Bill Gates Has Exclusive Rights to Computerize the Human Body
Bill Gates Has Exclusive Rights to Computerize the Human Body

TIA | December 16, 2022

The next phase of humanity’s forced transition to virtual reality involves computerizing the human body and transforming it into a robotic machine that, together with all other computerized human bodies, will eventually comprise a vast global computer network owned in part by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.

It might sound like some kind of out there science fiction novel, but U.S. Patent 6,754,472, owned by Microsoft, grants Gates and his cronies the “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body for use as a collective of local wireless networks.

The most advanced computer in existence, the human body, is already an electrically charged, vibrating and pulsing network of electrolyte-filled tubes and tunnels that transmit and communicate all sorts of things relevant for survival. Gates’ goal is to exploit and capitalize on this miracle of creation, as well as “enhance” it as part of the globalists’ transhumanist agenda.

[Image: R014_BG.jpg]

Gates wants to control the coming cyborg industry

You will notice that Gates’ plan to transition and transform humanity into a worldwide network of transhumanist cyborgs directly parallels the current transgender or trans agenda – and that is no accident.

They have been telling us all along with all the trans programming what they plan to do next, and that is to strip humanity of its humanity. Covid “vaccines” play a role in that, as does the transgender mutilation of children phenomenon. (Related: Bill Gates is tied to other patents that prove covid is a creation of the U.S. military-industrial complex.)

Entitled “Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body,” U.S. Patent 6,754,472 encompasses the entire human body. It gives Gates and whoever he works with the perceived authority to continue tampering with the human form to transform its image into something foreign or alien.

“Body parts, in this case skin, should not be in any way patentable,” says Jim Thomas of the ETC Group, which monitors these kinds of developments in technology.

“There are big questions here about whether individuals will be able to refuse this technology if it is used in, for example, tracking devices.”

[Image: R014_Har.jpg]

Yuval Noah Harari: ‘The designer of life will no longer be God’

Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man, is another globalist who is pursuing similar interests as Gates. Harari has stated on record that the trans-humanity of the future will not have the option to refuse this technology – unless they want to be put to death.

“The designer of life will no longer be God,” Harari stated haughtily and arrogantly. “The WEF (World Economic Forum) are going to be the designers of the future of life.”

Harari would go on during the same speech to explain why Gates’ patent on the human body is critical to his globalist agenda. In short, the goal is to turn humans into cyborgs that no longer bear the image of God and are completely controlled by the globalist control matrix.

According to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Gates and his ilk have a “God-like willingness to experiment with the lives of (what they deem as) lesser humans.” Some would go a step further, replacing the words God-like willingness with wicked lust.

“Gates’ strategy of buying WHO (World Health Organization) and purchasing control of U.S. health officials like Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx (allows him to) dictate global health policies affecting seven billion people and to control the most intimate details of our lives.”

“Under his direction, the WHO is conducting global social and medical experimentation applying Gates’ religious faith that he can use technology (vaccines and GMO agriculture) and his deep understanding of computers to make him the savior to all of humanity. We are his guinea pigs.”

This article was published on Robots.News on December 12, 2022, under the title: "Bill Gates owns patent that grants him “exclusive rights” to “computerize” the human body"
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Gates, Bezos Invest In Australian-Designed Brain Implant

ZH | DEC 17, 2022
Authored by Daniel Y. Teng via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Billionaires Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are betting on the New York-based Synchron as the answer to Elon Musk’s Neuralink.

[Image: jeff-bezos-870x522.jpg?itok=sPmSYoEN]

Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos speaks after receiving the 2019 International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Excellence in Industry Award during the the 70th International Astronautical Congress at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC on October 22, 2019. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

Founded by Australian professors Tom Oxley and Nick Opie, the company on Dec. 16 announced it had closed a $110 million Series C funding round involving Bezos Expeditions, Gates Frontier, and ARCH Venture Partners.

The Synchron Switch is a “brain-computer interface” that is implanted in the blood vessels at the surface of the motor cortex of the brain via the jugular vein.

Once set, the interface will detect and wirelessly transmit information from the brain, allowing severely paralysed individuals to control personal devices without needing to use their hands.

The funds will be put towards a pivotal clinical trial.

[Image: Screen_Shot_2022-07-18_at_1.15.02_PM-525...k=xzFWyYIG]

The Stentrode Endovascular Electrode Array (Courtesy of Synchron)

[Image: Screen_Shot_2022-07-18_at_1.16.08_PM-409...k=zXEfHcqK]

The Stentrode™ Endovascular Electrode Array and Implantable Receiver Transmitter Unit. (Courtesy of Synchron)

“We have an opportunity to deliver a first-in-class commercial [brain-computer interface],” said Oxley, also the CEO of Synchron, in a statement.

“The problem of paralysis is much larger than people realize. 100 million people worldwide have upper limb impairment,” he added.

ARCH Managing Director Robert Nelson said Synchron was helping individuals with untreatable conditions “regain connection to the world.

“It is an exciting time for neurotechnology,” he said.

How Does it Compare to Musk’s Neuralink?

Clinical trials are currently underway in the United States and Australia with Opie saying the procedure was minimally invasive—a factor he believes sets it apart from Musk’s Neuralink.

“We don’t need to remove the scalp and skull or put electrodes directly into delicate brain tissue,” he said in comments obtained by AAP.

“We’ve come up with a clever way of getting to the right place in the brain just by using the body’s naturally occurring highways and blood vessels.”

He added this ensured patients recovered faster as well from the procedure.

So far, four Australian paralysis patients have received implants since undergoing the procedure at Royal Melbourne Hospital in 2020.

“All of those patients were able to control a computer with their mind,” he said. “And there were no serious device-related effects.”

The first U.S. patient was treated in July 2022 at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York after Synchron received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration last year.

In contrast, Musk’s Neuralink has yet to receive approval from the body and is also facing questions over potential animal welfare violations.

Musk had wanted to start human trials in six months, yet the billionaire is also reported to have approached Synchron about a potential investment.

Opie says no deal is on the table.

Other investors include Reliance Digital Health, Greenoaks, Alumni Ventures, Moore Strategic Ventures, and Project X, as well as existing investors Khosla Ventures, NeuroTechnology Investors, METIS, Forepont Capital Partners, ID8 Investments, and Shanda Group.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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