Archbishop slams Synod on Synodality pushing ‘globalist Agenda 2030
Archbishop slams Synod on Synodality for contradicting Church Tradition, pushing ‘globalist Agenda 2030’
Argentinian Archbishop Hector Aguer warned that Pope Francis' Synod is trying to create a 'new progressive Church' that resembles Protestantism.

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Archbishop Hector Aguer
YouTube screenshot

Jul 5, 2023
(LifeSiteNews) — Argentine Archbishop Hector Aguer has likened the Synod on Synodality to the “globalist Agenda 2030” of the U.N. and the Protestant schism.

Aguer is the Archbishop Emeritus of La Plata in Argentina. He was succeeded in 2018 by the highly controversial new head of the Dicastery (formerly Congregation) for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez.

In a letter published by Rorate Caeli, Aguer criticized the new working document, or Instrumentum Laboris (IL), of the Synod on Synodality, which highlights the need “to welcome those who feel excluded from the Church because of their status or sexuality.”

Aguer said that “the synodal Church formulates a progressive gloss on the Gospel.”

“The Instrumentum Laboris sets out how to ecclesially assume the globalist Agenda 2030,” he stated. “It is admirable how the pontifical monarchy makes the ‘synodal democracy’ say just what it wants this ‘democracy’ to say. It is something like throwing a stone and hiding the hand.”

He noted that through the Synod “the Catholic Church is belatedly beginning to follow the path opened by the Protestant Reformation [actually, the Conciliar Church has been following this path since Vatican II- The Catacombs], at a time when Protestantism has long since been swallowed up by the world.”

“This is the moment to quote what a Danish Lutheran who was a great Christian philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, wrote in his Diary in 1848: ‘Just now, when there is talk of reorganizing the Church, it is clear how little Christianity there is in it,’” the archbishop continued.

Aguer furthermore criticized lay participation in the Synodal Process, especially of laywomen, and opined that “Priestly vocations are no longer a priority” in the “Synodal Church.”

“The itinerary of the future Assembly, which has already been two years in preparation, makes the ‘crowd’ speak and vote — especially and novelly the feminine one,” he wrote. “This is what I implied with the well-known example of the stone. When the design of this other Church is completed, the Supreme Pontiff, faced with the criticisms that will not be lacking, will be able to say: ‘I did not do it’!”

Aguer said that the new ecclesiology called “synodality” is ambiguous since it does not clearly state in which direction the Church is supposed to be going.

“The goal, then, can be the new progressive Church, at cross purposes with the great ecclesial Tradition,” the archbishop wrote.

“One of the topics on the agenda, which quickly attracts attention, is ‘how can the Church be more responsive to LGBTQ+ people’,” he said, noting that the expression “persons with homosexual tendencies” that has been used in the Catechism and other Church documents is replaced by this new ideological term “LGBTQ+ people.”

Aguer concluded that “objective truth and the recognition of precepts by which virtue, and sin, are judged and recognized no longer count.” Rather, “What matters now is how those who consider themselves excluded feel; it is their feeling that matters, not the objective state in which they find themselves.”

READ: ‘New world order’: Spanish bishop exposes UN’s Agenda 2030 as an anti-Christian ‘trap’

“The synodal program, like that of the German Synod, designs another Church, heterogeneous with respect to the great and unanimous Tradition,” he stated.

Aguer mentioned that he has known Pope Francis personally for 45 years. He likened Francis and the authors of the Synod documents to “second causes” through which God permits evil to happen.

“I recognize and venerate Francis as the Successor of Peter, Vicar of Christ,” he wrote. “But Francis is still Jorge Bergoglio. Now, I have known Jorge Bergoglio for 45 years. He is a ‘second cause.’”
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Archbishop slams Synod on Synodality pushing ‘globalist Agenda 2030 - by Stone - 07-07-2023, 06:22 AM

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