Fr. Hewko: Bishop Faure told me he was wrong to go along the New Mass Fake Miracles
In his first Sermon at the new Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary, Fr. Hewko spoke of a conversation he had in the last few months with Bishop Faure.

Fr. Hewko relates that Bishop Faure told him that he (Bp. Faure) had been wrong to go along and accept the New Mass miracles promoted by Bishop Williamson.

Quote:"I did have a good conversation with Bishop Faure about two months ago now, where he encouraged me, "Go forward. We need a seminary of Archbishop Lefebvre in the United States of tradition and of the counter-revolution." But I said, we're going to need a bishop to take care of these boys and ordained them.

And you can certainly test them. You can see their exams, no problem. And his message was, "I'll talk to Bishop Zendejas." Well, I don't know how that's going to go. But at least Bishop Faure is willing to do something. And he told me this, and I say it happily, maybe he's already said it publicly in French and Spanish, which is where he usually speaks because he lives in France. But he did tell me, "I don't agree with the New Mass miracles [as promoted by Bishop Williamson]. I don't agree with the promoting of the New Mass miracles. And I was wrong," he said, "to go along with that. And I was just going along because to go along," but he said, "I was wrong too." And he was. He was wrong to go along with that. So pray for him that... That's a good sign. And then it's also a good sign that there are prelates preaching the truth."

After hearing that Bishop Williamson will not help other traditional clergy unless they accept New Mass [false] miracles as a condition for aid, perhaps this is why so many in the Fake Resistance have 'supported' Bishop Williamson, they were being held hostage so to speak over the Holy Oils?

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