CNN Guest: Keep Lockdowns in Place to Incentivize Vaccinations
[Video published April 1, 2021]

CNN's Chris Cuomo brought on a guest to explain how lockdowns should be used as a tool to coerce people into getting the vaccine.
Fauci: ‘It’s Still Not OK’ to Eat or Drink Indoors Even if You’re Vaccinated
Breitbart | 11 Apr 20210

White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday advised people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 to hold off on congregating indoors to eat or drink.

Mehdi Hasan, host of MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show,” asked Fauci, “What is the message to vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans as to what they should and should not be doing right now? For example, eating and drinking indoors in restaurants and bars — is that OK now?”

According to Fauci, “it’s still not OK” to gather indoors. He cited the “level of infection” as “still really disturbingly high.”

“No, it’s still not OK for the simple reason that the level of infection, the dynamics of infection in the community are still really disturbingly high,” Fauci advised. “Like just yesterday, there were close to 80,000 new infections, and we’ve been hanging around 60,000, 70,000, 75,000.”

Fauci pled with the public to get vaccinated and continue wearing masks.

“So, if you’re not vaccinated, please get vaccinated as soon as vaccine becomes available to you, and if you are vaccinated, please remember that you still have to be careful and not get involved in crowded situations, particularly indoors where people are not wearing masks,” he stated. “And for the time being, until we show definitively that a person who’s vaccinated does not get this subclinical infection and can spread to others, you should also continue to wear a mask.”

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