Abp. Viganò: We’re witnessing ‘rehearsal for the establishment of the Antichrist'
Abp. Viganò: We’re witnessing ‘general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist’
'In my opinion,' Viganò writes, 'what we are witnessing represents the general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be preceded by the preaching of the False Prophet, the Precursor of the one who will carry out the final persecution against the Church before Our Lord’s definitive and crushing victory.

[Image: pachamama_reason_1_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg]

December 23, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in a new interview with LifeSite, comments on LifeSite’s report that since the first coronavirus lockdown in March, Pope Francis is not anymore using the papal altar in St. Peter’s Basilica for his public Masses, an altar which is situated on top of St. Peter's tomb. Instead, the Pope is using another altar at the basilica. For Viganò, this papal act is symbolic in light of the fact that Pope Francis himself ordered during the closing Mass of the October 2019 Amazon Synod that a bowl of plants dedicated to the false goddess Pachamama be placed on that very papal altar at St. Peter's. Not long after that act, the Pope also decided that he would no longer use the title “Vicar of Christ” in the 2020 Vatican Yearbook.

The Italian prelate here finds strong words about the recent developments at St. Peter's and the Vatican.

“In my opinion,” Viganò writes, “what we are witnessing represents the general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be preceded by the preaching of the False Prophet, the Precursor of the one who will carry out the final persecution against the Church before Our Lord’s definitive and crushing victory.”

The Italian prelate compares the placing of a Pachamama bowl on the altar with the enthronement of the “Goddess Reason” at Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral during the Terror of the French Revolution in 1793. However, he explains, this time, the profanation of an altar came from within, committed by the highest levels of the hierarchy. “The Bergoglian church is giving itself an increasingly more disconcerting image, in which the negation of Catholic truths is accompanied by the explicit affirmation of an intrinsically anti-Catholic and antichristic ideology, in which the idolatrous cult of pagan divinities – that is, of demons – is no longer hidden, who are propititated with sacrilegious acts and profanations of holy things.”

He goes on to say that this “presence of an idol of ‘mother earth’ is a direct offense against God and the Most Holy Virgin” and “a tangible sign that explains in a certain sense Bergoglio’s many irreverent utterances with regard to the Blessed Mother.”

Here, the Italian archbishop sees a link to the warnings of Our Lady of Salette from the 19th century. For him it is not surprising “that those who want to demolish the Church of Christ and the Roman Papacy do so from the highest Throne, according to the prophecy of Our Lady at La Salette: ‘Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist.’”

In accordance with this increase of sacrilegious acts – Viganò mentions here also the ugly and occultist Nativity Set in St. Peter’s Square – Pope Francis also does not wish to carry the name “Vicar of Christ” anymore, nor has he, for months now, had a public Mass televised from his private chapel at his Santa Marta Residence.

Commenting on the fact that Pope Francis removed from his entry in the 2020 Vatican Yearbook the title “Vicar of Christ” – he merely placed it at the end of his entry, under “historic titles” – Viganò states that “whoever refuses to be called Vicar of Christ apparently has the perception that this title does not suit him, or even looks with contempt at the possibility of being the Vicar of the One whom by his words and actions Bergoglio shows that he does not wish to recognize and adore as God.”

All these papal acts taken together are seen by Archbishop Viganò as a development toward apostasy and sacrilege, that is, demon worship. And for him, this development has its beginning at the Second Vatican Council. “I believe,” he explains, “that the premises that have been laid down up to this point – which in good part go back to Vatican II, but also to later events such as the Interreligious Prayer Meeting in Assisi – will inexorably lead in an ever more explicit way towards a ‘profession of apostasy’ by the leaders of the Bergoglian church.”

But Archbishop Viganò also gives us encouragement and strength. He recalls that “the Church does not belong to the Pope, and even less does she belong to a clique of heretics and fornicators that has succeeded in coming to power by deception and fraud.” He continues, by saying:

Therefore, we ought to unite our supernatural faith in the constant action of God in the midst of His people with a work of resistance, as counseled by the Fathers of the Church: Catholics have the duty of opposing the infidelity of their Shepherds, because the obedience that they owe them is aimed at the glory of God and the salvation of souls. We therefore denounce everything that represents a betrayal of the mission of the Shepherds, imploring the Lord to shorten these times of trial. And if one day we are told by Bergoglio that, in order to remain in communion with him, we must perform an act that offends God, we will have further confirmation that he is an impostor, and that as such he has no authority.

