Bp. Williamson makes the N.O. Miracles a Condition of Holy Oils
The following was sent to me.

It is a published email response from Bishop Williamson to one of his most avid public defenders.

In it Bishop Williamson plainly doubles down on his stance of trading 'acceptance of Novus Ordo miracles for Holy Oils.'

Unfortunately for the Bishop, and fortunately for those confused by his often talking out of both sides of his mouth about the Novus Ordo, his response took away any ability of his followers to opine that he didn't really mean what he wrote to Fr. Hewko.

Some tried very hard to give him the benefit of the doubt, that surely he didn't childishly, or perhaps the right word is insidiously, insist upon this 'pay to play' scheme to receive Holy Oils with which to aid souls, particularly for Baptism and Extreme Unction by indirectly accepting the New Mass.

But it was the Bishop himself who cleared the matter up very nicely, by repeating his insistence upon this point.

Here is the post on another forum where Bishop Williamson's position was clarified:

Quote:Let's not make it a battle of interpretations. [Referring to the firestorm of opinions being bandied about in trying to either defend the Bishop or take him plainly at his word. - The Catacombs]

I sent +Williamson the following email, and if he responds, I will post his reply:

Greetings Your Lordship-

Last week, Fr. Hewko published an email correspondence between him and yourself which contained the following passage:


When you deny the genuinely scientific evidence in favor of miracles taking place at Novus Ordo Masses said by Novus Ordo priests consecrated by Novus Ordo bishops, such as happened in Sokolka, Poland, in 2008, you are not living in the same world or Church as I am.

Please resort to any bishop who shares your own attitude towards reality. Please do not ask me again for Oils for as long as you are defying reality.”

Some online commentators are construing Your Lordship’s words as requiring belief in Novus Ordo miracles as a prerequisite for the reception of holy oils, while others are saying this is simply Your Lordship’s way of telling Fr. Hewko to buzz off (not just because of disagreement on this issue, but 10 others over the years as well), by requiring a condition Your Lordship knows he won’t accept.

In this matter, the Hewkonians have found an ally in the sedevacantists, since both consider Novus Ordo miracles impossible (the sedes, because they allege the Mass is per se invalid; the Hewkonians because they think it would mean God is endorsing the new Mass).

A second issue of complaint stemming from Your Lordship’s words to Fr. Hewko is that Your Lordship is morally obligated to give oils to him (or any other renegade priest on the planet, regardless of his positions, for the good of their faithful), or it is tantamount to “weaponizing” the sacraments.

May I request an additional comment from Your Lordship to clarify your thoughts on:

-Whether belief in Novus Ordo miracles is required in order to receive holy oils;
-A response to those who say Your Lordship is required to give oils to anyone who requests them

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson

+Williamson responds:

Dear Sean,

It is clear and repeated denial of true scientific evidence which renders anyone guilty of one of the unforgivable sins against the Holy Ghost. Let anybody in doubt look them up.

Common sense says that precious gifts of God should hardly be handed out to people hardly able to appreciate reality.

God bless, BpW.

There were many disillusioned comments that followed. One of the more erudite was:

Quote:I like Bishop Williamson very much.

But I think he's going off the rails here, as others have said; he's even doubling down by holding the rejection of NO "Eucharistic miracles" to be tantamount (loosely speaking I hope) to a sin against the Holy Ghost.  Never has the Catholic Church required belief in private miracles and private revelations.  I could see some other reasons for Bishop Williamson not wanting to cooperate with Father Hewko, but this?

+Williamson's statement was actually even a bit more broad, stating that the rejection of scientific evidence might constitute such a sin against the Holy Spirit, so it could just be a matter of time before he says that rejecting the "scientific evidence" for a Globe Earth would be a sin also.

And that speaks to "scientific evidence", much of which is very subject to interpretation and often falsification.  Bishop Williamson's only window into the scientific evidence is from links on the internet (which we all know are all true).  Also, there's the very simple problem that the devil can easily simulate such "miracles".

Let us also recall, it was "true and scientific evidence" that the Covid vaccines work and would cause no harm.

It is our sensus catholicus that warns us against supposed Eucharistic miracles coming from the schismatic Conciliar Church. 

A reminder of one of the replies of Fr. Hewko to Bishop Williamson from the OP:

I guess if St. Thomas Aquinas were to treat this subject, he would admit that, in the case of a valid Mass where the Consecration truly took place, a miracle of this sort would be possible in the realm of God's omnipotence, but he would certainly have raised questions if it came from the New Mass. Belief in the New Mass "miracles," he couldn't deny, leads directly to the New Mass. The New Mass, although admittedly can be valid, nevertheless, leads to a loss of Faith, is often sacrilegious and represents a Rite that is "odious in God's sight" (as Our Lord told Marie-Julie Jahenny). True miracles confirm the Truth. True miracles confirm Catholic doctrine and the Faith. Will God permit miracles to confirm an odious Rite of Mass? Will God work miracles to reinforce errors, heresy and sacrilege that are nearly intrinsic to the New Mass? This is the question that poses the problem.

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RE: Bp. Williamson makes the N.O. Miracles a Condition of Holy Oils - by Stone - 08-12-2023, 08:39 AM

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