Father Hewko's 30th Ordination Anniversary
Deo Gratias!

April 21, 2022 will be the 30th Ordination Anniversary of Father David Hewko!

The faithful of the Our Lady of Fatima Chapel in Massachusetts are hosting a celebratory dinner for Father on
April 30th immediately following a 12:00PM Holy Mass in the Gardner, Massachusetts area.

If anyone is interested in joining them, please write to contact@thecatacombs.org by April 22nd to be added to the list of guests.

Please anticipate a $20-$25 price per plate

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From Pope St. Pius X's Apostolic Exhortation Haerent Animo (To the Catholic Clergy on Priestly Sanctity)

Quote: ... we exercise the priestly ministry not in our own name, but in the name of Jesus Christ. The Apostle said: "Let man so consider us as the ministers of Christ and the dispensers of the mysteries of God; for Christ, therefore, we are ambassadors." This is the reason that Christ has numbered us not among his servants but as his friends. "I will not now call you servants; . . . but I have called you friends, because all things whatsoever I have heard from my Father I have made known to you; . . . I have chosen you and appointed you that you should go and bring forth fruit."

... The admonition addressed to those who are about to be ordained priests is even more moving: "It is with great fear that one must approach this high dignity, and care must be taken that those chosen for it are recommended by heavenly wisdom, blameless life and sustained observance of justice . . . Let the fragrance of your life be a joy to the Church of Christ, so that by your preaching and example you may build up the house, that is, the family of God." Above all the Church stresses the solemn words: "Imitate that which you handle", an injunction which fully agrees with the command of St. Paul: "That we may present every man perfect in Jesus Christ."

[Image: snip-Fr-H-pic-ordination.jpg]
Fr. Hewko's Ordination in 1992
A reminder ...

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