Jim Caviezel blows lid off child trafficking, Epstein Island, Hollywood
Hi SAguide, thanks for posting.  I had a hard time following the proceedings in Utah.  Are you interested in writing up a transcript plus an analysis?  It is appreciated.  

Update.  Just found this video of "Defending Utah Radio."  FYI - the film promoters Tim Ballard (the film's real life hero) and Glenn Beck are Mormons.  

YouTube.  July 11.  Trafficking Survivor speaks on 'Sound of Freedom,' Tim Ballard

I heard this from Fr. Hewko the other day on video.  I think he was quoting Lefebvre.  "Catholics - no holiness without the combat for the Faith.  Saints are not saints without a battle exposing the errors of our time."

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RE: Jim Caviezel blows lid off child trafficking, Epstein Island, Hollywood - by Veritas_2 - 07-17-2023, 03:29 PM

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