It is the archbishop's hope that this crisis in the Church will open the eyes of many a lukewarm Catholic. He hopes that it will “permit us to see that where Christ the King does not reign, the tyranny of Satan is inevitably established; where Grace does not reign, sin and vice spread; where the Truth is not loved, people end up embracing error and heresy.” Perhaps, he hopes, this crisis will make many people who have difficulty adoring God realize “perhaps they can now understand that without God our life becomes hell.”

Archbishop Viganò concludes this interview with the hopeful words: “And let us pray that we will see the day on which a Pope will return to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice on the Altar of the Confession of Saint Peter, in the rite that Our Lord taught the Apostles and that they handed down intact through the centuries. This will also be a symbol of the restoration of the Papacy and of the Church of Christ.”

Below is the full interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:

Archbishop Viganò with Dr. Maike Hickson on the empty Papal Altar
Omnes dii gentium dæmonia.  Psalm 95:5

LifeSiteNews: Your Excellency, in my recent article I noted that the Papal Altar of the Vatican Basilica has not been used anymore not long after it was profaned by the offering presented to the pachamama idol in October 2019. On that occasion, in the presence of Bergoglio and his court, a very grave sacrilege was carried out. What are your thoughts about this?

Archbishop Viganò: The profanation of the Vatican Basilica during the concluding ceremony of the Synod on the Amazon contaminated the Altar of the Confession, since a bowl dedicated to the infernal cult of the pachamama was placed on its surface. I find that this and other similar profanations of churches and altars re-propose in a certain manner other similar actions that have taken place in the past and allows us to understand their true nature.

What are you referring to?

I am referring to all the times when Satan has been unleashed against the Church of Christ, from the persecutions of the first Christians to the war of Khosrow of Persia against Byzantium, from the iconclastic fury of the Mohammedans to the Sack of Rome at the hands of the German Landsknechte, and later the French Revolution, the anticlericalism of the 19th century, atheistic communism, the Cristeros in Mexico and the Spanish Civil War, up to the heinous crimes of the communist partisans during and after the Second World War and the forms of christianophobia that we see today all over the world. Each time, invariably, the Revolution – in all of its various forms – confirms its own Luciferian essence, allowing the Biblical enmity between the offspring of the Serpent and the offspring of the Woman to emerge, between the children of Satan and the children of the Most Holy Virgin. There is no other explanation for this ferocity against the Blessed Mother and her children.

I think in particular of the enthronement of the “Goddess Reason” which took place on November 10, 1793, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, at the height of the Terror. On this occasion as well, the infernal hatred of the revolutionaries wanted to replace the cult of the Mother of God with the cult of a prostitute, erected as a symbol of the Masonic religion, carried on their shoulders on a sedan chair and placed in the sanctuary. There are many analogies here with the pachamama, and they reveal the infernal mind which has inspired them.

Let us not forget that on August 10, 1793, a few months before the profanation of Notre Dame, the statue of the “Goddess Reason” was erected in the Place de la Bastille, in the guise of the Egyptian goddess Isis. It is significant that we find this reference to the cults of ancient Egypt also in the horrid “Nativity scene” that is presently standing in Saint Peter’s Square. But obviously the similarities we find in these events are also accompanied by something absolutely new.

Would you like to explain to us what this new element consists of?

I refer to the fact that whereas up until the Council – or, to be indulgent, up until this “pontificate” – profanations and sacrileges were carried out by the external enemies of the Church; since then the scandals have seen the active involvement of the highest levels of the Hierarchy, along with the culpable silence of the Bishops and the scandalization of the faithful. The Bergoglian church is giving itself an increasingly more disconcerting image, in which the negation of Catholic truths is accompanied by the explicit affirmation of an intrinsically anti-Catholic and antichristic ideology, in which the idolatrous cult of pagan divinities – that is, of demons – is no longer hidden, who are propititated with sacrilegious acts and profanations of holy things. Putting that unclean bowl on the Altar of the Confession of Saint Peter is a liturgical gesture with a precise value and a purpose that is not only symbolic. The presence of an idol of “mother earth” is a direct offense against God and the Most Holy Virgin, a tangible sign that explains in a certain sense Bergoglio’s many irreverent utterances with regard to the Blessed Mother.

