Bishop Williamson continues to 'prophesy ' the demise of the [Fake] Resistance
The following recent Eleison Comments (Bishop Williamson's blog) seems to contain an interesting premonition or perhaps a 'prophesy' so to speak on future events.

The Bishop has long been known to discourage any organized opposition to the errors of Rome (and the SSPX) and to whine about the ultimate demise of the Resistance. At the very least, this latest EC continues this defeatist mentality, which of course, goes against the sensus fidei of any Catholic heart.  Catholic history, from it's very first days has been filled with the accounts of millions of souls fighting for the Faith, from the very first martyr to the more 'recent' English martyrs, the Vendée, the Cristeros, etc., this defeatism from the Bishop doesn't sit well with those who understand this battle is spiritual and thus, eternal. It is truly a defense of Christ the King Himself. 

Some might recall the following statements by Bishop Williamson, painful to Catholic eyes and ears: 
  • Congregations and seminaries are not needed today. They are outdated. God does not want(!) there to be a structure or congregation for the Resistance.

  • Seminarians who are ready for ordination should not be ordained, because there is no structure or congregation for them to be ordained into.

  • We shouldn’t try to get priests to work together. It’s bound to fail, so it’s better not to attempt it at all.

Hardly the words of a great defender of the Faith, unfortunately. If there are no seminaries, then there are no future priests, no future bishops, and certainly fewer and fewer Sacraments for the faithful.

Here are more disturbing words of Bishop Williamson in the same vein:
  • "The resistant groups, the resistants - a - n - t - s - and I very much prefer the expression resistants to the expression resistance … I very much believe in the resistants, I’m not sure I believe in the Resistance."  (Bishop Williamson conference, Post Falls, Idaho, USA, June 2014)

  • “That is why, in my opinion, “What cannot be cured must be endured.” And that is why, right now, I envisage [as a Catholic Bishop] being little more than father, adviser and friend for any souls calling for a bishop’s leadership and support..” (Bishop Williamson, EC #307)

  • “Even if all the laity want to obey me, even if all the priests want to obey me, […] can you imagine that commanding resistant priests is like trying to herd cats? Can you imagine, is it unimaginable? In which case, is it worth trying if it’s bound to fail? It may be better not to attempt than to attempt and fail…” (Bishop Williamson, Post Falls, ID (USA), 1st June, 2014)

  • "And so I don't think we need to be too concerned to bring souls towards us because people just don't understand today. They don't have ears to hear." (Bishop Williamson, Banquet speech after consecrating Bishop
    Zendejas, May 12, 2017, ).

  • "Many souls today are likewise unfit to hear the truth." (Bishop Williamson, EC #513)

  • "Therefore, it seems to me, if James is convinced that to save his soul he must stay in the Newchurch, I  need not hammer him to get out of it. If Clare is persuaded that there is no grave problem within the  Society of St. Pius X, I need not ram down her throat why there is. And if John can see no way to keep  the Faith without believing that the See of Rome is vacant, I need urge upon him no more than that that  belief is not obligatory." (Bishop Williamson, EC #348)

These last two comments are more worthy of Pope Francis and his stance on evangelization than a traditional Catholic bishop.

But I digress. Here is the latest EC, bemoaning the upcoming 'demise' of the Resistance:


The so-called movement of “Resistance” inside today’s Catholic Church is a poor affair, humanly speaking, but it may yet be the will of God, given the unprecedented state of chaos in which Church and world find themselves today. If we say that this “Resistance” consists in a loose and unstructured union of priests mostly coming from inside the Society of St Pius X, who quit the SSPX of their own accord or were thrown out by its Superiors because they would not go along with the Society’s re-orientation at its General Chapter of 2012, then we can ask, what have these “Resistant” priests achieved since 2012 ?

Humanly speaking, the answer must be, not very much. Normal features of any Catholic organisation are structure, Superiors and subjects, internal obedience to those Superiors and external obedience to local Catholic authorities and to Rome. And up till now the “Resistance” priests seem to have achieved none of these things, as its enemies do not fail to point out. Nor can the “Resistance” boast that it is convincing many souls that it it has the true solution to the problems being left unsolved by the Newchurch or the Newsociety. Many souls may be attracted for a while to the “Resistance” by the arguments of Truth which it presents, but rather fewer will permanently stay, often due to the seeming lack of Authority behind those arguments. Catholics need their Catholic Pope, and many, destabilised without him, follow his shadow.

Then if the “Resistance” is not heeded in principle and barely followed in practice, what use is it?  Here are two quotes from the Passion of Our Lord. To Pharisees rebuking him for the noise being made by His disciples, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out” (Luke XIX,40). The “Resistance” is trampled upon, like stones in the street, but it is crying out, to save stones the trouble !  And to Pontius Pilate asking Him if He is a king, “For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth, hears my voice” (Jn. XVIII, 37). The “Resistance” is telling vital truth no longer told by the SSPX, for instance, today’s Roman officials have lost the Faith.

Here follows what one member of the “Resistance” writes about it. One might wish there were many other members who saw the reality so clearly. Otherwise they risk playing children’s games, somewhat like the SSPX Capitulants in 2012 – and 2006 and 1994…

In effect, one cannot be “optimistic” as to what is going on here, either with regard to a certain priest in particular, or with regard to the “Resistance” in general. The Devil is working double overtime to bring down the last bastions of Tradition. We need to ask God for ourselves to keep a cool head. Nicolas Gomez Davila (1913-1994) would say, “Since everything being constructed today automatically passes over to the enemy, let us hope, before constructing anything, that time brings us materials that do not betray.”  May God grant us patience, common sense and good humour.

In other words, as the official Catholic Church passed over to the enemy at Vatican II; as the Society of St Pius X passed over to the enemy at its General Chapter of 2012; so there is every possibility, if not likelihood, of the “Resistance” in turn passing over to the enemy, even if that can hardly happen officially, because the “Resistance” has so little official about it.  One may wonder if here is not exactly why the Lord God has allowed the “Resistance” to come into existence with so little structure or organisation. [emphasis - The Catacombs]

In any case, bravo to the Columbian philosopher, who never went to any “university”. And bravo to the “Resistance” member who quotes him. Neither of them are playing children’s games.

As St Paul says, “When I became a man, I gave up childish ways” (I Cor. XIII, 11).  One may ask, are there any men left?

Kyrie eleison

May Bishop Williamson undo much of the damage he has inflicted on those good souls trying to fight the errors of Vatican II and now the SSPX and encourage the fight for the Faith, rather than limply commenting on the 'helplessness' of the situation.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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