The Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

It is a practice earnestly recommended to all persons who desire to assist the "Holy Souls."  It is said on any ordinary beads.

On the Cross:  De Profundis or Pater and Ave.
On the Large Beads:  V. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord.  And Let perpetual light shine upon them.
Act of Faith:  My God, I believe in Thee, because Thou art Truth itself.
Act of Hope:  My God, I hope in Thee, because Thou art infinitely good.
Act of Charity:  My God, I love Thee with my whole heart and above all things, because Thou art infinitely perfect.
(7 years and  7 quartines each time.  Benedict XIV, January 28th, 1756.  Plenary, once a month, if said every day, Benedict XIII, January 15th, 1728.)
(Plenary, in articulo mortis - at the point of death - if frequently used during life.  Benedict XIV, January 28th, 1756.)

On the Small Beads:  Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love.
  (300 days once a day.  Leo XIII, May 21st, 1892)
Sweet Heart of Mary , be my salvation.
  (300 days each time, Pius IX, Sept. 30th, 1852.  Plenary, once a month.)
At the end:  Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine.
(300 days each time, Pius IX, Pr. Ma. January 25th,  1868; Pius X, September 15th, 1905.)
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.
  (100 days each time, Pius X, Br. July 9th, 1904)
St. Joseph, model and patron of those who love the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
  (100 days once a day, Leo XIII, December 19th, 1891.)

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