Archbishop Viganò discusses the Great Reset, gives hope in light of Our Lady of Fatima
NEW INTERVIEW: Archbishop Viganò discusses the Great Reset, gives hope in light of Our Lady of Fatima
‘In conclusion, [COVID-19] is a pretext with which to give the semblance of legitimacy to restrictions on
natural freedoms and fundamental individual rights, in such a way as to create an economic and social
crisis with which to make the Great Reset irreversible.’

May 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò kindly granted me an interview that we conducted for Schloss Rudolfshausen, a fine Catholic apostolate in Germany, run by Mrs. Helene Walterskirchen and her daughter, Alexandra. They are publishing translations from Archbishop Viganò, as well as of LifeSite and many others. Mrs. Walterskirchen and her daughter also publish the journal [i]Kultur-Magazin, for which this new interview with the Italian prelate was conducted.

Archbishop Viganò covers in this lengthy interview many aspects of the Great Reset, its connections with China and its harsh lockdown policies; its connections with key global players such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Bilderberger Group, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds; and its essentially “Masonic matrix.” As we see, it is a replacement of Christianity with a masonic world rule that is similar to that of older Communist experiments in the world. What connects the older experiments with this new international one is indeed Freemasonry.

Archbishop Viganò presents the talk of a former French Freemason, Dr. Pierre Gilbert, who 25 years ago predicted that there would be an illness that would then be used for political purposes:[/i]

Quote:[quote][i]There is a very interesting and revealing declaration by Pierre J. Gilbert (here) that dates back to 1995, which lists all of the steps that today we see taking place before our eyes with the tragic farce of Covid, from mass inoculation with a vaccine to the creation of detention camps for dissenters. This converted Freemason revealed the aims of the infamous sect 25 years ago.[quote][/i]

But in light of these disturbing news, the Italian archbishop does not leave us without hope; he points out that these revolutionary elements often also turn against each other, and thus he does not believe that yet the time has come for the Great Reset with its evil underpinnings.

One sign that he could be right here is the fact that one of the major leaders in this corona agenda, Bill Gates, is currently under much criticism for his closeness to the then-already known sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. More and more information is currently coming out into the light, and this information is seriously undercutting Gates’s credibility.
Viganò trusts Our Lady of Fatima's words, according to which the Consecration of Russia will take place late, but it will come, and then there will be “a time of peace.”
“The failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” Viganò explains, “led to the spread of Communism throughout the world; today we see Communism allied with the other sworn enemy of Christianity, Liberalism.” He continues by saying:

[quote][i]This infernal alliance is meant to lead to the establishment of the New Order and the advent of the Antichrist. But let’s not forget that Our Lady has said that, before the final persecution, the world will enjoy a period of peace. I think that the Great Reset and the Satanic project of the New Order under the Masonic Synarchy has not yet managed to impose itself, even if we have come very close to it.

But while we await Our Lady's victory, Archbishop Viganò calls upon us to lead lives in accordance with Christ's Kingship, admonishing us to “seek to make Christ reign above all in our hearts, and, as a result, in our families, so that he may also reign in our societies.”

We have much gratitude to Archbishop Viganò for this illuminating and encouraging interview.
[i]Please see here the full interview, as it was first published in German and herewith is presented in English.

Interview with His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Mea est ultio, et ego retribuam in tempore, in quo labetur pes eorum!
Juxta est dies perditionis, et adesse festinat sors eorum.

Revenge is mine, and I will repay them in due time, that their foot may slide! The day of destruction is at hand, and their time makes haste to come.
Deut 32:35

1. What does the Great Reset mean?
“The Great Reset” is an expression coined a few years ago by the Masonic elite that dominates the world. It means a sort of global revolution that has been decided on by this elite in order to “reset” the entire social fabric, imposing a series of changes on the masses that are intended to prepare for the reign of the Antichrist, which in the absence of calamitous events would be difficult to have democratically adopted with their consent. The ideals of a better world, respect for the environment, fraternity between peoples, and inclusivity are only a hypocritical and deceptive way of delivering this revolution and cloaking it with an alleged nobility of purpose which in practice hides the true ends of the elite: by their own admission, “nothing will be as it was before.”

