Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis wants to create a ‘schism’
While we all agree with Archbishop Viganò regarding his comments on Vatican II and the havoc being wrecked under Pope Francis, it should be mentioned that he is not always clear on meaning.

For example, Archbishop Viganò suggests an almost guerilla-like functioning of traditional Catholics, i.e. unorganized and unpredictable. 

But he does not clarify if this is supposed to be within the Indult circles of the Conciliar Church or as Archbishop Lefebvre acted with the SSPX:

Quote:From Part 2 of the above interview with Aldo Valli:

Valli: But how to effectively cope with such a widespread and organized network? The forces of those who oppose it, although sustained by a great passion and spirit of sacrifice, appear far insufficient…

Viganò: Look, I believe that the very efficient organization of the forces of the Enemy is certainly a strength, compared to our disorganization and fragmentation; but at the same time it is also the Enemy’s Achilles’ heel. It will be our disorganization, our ability to move autonomously, the unpredictability of our moves that will prevent the deep church from succeeding in its quest to oust us from the Church – and, likewise, the effort of the deep state to oust us from civil society. And vice-versa, it will be precisely their soulless organization and the identifiability of their chain of command that will allow us to sabotage their plans, denounce their authors, and frustrate their actions.

And this distinction is important. Does he envision these traditional Catholics to be within or without the Conciliar Church? 

It is my opinion he deliberately does not specify or clarify his meaning as to not alienate, or discourage perhaps is a better word, those priests and laity still in the Indult circles of the Conciliar Church (e.g. Fraternity of St. Peter's, etc.) who continue to stand for Tradition but are too afraid to do so as Archbishop Lefebvre did, without the umbrella of the Conciliar hierarchy.

Another important lack of clarity in the above interview: recall in Part One, Archbishop Viganò argues the opinion that "Pope Francis is looking to corral devotees of the traditional Mass into the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) and then excommunicate the Society."

If this were to happen, the excommunication (just as with the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre and the four bishops) would be null. But Archbishop Viganò speaks as if such an excommunication against the SSPX as  whole would have the force of legitimacy, and therefore its death knell.

Though in Archbishop Viganò's defense, perhaps he is all too well aware that such a (phony) excommunication would scare the weaker priests and laity within this expanded SSPX back into the Conciliar edifice. 

However, what we in the Resistance ask, but what Archbishop Viganò does not, is whether or not the SSPX leadership will buckle under such an 'excommunication.' They have already accepted the New Mass as legitimate, the new Sacraments, the new Code of Canon Law. It stands to reason that some within the SSPX leadership would submit to Conciliar Rome and bring vast numbers of priests and faithful with them.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis wants to create a ‘schism’ - by Stone - 08-09-2023, 06:05 AM

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