It is therefore not surprising that those who want to demolish the Church of Christ and the Roman Papacy do so from the highest Throne, according to the prophecy of Our Lady at La Salette: “Rome will lose the Faith and will become the seat of the Antichrist.” It seems to me that today we can no longer speak of a simple “loss of Faith,” but we ought to take note of the next step, which is expressed in a true and proper apostasy, just as the initial subversion of Catholic worship by the liturgical reform is evolving into a form of pagan worship that includes the systematic profanation of the Blessed Sacrament – especially with the imposition of Communion in the hand under the pretext of Covid – and into an ever more evident aversion towards the ancient liturgy.

In essence, many forms of initial “prudence” in concealing the true intentions of the Innovators are decreasing, revealing the true nature of the work carried out by God’s enemies.  The pretext of common prayer for peace which legitimized the slaughter of chickens and other scandalous abominations in Assisi is no longer needed, and it is theorized that brotherhood among men can leave God aside as well as the salvific mission of the Church.

What is your assessment of the events beginning in October 2019, in particular Bergoglio’s abandonment of the title of Vicar of Christ, the fact that he does not celebrate anymore Mass at the Papal Altar, and the suspension of the public celebration of Mass at Santa Marta?

The philosophical principle “Agere sequitur esse” teaches us that everything acts in conformity with what it is. Whoever refuses to be called Vicar of Christ apparently has the perception that this title does not suit him, or even looks with contempt at the possibility of being the Vicar of the One whom by his words and actions Bergoglio shows that he does not wish to recognize and adore as God. Or, more simply, he does not consider that his own role at the top of the Church ought to coincide with the Catholic concept of the papacy, but, rather, with an “updated” and “demythologized” version of it. At the same time, since he does not consider himself to be Vicar of Christ, Bergoglio can also exempt himself from acting as such, casually adulterating the Magisterium and giving scandal to the entire Christian people. Celebrating in pontificalibus at the altar erected over the tomb of the Apostle Peter would make the Argentine disappear, would overshadow his eccentricities, his perpetually disgusted expression that he does not succeed in concealing as often as he celebrates the papal functions: instead, it is much better for him to stand out on the deserted Sagrato of Saint Peter’s, in full lockdown, drawing to himself the attention of the faithful that would otherwise be directed towards God.

Do you therefore recognize the “symbolic” value of the acts of Pope Francis?

The symbols have their own precise value: his choice of name, his decision to live at Domus Santa Marta, the abandonment of the insignia and vestments proper to the Roman Pontiff, such as the red mozzetta, the rochet and stole, or the papal coat of arms on his fascia (sash). The obsessive emphasis on all that is profane is symbolic, as is the intolerance of everything that recalls specifically Catholic content. And perhaps the gesture by which, at the epiclesis during the Consecration of the Mass, Bergoglio always completely covers the chalice, plugging it with his hands, as if he wants to impede the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, is also symbolic.

Likewise, just as in the act of kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament one witnesses to faith in the Real Presence and an act of latria (adoration) is performed towards God, by not kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, Bergoglio publicly proclaims that he does not want to humble himself before God, but he has no problem getting down on his hands and knees before immigrants or officials of an African republic. And in prostrating themselves before the pachamama, some friars, sisters, clerics, and laity have performed an act of true and proper idolatry, unduly honoring an idol and offering worship to a demon. Symbols, signs, and ritual gestures are thus the instrument by which the Bergoglian church reveals itself for what it is.

All of these “rites” of the new church, these “ceremonies” that are more or less indicated, these elements borrowed from profane liturgies, are by no means accidental. They constitute one of the shifts of the Overton window towards that which in reality Bergoglio had already theorized in his interventions and the acts of his “magisterium.” On the other hand, the witch doctor who made the sign of Shiva on the brow of John Paul II and the Buddha adored on top of the tabernacle in Assisi may be understood in their perfect coherence with the present horrors, exactly as, in the societal sphere, prior to considering abortion acceptable in the ninth month it had to be legitimized in more limited cases, and prior to legalizing marriage between persons of the same sex it was prudently preferred to allow people to believe that the legal protection of sodomy would not eventually call into question the institution of natural marriage between a man and a woman.

Your Excellency, do you believe that these events will have a further development?

If the Lord, the Eternal High Priest, does not deign to put an end to this action of general perversion of the Hierarchy, the Catholic Church will be increasingly obscured by the sect that abusively superimposes itself upon her. We trust in the promises of Christ and in the special assistance of the Holy Spirit, but we must not forget that the apostasy of the highest levels of the Church is a necessary part of the eschatological events [the events of the end times] that cannot be avoided.