2. Who are the key people behind the Great Reset? What do we know about their personal beliefs?
The elite which promotes the Great Reset is composed of the main world organizations, from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum to the O.N.U., from the Trilateral Commission to the Bilderberg Group, with the support of their servants in governments, high finance, multinational corporations, and the media. This process has gone on for centuries, led by the great dynasties of capital such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who heavily interfere in the politics of nations thanks to their immeasurable wealth.
The matrix is essentially Masonic, both in the principles they express as well as the hatred they display towards religion, and even more towards Our Lord Jesus Christ. If we consider the requests promoted by the supporters of the Great Reset, we can trace them back to the triad of the French Revolution and Freemasonry: liberty, equality, and fraternity. Any Catholic who is instructed by the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs knows what infernal subversion is implied by these principles: liberty means rebellion against the Sovereignty of God and His Holy Law; equality places all people on the same level, the lowest, denying the differences and individuality of each person, and above all annulling the fundamental distinction between those who recognize Christ as the One God and Lord and those who reject Him; and finally fraternity seeks to establish a society in which men can be brothers without any reference to the divine paternity of God or belonging to the family of the redeemed in Christ.
Let us consider an important thing: man is made in the image of God in the sense that he reflects, in his faculties, the attributes of the Most Holy Trinity: the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, the love of the Holy Spirit. The Great Reset wants to overturn this connatural correspondence of man with his Creator, Lord, and Redeemer in a blasphemous parody: unhinging his memory, distorting his intellect, and perverting his will.
Everything that is done in the name of globalist ideology has this unacknowledged but very evident purpose: we must no longer remember our past and our History, we must no longer know how to recognize Good and Evil, we must no longer desire virtue and reject vice; indeed, we are driven to condemn the Good as intolerant and to approve Evil as a liberation and redemption from Christian morality. And if God is rejected as Father, there must no longer be paternity even in the natural order, because natural fatherhood is a mirror of divine paternity. This is why there is this theological hatred against the natural family and against unborn life. If God did not die for us on the Cross, there must be no more suffering, no more pain, no more death, because in pain we are able to understand the meaning of sacrifice and accept it for love of Him who shed His Blood for us. If God is not Love, there must no longer be love among men but only fornication and the satisfaction of pleasures, because if we desire the good of others, we are led to share with them the most precious gift that we have, Faith, and we cannot abandon them to fall into the Abyss in the name of a perverse concept of freedom. They are not atheists; they do not deny that God exists; rather, they hate Him, just as Lucifer hates Him.

3. Is it a battle between Good and Evil, in your opinion?
The Great Reset is not only the last stage prior to the establishment of the reign of the Antichrist, but it has acquired all of the connotations of a true religion, borrowing its language, creating ceremonies, appointing its own priests. The rituality of the present pandemic is quite obvious, especially in the way they have wanted to give the vaccine a sacramental value, to the point of resorting to priests and bishops – and even the pope himself – to promote it, even preaching that it is indispensable for salvation, identifying it as a “moral duty” for every believer. Thus, in prohibiting the Holy Sacrifice to the true God and banning the administration of the true Sacraments, the new Covid religion has imposed itself with new hygienic rituals and new sacraments of health.
The faith of the disciple of the Coronavirus in the media narrative is the grotesque parody of the act of faith required of the Catholic, with the difference that the dogmas of the health religion to which unconditional assent is required are totally irrational, unreasonable, and illogical; there is not an adhesion to a truth that transcends reason but rather to a dogma that contradicts it, showing that, like all false religions, Covid crosses the line into superstition. Those who believe in Covid thus find themselves in the position of having to give proof of their submission to its sacred ministers, even in the face of concepts that are repugnant to medical science and common sense: the use of masks is obligatory even if they do not protect against contagion; the vaccine is imposed even if it does not give immunity, treatments not approved by the Health Sanhedrin are prohibited even if their effectiveness is obvious. And we should add: the more absurd the order that is given, the more the disciple feels that he is a member of the sect precisely by the very act of obeying.
It is disconcerting that those who today abdicate from reason in the face of the proclamations of the virologist-pontiffs declare that they are “rationalists” and convinced supporters of science against any sort of dogmatistic fideism. On the other hand, when people do not believe in God, they end up believing in anything.

