Bolsonaro BREAKS NYC mandate by entering UNGA unvaccinated
Unmasked and unvaccinated Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro warns ‘history and science’ will judge
Biden for imposing mask and vaccine mandates in opening speech to UN after breaking NY’s Covid rules

[Image: 2021-09-15T003852Z_1948426964_RC2TPP9YVW...ICS_pndsan]
  •  ‘History and science will hold everyone accountable,’ Bolsonaro told world leaders in his address
  • Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro had to eat pizza outside on the street in New York City upon landing in the U.S. because he is unvaccinated 
  • Bolsonaro is attending the U.N. General Assembly meeting despite city restrictions requiring people to provide proof of vaccination for indoor events 
  • Bolsonaro wore a mask when he entered the U.N. Tuesday morning  
  • U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Friday she is worried the General Assembly gathering could turn into a COVID superspreader event
  • ‘We are concerned about the U.N. event being a superspreader event,’ Thomas-Greenfield said during a press conference 
  • President Joe Biden also spoke at UNGA on Tuesday
Unvaccinated Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro told the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday suggested that his approach toward Covid-19 would be proven right. 
‘History and science will hold everyone accountable,’ he told world leaders in his address. 
The right-wing Brazilian leader said he supported vaccinations but promoted early treatment of Covid-19, noting that he himself underwent ‘early treatment’ following a diagnosis last summer. 
‘We cannot understand why many countries, together with a large portion of the media, took a stance against early treatment measures,’ Bolsonaro said. 
Bolsonaro said that his government stood against vaccine mandates, such as the one he had broken to enter the United Nations. New York City requires vaccination to enter most public spaces, including convention centers. 
President Biden, too, as imposed sweeping vaccine mandates that cover federal workers and those at companies with over 100 employees. 
‘We support vaccination efforts, however my administration has not supported a vaccine or health passport or any other vaccine-related obligations,’ Bolsonaro said. 
He noted that by November, ‘all citizens who have chosen to be vaccinated in Brazil will be duly covered.’ 
In a meeting Monday night with Bolsonaro, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: ‘Thanks everybody. Get AstraZeneca vaccines.’ 
‘I’ve had it twice.’ 
‘Not yet,’ the Brazilian president replied. 
Earlier this year, Bolsonaro signaled he wasn’t in a rush to get the jab since he’d already had Covid. 
‘I already had the virus,’ he said. ‘I think what must happen is that after the last Brazilian gets vaccinated, if there’s a spare shot, I will decide whether or not I get vaccinated.’ He added that ‘that’s the example the boss must provide.’ 
Before talking about vaccinations, Bolsonaro in his address touted his administration’s accomplishments, saying the Brazil has ‘changed a great deal’ since he took office in 2019.
‘It is a solid foundation if we take into account that we were at the brink of socialism,’ he said. ‘Brazil has a president who believes in God, respects the Constitution, values family principles and is loyal to his people.’

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