The Recusant: Bishop Williamson - More Novus Ordo Madness!
The following is an excerpt from Fr. Joseph Fenton's Sacrorum Antistitum and the Background of the Oath Against Modernism. It is an excellent commentary on Pope St. Pius X's Oath against Modernism, delving into the background and context of this important Motu Proprio.

The following is from Fr. Fenton's Introduction:

Quote:(5) St. Pius X describes the Modernists as men "who are all the more to be feared by reason of their very nearness to us." It would be difficult indeed to appreciate the position of the Church in the twentieth century without realizing the objectivity and the shrewdness of this observation.

A man is to be feared by the Church, or by the members of the Church, in the measure that this man intends and is genuinely able to harm the Church, or to counteract and negate the salvific mission of Our Lord's Mystical Body in this world. And this happens especially when non-members of the Church are influenced not to accept its divine message and not to seek entrance into this society, and when members of the Church are pressured to reject Our Lord, or His love, or His divine teaching. It is most important to remember that the only real and serious damage to the cause of Christ is done when effective efforts are made to nullify and to counteract the work the Church does as the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

With its insistence that the Modernists and their sympathizers were "enemies who are all the more to be feared by reason of their very nearness to us," the introduction to the Sacrorum antistitum takes cognizance of the fact that, during our own times at least, non-members of the Church have, generally speaking, not been able to damage the Church to any very considerable extent. [...]

On the other hand, no one has ever been as well placed to harm the true Church and to counteract its essential work as a Catholic priest [or bishop] in good standing. If such a man, by his preaching, his teaching, or his writing, actually sets forth the kind of teaching condemned in the Lamentabili sane exitu and in the Pascendi dominici gregis, or if he works to discredit the loyal defenders of Catholic dogma [such as those priests persecuted for standing up for Tradition] without receiving any repudiation or reproof from those to whom the apostolic deposit of divine revelation has been entrusted, the Catholic people are in grave danger of being deceived.

Diminishing the dangers of the New Mass and thus everything Vatican II embodies causes great, great harm to souls, especially coming from bishops and priest within the Fake Resistance who previously were once known as being strong in the Faith, e.g. Bishops Williamson and Zendejas. It is these types of once-good clergy who the saintly Pope warned do the most damage to souls by virtue of their working against the Faith all the while maintaining the appearance of virtue.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: The Recusant: Bishop Williamson - More Novus Ordo Madness! - by Stone - 08-25-2023, 08:35 AM

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