4. In light of the fact that the World Economic Forum supports the strong lockdown policies implemented in light of the Corona virus, even praising the benefits of the lockdowns for the clearing of the air, it seems that the Corona crisis corresponds with their plans very well and is a useful tool for their Great Reset. Do you see any ties there between the WEF and the managers of the Corona crisis?
I believe that I was one of the first Bishops to denounce the intrinsic tie between the pseudo-pandemic and the intentions of the Great Reset. There is a very interesting and revealing declaration by Pierre J. Gilbert (here) that dates back to 1995, which lists all of the steps that today we see taking place before our eyes with the tragic farce of Covid, from mass inoculation with a vaccine to the creation of detention camps for dissenters. This converted Freemason revealed the aims of the infamous sect 25 years ago. At the time, his denunciation was branded as the absurd rant of a conspiracy theorist, but today it is shown to be true in all its raw and terrible reality, demonstrating that the plan of the Great Reset ordered by the enemies of God is not limited to merely economic aspects that it uses as a tool to keep the world of finance linked to it, but which extends to the very essence of our lives as individuals and members of society, in order to cancel every vestige of Christianity. Behind all this there is the Evil One, who today counts on a highly organized group of followers.
We ought to free ourselves once and for all from the absurd narrative of the mainstream media, which says that Covid-19 is a deadly virus in the face of which nations have to organize themselves to confront an unexpected emergency pandemic that is difficult to contain.
  • First of all, according to eminent experts, Covid is said to be the result of manipulation carried out in a Wuhan laboratory;
  • Secondly, this virus, which in itself is not lethal, could be effectively fought with existing drugs and inexpensive therapies, while the WHO has given erroneous and misleading directives, suggesting protocols with devastating outcomes, preventing home care and increasing complications by imposing therapies for a respiratory syndrome rather than a circulatory one.
  • It further ordered the registration of all the dead as having died due to Covid, regardless of the real cause of death, discouraging autopsies and even going so far as to recommend the cremation of corpses.
On the basis of these inflated figures, the media have created a social alarm, an action of real terrorism towards the entire population, imposing unjustified closures, useless masks, and social distancing. In order to detect the supposed positivity of the virus, swabs and tests have been used that are totally inappropriate for diagnostic purposes and that give easily falsifiable results, as has been reported by their creator. Finally, it has promoted the use of an alleged vaccine, which is actually a genetic serum, admittedly ineffective as regards viral immunity and with widely demonstrated short-term side effects, while the long-term effects are still to be seen. It is a vaccine that, having been produced to combat a mutant virus, is destined to have to be periodically renewed on the basis of the phantom Covid “variants;” a vaccine that rudimentary medical science would discourage being given in the middle of a pandemic, because it could lead to forms of immunological resistance. In this criminal plan, science has turned into esoterism, doctors into sorcerers, and dissenters into heretics to be excommunicated or subjected to compulsory medical treatment.
The same errors – for example, the decision to hospitalize the elderly in nursing homes, thereby spreading the contagion and exterminating thousands of fragile people, after having weakened their immune systems – have been committed at different times and in various different contexts, even in the presence of unequivocal precedents, following a common plan. It is clear that there is a single script under a single direction, with actors who are reciting the part that has been given to them.
I would add, as proof of what I have been saying for a year now, that the nations that have not applied the containment measures and treatments imposed by the WHO are the ones that have reported the lowest number of deaths; and some nations that have not accepted the diktats of the world organizations have suffered coups, efforts at corruption, or have been eliminated: I am referring for example to Belarus (here) or to Tanzania (here), to cite only two of the most notable cases. Without forgetting that the official statistics of the total number deaths in 2020 are almost everywhere below the average number in recent years: if Covid was a true pandemic, then there ought to be numbers similar to what happened between 1918 and 1920 with the Spanish Flu.
In conclusion, Covid is a pretext with which to give the semblance of legitimacy to restrictions on natural freedoms and fundamental individual rights, in such a way as to create an economic and social crisis with which to make the Great Reset irreversible. The present state of economic exhaustion in European countries – in particular those of Catholic tradition like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Poland – forces them to submit to the blackmail of the European Union and to be despoiled by American, Chinese, German, and French… multinationals. In tandem with the unhinging of the economic fabric, it was decided to concentrate profits in a few multinational companies, such as Amazon, Just Eat, Ikea, and others – including large retailers – which have benefitted enormously from the closure of small and medium-sized businesses and restaurants. Not to mention the profits of the pharmaceutical companies, behind which are investment funds headed by, among others, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook.
Another sector that has benefited enormously from the lockdown has been pornography: the multinational Mindgeek has increased its turnover, contributing to the corruption of millions of young people and adults forced to stay at home by the pandemic emergency, by means of promotional offers and free subscriptions, as a result of which the number of its clients has increased enormously and consequently also the price of third-party advertising. Consider that this site gets more online traffic than Amazon, Twitter, and Facebook (here) with 3.5 billion visitors per month (here). As we can see, the pandemic offers a precious opportunity for those who cultivate the vices and perversions of the masses in order to be able to better manipulate them.

