Introduction to the Resistance [to the New Direction of the SSPX]
An excellent introduction to the purpose of the 'Resistance' can be found in the first issue of The Recusant [October 2012]:

Quote:... There are many who are now growing up with the full benefit of Catholic Tradition who perhaps do not fully appreciate what they have been given. They would do well to speak to those Traditional Catholics of an older generation who first, having gone to the trouble of refusing the modern world, then equally found they had to refuse the "modern Church" from the late 1960s onwards, and who resigned themselves never more to enter the local parish Church, (buildings to which they have far more moral right than the current "Catholic" occupants, and which in many cases their parents had helped finance and build), referred to as "disobedient", "excommunicates", having to watch as relatives were refused burial in a "Catholic" cemetery, and many more personal tragedies besides. Catholic "Traditionalism" (the main vehicle for, and driving force behind which, has long been the SSPX) did not simply appear, as if by magic. It did not fall like manna from heaven. It was fought for, and hard won: inch by painful inch, soul by soul, priest by priest. We have come a long way since the tumultuous days in the immediate aftermath of the Council. Yet once again, there is a need for devout souls to stand strong, for once again everything is under threat.

We who refuse the modern world, we who refuse the modern Church due to its adulterous marriage to the modern world, we now are duty bound to refuse the modern SSPX leadership on account of their apparent desire for an adulterous Marriage with the modern Church. We refuse the nonsense talked by Benedict XVI when he says that America is the model for all nations, that the Jews do not need to be converted or that religious freedom, including the freedom to join a false religion and to worship in it publically is “the pinnacle of all other freedoms,” and “... a sacred an inalienable right.” We likewise refuse Bishop Bernard Fellay when he says that Benedict XVI is leading the fight for Tradition, that he is improving matters in
the Church, and that therefore the SSPX ought officially and legally to place itself fully at Benedict XVI's disposal and at the disposal of those whom he sees fit to appoint as his delegates. ...

Suffice it to say that we no longer recognise in Bishop Fellay the work of Tradition nor the legacy of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Archbishop Lefebvre is often quoted as saying, quite rightly, that Vatican II was the French Revolution inside the Catholic Church. Well, what we are witnessing right now is "Vatican II within the SSPX". And like those heroes of forty years before, it is now up to us to resist, to refuse, to take whatever steps necessary to safeguard the purity of the Catholic Faith, whatever the cost. Let us ask God that He gives us grace sufficient to
rise to the challenge.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Helpful Links [by no means comprehensive]:

Sermon given by Fr. David Hewko at the First Mass of a newly ordained Priest - Winona, 17th June, 2012.

SSPX reply to the Letter of the Three Bishops

SSPX's Doctrinal Declaration

Primary Sources and References

The Recusant Archives

Fr. David Hewko introduces himself to the Resistance - November 2012

Fr. Hewko 2012: Change of Doctrine...? Where?

Fr. David Hewko's Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - November 8, 2012

Fr. Hewko: 'One Does Not Play With the Faith!' - November 8, 2013

Fr. David Hewko - Open Letter to SSPX Priests - September 25, 2014

Declaration of Resistance Priests - April 4, 2016

Introduction to the Resistance Video Conference

Why We Cannot Attend SSPX Masses
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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