Francis’s Synod: Making Reparation to Satan for Catholicism’s Offenses Against Hell
Francis’s Synod: Making Reparation to Satan for Catholicism’s Offenses Against Hell

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Robert Morrison, Remnant Columnist | September 19, 2024

How did Archbishop Lefebvre see so clearly the problems that many sincere Catholics are seeing for the first time today, if at all? Or, for that matter, how did Bishop Graber recognize that Vatican II was implementing the Freemasonic attacks on the Church, as he wrote in his 1974 book? It is not necessarily that they knew more than everyone else — instead, it seems that they were willing to acknowledge the plainly observable realties and draw logical conclusions, even when Rome insisted that everyone must obey.

tIn his short 1974 book about the crisis in the Catholic Church, Athanasius and the Church of Our Time, Bishop Rudolf Graber quoted the prophetic words of Canon Roca (1830-1893), an excommunicated priest who spoke of the secret society plots against the papacy over one hundred years ago:
Quote:“There is a sacrifice in the offing which represents a solemn act of expiation . . . The Papacy will fall; it will die under the hallowed knife which the fathers of the last council will forge. The papal caesar is a Host crowned for the sacrifice.” (p. 35)

Although some champions of Traditional Catholicism, such as Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, saw the connection between these words from Canon Roca and what took place at Vatican II, many remained skeptical over the decades, preferring to believe that the Council itself posed no real threat to the Faith. Almost as though Rome wanted to alleviate any doubt on the matter, though, the June 13, 2024 document on “The Bishop of Rome” from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity confirmed that the enemies of the Church were indeed using Vatican II’s documents to undermine the papacy:
Quote:“The understanding and exercise of the ministry of the Bishop of Rome entered a new phase with the Second Vatican Council. The very act of calling a Council with Christian unity as one of its primary goals and with the participation of other Christians already indicated Saint John XXIII’s approach to the role of the Bishop of Rome in the Church. Complementing the definitions of the First Vatican Council on papal primacy, the Constitution Lumen gentium strengthened the office of bishops who govern their particular churches as ‘vicars and ambassadors of Christ [...] and not as vicars of the Roman Pontiffs’ (LG 27) and emphasized the significance of episcopal collegiality (LG 23). The Decree Unitatis redintegratio marked the official entry of the Catholic Church into the ecumenical movement and opened the way to the establishment of theological dialogues, many of which would address the question of primacy.”

As the Bishop of Rome document proceeded to describe, Catholic theologians have collaborated with Protestants for decades to reinterpret the role of the Bishop of Rome in attempt to alleviate non-Catholic objections to the papacy. Borrowing Canon Roca’s expression from above, false ecumenism — which was the driving force of Vatican II — has been “the hallowed knife which the fathers of the last council will forge” to destroy the papacy.

Stunningly, the Bishop of Rome document aligns even more closely with another Freemasonic prophecy from Bishop Graber’s book, quoting a 1968 article from the Paris journal of the Grand Orient de France, “L’Humanisme,” foretelling the future of the Church:
Quote:“It is not the scaffold that is awaiting the Pope, it is the rise of local Churches organizing themselves democratically, rejecting the dividing-line between clergy and laymen, creating their own dogma and living in complete autonomy from Rome.” (p. 71)

This is what we see today. And, while it is true that Vatican II had the blueprints and materials for that scaffold, it has been the ongoing Synod on Synodality that has assembled the scaffold. Recent documents from the Synod on Synodality offer a new look at the fiendish ceremonies planned for the Synod’s October 2024 sessions in Rome, which appear poised to make a formal sacrificial offering not only of the papacy but also of Rome’s last ties to Catholicism. We can see this most clearly in the description of the Penitential Celebration planned for October 1, 2024:
Quote:“A Church that wants to walk together must be continually reconciled. . . In St. Peter's Basilica, the penitential celebration, presided over by Pope Francis, will include time to listen to three testimonies of persons who have suffered sin: the sin of abuse; the sin of war; the sin of indifference to the drama present in the growing phenomenon of migrations all over the world. Subsequently, the confession of a number of sins will take place. . . Whoever expresses the request for forgiveness will do so in the name of all the baptised.”

So Francis will preside over the “penitential celebration” in St. Peter’s Basilica in the name of “all the baptized” (which of course includes heretics). For what will he apologize? Faithful Catholics could identify many sins which he should confess, including: persecution of Traditional Catholics; aiding and abetting the globalists in their anti-Catholic agenda; scandalizing the world with innumerable heretical statements; and calling the truly offensive Synod on Synodality.

