Fr. Ruiz's Statement concerning the 'Consecration' of Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer
To all my friends and benefactors,

We have recently learned with great sadness that on July 29 Father Pfeiffer has proceeded to have himself consecrated "bishop" by the Feeneyite and sedevacantist "bishop" Neal Webster, who also belongs to the so-called Thuc line. Several mistakes in one. All this is due to the desire to have quick and precipitate solutions. All this will only contribute more to the already existing state of disorientation that exists today not only in the Church and Tradition but also in the so-called "Resistance". It is regrettable that one wants to call oneself a "bishop" when it should be the Church who does so. From a dubious "bishop", because he is of the Thuc line, one can only have dubious sacraments as well. In no way can I associate myself with this new initiative, nor can I encourage any of the faithful to do so. Moreover, it is now time for the faithful to distance themselves from all contact with Father Pfeiffer. According to Bishop Lefebvre, this kind of adventure can lead not only to schism but also to heresy.

It is a great pity for me to have to say this about a priest with whom I once had a good friendship.

May the Immaculate Heart of Mary protect us from so many dangers,

Father Hugo Ruiz V.
Querétaro, August 1, 2020, the first Saturday of the month

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A todos mis amigos y benefactores,

hemos sabido hace poco con gran tristeza que éste 29 de julio el Padre Pfeiffer ha procedido a hacerse consagrar "obispo" por el "obispo" feneyista y sedevacantista Neal Webster, quien además se inscribe en la llamada línea Thuc. Varios errores en uno solo. Todo esto se debe a querer tener soluciones rápidas y precipitadas. Todo esto no hará más que contribuir más al estado ya existente de desorientación que hoy hay no solo en la Iglesia y la Tradición sino también en la llamada "Resistencia". Es lamentable el querer autonombrarse a sí mismo "obispo" cuando debería ser la Iglesia quien lo haga. De un "obispo" dudoso, por ser de la línea Thuc, solo se pueden tener también sacramentos dudosos. De ninguna manera yo me puedo asociar a esta nueva iniciativa ni puedo animar a ningún fiel a hacerlo. Es más, es ahora el momento de que los fieles se alejen de todo contacto con el Padre Pfeiffer. Según Monseñor Lefebvre este tipo de aventuras no solo pueden llevar al cisma sino también a la herejía.

Para mi es una gran pena tener que decir esto de un sacerdote con el cual antes yo tuve una buena amistad.

Que el Corazón Inmaculado de María nos proteja de tantos peligros,

Padre Hugo Ruiz V.
Querétaro, el 1 de agosto 2020, primer sábado de mes.

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Frs. Hewko and Ruiz - Regarding the Kentucky "Consecration" of Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer
Followed by texts on the Thuc line
Listen to these true sons of Archbishop Lefebvre and Holy Mother Church! Deo gratias!

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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