Bishop Tissier de Mallerais to give Confirmations in Functioning N.O. Church
Here is a recent Fr. Hewko sermon, addressing this same issue of the upcoming Confirmations in a Novus Ordo Church (begins this topic approximately the 11 minute mark):

Transcript of the above sermon related to this issue of the SSPX administering Sacraments in Novus Ordo parishes:

Quote:... For us, we are ordered to accept Vatican II, the New Mass, the whole errors of the New Code go along with the Diocesan Bishops. Bishop Tissier is going to have confirmations in a month or two in All Saints Parish Church Novus Ordo, in Sanford, Florida. And they're going to have New Mass that morning. Bishop Tissier is going to come in, do Confirmations, have Mass, and then they're going to have the New Mass later that afternoon, no doubt. It's a New Mass parish and same in Syracuse.

I hear they're having a regular Mass. It's a beautiful church. It belongs to Tradition. It was built before Vatican II, but sandwiched between indult masses and Novus Ordo Masses. Do you think Archbishop Lefebvre would settle for this? Do you think he would be approving of this? I doubt it. I doubt it because the Archbishop often said you want to avoid the ambiance, that is the environment, the toxic gas and the air that breathes in these Novus Ordo churches.

So if the priests of Syracuse are budd[ies] with the priests of the Novus Ordo diocese and the Novus Ordo Bishops, which they have to be to get their churches, do you think they're going to stand in the pulpit and condemn the New Mass and Vatican II in their Novus Ordo church, sandwiched between Novus Ordo Masses? Do you think Bishop Tissier, who we lament to see him sliding, do you think he's going to stand in the pulpit when he confirms these people in the Novus Ordo church sandwiched between Novus Ordo Masses and tell them the New Mass is evil, Vatican II is straight out of hell? Do you think he's going mention even Archbishop Lefebvre's name?

And this is why the Archbishop was very clear. You don't make deals with Rome. You don't put ourselves under these modernist bishops. And what's happening to the faithful? They're sliding and sliding and they're going to say, well, we're in the same church. New Mass was at 10, our Mass was at 12 and I can't make it to our Mass, so maybe I could go to the New Mass. After all, we're in the same church. You see, it makes the people slide in their faith. It's very dangerous. And this is why we have the saints, all these martyrs before us, they didn't play games with the faith at all.

...  With the matters of the Faith, you don't have to argue and debate. We don't go with the New Mass, we don't play with it. We don't approve the New Mass miracles because we know many of them are invalid. One of the priests of the Novus Ordo, who talks about the so-called miraculous multiplication of the hosts when he was giving Holy Communion. Well, one, maybe it's not even valid because a lot of these priests don't believe. And the priest said, "Yeah, it was really cool." He said it was really cool.

And it's all around the New Mass where there's no reverence, no genuflections, no center on the sacrifice of the cross. It's all man-centered. Is our Lord really even there? Most of them are not even valid today. Most of them are not even valid and the priests probably are not even valid because of the dubious consecrations of the Novus Ordo rite since 1968. It's for the Church to decide, but I have to ... You know as well as I, Archbishop Lefebvre admitted there is a doubt here. Maybe they're valid, maybe they're not, and that's the danger.

So if it's not valid, of course the devil could multiply fake miracles. He could get in there and make a fake miracle. And Christ warned us, 'Beware of the prodigies and errors towards the end of times because Satan will try to seduce if possible, even the elect.' And how can we be seduced to lose our faith? To accept New Mass, New Mass miracles, and accept Vatican II, which is exactly where it leads. So that's the danger of our times. And now traditional Catholics are in great danger with these traditional Masses in Novus Ordo churches sandwiched between Novus Ordo Masses, friendly with Novus Ordo bishops.

It's an extremely dangerous atmosphere. It's very toxic and dangerous to the faith and the faithful are in danger as well because they're not going to hear from the pulpits, you can't go to the New Mass, [the] New Mass is straight out of hell. Vatican II is from hell. You got to keep the Faith, persevere in the line of tradition and the Popes and Archbishop Lefebvre. They're not going to say that. No way. Not when they're getting favors from Pope Francis, from the local bishops and from the Novus Ordo priests.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Bishop Tissier de Mallerais to give Confirmations in Functioning N.O. Church - by Stone - 10-03-2023, 10:29 AM

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