I believe that the premises that have been laid down up to this point – which in good part go back to Vatican II – will inexorably lead in an ever more explicit way towards a “profession of apostasy” by the leaders of the Bergoglian church. The Enemy demands fidelity from his servants, and if at the beginning he appears to be content with a wooden idol adored in the Vatican Gardens, or an offering of soil and plants placed upon the Altar of Saint Peter, he will shortly demand public and official worship that replaces the perpetual Sacrifice. Thus there would be realized what Daniel prophesied with regard to the abomination of desolation that stands in the holy place.

I note the precise expression of Sacred Scripture: “Cum videritis abominationem desolationis stantem in loco sancto” [When you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place] (Mt 24:15). It is clearly written that this abomination will stand, that is, it will be in a position of brazen and arrogant imposition of itself in the place that is most foreign and alien to it. It will be a disgrace, a scandal, an unprecedented thing, of which there are not adequate words to express condemnation.

What awaits us, if things continue in this direction?

In my opinion, what we are witnessing represents the general rehearsal for the establishment of the kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be preceded by the preaching of the False Prophet, the Precursor of the one who will carry out the final persecution against the Church before Our Lord’s definitive and crushing victory.

The “symbolic void” of the Papal Altar is not only a warning for those who pretend not to see the scandals of this “papacy.” It is in some manner a way in which Bergoglio wants to accustom us to taking note of a substantial mutation of the Papacy and the Church herself; to see in him not only the last of the long line of Roman Pontiffs whom Christ has ordered to feed His sheep and His lambs, but also the first head of a philanthropic multinational organization that usurps the name “Catholic Church” only because it allows him to enjoy a prestige and authority that are difficult to equal, even in times of general religious crisis.

The paradox is therefore obvious: Bergoglio knows that he can effectively destroy the Catholic Church only if he is recognized as the Pope, but at the same time he cannot exercise the Papacy in the strict sense of the term, because doing so would necessarily require that he speak, behave, and appear as the Vicar of Christ and the Successor of the Prince of the Apostles. It is the same paradox that we see in the civil and political sphere, where those who are constituted in authority to govern public affairs and promote the bonum commune are at the same time emissaries of the elite and have the task of destroying the Nation and violating the rights of citizens. Behind the deep state and the deep church there is always the same inspirer: Satan.

What can the laity and clergy do to prevent this rush towards the abyss?

The Church does not belong to the Pope, and even less does she belong to a clique of heretics and fornicators that has succeeded in coming to power by deception and fraud. Therefore, we ought to unite our supernatural faith in the constant action of God in the midst of His people with a work of resistance, as counseled by the Fathers of the Church: Catholics have the duty of opposing the infidelity of their Shepherds, because the obedience that they owe them is aimed at the glory of God and the salvation of souls. We therefore denounce everything that represents a betrayal of the mission of the Shepherds, imploring the Lord to shorten these times of trial. And if one day we are told by Bergoglio that, in order to remain in communion with him, we must perform an act that offends God, we will have further confirmation that he is an impostor, and that as such he has no authority.

Therefore, let us pray. Let us pray very much and with fervor, mindful of the words of the Savior and of His final victory. We will be judged, not for the scandals of Bergoglio and his accomplices, but for our fidelity to the teaching of Christ: a fidelity that begins with living in God’s grace, receiving the Sacraments frequently, and offering sacrifices and penances for the salvation of the Ministers of God.

What is your wish for this coming Christmas?

My wish is that these times of trial may permit us to see that where Christ the King does not reign, the tyranny of Satan is inevitably established; where Grace does not reign, sin and vice spread; where the Truth is not loved, people end up embracing error and heresy. If up until now many lukewarm souls have not known how to turn to God, recognizing that they can find the full and perfect realization of their existence in Him alone, perhaps they can now understand that without God our life becomes hell.

As the shepherds prostrated themselves in adoration at the feet of the Infant King, placed in the manger but significantly clothed in the swaddling bands that in antiquity constituted the prerogative of sovereigns, so we too must gather in prayer around the altar – even though it may be in an attic or a cellar in order to escape persecution or bans on gatherings – because even in the poverty of a clandestine chapel or an abandoned church the Lord descends on the altar to mystically sacrifice Himself for our salvation.

And let us pray that we will see the day on which a Pope will return to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice on the Altar of the Confession of Saint Peter, in the rite that Our Lord taught the Apostles and that they handed down intact through the centuries. This will also be a symbol of the restoration of the Papacy and of the Church of Christ.

[Emphasis mine.]
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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