Unsurprisingly, none of those actual sins have made the list; instead we see the following: Sin against creation, against indigenous populations, against migrants; Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled; and Sin against synodality / lack of listening, communion, and participation of all. We can look at these three categories of “sins” individually:
  • Sin against creation, against indigenous populations, against migrants. Here Francis is unabashedly fulfilling his function of moral authority of the demonic globalist cult. According to the globalists, the requested “penance” for these “sins” is for all of us to eat bugs, make reparations to indigenous populations, and allow unlimited illegal immigration.
  • Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled. For the past eleven years we have seen what Francis means by this: he does not mean the sin of hating the sinner rather than the sin; rather, he is condemning the process of trying to convert sinners to God’s truth. In his mind, those who sin more than any others in this regard are Traditional Catholics who insist that we must all seek to follow God’s commandments if we wish to save our souls.
  • Sin against synodality / lack of listening, communion, and participation of all. This last category of sin is the most wicked of all because it makes it a sin to question the Synod’s attempt to destroy the Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church, blasphemy is a sin; in the Synodal Church, refusing to take part in blasphemy is a sin. The difference is not subtle.
So Francis, who despises the papacy (and may indeed be an anti-pope), will lead this “penitential celebration” in St. Peter’s Basilica to effectively condemn those who practice what the Church has always taught — he is, in essence, making reparation to Satan for Catholicism’s offenses against hell. “Celebration” is truly the right word for it in the eyes of Satan and the Church’s enemies.

Another of the new documents from the Synod announced the October 11, 2024 Ecumenical Prayer:
Quote:“‘Among the most significant fruits of the 2021-2024 Synod is the intensity of the ecumenical impulse and the promise that marks it’ (Instrumentum Laboris 2, 107). . . . In the wake of the ecumenical prayer vigil ‘Together,’ held on 30 September 2023 on the eve of the opening of the Synod and recognised by many as a historic moment, it has been decided to offer a moment of ecumenical prayer during this Second Session for all participants in the Synod, in the presence of the Holy Father and the fraternal delegates, as well as other ecumenical representatives present in Rome. This ecumenical prayer will be held on 11 October 2024 from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. not far from the Synod Hall, in Piazza of the Protomartyrs, the place where, according to an immemorial tradition, the Apostle Peter was martyred. The date chosen is also particularly symbolic, as it marks the anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, which took place on 11 October 1962. This prayer will be an opportunity to give thanks for all the ecumenical fruits that have developed in the Council's wake, marking 60 years since the publication of the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium and the Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio (21 November 1964). This prayer was prepared by a team from the General Secretariat of the Synod and the Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity with brothers from the Taizé Community.”

This announcement holds so many clues to what is taking place:
  • The ceremony will take place where “the Apostle Peter was martyred,” which is a fitting location for their symbolic destruction of the papacy.
  • They chose October 11 to mark the anniversary of Vatican II, which forged the weapons to carry out their attacks on the papacy and the Church.
  • The prayer gives thanks for all the ecumenical efforts that have taken place since the publication of the Council’s documents.
  • “Brothers from the Taizé Community” helped compose the prayers.
Those who have read Archbishop Lefebvre’s Open Letter to Confused Catholics may recall the following mention of the Taizé Community:
Quote:“It is amazing that nowadays certain people want to let everyone find his own way to God according to the beliefs prevailing in his own ‘cultural milieu.’ A bishop once told a priest who wanted to convert the little Muslims, ‘No, teach them to be good Muslims;  that will be much better than making Catholics of them.’ I am assured and know for certain that before the Council the Taizé community wanted to abjure their errors and become Catholics. The authorities said to them, ‘No, wait. After the Council you will be the bridge between Catholics and Protestants.’ Those who gave this reply took on a great responsibility before God, because grace comes often only at a given moment; it may perhaps not come again. At the present time the brethren of Taizé are still outside the Church, sowing confusion in the minds of the young people who visit them.”

Archbishop Lefebvre wrote these words around 1985 — how did he see so clearly the problems that many sincere Catholics are seeing for the first time today, if at all? Or, for that matter, how did Bishop Graber recognize that Vatican II was implementing the Freemasonic attacks on the Church, as he wrote in his 1974 book? It is not necessarily that they knew more than everyone else — instead, it seems that they were willing to acknowledge the plainly observable realties and draw logical conclusions, even when Rome insisted that everyone must obey.

Today the realties are almost too enormous and clear to ignore, but many otherwise faithful Catholics have serious emotional and intellectual investments in the pre-Francis proponents of Vatican II, especially John Paul II and Benedict XVI. This sets up a conflict: whereas we really should be undoing the damage caused by Vatican II, many serious Catholics want to preserve Vatican II’s novelties and simply condemn Francis. They are like patients who merely want to treat some symptoms of a cancer without actually curing it.

But God, the Divine Physician, has permitted all of these evils to become so apparent today that we will finally reject the errors that have fed those evils. The entire Vatican II revolution has been fueled by the accursed lies that (a) the truths of the Faith evolve and, (b) we can achieve unity with non-Catholics through a process of watering down the Catholic Faith and looking past fundamental differences. If ever there was an opportunity for the remaining Catholic shepherds to stand up and denounce these heresies — which Pope Pius XII and his predecessors had unambiguously condemned — that time is now. If they do not do it now, then they will be contributing to all of the horrors that will follow in wake of Francis’s act of reparation to Satan for Catholicism’s offenses against hell.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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