5. More concretely, as it turns out, the West has imitated a lockdown policy that was first used by China, a totalitarian country. Does this not show us how much we in the West are already influenced by China? How else can we explain why the West would imitate Chinese methods?
The Chinese communist dictatorship is certainly one of the protagonists of the tragic pandemic farce: there is the concrete suspicion that it produced the virus, and the certainty that it spread it abroad, banning domestic flights but permitting international ones. China is also certainly taking advantage of the economic crisis, in whose wake Chinese financial groups are acquiring infrastructures, strategic companies, hotels and prestigious real estate, beginning in Italy. Beijing is aware that the establishment of the New World Order obtained via the Great Reset will entail a “communization” of liberal ideology, and it is taking advantage of this to expand its power in the world, also thanks to the fifth columns it finances in various nations: this is exactly what Edward Luttwak has denounced in the past few days in saying that Italian ministers and undersecretaries are in the pay of China (here).

6. You were one of the early voices warning us that the Corona virus is being used for political purposes. I remember how in the very early stages, last year in March I was heavily influenced by people such as the immunologist Dr. Richard Hattchet, who stated that “this is the most frightening disease I have encountered in my entire career,” compared the Corona virus with the situation of World War II (minute 11.45) and praised the successful and “incredible sets of interventions” undertaken by the Chinese Communists in Wuhan. Now I realize that he is working on a vaccine for this virus and is funded for it with $20 million by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Could this example explain how we came to accept such stark restrictions in our lives and there was indeed a collaboration of different forces to scare us?
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is among the principal sponsors of the virus, and at the same time, as I mentioned earlier, Microsoft is the first shareholder of the Blackrock investment fund, which finances Pfizer, Moderna, and Astra Zeneca. Furthermore, the Foundation is among the primary sponsors of the WHO and has ramifications in many national and international health organizations. We know that in many speeches Bill Gates has theorized about using the pandemic to reduce the world population, and that he holds the patent on population health tracking systems, as well as a payment system that interfaces with the tracking chip. To say that Gates is a philanthropist is like saying that Jack the Ripper was a fan of anatomy.
I would like to recall, confirming the conflict of interest of international institutions with regard to their sponsors, that Bill Gates and George Soros gave about 1.4 million euros to the Council of Europe between 2004 and 2013 and about 690,000 euros between 2006 and 2014, effecting “a real privatization of international organizations and, what is worse, of human rights” (here), as denounced by the French lawyer Grégor Puppinck, the Director of the European Center for Law and Justice.
The purpose of Gates, Soros and other “tycoons” committed to the globalist agenda is the decimation of the world population, the enslavement of the masses and the concentration of power and finance in the hands of a few criminals who aim at world domination and the preparation of the coming of the Antichrist. In the face of this infernal plan, the tool of the Covid-19 virus to impose vaccines that make billions of people chronically ill is perfectly coherent with their claims and with the unfortunate complicity of religious and political leaders from all over the world, including Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who, as we know, has betrayed Chinese Catholics with the Beijing agreement, handing the laity and hierarchy over into the hands of the schismatic sect under the orders of the Communist Party, in exchange for generous funding.

