Letters of Concern to Bp. Lazo from other Bishops in the Philippines
Here is the letter of Archbishop Talamayan:
Archdiocese of Tuguegarao
Archbishop’s Residence

September 21, 1996
His Excellency The Most Reverend SALVADOR L. LAZO, D.D
Bishop Emeritus of San Fernando (La Union)
10A - M. Gregorio Street
Project 4, 1109 Quezon City

Your Excellency:

Immediately after the July meeting of the CBCP, I tried my best to get in touch with you. You were abroad. Soon after it was my turn to go abroad, and on my return I repeatedly tried to contact you without much success. I would have preferred to take up the matter I am writing about you personally, but the urgency of my mission and my own personal regard for you make it necessary that I write you now.
Jose Cardinal Sanchez of the Congregation on the Clergy and your brother-bishops in the CBCP have separately asked me to talk to you about your apparent association with the so called “Pope Pius X” movement which has for its aim the reverse of the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council and a return to Tridentine norms. You and I of course know that this movement goes back in someway to Archbishop Lefebvre who has been declared by the Holy See to be in schism.
I have always held you in the highest esteem, and even now I look up to your wisdom, prudence and to your undeniable accomplishments. You have been in many ways my inspiration in the priesthood as well as in the episcopacy. I know it is furthest from your intentions to do wrong, in any way whatsoever, to the Church which you have faithfully served all these years.
You and I both share the faith that no matter what we might individually believe of think, it is to the Church, and to the apostolic authority of Peter’s successor that the Lord Jesus gave the power to bind and to lose. This same Church which has profited abundantly from your many years of committed service now binds us to the reforms she has instituted inspired by the Spirit of God. Whatever may be your noble intentions, your brother bishops and the authorities of the Church believe that your continued association with a schismatic group is hurting the Church. They beg you then to dissociate yourself from this movement as expeditiously and as unequivocally as possible.
Allow me to assure you that your brother-bishops do not have condemnation or ridicule for you in their hearts, but only love and deepest concern. They have asked me to convey this to you. In fact, Cardinal Sin is making you the formal offer of an assignment in the Archdiocese of Manila.
I have known you for so long, Your Excellency, that I do not doubt that the goodness that is in your heart and the sincere love you have for Christ’s Body, His Pilgrim people, will prompt you to give this request of your brother-bishops and our Roman authorities your immediate and favorable response.
Please give me your latest phone number, so that I can call you up more frequently to find out from you how I may be of help.
Please be assured of the continued esteem of the Cagayanos for you, who hold you dearly in their memory, and of my personal regard.
Sincerely in Domino,
Archbishop of Tuguegarao

Prefect, Congregation of the Clergy
The Vatican

Apostolic Nuncion
Taft Avenue, Manila

Arzobispado de Manila Manila ARCHBISHOP OSCAR CRUZ
Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines

Here is another letter, this one from Archbishop Gordoncillo:

Archdiocese of Capiz
Chancery Office

6 June 1998
Most Rev. Salvador L. Lazo, D.D
10A - M. Gregorio Street
Proj. 4, Quezon City 1109

Your Excellency: Bishop Lazo,

Pax in Domino!
I have been receiving papers and articles from outside the Philippines with your name used as the sender, although the stamps, in many cases, are U.S or Canada. Being a friend Bishop to your Excellency I am a bit disturbed that your good self is being used by them and taken advantage of.
Some literatures are about and sent from the group of Rev. Fr. Grunner, while others concern the schismatic group of Archbishop Lefebvre. I hope you will not take this letter of mine as an intrusion or a meddling into your life. If I write you this it is because being brothers in the Apostolic Ministry I care for your good and your good name – remember our brotherhood in the PRH?
Please remember that we have the Apostolic Ordination and therefore let us be always united with the Apostolic anointing of all the Bishops of the Catholic Church. Hence let us always live and remain united and one with the Catholic Church which is entrusted by Our Lord to our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. I am sure you still remember the phrase we used to cite and quote during our Theology days: “Ubi Petrus, Ibi Ecclesia.” Especially now that we are getting older I am already on my way to the 70’s – the more we should cling to the faith that Jesus entrusted to His Church: the Boat that He gave to Peter to stir.
I hope you sever all connections with the aforementioned groups. We are not condemning anybody … they are God’s children too and God will take care of them some other way. But as successors of the Apostles let us hold unto the Church and follow the lead of the Holy Father … and this until death!
I am not correcting you … I am just reminding us (you and me) that we have to remain faithful and loyal to the Church and the Pope we love.
With my fraternal regards and humble prayers, I remain.
Fraternally yours in Christ our Lord,
(sgd) Abp. Onie G. (Gordoncillo)


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