The Kolbe Report (August 5, 2023) re Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX
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Stone, thank you for posting this.  I'm providing your readers with a related topic.

It appears that the key influencer for the "new-Catholic evolution" was heretic Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin.  While researching de Chardin, I found the Kolbe Center and am grateful.  Article by Kolbe Center:   "Teilhard de Chardin:  False Prophet of a 'New Christianity.'"   They are a valuable resource to counter the neo-Catholic followers of de Chardin.  His influence appears to be widespread.  Georgetown U. has key followers.

I discovered that Teilhard de Chardin influenced the United Nations.  In a 2020 interview, Stephen Rockefeller (Earth Charter commissioner) praises Chardin's "wonderful vision of noosphere" theory of all of humanity's consciousness being electronically connected somehow; internet.  YouTube - "The Real Purpose of the Earth Charter (UN)."

If you want to know more about de Chardin and the United Nations, my blog is Notes From The Catacombs.

"Teilhard de Chardin Influenced the Key Founders of the United Nations."  

Readings.  "Teilhard de Chardin and the Catholic 'Evolution.'"  The Remnant Newspaper.

At my blog I published Malachi Martin's chapter about de Chardin from his book "The Jesuits."  "Teilhard's War On The Church."

God bless you all.

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RE: The Kolbe Report (August 5, 2023) re Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX - by Veritas_2 - 08-07-2023, 02:43 PM

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