7. You recently mentioned in an interview that “the Secretary-General of the United Nations recently stated that the virus was used to suppress dissent.” Could you tell us more about what the Secretary-General said?
The statements of the Secretary-General of the United Nations can be understood both as an accusation and as a warning to nations not to proceed with the suppression of dissent, as well as an acknowledgment of the real intentions of the elite. Let’s just say that this statement confirms the evidence of the facts, especially with regard to the effort to impose the vaccine passport and with it the mass vaccine or discrimination against those who do not accept being inoculated. I do not exclude that this admission may serve also as a way to assuage dissenters, making them believe that the UN is extraneous to the globalist plan.

8. Could it be that we are already at a point where the global elites working for a Global Reset are effectively aligned with China, independently of China’s dictatorial rule of its people?
The Chinese dictatorship is the paradigm of what awaits the entire world, if the alliance between liberalists and communists becomes definitively sealed. China demonstrates that dictatorship is the only possible form for imposing the Great Reset on the masses, replicating in a form adapted to today’s situation what Mao Zedong did with the Great Cultural Revolution in the 1960’s. Nonetheless, I believe that, at a certain point, the goals of the Great Reset and the goals of China will no longer coincide, especially when it comes to abolishing the debt of nations from which China collects enormous interest: it would find itself deprived overnight of an economic power over other nations which it is not willing to give up, unless an alternative that is equally profitable from the financial and political point of view is proposed.

9. Since we have imitated China’s lockdown rules, are we to expect that the West will also be more and more inclined to imitate China’s suppression of political dissent and religious groups, especially Catholics and in general Christians?
It seems clear to me, as I have just said, that the model of dictatorship currently in force in China will have to be applied also to those nations on which the Great Reset is to be imposed: civil, political, and religious dissent is neither contemplated nor tolerated, above all when it demonstrates the grotesque conspiracy of the New World Order against the peoples of the world with valid arguments and obvious proofs. The indications have already been present for some time in the West and in the “free” nations: ruthless censorship on social media, the total subservience of the mainstream media, exasperated control of the life of individuals, tracking of movements, and last but not least, so-called “social credit,” which has already been adopted in China and that some suggest should also be used by us.
[i]Social credit
is used to assign each citizen a score that is meant to indicate his or her reliability in the eyes of the State, on the basis of information possessed by the government based on the analysis of big data regarding the economic and social condition of its citizens. In essence it is a form of mass surveillance aimed at classifying individuals and companies, with the possibility of excluding individuals and organizations from social life whenever they do not respect the parameters decided on by the government. Every citizen is rewarded or punished on the basis of his own behavior. Some types of punishment include being banned from flying, being excluded from private schools, having one’s internet connection slowed down, being excluded from high-prestige jobs, not being allowed to book stays in hotels, and finally being registered on a public ban list. If we consider the measures that are being adopted thanks to the pandemic regarding the “vaccination passport,” it seems to me that the Chinese model is already on its way to being implemented almost everywhere.
As regards the repression of religious dissent, it should be noted that Bergoglio has demonstrated that he wants to replace the Catholic Church with an ecumenical and globalist structure that preserves only the name or the “brand” of the Spouse of Christ. It is no coincidence that even in Catholic circles there is an ever stronger delegitimization of those who are not willing to renounce the Faith in the name of subservience to the dominant ideology; and, on the opposite front, the Holy See is careful not to condemn the heterodox doctrines promoted by various Bishops’ Conferences, beginning with those in Germany, Belgium, and Holland. Indeed, the ideological basis of those doctrines – for example the blessings of sodomitical couples or religious indifferentism promoted by so-called ecumenical dialogue – is found in the “magisterium” of Bergoglio and is coherent with the heretical approach begun by Vatican II, which began the process of the dissolution of traditional society which followed the revolution of 1968 in Europe and America and, as we were saying, the Cultural Revolution in China.

