Pope Francis to lead interfaith event to fight ‘climate change’ at UN COP28 conference
Pope Francis to lead interfaith event to fight ‘climate change’ at UN COP28 conference
At the COP28 conference in Dubia, Pope Francis will inaugurate a ‘Faith Pavilion’ event organized by the UN and Muslim leaders in an effort to use world religions to promote climate policies.

[Image: pope-cop28.jpg]

Pope Francis
Vatican News screenshot

Nov 10, 2023
DUBAI (LifeSiteNews) — During his upcoming trip to the United Nations’ “climate change” conference in Dubai, Pope Francis will inaugurate a “Faith Pavilion” event, organized by the U.N. and Muslim leaders to combine the resources of world religions to promote climate policies.

Announced officially by Pope Francis last week and confirmed by the Holy See Press Office days ago, the Pope is set to participate in the United Nations COP28 “climate change” conference being held in Dubai at the start of December. Francis will make history as the first pope to join international elites and NGO representatives at a COP event, staying in Dubai between December 1 and 3.

The conference is billed to examine progress made in implementing the restrictive demands of the pro-abortion Paris Climate Agreement. Pope Francis has praised this text and described the COP28 conference as one of key significance in implementing “climate change”-related measures across the globe.

As reported in a previous LifeSiteNews article,

Quote:The Paris agreement calls for countries to “promote … gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity,” among other things. These phrases, pro-lifers say, are common to U.N. documents as euphemisms for the promotion of homosexuality and abortion.

But alongside this, Pope Francis will join Muslim leaders and representatives of other creeds in high-level discussions about the role of faith in promoting the “climate change” arguments.

On Sunday, December 3, the Pope will take center stage by inaugurating the “Faith Pavilion” at the U.N. event. According to the COP28 organizers, the Faith Pavilion is the “first of its kind,” and is a way of the U.N. “demonstrating that religious and spiritual communities are essential to the fight against climate change and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the goals of the Paris Agreement.”

As noted by the U.N., the Pavilion is a signal move, marking an increased interconnection between religions and the U.N. climate goals. While previous COP climate events have seen religious involvement from various representatives, the Pavilion is being promoted as a considerable step-up in those relations, placing religions alongside governments and NGOs in the globalized move to implement “climate change” agendas.

The Faith Pavilion has been organized chiefly by the United Nations Environment Program and the Muslim Council of Elders. But additionally, the Pavilion has been organized alongside particular cooperation from the Vatican, as noted by a press release from COP28 president Dr. Sultan Al Jaber following his private meeting with Pope Francis in mid-October.

As noted by official documents:

The Pavilion will be a dedicated space for different faiths, traditions, and perspectives to come together to achieve a better future for planet Earth and humanity. The Pavilion will provide an opportunity to connect with religious representatives and activists dedicated to environmental protection and climate justice, while engaging new audiences on innovative solutions to the climate crisis.

According to the official description offered by the U.N. COP28 website, the Faith Pavilion will be focused on three main points:
  • Encourage FBOs to engage with country delegates and increase their capacity to advocate for human and nature-centered negotiation outcomes at COP28 and beyond;
  • Increase visibility for environmental advocacy work by FBOs and other spiritual and religious actors, particularly those on the frontlines of the climate crisis and how this work contributes to the goals of the Paris Agreement; and
  • Promote multifaith understanding and create a space for spiritual reflection, artistic expression and prayer.
In further details outlined in a press release, the U.N. noted that the religious bodies involved in the Faith Pavilion will be encouraged to exert their influence over their respective members to promote the “climate change” talking points. “Identify priority negotiation topics where FBOs [faith based organizations] can most effectively use their knowledge and experience to impact negotiation outcomes and make an ethical and spiritual case for climate justice.”

As part of the objective to “promote multi faith understanding” the religious representatives will be holding “sessions for personal reflection or interfaith prayer, as well as workshops focusing on building resilience, spiritual care, faith-based ecology and coping with climate grief.”

Pope Francis’ leading role at the U.N. “climate” conference has been strongly criticized by former Vatican diplomat Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò as “a pastoral fraud.”

In recent days, the preliminary events on the role of religions and the globalist “climate change” polices were held in Dubai, as part of the annual Global Faith Summit. This year’s iteration of the Global Faith Summit was focused on the “Confluence of Conscience,” and culminated in the participants signing an “Interfaith Statement” calling for “concrete action” at the COP28 event.

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin attended the Summit as the Pope’s representative and highlighted the “ethical and moral dimension” of the COP28 agenda.

Parolin pointed to Pope Francis’ particular focus on “climate change” issues, which have been summarized in his two texts: Laudato Si’ and Laudate Deum.

But the Holy See’s focus was concentrated more on climate-oriented “lifestyle” and “education” changes, said Parolin.

Pope Francis’ personal commitment to the “climate change” agenda is well documented, and has emerged as one of the central themes of his ten-year reign. His continued promotion of the Paris Agreement, which underpins the majority of the current “climate change” agenda, comes despite the agreement’s fundamentally pro-abortion principles that connect to the stated U.N. goal of creating a universal “right” to abortion in line with Goal No. 5.6 of the organization’s Sustainable Development Goals.

The Pope has gone as far as to sign the Vatican up to the principles of the agreement in 2022. His previous environmental text, Laudato Si’, led to the birth of a global movement that links “climate change” activism to the Pope’s words. The Laudato Si’ Movement issues calls to divest from fossil fuels, and aims to “turn Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ into action for climate and ecological justice.”

When issuing his invitation to the Pope to take part in the COP28 event, Dr. Al Jaber stated how “[w]ithout a doubt, your intervention and advocacy for action will inspire millions and will help us raise the ambition at COP28 that we urgently need to course correct.”
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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