Fauci to Vatican health conference: Priests are key to convincing religious people take the vaccine
Fauci to Vatican health conference: Priests are key to convincing religious people take coronavirus shots
‘You’ve got to match the messenger to the audience,’ the 80-year-old government bureaucrat said.

[Image: Fauci1_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg]

VATICAN CITY, May 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The face of America’s COVID-19 response believes that clergy are key to convincing religious people who are reluctant to take an experimental coronavirus vaccine.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious (NIAD) diseases, was interviewed by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a journalist specializing in medicine for a Vatican-sponsored health conference published online last week. Asked by Gupta what he would say to “vaccine hesitant” people, Fauci suggested that he was not always the most effective persuader.

“You've got to connect them with people they trust,” said Fauci, whose NIAD division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) gave a large grant to the University of Pittsburgh to conduct medical research by grafting scalps from aborted babies onto rodents.

The thing that we're finding out that it depends you have, who is the audience and who is the messenger,” Fauci told the leftist journalist.

You've got to match the messenger with the audience. And I think if you do that, you're going to overcome a lot of the hesitancy. When you go into the trenches and you have someone who's a deeply religious person who will listen to their clergy, that's different than me with a suit, going into an area, telling people to do something.”

Gupta responded by saying that most people would listen to Fauci, and that it was one of his greatest aspirations and dreams to spend some time together with the director soon. The flattering remarks were consistent with the CNN reporter’s interview, which began with fulsome praise and credited Fauci for the development of the vaccines.

“For more than a year now, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been helping all of us here in the United States, around the world get through this coronavirus pandemic,” Gupta said. 

READ: Investigation links Fauci to controversial experiments that may have led to pandemic

“His steadfast approach full of evidence and facts has provided a sense of reassurance, but also helped us develop things like vaccines at unprecedented rates, which have obviously been helping countries all over the world.”

Gupta’s first question, which first said “science and faith” sometimes seem “incompatible” was not actually about religious faith but an invitation for Fauci to explain how his “system of beliefs” informed his approach to the novel coronavirus. Fauci previously told Americans during the coronavirus outbreak that it was too dangerous to receive Holy Communion but sex with strangers was alright “if you’re willing to take a risk.”

“Faith, you're believing in certain things. But with science, you want the evidence, you want the reason, the judgment,” Gupta said. 

“Just curious how do you think about science and faith and the inflection points, but also when something is truly novel, as the case with this coronavirus, there isn't a lot of evidence?” he continued. 

“How much do you have to rely on just your own faith, not necessarily religious faith, but just your system of beliefs?”

The Vatican health conference’s honored guest said that he was glad Gupta had said “not necessarily religious faith.” Fauci explained that his approach, when “starting with nothing” was a “combination of instinct, good judgment, and calling back from experience.”

“That, in some respects, is a non-religious faith issue,” he continued.

“That as you get further and further and more solid scientific information becomes available, you pull away a bit from the kind of experience, instinct and get more into what the reality of the evidence that you have.”

Perhaps referring back to his earlier advice, at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, that non-medical personnel should not wear masks, Fauci complained that some people didn’t “appreciate” that the “evolution of understanding and evolution of knowledge” meant that “viewpoints” change.

“Because the data itself will not necessarily change, but additional data changes the status of your knowledge,” he said. 

“And your knowledge may go from minimal and you're acting on ‘faith’ as it were versus the true substantive evidence in data, which really gives you a much greater foundation.”

Gupta helped Fauci explain the evolution of his viewpoints by asking him how he willing he was to accept new data that “doesn’t make sense.” Fauci, who has made over 300 media appearances in the last year, replied that he has to be flexible, open-minded, and humble. He suggested that the majority of people spreading COVID-19 are asymptomatic, which flies in the face of conventional knowledge about the transmission of respiratory illnesses.

“We never would have imagined, and it was unique, that we were dealing with a virus where one-third to 40% of the people never get any symptoms. And 50 to 60% of the people who will get infected, get infected from someone with no symptoms,” Fauci said.

“That was completely unprecedented. Totally. And that's the reason why when scientists were saying, it's not really a major driver of asymptomatic infection. And now you find out that it is at least half of the infections are transmitted.”

Fauci claimed that the need to wear masks “was profound,” that the virus had killed 570,000 people in the U.S., and every week people were “hit with another challenge” from variants of the virus.

Fauci is the highest-paid U.S. government employee. Since 2014, he has made $417,608 per year – more than the president. Shortly after President Joe Biden took office, he made Fauci his Chief Medical Advisor, and Fauci informed the World Health Organization that U.S. taxpayer money would once again fund abortions abroad.

“It will be our policy to support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the United States, as well as globally,” he said at the time. “To that end, President Biden will be revoking the Mexico City Policy in the coming days, as part of his broader commitment to protect women’s health and advance gender equality at home and around the world.”

