Viganò Claims: Ratzinger's Secretary For Two Decades Was A Practicing Homosexual
Recall that it was Archbishop Viganò who said that " “these three elements – heresy, sodomy, and corruption – are so recurrent that they are almost a trademark of the deep state and of the deep church.”...

Viganò Claims: Ratzinger's Secretary For Two Decades Was A Practicing Homosexual

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Picture: Msgr. Josef Clemens | May 25, 2022

Archbishop Carlo Viganò accuses the German born retired Curia Bishop Josef Clemens, 74, of being an active homosexual (, May 25).

Between 1984-2003, Clemens was Cardinal Ratzinger's personal secretary who then appointed him Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and consecrated him a bishop in 2004.

Before the consecration, Viganò - then the delegate for Pontifical Representations - asked Berlin Nuncio Giovanni Lajolo routinely for information about Clemens. Lajolo replied that there were strong suspicions that Clemens was an active homosexual and it was advised against making him a bishop.

Viganò says that Ratzinger wanted the promotion despite knowing about this. When Ratzinger exchanged Clemens with Gänswein in 2003, there was “quite a fight" between the two, Viganò recalls. refers to "anonymous sources" stating that Ratzinger turned to Cologne Cardinal Meisner (+2017) asking him to take Clemens into his diocese but Meisner allegedly answered, "No, because of homo[sexuality]." Supposedly, Meisner wanted to offer Clemens a therapy who declined.

Other anonymous sources told that the fact that Clemens "was and is an active homosexual is well known among us here in Rome,” and that he is “well known for his tendencies among German-speaking colleagues in Rome who at times make jokes about his earlier profession as a hairdresser.”

Clemens denied to saying that this claim “is an untruth.” Questioned about the immorality of homosexual acts of a priest he explained that “this is known to a moral theologian who wrote his doctoral thesis in moral theology.”

The context of’s accusation is Clemens' visitation at the very wealthy Augustinian Abbey Klosterneuburg near Vienna (2020-2022) where he was sent as Papal Delegate to investigate allegations of homosex abuse.

LifeSiteNews articles here: Vatican sent bishop suspected of homosexuality to investigate abuse-ridden monastery and here: Abp. Viganò confirms Cdl. Ratzinger’s former secretary for 19 years was homosexual
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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