the Holy Ghost could come.. and "The Holy Ghost will teach you all things that you need to know."
     We should not forget the Poor Souls in Purgatory. We ask them for favors, and pray for their release.
     The Green Scapular continues to bestow many blessings and effect many conversion and returns to Church, with the Prayer: "Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death."
     In Our Lord's revelations to Berthe Petit, He particularly asked devotion to Our Blessed Mother under the title of "Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary."
     A prayer too much forgotten is the one which Our Lady of Fatima asked to be said when we offer sacrifices: "O Jesus, it is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." This is a Miraculous prayer... please use it often.
     When Sister Josefa Menendez (Called the "second Margaret-Mary") asked Our Lady for a prayer to be said constantly while working, She gave this: "O My Beloved, Who art also My God, make my heart a flame of pure love for Thee!"
     Very great promises to save countless souls accompany this little prayer which Our Lord taught to Sister M. Consolato Betrone (Capuchin Nun): "JESUS, MARY, I LOVE THEE! SAVE SOULS!"
     The fifteen prayers of Saint Bridget of Sweden, on the Passion of Our Lord, are most timely, since Our Lady has recently impressed upon us that we "must think more of the Passion of Jesus."
     Booklets, leaflets, chaplets and medals are available for any devotion of your choice. However, out of all these private devotions, we must remember that Our Blessed Mother's Rosary is the most important, according to the requests of both Jesus and Mary.
     Also the Stations of the Cross, and the Stations of our Sorrowful Mother... since all of these cause us to meditate upon the Passion of Our Lord and the compassion of Our Lady.
     In one of Our Blessed Mother's revelations to a stigmatic nun in Italy, She said: "My daughter, the time is not far off. When men least expect it, the course of Divine Justice will be accomplished. My Heart is so big for poor sinners and I make use of very possible means that they may be saved. Look at My mantle, how big it is! If I were not bowed over the world, to cover all with My maternal love, the tempest of fire would already have broken upon the nations. This is the mantle of My Mercy for all those who, have repented, come back to My Immaculate Heart. See, My right hand holds the mantle to cover and save poor sinner, while My left hand holds back Divine Justice so that the time of mercy may still be prolonged. To help me in this, I ask that the prayer of "Maternal Refuge" be spread as a most useful means to obtain graces and salvation for poor sinners.

Father Barillé wrote to Father Coquet on May 23rd, 1876: "Marie-Julie told me that there will be deep darkness for three days and two nights. We will need wax candles, real wax, to be protected again."

Ecstasy of March 8th, 1881

"All candles that are not made of wax will be useless."

Ecstasy of January 4th, 1884

"Only blessed wax candles will be able to give light during this horrible darkness. But in the homes of the ungodly and persecutors they will give no light. Lightning will enter your homes. They will not extinguish the light of the blessed candle. Neither wind nor storm nor earthquake will be able to extinguish them. Only the piece of furniture that will carry the blessed candle will remain stable at the time of the earthquakes."

In addition to Marie-Julie Jahenny, Marie Martel in Tilly and Anna Maria Taïgi in Rome both recommend blessed wax candles. 

Please note the following

It is important and imperative that the wax candles be blessed during the Mass on February 2nd, the day of the "Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple."

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