The Mexico City Policy prohibits federal funding of abortion abroad. Under former President Donald Trump, it was expanded into a policy called Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance.

In February 2021, Fauci insisted that passing a nearly $2 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package that gave hundreds of millions of dollars to pro-abortion activities and gave Planned Parenthood access to “small business” grants was necessary for schools to reopen safely.

Fauci’s ‘moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele’

Considering the fact that Fauci “oversaw an agency that took the scalps of murdered children and grafted them onto mice,” Fauci’s “moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele,” commented Michael Hichborn, President of the Lepanto Institute.

Mimicking the approach of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, ‘Fauci now wants to use Catholic priests to convince faithful Catholics to take an unproven shot that has over 30,000 reported deaths and over 100,000 serious adverse reactions attached to it,’ the Lepanto Institute’s Michael Hichborn warned.

“For the last eight years, Faithful Catholics have watched in horror as the Vatican lauded abortionists, gave a platform to population control enthusiasts, perverted Catholic teaching, edited our Blessed Lord, and even enthroned a pagan idol, so Anthony Fauci’s presence at this conference is, sadly, not a surprise,” Hichborn told LifeSiteNews. “Fauci’s policies led to the shut down of ALL public Masses throughout the United States during the holiest time of the year, so asking him to give his ‘guidance’ to Catholic clergy is a sign that the Vatican has lost all sense of supernatural faith.”

Hichborn noted that if Fauci had “scoffed at the notion of global climate change, or took a strong stand against socialism, or if he loved the Traditional Latin Mass, he’d be considered a pariah in Vatican circles. The Vatican is completely upside down, like the Simonists in Dante’s eighth circle of Hell.”

Hichborn recalled that sinister figures have in the past called on pastors and ministers to help promote intrinsic evils.

“In 1939, Margaret Sanger wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble suggesting that they convince ‘negro doctors’ and ‘negro ministers’ to promote contraception among the black population. Mimicking Sanger’s approach, Fauci now wants to use Catholic priests to convince faithful Catholics to take an unproven shot that has over 30,000 reported deaths and over 100,000 serious adverse reactions attached to it. Faithful Catholics have every right to reject the shot and should tell Fauci and his lackeys to go pound sand!”

Only one of many presentations to promote COVID-19 vaccines

The CNN reporter’s pre-recorded interview with Fauci was released by the organizers of the Fifth International Vatican Conference “Exploring the Mind, Body & Soul” on Thursday, May 6, 2021. It was the first conversation to open the three days of presentations, following only the opening remarks of the Cura Foundation’s president Dr. Robin L. Smith and an address by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Culture, the two co-hosts of the health conference. In keeping with the international, primarily English-speaking, focus on the United States, Cardinal Ravasi cited American poet Walt Whitman alongside Socrates and the Bible.

Gupta’s interview of Fauci was only one of many pre-recorded presentations that focused on the COVID-19 pandemic and promoted the experimental COVID-19 vaccines. In one conversation, former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton, now Vice-President of the Clinton Foundation, advocated global regulation of social media to censor critics of the coronavirus vaccines. Several CEOs of pharmaceutical and biotech companies, including Albert Bourla of Pfizer and Dr. Stéphane Bancel, discussed the COVID-19 vaccines. The Vatican announced also that Bancel had been given a Pontifical Hero Award “for Inspiration for leadership and steadfast dedication to protecting all of humanity.”

The Vatican-hosted conference counted many pharmaceutical and biotech companies among its donors. These included Sanford Health, Celularity, Akkad Holdings, the John Templeton Foundation, the Helmsley Charitable Trust, Sorrento Therapeutics, Aspire Capital, Hackensack Meridian Health, University of California San Diego T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion, United Therapeutics, Alliance Global Partners, Moderna, the Guthy-Jackson Foundation, AARP, the Eliza and Hugh Culverhouse Family Foundation, Lawrence Krimker, John and Mary Pappajohn, the Produce Marketing Association, Tivity Health, the Breton Family Fund, CRISPR Therapeutics, the Gary & Mary West Foundation, Health eVillages, Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, JDRF, First Quality, Piper Sandler, Sternaegis Ventures, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Cryoport, Dr. Randall Prust, the Susan Scott Foundation, Amicus Therapeutics, Arlean and Martin Bednar, Healthscape Advisors, Malek's Pizza Palace, Selective Benefits Group, the Sovereign Order of Malta, and patrons who wished to remain anonymous.

The choice of presenters, some of whom, like Chelsea Clinton, are known supporters of abortion and the LGBT cause, was controversial among Catholics like Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The former papal nuncio to the United States stated that the Fifth Vatican Conference °was the umpteenth scandalous confirmation of a disturbing departure of the current Hierarchy, and in particular its highest Roman members, from Catholic orthodoxy.”

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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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