10. In light of a possible growing collaboration between the Global Elites of the Great Reset and China, working toward a less free society, what do you think about Our Lady of Fatima’s warning that without a proper consecration of Russia, Russia would spread its errors throughout the world, with Communism being her main error?
The failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary led to the spread of Communism throughout the world; today we see Communism allied with the other sworn enemy of Christianity, Liberalism. This infernal alliance is meant to lead to the establishment of the New Order and the advent of the Antichrist. But let’s not forget that Our Lady has said that, before the final persecution, the world will enjoy a period of peace. I think that the Great Reset and the Satanic project of the New Order under the Masonic Synarchy has not yet managed to impose itself, even if we have come very close to it. I hope and pray that Providence is using this pseudo-pandemic to show us the dystopian world that awaits us if we do not return to God, if we persist in offending Him and violating His Commandments, if we deny the divine Kingship of Our Lord, preferring instead to live under the tyranny of Evil. Many people who up until yesterday were still convinced of the goodness of the globalist project and its compatibility with the Faith are beginning to understand how anti-human and antichristic it is. Perhaps all is not lost, if we know how to understand that there is no peace except where Christ is recognized as King: pax Christi in regno Christi. Those who believe they can build a prosperous and peaceful society without placing its foundation on the rock of Our Lord will have the same end as those who wanted to build the Tower of Babel to challenge God. Dextera tua, Domine, magnificata est in fortitudine: dextera tua, Domine, percussit inimicum Thy right hand, O Lord, is magnified in strength: thy right hand, O Lord, hath slain the enemy (Ex 15:6).

11. What can we Catholics do in order to stop such a frightening process throughout the world and restore our constitutional liberties that have been encroached upon and limited in the name of a health crisis?
The violation of “constitutional liberties” is only one aspect of the problem: before this there is the violation of the Law of God, in the name of which abortion, euthanasia, sodomy and the worst perversions are called “rights,” while in fact they represent a challenge to the Majesty of God. Let us remember this well: Deus non irridetur – God is not mocked (Gal 6: 7) – one cannot play games with God, let alone challenge Him. In order to stop this infernal race towards the abyss we have only one solution: to change our lives by radically converting; to evangelize those who do not believe by word and example; to pray to the Lord asking Him to make the Hierarchy of the Church return to being a witness of Christ and not a slave of the world; to invoke the Most Holy Virgin, asking Her to grant us a holy and God-fearing Pope, who will carry himself as a new prophet in this Nineveh that is the modern world, admonishing the powerful of the earth as John Paul II still knew how to do on fundamental themes like respect for life from conception to natural death or the family.
Let’s stop believing that we can do without God, thinking that it is enough to follow any creed we like in order to be saved, or that the One and Triune God who has revealed Himself to us and Who sacrificed His Only-Begotten Son for our salvation can be placed on the same level as false and lying idols, beginning with the accursed pachamama.
Rather, let us seek to make Christ reign above all in our hearts, and, as a result, in our families, so that he may also reign in our societies. If we know how to be the salt of the earth (Mt 5:13) for the restoration of the Kingdom of Our Lord, society can only benefit from it; if instead we go along with the infernal plan of the Great Reset in the name of an impossible brotherhood between Good and Evil, we will be inexorably destined to the condemnation of being trampled on by men (ibid.), along with the enemies of God.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
April 9, 2021


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